Customs rules of Latvia for individuals. Customs rules. It is important to know! If the established requirements for the quantity and content of transported products are not met

There are no restrictions on the import and export of currency; cash over 10,000 euros must be declared.

You can import into Latvia duty-free up to 200 cigarettes, up to 100 cigars or 250 grams of tobacco, alcoholic beverages with a strength of over 22% at the rate of 1 liter per person, up to 2 liters of unfortified wine or beer, of course, if you are already 17 years old.

From EU countries to Latvia you can bring up to 200 cigarettes or 100 cigars or 250 grams of tobacco, up to one liter of strong alcoholic drinks over 22%, up to two liters of low-strength wine or up to two liters of beer without paying duty.

It is prohibited to import any type of food into the European Union, with the exception of baby food and dietary products that were prescribed by the attending physician, but not more than two kilograms per person and in packaging. The import of explosives, firearms and ammunition, bladed weapons, and drugs is prohibited. Please note that the export of amber from Latvia is limited, amber can only be exported in the form of finished products, while the number of products is not limited, export in the form of raw materials is completely prohibited, works of art older than 50 years require a special export permit.

It is forbidden to enter Latvia with gasoline in a canister; you can only carry gasoline in your own gas tank, and for some reason you can only drive this way once per knock.

Formalities and rules for entry into Latvia

Latvia has signed the Schengen legislation; citizens of Russia, Ukraine and the CIS countries must go through the procedure of obtaining a Schengen visa to travel.

It is not recommended to obtain visas to Latvia through unaccredited travel agencies; this is fraught with refusal and further problems with a damaged passport. If you apply again through a non-accredited company, the consulate threatens to impose a ban on Schengen visas for 1 or 2 years.

It is better to cross the border of Latvia with one selected passport, for example, with a canceled passport, but with a valid visa they will not be allowed into Latvia and will be sent back.

Is it worth writing about the availability of a health insurance policy? There have been cases when at customs control they asked about the authenticity of return tickets and hotel reservations; in case of a trip to visit friends or relatives, they also ask for the original invitation.

When crossing the border by car, be sure to ask for the green card for the car, registration certificate and license; it is not recommended to take a spare can of gasoline with you. And with a full tank, you can enter Latvia only once a day.

Some smart low-cost airlines may not include a fee of several euros in the ticket price; you will have to pay at the check-in counter for the flight. It is recommended to check with your airline whether all payments are included in the ticket.

Latvians actively cross the state border - sea, air, land, going on vacation, on a business trip, on a visit: you never know what a person has to do today... It is clear that first of all we take with us a passport and money - a credit card, cash. But crossing the border has its own requirements: the passport or e-ID must be valid for the expiration date, and the amount of cash must correspond to what is permitted by law.

As reported, more and more people prefer to use credit cards, without burdening themselves with currency exchange and having a large wallet. A thin plastic card provides its owner with almost unlimited freedom of action and security from pickpockets. Here it is only important to take care of the information in advance about what currency is in the country where you are going, how much they prefer payment with bank cards and where the ATMs friendly to your bank are located.

But many people prefer real rather than virtual money, especially when traveling abroad. They can be understood. You never know: you can’t find ATMs in a foreign city, and wandering the streets of a foreign city in search of this device is fraught with adventures, especially in the evenings and in certain neighborhoods. Cash is cash - it's always with you. Moreover, they usually pay for souvenirs and food at stalls and bazaars with tangible money.

Those who plan to use cash need to know the basic rules for transporting cash across the border. The consumer is mainly interested in the amount that can be taken with him without the risk that he will have to pay a fee for the “extra” money or leave it at the airport ATM...

V Main question

For those setting out on a journey, this is: how much money can you carry with you when crossing the border of Latvia?

According to information from the State Revenue Service (VID), residents of a particular country crossing the Latvian border are subject to European regulations governing the amount of money transported. When preparing for your trip, you need to know that:

When crossing the state border of the Republic of Latvia in places where it is also an external border of the European Union, any individual is obliged to declare cash,

- if their amount is equivalent to or exceeds 10,000 euros.

V Attention

* The regulation on declaring cash in the amount of 10,000 euros or more applies to:
- for those who enter the country;
- for those who leave the Republic of Latvia.

* The declaration obligation applies to any individual transporting cash, regardless of whether the person crossing the border is the owner of the money.

(!) Cash does not need to be declared at the state border of the Republic of Latvia with other member countries of the European Union.

EXAMPLE No. 1. For example, a person took 10,000 euros with him and flies from Egypt to Latvia with a transfer in Austria. In this case, he needs to file a cash declaration in Austria, the transit state where the plane lands. In this case, Austria is the passenger’s first point of crossing the border of the European Union, explains the State Revenue Service.

EXAMPLE No. 2. A passenger travels on business from Belarus to Russia, travels in a passenger car, and has 10,000 euros or more with him. He needs to cross the border of Lithuania and Latvia. A traveler crossing the border is required to submit a cash declaration twice: when entering from Belarus to Lithuania and when leaving Latvia to Russia. In this case, the external border of the European Union is crossed twice...

We declare cash. How to do this correctly?

Cash in the understanding of the law is not only banknotes and coins issued for circulation and being legal tender, but also financial instruments such as checks, bills of exchange, money orders and any financial instruments issued to bearer or in a form giving a transfer of title ownership of this financial instrument to another person.

This also includes blank checks, bills of exchange, payment orders and other financial instruments that give the right to receive money if they are signed without indicating the recipient of the money.

The declared cash is converted into euros according to the foreign exchange rate used in accounting (euro reference rate) and current at the beginning of the day of border crossing...

V Question - answer

Is it necessary to wait until the border and customs control to declare an amount of 10,000 euros or more, or can this be done in advance?

— The cash declaration form can be obtained in advance by visiting the VID home page, where it is available in three languages: Latvian, Russian and English. The forms are also available free of charge at the competent institution at the state border crossing points, reports the State Revenue Service.

At the border crossing point, the traveler (business trip) submits to the customs official a declaration completed in writing in two copies indicating the following information:

— about the declarant (the person declaring cash);
— about the owner of the cash (if the declarant is transporting cash owned by another person);
— about the planned recipient of the cash;
- about the type and amount of cash;
— about the origin of cash;
— about the purpose of using cash;
— about the route (the country from which one is leaving and the country of destination);
— about the type of movement (transport) and the place of border crossing.

(!) Non-declaration or incorrect declaration of a certain amount of cash when crossing the state border of the Republic of Latvia entails liability in accordance with Article 190 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Republic of Latvia.

The article provides for a fine of 5% of the undeclared or incorrectly declared amount.

And also, according to Article 195 of the Criminal Law, criminal liability arises if non-declaration or incorrect declaration is committed with cash acquired by criminal means, or committed by an organized group. Then imprisonment for a term of up to three years, or short-term imprisonment, or forced labor, or a fine is possible...

Personal items. What can you take with you when traveling outside the EU?

When entering Latvia from a state that is not a member of the European Union, the items that the traveler carries in his luggage are not subject to customs tax and value added tax. This rule is valid if the total value of things belonging to one person does not exceed the amount:
- 300 euros - when traveling by land;
– 430 euros – when traveling by air or sea;
— 285 euros — for personal belongings of children under 15 years of age, regardless of the method of travel.

But what about a toothbrush, underwear, cosmetics, clothes, sometimes expensive, branded ones, because shoes alone can cost more than the amount specified in the limit? - a law-abiding citizen or non-citizen about to travel will ask. This is what the State Revenue Service explains.

(!) Personal luggage in this case, according to customs rules, is new, unused goods that are intended only for travel or personal use by family members, as well as gifts. If the type and quantity of these goods do not indicate that they are being transported for commercial purposes

Not included in the total price

- things that a traveler carries in his luggage in order to later use for some time, or brings things back after temporary use;
— medications that the traveler needs for personal use;
- tobacco products, alcoholic beverages and fuel that the traveler carries in personal luggage - in quantities not exceeding those specified in Article 21 of the Law “On Excise Tax”.

More information on the State Revenue Service website:

European Union Customs Regulations:


From member states of the European Union, Norway, Andorra, San Marino, Switzerland and Liechtenstein, it is allowed to import food products of animal origin in quantities suitable for personal consumption.
From the Faroe Islands, Iceland, Greenland and Croatia, it is allowed to import meat and dairy products, as well as other products of animal origin (for example honey, live oysters, mussels and snails) up to 10 kg per person. Fish and fish products are allowed to be imported from Croatia and Greenland up to 20 kg, and from the Faroe Islands and Iceland - in quantities suitable for personal consumption.
From other countries outside the European Union:
o the import of meat and dairy products is prohibited (it is allowed to import baby and medical food in sealed original packaging up to 2 kg per person);
o other products of animal origin, such as honey, live oysters, mussels and snails, are allowed to import up to 2 kg per person (valid in the case of recognized countries);
o fish and fish products, including shrimp, crayfish, non-live oysters and mussels, fish roe (except black caviar), are allowed to import up to 20 kg per person.
From all countries it is allowed to import food products of non-animal origin (sweets, chocolate, biscuits, cakes) in quantities suitable for personal consumption.

Tobacco products

800 cigarettes,
400 cigarillos, the weight of one cigarillo does not exceed 3 g,
200 cigars,
1 kg of smoking tobacco,
1 kg of chewing tobacco.

40 cigarettes* or
100 cigarillos* or
50 cigars* or
50 g smoking tobacco* or
50 g chewing tobacco*.

* Quantities marked with an asterisk (*) are allowed to be combined, taking into account that each quantity is 100% and 100% of the total can be brought. Combination example: 20 cigarettes is 50% of 40 cigarettes, you can additionally add 25 cigars, which is 50% of 50 cigars.


From member states of the European Union you can import duty-free for personal consumption:

Up to 90 liters of wine, including up to 60 liters of sparkling wine,
up to 110 liters of beer,
up to 10 liters of strong alcoholic drinks (with alcohol content over 22%),
20 liters of other alcoholic beverages not listed above (with an alcohol content of less than 22%).

From countries outside the European Union you can import duty-free for personal consumption:

Up to 4 liters of wine;
up to 16 liters of beer;
in addition, 2 liters of alcoholic drinks with an alcohol content of less than 22% (including sparkling wine, liqueur wine) or 1 liter of strong alcoholic drinks (with an alcohol content of over 22%)*.
* Quantities marked with an asterisk (*) are allowed to be combined, taking into account that each quantity is 100% and 100% can be brought in total. Combination example: 1.5 liters of an alcoholic drink with an alcohol content of up to 22% is 75% of 2 liters, to this you can additionally add 0.25 liters of a strong alcoholic drink with an alcohol content of over 22%, which is 25% of 1 liter.

Plants and plant products

A passenger may enter from countries outside the European Union:

5 plants (including trees and bushes),
3 kg of citrus fruits,
5 kg of fruits and vegetables,
20 cut flowers or branches, or a wreath or bouquet made from them,
5 indoor flowers,
2 kg flower bulbs or tubers,
5 five-gram commercial packages of seeds.

Without a phytosanitary certificate, it is not allowed to import potatoes and soil, as well as the following plants: serviceberry, Japanese quince or chaenomeles, cotoneaster, hawthorn, quince, loquat, apple tree, German medlar, pyracantha, pear, rowan, David's photinia or sparkle leaf, citrus plants, Fortunella japonica or kumquat, Japanese orange, grape. In addition, it is not allowed to import cut parts of chrysanthemums, carnations and orchids, as well as potted plants. There are no quantitative restrictions when arriving from member states of the European Union.
Additional information at the Agricultural Department, tel. 671 2602

Endangered animal and plant species

Individuals of any species of endangered plants and animals, as well as their parts and products made from them, can only be imported from countries outside the European Union with the appropriate permits from CITES (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Wildlife). flora).

Articles and products made from the following representatives of flora and fauna are exempt from the requirement for a permit to be carried in passenger luggage:

Sturgeon caviar (Acipenseriformes spp.) - 125 g,
umbrellas made from any type of cactus (Cactaceae spp.) - 3 pcs.,
products made of crocodile skin (Crocodylia spp.) - 4 pcs.,
giant strombus (Strombus Gigas) - 3 pcs.,
tridacna (Tridacnidae spp.) - 3 pcs. or 3 kg,
Seahorse (Hippocampus spp.) - 3 dead.
Additional information from the Ministry of Environment, tel. 626 2882.


Without permission from the Department of Medicines, you can take with you for personal consumption up to 10 medicinal products of different names and up to five retail packages of each drug, and for animals taken with you - up to five medicinal products of different names, with up to three retail packages of each name. The retail packaging size for solid dosage forms is up to 100 units, for powders used to prepare a solution - 500 g, for homeopathic granules - 50 g, for infusion solutions and solutions taken orally - 500 ml, for injection dosage forms - up to 10 ampoules or vials, for external medications - 200 ml or 200 g, dragees - 100 g. Medicines must be in the manufacturer's packaging.

Without permission from the Medicines Department, you can take with you one retail package of narcotic or psychotropic drugs up to 20 units in size. For medications there must be a doctor’s notice, and for medications intended for animals, a veterinarian’s notice about the need for the medication or a copy of the prescription.
If a person, whose permanent place of residence is in a state that is a party to the Schengen Treaty, wishes to travel to the territory of another state that is a party to the Schengen Treaty, then for each narcotic or psychotropic drug prescribed by a doctor, he must have a certificate issued by the state of residence in the form established Article 75 of the Schengen Convention. In Estonia, the certificate is issued by the Department of Medicines.
Additional information at the Department of Medicines, tel. 737 4140.

Weapons and ammunition

You can import weapons and ammunition from outside the European Union for personal use if you have a weapons acquisition permit issued by the Police and Border Guard Board. one-time special permission.
The right to travel with weapons and ammunition between the countries of the European Union is granted by a firearms passport, which contains a permit issued by the competent institution of the state. If the purpose of the trip is shooting sports or hunting, a firearms passport and an invitation are required.
Additional information from the Police and Border Guard Board, tel. 612 3300.

Cultural values

To export cultural property from Estonia, you must have an export permit from the Department of Heritage Protection.
For additional information, please contact the Department for the Protection of Antique Monuments, tel. 640 3018.

Explosives and pyrotechnic products
A passenger (at least 18 years of age) may bring into Estonia from the European Economic Area pyrotechnic products of class 1 and 2 registered with the Technical Supervision Department with a total weight of up to two kilograms. To import pyrotechnic products into Estonia from third countries, you must have an explosives import permit.
Additional information in the Department of Technical Supervision, tel. 667 2000


Any passenger entering or leaving the European Union carrying an amount equivalent to €10,000 in cash or more must submit a declaration to customs. Cash includes both cash and coins, as well as checks (including traveler's checks), bills of exchange, postal money orders, and shares.


Dangerous bladed weapons, firearms and electric shock weapons, as well as ammunition, prohibited in civilian use;
counterfeit goods, i.e. any consumer goods marked with a fake brand name, such as clothing, shoes, watches, etc.;
pirated goods, including pirated copies of CDs and DVDs, computer programs and games;
narcotic and psychotropic substances;
erotic or pornographic materials about minors;
alien species of animals and plants that threaten the natural balance.

Delivery of prohibited goods across the customs border is a violation of customs regulations, which entails a fine or arrest.

Customs has the right to confiscate prohibited and undeclared goods!

ATTENTION! The list of prohibited and restricted goods for import and export is not exhaustive.

To avoid misunderstandings, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the requirements of the destination state before travel and request additional information from the customs office, customs information office or customs official.

Additional information can be obtained from:
880 0814 [email protected]
Mon.–Thu. 8.30–16.30
Fri. 8.30–15.30
Telephone number for information about violations:
800 4444
E-mail for information about violations:
[email protected]

States- members of the European Union: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Estonia, Spain, Holland, Ireland, Italy, Greece, Cyprus, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia, Malta, Poland, Portugal, France, Sweden, Romania, Germany, Slovakia, Slovenia, Finland , Denmark, Czech Republic, Hungary, United Kingdom.

States― participants of the Schengen Agreement: Austria, Belgium, Estonia, Spain, Holland, Iceland, Italy, Greece, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia, Malta, Norway, Poland, Portugal, France, Sweden, Germany, Slovakia, Slovenia, Finland, Denmark, Czech Republic , Hungary.

States European Economic Area: 27 member states of the European Union and three states (Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein) EFT (European Free Trade Association).

Customs regulations of the Russian Federation:

Upon import:

8. ozone-depleting substances prohibited for import into the customs territory of the customs union;

9. plant protection products prohibited for import into the customs territory of the customs union, falling under the scope of Annexes A and B of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants, signed in Stockholm on May 22, 2001;

10. tools for the extraction (catch) of aquatic biological resources, prohibited for import into the customs territory of the customs union;

11. ethyl alcohol and alcoholic products with a total volume of more than 5 liters per person over 18 years of age;

12. more than 200 cigarettes or 50 cigars or 250 grams of tobacco, or the specified products in a set with a total weight of more than 250 grams per person over 18 years of age.

Upon export:

1. information on printed, audiovisual and other media that is prohibited for import into the customs territory of the customs union, export from the customs territory of the customs union and transit through the customs territory of the customs union;

2. service and civilian weapons, their main parts, and ammunition for them, prohibited for import into the customs territory of the customs union, export from the customs territory of the customs union and transit through the customs territory of the customs union;

3. hazardous waste prohibited for import and (or) restricted for movement across the customs border during import and (or) export;

4. special technical means intended for secretly obtaining information, the import of which into the customs territory of the customs union and export from the customs territory of the customs union is limited;

5. toxic substances that are not precursors of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, restricted for movement across the customs border;

6. narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors, with the exception of limited quantities of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances in the form of medicines for personal use for medical reasons in the presence of appropriate documents, as well as precursors in the amounts determined by the legislation of the state member of the customs union

7. human organs and (or) tissues, blood and its components, restricted for movement across the customs border during import and (or) export;

8. waste and scrap of ferrous and non-ferrous metals included in the list of goods for the export and (or) import of which quantitative restrictions are established;

9. unprocessed precious metals, scrap and waste of precious metals, ores and concentrates of precious metals and raw materials containing precious metals, the export of which from the customs territory of the Customs Union is limited;

10. mineral raw materials (natural unprocessed stones), restricted for movement across the customs border during export;

11. information about subsoil, restricted for movement across the customs border during export;

12. wild medicinal raw materials (plants, plant parts, seeds, fruits), restricted for movement across the customs border when exported in quantities exceeding three copies of one type of these goods;

13. wild live animals and individual wild plants, restricted for movement across the customs border during export (except for hunting and fishing trophies), in quantities exceeding three copies of one type of these goods;

List of goods for personal use restricted for import into the customs territory of the customs union and (or) export from this territory

Upon import:

5. radio-electronic equipment and (or) high-frequency devices for civilian use, including those built-in or included in other goods, restricted for import into the customs territory of the customs union;

Upon export:

1. encryption (cryptographic) means, the import of which into the customs territory of the customs union and export from the customs territory of the customs union is limited;

2. ozone-depleting substances restricted for movement across the customs border during import and export;

3. limited quantities of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances in the form of medicines for personal use for medical reasons in the presence of appropriate documents, as well as precursors in the amounts determined by the legislation of the member state of the customs union;

4. service and civilian weapons, their main parts and ammunition, limited for import into the customs territory of the customs union, export from the customs territory of the customs union and transit through the customs territory of the customs union;

5. collections and collectibles on mineralogy and paleontology, restricted for movement across the customs border during export;

6. species of wild fauna and flora falling under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, restricted for movement across the customs border upon export;

7. rare and endangered species of wild animals and wild plants, their parts and (or) derivatives, included in the red books of the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation, restricted for movement across the customs border during export;

8. documents of national archival funds, originals of archival documents, restricted for movement across the customs border during export.

9. cultural values

It is prohibited to transport meat and dairy products to EU countries

Due to the fact that products of animal origin may contain pathogens that cause infectious diseases in animals and travelers may accidentally introduce infectious agents, travelers are prohibited from bringing meat, meat products, milk and milk products into the European Union.

African swine fever is very dangerous and contagious and causes disease in pigs.

In the place where the disease was recorded, the entire herd must be destroyed, so when the disease is detected in animals, the owners suffer large economic losses.

If there are prohibited products in your luggage, please hand it over to customs for destruction after entering the EU.

If you fail to declare these products, you may be subject to fines or criminal prosecution.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!

Checkpoint on the Latvian border

But if you choose other checkpoints that are considered the quietest, you should not expect that there will be no queue.

It's not necessary once at a time

"Baltic", the M9 highway through which the Latvian border passes, is a connecting link between the Russian Federation and. This explains the reason for the high congestion at the Burachki-Terekhovo checkpoint.

You can verify the presence of gigantic queues here by “admiring” the temporarily installed dry closets. Experienced travelers say that it is difficult to plan anything when approaching the Latvian border.

Sometimes the most “terrible” checkpoint can be passed in 40 - 60 minutes, and sometimes you can be stuck in Ubylinka or Ludonka for twelve hours.

But the latest checkpoints have an advantage over the others. Cars with Russian license plates may be allowed through separately. In this way, the driver can save a little time.

Why do queues form?

Russian and Latvian customs officials believe that the queues that appear at the border are provoked by so-called shuttles who go to the neighboring state for inexpensive important goods.

Despite the introduction of new rules for crossing the Latvian border by car, which help relieve congestion on the routes, the queues are not decreasing. The queue time depends on whether you are traveling in the morning or evening, as well as on the day of the week. The queue grows significantly on Fridays and pre-holiday days.

How to do it

When approaching the border from Russia, you need to put your civil passport in a visible place and. After crossing the barrier, the driver must decide which two corridors - Green or Red - he should choose. If there are no items that must be declared, you can choose the first option with a clear conscience.

Map of the Russian-Latvian border

If you are not sure whether a particular product is subject to declaration, you only need to follow the Red Corridor. At those checkpoints where there are no customs corridors, it is advisable to ask officials for advice.

Upon arrival at the checkpoint, it is recommended to turn off the engine and allow customs officers to inspect the car. In order for this stage to end safely, it is important to receive a diagnostic card in a timely manner. If the driver does not have this card in his hands, his car may not be allowed through. If the car is not registered to the person who is driving, he needs to have it in his hands.

To a greater extent, this is necessary for presentation to Russian border guards. In the EU, a power of attorney is not required. The final stage is passing through passport control. The driver will be able to breathe freely after his passport contains a stamp indicating that he has crossed the Latvian border.

This is what a stamp about crossing the Latvian border looks like

The algorithm of actions on the reverse side is practically no different. Additionally, the driver undertakes to declare goods that are subject to excise tax. This applies to alcoholic beverages, gasoline and cigarettes.

How to get from Moscow

When a person planning a trip to Latvia by car leaves Zlatoglova, the journey will be shorter if he heads to Rzhev via Volokolamsk. The next point will be Velikie Luki. After that, the M9 highway is just a stone's throw away.

Some travelers believe that they need to leave early. Waiting time in line will be reduced if the driver can leave home at five or six in the morning. It is important to remember that the road here needs major repairs. Therefore, experienced travelers advise driving from the capital of Russia along the Minsk Highway (M1 highway). Before reaching Smolensk, you need to turn onto the road that leads to Velizh-Nevel.

How to get there from St. Petersburg

Some travelers advise entering by car from St. Petersburg.

Travel route from St. Petersburg to Latvia

In this case, the driver has the right to a small “outlet”. So, if you have a visa in hand, in which Estonia is indicated as a “transit” country, then you can enter Latvia from this neighboring state. You can reserve your place in line at the border with Estonia online.

This is very easy to do - just be a confident Google user. This way you can save a lot of time. Another good option is to travel through Pechory. Approaching the final section of the route, you need to be prepared to pay. The price of the issue varies from 200 to 300 rubles. It is important to understand that this is illegal, but it allows the driver to significantly save his time.