Beg for help. A cry of despair, begging for help. Ask for help in serious matters

Asking for help is what successful people, leaders and those who live a good life have learned to do since childhood. This is actually a sign of strength.

Why do you need help?

When you don't ask for help, you don't give others the opportunity to contribute in any way—that is, you don't allow people to show care and kindness.

You also live in this illusion of independence and actually miss the opportunity to do anything right. A person refuses to ask for a pen when he cannot find his own, but he needs to fill out a document, or ask for directions in a new city. By asking for help, you might allow your mother to give you tips on how to take care of a newborn, let a financial expert teach you how to manage your money well, and so on.

When you don't ask for help, you try to control everything yourself. But life itself finds a way to make you understand that not everything can be controlled and decided on your own. It's important to accept this in order to move on.

Asking for help is a great opportunity. Once you start doing this, you will understand how important it is to work as a team. Even if it's a hairdresser whose opinion you trust, or a self-help guru telling you the first step to take to change your habits.

It's natural that you need help, and your job is to let others help you.

This good way work on your ego. Additionally, you let go of control and gain higher expectations the moment you accept the fact that you need help and ask for it.

And last but not least. Asking for help may result in you being pleasantly surprised. If you are thinking of moving to the best place or want to find new job For example, questions asked to literally the first person you meet can turn into something great. You never know where the next opportunity is hiding. And you will be the one who finds her and does everything possible. But it won't appear if you don't ask and ask for help.

One of the reasons people find asking for help difficult is because they are afraid of the consequences, such as that they might need to do the same thing for others in the future. However, this is because you don't know how to do it correctly.

Here are some tips to help you do this better.

Start small

Your ego will probably not allow you to immediately ask for help, even if you really need it. So, start with simple things like:

  • ask a friend for advice;
  • Ask a store employee when something is unclear about a product or you can't find what you need;
  • When shopping, ask the seller what he thinks.

Whether you're booking a vacation, looking to sign up for a gym membership, or looking for a new movie to watch, ask your colleagues for recommendations and try to listen to them.

Remember that it is good for the other person

Ask for help, have someone go above and beyond for you, and make sure you make that person's day better. Helping others is even mentioned as the secret to happiness.

Be direct

The easiest way is to directly ask what you need. Indeed, what is the point of veiling requests or coming from afar?

Be prepared for rejection

Yes, not everyone can or is ready to help you. And that's okay. Learning to accept rejection is another great skill to learn in life.

Look for new perspectives

Look at this as an opportunity to expand your horizons. What others share with you or do for you will completely change the way you think about a particular problem. This may lead to new ideas or ways of doing something that will solve a problem you've been struggling with. Just ask for help.

Find a mentor

Do you like the results with your first small steps and see that it helps you move forward? Then you might even consider finding a mentor or trying to provide life coaching services yourself.

Overcome the initial fear

There is nothing wrong with asking for help. Others shouldn't know about this. You may feel guilty about taking such a step, or you may be afraid that others will call you weak. But none of this matters. You want to find a way out of a situation or achieve a result, and that won't happen unless you allow someone else to step in.

Ask for help in serious matters

Sometimes, when you have problems, you need to let a consultant or specialist do their job.

If you are about to leave a relationship or even thinking about divorce, try couples therapy.

If you start to drown your sorrows in alcohol or overeating, consult a specialist and dig deeper into the problem to find a solution before it is too late.

If you want to file criminal charges, talk to an attorney from a good law firm.

In such cases, asking for help can save a life. In less serious situations, this will make your life easier.

Now you know why you should ask for help and how to do it right.

I BEG, I beg, I beg, I'm not sure. 1. imperfect. to beg. 2. who what. Urgently ask. Beg for help. I beg you, come quickly. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Eurich- Gothic Aiwareiks, lat. Euricus, Evaricus, Erwig ... Wikipedia

crepe- several crêpe. A bunch of curled hair that ladies put in their hair, or a thin strand of hair braided between two threads into a braid 1-2 cm thick for beards and sideburns. Syromyatnikov. Hair crepe. Arkadyev Theater. sl. 1900.… … Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

ask- To beg, to pray, to beg, to whine, to beg, to molest, to insist, to bow, to intercede, to intercede, to address (begin) to someone with a request, to besiege with requests, to hit with one’s forehead for something, to cry out (for help), to conjure,... ... Synonym dictionary

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Khmelnitsky, Zinovy ​​Bogdan- famous Little Russian figure, died on July 27, 1657. An event of enormous historical significance that took place in the middle of the 17th century, the union of Great, Little and White Russia, which prepared the formation of the powerful All-Russian Empire, with ... ... Large biographical encyclopedia

Tervel- The request "Tervel" is redirected here; see also other meanings. Tervel 4th Khan 700 721 ... Wikipedia

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Tikhon Sokolov- (Timofey Savelyevich) saint, bishop of Voronezh, Zadonsk wonderworker. † 1783, commemorated on August 13/26 and on the Sunday after June 29 in the Cathedral of Tver Saints. Born in 1724 in the village of Korotsk, Valdai district, Novgorod province, in the family... ... Large biographical encyclopedia

Bulgaria- I Principality, which came into existence after the Russian-Turkish War of 1877-78 and organized in accordance with the regulations of the Berlin Treaty on July 18 (25), 1878, is under the supreme authority of the Turkish Sultan along with the actual... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Ephron

EMBODIMENT- [Greek ἐνσάρκωσις, lat. incarnatio], the key event in the history of salvation, consisting in the fact that the eternal Word (Logos), the Son of God, the Second Person of the Most Holy. Trinity, took on human nature. Belief in the fact of V. serves as the basis of Christ. confessions... ... Orthodox Encyclopedia

For me, my whole life has stopped and it no longer makes sense. A cry of despair and a plea for help passes by everyone. I don’t know where to write or turn. I just want to die. To be honest, I no longer believe that in our time in our world, there are honest people. , good people that can help. I won’t cry for your health, but I can’t boast about my health, thank God, at least I’m still breathing. I haven’t asked anyone for help. But now I don’t see any other way out. I apologize and I’m ashamed to ask for help, but I don’t see a way out, I’m in great despair! How I want to believe that the world is not without good people. Maybe someone will respond and help. My name is Alexander, I’m 32 years old, I’m from Ukraine. I know many will be scared and won’t want to help. But I’m in deep despair and begging for help, whoever can. I met a girl, Ksenia, she has two children. She’s with Russian Federation She came to see me in Ukraine and I went to see her in the Moscow region, not far from the city of Cheboksary. The children received me well. We decided to start a family, we knew that it would be difficult at the beginning, but they did not underestimate how much, there were many difficulties, but the biggest one was housing and work According to the laws of the Russian Federation, I did not have the right to work and leave my place of temporary registration, the FSB came every other day to check if I was there, this greatly depressed Ksenia and me, there was no money because I had little savings (And the children need to be fed and clothed , there is no work in her village and she needs to go to the city of Cheboksary, with difficulty they temporarily registered her with friends so that they could rent an apartment and place the children in kindergarten and school, but I could not leave the place of temporary registration because she was threatened with a large fine and problems Two states cannot share something, and ordinary peaceful people suffer. I had to leave with pain in my heart and a stone in my soul (Since we could not register me in the city of CHEBOKSARY, I had difficulty finding money for tickets and was forced to leave (08/29/2018 In the hope of earning money and returning to buy an apartment in Cheboksary, they will register in it and draw up documents, get a job and support their family of children. Unfortunately, these problems have begun to frighten Ksenia very much and I’m afraid that we will have to separate (And I love her very much and children, they truly became family to me. When I left, my soul and heart remained with them, the world just collapsed for me, life stopped there, and the train took my body away (I understand if I don’t return to them before the new year and not I can buy housing and do the paperwork, then two loving people will lose each other forever (And I can’t have my parents without them, I can’t eat, sleep, or even breathe, I’m on sedatives and heart pills so that I don’t die at all, I’m in deep despair and depression (I don’t even want to live anymore, lest I cause trouble. I don’t know what to do and where to earn money so quickly and for me it’s a lot. I need 30,000 dollars for an apartment in Cheboksary. In Ukraine, I can’t earn that kind of money and so quickly. And help no one (my mother has difficulty making ends meet, my brother is raising two children on his own and barely has enough to live on. There are no relatives who can help either, there is nothing to sell, unless I am ready to sell my life, for my beloved and children. I am not in able to withstand this separation, I love Ksenia and the children more than my own life. I BEG YOU GOOD PEOPLE, I BEG YOU WITH ALL THE SAINTS, HELP ANYONE CAN, I AM IN DESPERATE. THANK YOU ALL IN ADVANCE GOOD HEALTH, PEACE, KINDNESS AND TRUE LOVE Forgive me for falling so low and having to ask, beg for help My phone number in Viber is +380973439851 Alexander Emeil: [email protected] PS: Yes, I really need help. But I already doubt that in our time in our world there are honest, kind people who can understand and help. Unfortunately, there are a lot of scammers around. I am in deep despair. Why don’t you take everything to the skies? I will be glad for any help, if you really help me at least then you can help. And if this is another scam, then forgive me, I don’t have anything anymore, not a ruble in my pocket, not valuables. I can only give away my tormented soul. Do you want? take her away If I accidentally offended you in some way, forgive me I am in deep despair and depression