Steve Jobs did not recognize his daughter. Steve Jobs' daughter revealed previously unknown facts about her father's cruelty. Once they were driving together in a car - one of the black Porsche convertibles, which Jobs changed very often, almost after every scratch. Lisa

First, he was abandoned by his mother as a baby, then by a foster family, and by hungry student years. You will never believe who we are talking about. Steve Jobs- billionaire, famous entrepreneur from the States, founder of Apple and Pixar. He did not strive for wealth, he only wanted prosperity and well-being. Non-standard thinking and a mathematical mindset helped him reach such heights that will be talked about all over the world for a long time.

Height, weight, age. Years of life of Steve Jobs

If you look at photos of Jobs online, he looks the same almost everywhere. His form style clothes - a black turtleneck, jeans and sneakers - everyone knows. But not everyone knows his height, weight, age. Years of life of Steve Jobs 1955-2011.

He has never suffered from excess weight, despite his inactive lifestyle (this is largely due to work). His height is 188 cm and weight is 72 kg. Unfortunately, the talented and outstanding Steve Jobs died at 56 years old. The reason for this was pancreatic cancer. Neither his intellect nor his condition could overcome cancer.

Biography of Steve Jobs

The biography of Steve Jobs is very interesting and intriguing. Steve was born in the United States, in San Francisco. The parents did not want the child, and therefore gave it to another family. Jobs's adoptive parents were typical representatives of the middle class. His mother worked in accounting, his father was a mechanic. They loved Steve, they tried to give him everything, but it wasn't easy.

Jobs' abilities were noticed when he was still a teenager. Even in his youth, Steve meets Stephen Wozniak, who will help radically change the life of not only Jobs, but all of humanity.

Steve Jobs first attended college in 1972, which he also did not graduate from because tuition was too expensive and his parents spent every penny to support his studies. During this period, Stephen had to sleep on the floor of friends, because there was no money to rent his own place. Then, in order to eat, he was forced to collect and return Coca-Cola bottles. All this lasted 1.5 years.

Stephen tried to get an education at the University of California, but again without success.

Electronics was Jobs's favorite hobby, to which he devoted a lot of time. Then Steve Jobs wanted to create phones that would help make calls over long distances absolutely free. Steve finally managed to fulfill his dream and visit India, which left an indelible impression on him.

In 1975, Steve Jobs saw a computer made by Wozniak for his own needs. Wozniak proposes to jointly create a personal computer for implementation. Initially, they planned to develop only schematics, but eventually began assembling parts. A year later, partner John Wayne appeared, and the three of them created Apple Computer Co.

To collect start-up capital, the founders had to sacrifice a lot. For example, Jobs had to sell his car. One of the companies selling electronics placed its first order for the purchase of a PC. Jobs, Wozniak and Wayne borrowed parts. Assembled computers began selling for $666.66.

The same year marked the first release of the Apple II computer for mass sale. Jobs designed the company logo and insisted on good computer advertising. More than 5 million copies were sold. At the age of 25, Steve Jobs became a millionaire.

Steve Jobs' children

In 1978, Steve Jobs had his first child, daughter Lisa Brennan-Jobs. Her mother, Krizann Brennan, never became Jobs' wife. At that time, Steve was completely absorbed in work, and therefore his personal life faded into the background. This was the reason that his relationship with his first daughter began only five years after her birth.

In 1991, Jobs married Laurene Powell. In the same year, there was an addition to the family - a son, Reed Paul, was born. Four years later, daughter Erin Siena appears, and in 1998, the youngest daughter Eva appears. These are all the children of Steve Jobs.

Steve Jobs' speech to Stanford graduates

Steve Jobs' speech to Stanford graduates is very popular. It contains interesting data from Steve's biography, his failures, losses, disappointments, victories. With all this, he tried to convey to the listener the importance of perseverance, the importance of perseverance. It doesn’t matter where you grew up and who your parents are, but a big role in life is played by what the person himself wants and how much he is ready to fight for his place.

Also, in his speech, Jobs emphasized that it is important to do what you love, what brings you pleasure. Then it is much easier to achieve success. And also, you need to believe in yourself, your capabilities, and not stop there. You shouldn’t live someone else’s dream, make your own and go towards it.

Addressing the students, Steve Jobs talked about his cancer, that everyone will die sooner or later, but you need to live your life with dignity and try to have time to realize your plans. Jobs also talked about how it’s okay to make mistakes, everyone makes them. There is no need to be afraid to try, improve, reach new heights, because this is what life is for, and not to live ideally and carefree.

Steve Jobs is an American businessman who became world famous for his innovative abilities in the field of IT technologies. He is one of the founders of Appel. As you know, Steve Jobs grew up in a foster family. His biological parents were German Joan Schieble and Syrian Abdulfattah Jandali. The girl's relatives were categorically against this marriage, and her father said that he would deprive her of her inheritance. Being pregnant, Joan went to give birth in San Francisco, in a private clinic. Immediately after the birth, the boy was given up for adoption.

The adoptive parents were Paul and Clara Jobs. They raised Steve and gave him a decent education. It was these people that Steve Jobs considered his real parents. It is likely that for this reason, throughout his life he treated his wife and children in a special way. Yes, there were affairs outside the family in his life, but over the years he realized how valuable and dear his loved ones were to him. Steve spent the end of his life surrounded by his family.

In total, Steve Jobs has four children: three daughters and one son. The first-born, a daughter named Lisa Brennan-Jobs, was born in 1978. The girl's mother was the artist Krizann Brennan, with whom Jobs had a romantic relationship. Note that for 2 years the young dad did not confirm his paternity (he insisted that he was infertile), but over time he still accepted his daughter as his own.

In 1991, the entrepreneur legalized his relationship with her. She became “the woman of his life,” as he himself said. In the same year, the couple first had a son named Reed, and then two daughters: Erin (in 1995) and Eva (1998). They say that each of them has their father's traits. Photos of Steve Jobs' children are posted in this article.

The Jobs couple lived in a private house located in Palo Alto. Interestingly, the son was named after educational institution, where Steve himself briefly studied - Reed College.

Dad of many children

Steve Jobs' children got as much time from their father as the passionate businessman could give him. They say that the son received much more attention than the daughters. However, Steve still devoted his time to the upbringing and education of children. He came to school parent meetings, did not allow his offspring to sit in front of the TV screen for a long time and personally monitored what and how his children ate.

Steve tried to balance between the crazy rhythm of work and the functions of an exemplary dad. It is known that the businessman diligently protected his personal life and family from the intrusive attention of the press. As soon as Jobs learned about his terrible diagnosis and realized that life was too fleeting, he tried to spend as much time as possible with his family and friends - his wife and children. Even in this time, he left the walls of his company and rushed home to carry out this a short time with them.

What are Steve Jobs' children doing now, and how has their life turned out? This question interests many.

Eldest daughter Lisa

The entrepreneur’s eldest daughter is now 39 years old. In 2000, she graduated from Harvard and moved to live in Europe. Lisa has connected her life with journalism - she is the author of columns for a variety of publications. The girl runs her own blog, which has gained considerable popularity and a large number of readers. Perhaps her most striking journalistic creation is the article “Tuscan Holidays,” published in Vogue magazine in February 2008. In her work, Lisa talks about her childhood years, about life with her mother.

Reed is the only son of Steve Jobs

The only boy among all the children of Steve Jobs has his own successes. As a high school student, Reed looked very much like his 18-year-old father. He got it from his mother kind heart and empathy for others, which Jobs Sr. did not have. During the summer holidays, Reed worked part-time at a cancer center. There he explored the possibilities of DNA sequencing in curing colon cancer. In the process of research, he was able to determine the hereditary relationship. Based on the data obtained from the experiments, Reed wrote a report that was presented at his school. Steve Jobs, who died of cancer, managed to capture this moment and was very proud of his son.

Youngest daughters Erin and Eva

Erin Sienna had a calm disposition since childhood. She, more than Steve Jobs' other children, suffered from a lack of paternal attention and care. The girl learned to distance herself from people and from her father in particular, in order to reduce suffering due to his alienation. She inherited an interest in design and architecture from her famous father. It is probably in this area that the girl will continue to develop.

The youngest daughter, 18-year-old Eva, is a wealthy heiress who is passionate about equestrian sports. Moreover, the girl was very successful in this matter and was already able to participate in many competitions. Representatives of noble families competed with her: Jennifer Gates, Destry Allen Spielberg and others. Sports training for Steve Jobs's youngest daughter takes place in Wellington (Florida) - this is where her mother bought a ranch for $15 million.

Steve Jobs is a strict father

It is known that Steve Jobs forbade his children many things. For example, long-term use of iPhones. This is quite strange, because it seemed to many that the offspring of a famous entrepreneur were literally swimming in an abundance of expensive gadgets. However, Jobs believed that this was harmful to the child's body. Plus, there are so many other fun things to do, like sitting around the dinner table as a family and talking about the book you've read. Therefore, we can say with confidence that when Steve Jobs banned iPhones for his children, he was guided by good intentions.

40-year-old Lisa Brennan-Jobs (Lisa Nicole Brennan-Jobs) is the eldest daughter of Apple founder Steve Jobs. The woman wrote a memoir in which she told what kind of father the famous innovator was. The book will be released in early September, and now Vanity Fair has published an excerpt from it.

Recall that Steve Jobs died on October 5, 2011 from pancreatic cancer. He was 56 years old. Until the death of the programmer, the relationship between him and his daughter remained complex and strained.

Steve Jobs and Chris Brennan, Lisa's mother, met in 1972 while both were attending university in California. The couple did not separate for many years, but when Chris became pregnant, Jobs left her and said that the child was not his. The businessman did not participate in his daughter’s life for a long time and refused to pay child support. For two years, Chris supported herself and her daughter by working as a waitress and cleaner. A DNA test done at the prosecutor's insistence in 1979 proved Jobs' paternity, but Steve sued his former family for a long time, proving that he could not have children. Jobs later married Laurene Powell and they had three children.


In 1983, billionaire Steve Jobs began paying Lisa alimony - $500. At the same time, he told interested journalists that “28% of the male population of the United States could be fathers.”

In her youth, Lisa felt that she and her mother “did not live up to the story of greatness and incredible dignity that he wanted for himself.”

One day, during one of her rare meetings with her father, a girl asked him if he could give her one of his Porsches. She knew what her father was buying new car because of the slightest scratch on the old one, and wanted to know if it was possible to take the unnecessary one for myself. “You won't get anything. Understand? You won’t get anything from me,” Jobs told his daughter.

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Over time, the relationship between the growing daughter and the aging father began to improve. Jobs paid for Lisa's journalism studies at Harvard, but he was still cold towards her. Despite this, during her father’s illness, Lisa constantly visited him at home. “I no longer believed in the possibility of a great reconciliation, as it happens in the movies, but I continued to come,” she recalls. In the book, Lisa admitted that she managed to hug her father in last days his life.

Chris Ann Brennan, the mother of Jobs' eldest daughter Lisa, wrote a letter to the late Apple CEO in 2005 asking him to repent and pay her compensation. This previously unknown aspect of their complex history was covered by Fortune magazine.

Of the many love-hate relationships Steve Jobs had during his remarkable 56 years on earth, none were as fraught with complications as his relationship with Chris Ann Brennan, the Apple founder's first girlfriend and mother of his daughter Lisa.

They met at the age of 17 in 1972 while attending school in Cupertino, California. Brennan's turbulent relationship with Jobs - initial refusal to acknowledge paternity, difficult communication with Lisa, limited financial support— continued until his death almost four decades later. In a 2013 memoir, The Bite in the Apple, Brennan was described as "the target of his cruelty."

But there was still an unresolved chapter in the story of their tormented relationship, from the period covered by Brennan's book to the time when her ex-boyfriend became incredibly famous and rich. This is the story of how she asked Jobs, then a billionaire, to repent for his “dishonorable behavior” by paying $25 million to her and another $5 million to her 27-year-old daughter.

Brennan made her request in an undated two-page letter that she said she sent to Jobs in December 2005. Net worth of 50-year-old Jobs, general director Apple and Pixar were then valued at $3 billion.

“I raised our daughter in conditions that were much harsher and more difficult than they should have been,” she wrote to Jobs. “Obviously the whole thing was more confusing and difficult because you had so much money... I believe that decency and ending disagreements can be achieved through money. It's very simple."

Jobs ignored her request, Brennan says. A few months later, she began writing a memoir about her relationship.

A little over three years after the letter to Jobs asking for money, Brennan made another attempt. In 2009, sick, without funds and living with friends, she contacted him again. This time, Brennan offered to delay the book's publication (Lisa didn't want it published anyway) in exchange for a financial settlement.

“I am asking for the last time that a trust be created for me,” Brennan wrote to Jobs on September 26, 2009. “I don’t want to create a conflict, but I have to do something. I've been sick for 3 years and I just don't have a choice anymore....Neither of us will be better off from this book, it will hurt Lisa too, who never deserved anything like this. The choice is yours. Please consider giving me $10k over a few months and setting up a trust. We cannot meet because I am very sick and my life is hanging by a thread. In these circumstances, I need to get money as quickly as possible, and the choice is simple: either you or the book.”

“I don’t respond well to blackmail,” Jobs responded. - “I will not take part in anything proposed.”

Lisa was born in May 1978, when Jobs broke up with Brennan. Steve, who had already founded Apple and was quite wealthy, named his daughter one of the first Apple personal computers. However, he denied paternity for more than two years while Brennan cleaned houses, worked as a waitress and received benefits. At one point, Jobs even swore in a signed court document that he could not have been Lisa's father because he was "sterile and sterile" and did not have the "physical ability to procreate." (He had three more children after marrying Powell in 1991).

Steve Jobs and Laurene Powell Jobs

After lawsuit forced Jobs to undergo a paternity test, the court ruled to provide support for the child by reimbursing the state for social expenses. Jobs started paying $500 a month. A month later, Apple went public, giving Jobs a net worth of more than $225 million. While Jobs rarely visited his daughter for years, bought a mansion and drove a Mercedes, Brennan struggled to make ends meet.

Steve Jobs with his daughter Lisa

Brennan says Jobs later apologized for his treatment of her and Lisa. After his relationship with his daughter improved, Lisa's last name was changed to Brennan-Jobs at the age of 9. Gradually, my father's support increased to 4 thousand dollars a month.

Jobs later bought Brennan two cars and a house for 400 thousand dollars, paid for Lisa’s education in private school, sometimes provided her with another financial assistance. IN high school This was the first time Lisa lived with her father and his family. In her essay, Lisa, who became a writer, writes: “Growing up, I was very poor, very rich, and sometimes somewhere in between.”

Jobs' money and favor could end at any moment. One summer, after a conflict with Lisa, who had returned home from Harvard, the Jobs stopped supporting her and refused to pay for her college education. Lisa moved in with a couple down the street who paid for her education, and Jobs didn't reimburse them for years.

Lisa Brennan-Jobs

Lisa's relationship with Jobs remained unstable into adulthood, leading to long periods during which they did not speak to each other. But Lisa was at her father's bedside when Jobs died at his home in Palo Alto on October 5, 2011, at age 56.

In January 2014, Brennan wrote to Lauren Powell ordered letter, in which she urged her, given her large inheritance, to do what her deceased husband did not want to do. “Your loyalty to Steve does not mean loyalty to his hatred,” Brennan wrote. - “...I just never deserved years of poverty...”

“You are in a position where you can help me without harming your own life situation and the children... This can be done very quietly and legally.”

Jobs left his daughter an inheritance of several million dollars, part of which Lisa used to support her mother. But Brennan says she never received a response to her letter from Laurene Powell Jobs.

She ended her plea to Steve Jobs' widow this way: "This is awkward for many reasons, but I want you to know that I deeply appreciate what you went through during all the years of Steve's illness and then his death. I know you loved him very much. To be honest, so am I."

Lisa Nicole Brennan-Jobs(eng. Lisa Nicole Brennan-Jobs, MFA) (born May 17, 1978) - American journalist. Founder's daughter Apple Corporation Steve Jobs and Chrisann Brennan.

early years

Born in 1978, Lisa's father and mother were then 23-year-old Apple founder Steve Jobs and San Francisco Bay Area artist Chrisann Brennan. Lisa was born right after Apple company Computer, founded by her father, experienced extraordinary growth. The Apple Lisa computer, created in the year of Lisa's birth, was allegedly named in her honor; According to the official version, the name of the computer is an acronym for the phrase “Local Integrated Software Architecture” (Russian: “Software architecture with local integration”).

Steve Jobs refused to acknowledge paternity, providing the court with documents confirming that he could not be Lisa’s father due to the fact that he was “sterile and sterile, and, as a result, incapable of reproducing offspring” (English: he was “sterile”) and infertile, and as a result thereof, did not have the physical capacity to create a child”). Over time, Jobs acknowledged paternity. He later married Laurene Powell and they had three children. Brennan-Jobs later began communicating with her father; She lived with him for several years while she was still a teenager, Jobs paid for her to attend Harvard University, where she developed an interest in journalism.

Education and career

In 2000, after graduating from Harvard University, Brennan-Jobs moved to Europe.

She has published in The Southwest Review, The Massachusetts Review, The Harvard Crimson, The Harvard Advocate, Spiked .), "Vogue" and "O: The Oprah Magazine" (English).