Writing styles. Speech styles. Expressive means of the language of science

Lesson type: lesson on the integrated application of students' knowledge, skills and abilities.

Lesson objectives:

  1. To update students’ knowledge about the types of speech styles based on identifying common features each of the styles.
  2. Repeat material about the variety of functions of language and speech, about the means of speech expressiveness.
  3. Develop the ability to find characteristics characteristic of each style.
  4. Fostering a culture of mental work based on such mental operations as: analysis, synthesis, grouping, generalization.
  5. To cultivate a value-based attitude towards the Russian language.

During the classes

1. Introductory and motivational stage.

Greetings. Checking the class's readiness for the lesson. Lesson topic message. Relevance of this topic:

Teacher: At the end of the year you will take exams in the GIA format, where there will be a task to determine the style of the text. And also the knowledge gained in the lesson will be useful when analyzing the text, which you will do in 2 lessons.

Today we will remember what style is, what styles of speech there are in the Russian language, and we will learn to distinguish between them. We only have one lesson on this topic.

We will work according to next plan(On the desk). Pay attention to s.r., and if we have time, we will play the role of editors.

2. Frontal survey.

– What is style? Read the meaning of this word in the explanatory dictionary...

Which of the following values ​​suits us? Read it.

(Style is a set of techniques for using linguistic means to express certain ideas and thoughts in various conditions of speech practice)

– What styles do you know? (students list)

– Check if you have named all the styles? Turn around and look at the diagram.

3. Checking the data:

(Messages have been prepared on the features of each style.)

Teacher: You have tables on your tables: purpose, scope of application, features of styles. There are 2 empty columns. During messages you will fill out this column.

– To determine the style, you need to answer 3 questions:

The speakers will answer these questions and fill out the diagrams that we will use to determine the style. Table:





Target Exchange of thoughts, impressions, communication Message, transmission scientific information Accurate business transfer


Message, impact on listeners or readers Impact on thoughts and feelings
Scope of application Conversation in an informal setting; Official setting; lessons, lectures; popular science books

Official setting;

business papers Official setting; facilities mass media , in speeches
Fiction Peculiarities Predominance of colloquial and colloquial vocabulary; intonation, facial expressions, gestures Single meaning words; terms; lack of figurative means Terms, speech cliches, clericalisms; specificity, formality

Solemn vocabulary, emotionality; combination of standardized words and means of expression

Wide use of visual and expressive means;

use of other styles

Student reports:

Conversational style

The main function of the conversational style is communication. The conversational style is used in informal settings, both oral and written: among friends, acquaintances, in friendly messages, etc. Conversational speech is spontaneous speech, without preliminary selection of linguistic means. The speech situation is of great importance in the use of certain means of language. Speakers can use not only words, but also gestures and facial expressions. The linguistic features of colloquial speech include variations in intonation, stress, pauses... The requirements for colloquial speech are less strict than in other styles: emotional, expressive vocabulary is used. In explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language, vocabulary characteristic of the colloquial style is marked “colloquial.” In the colloquial style, non-literary, incorrect speech-colloquial speech may appear. For example, instead of a neutral word so many vernacular can be used little table,

instead of a word

dining room - canteen. Phraseologisms are also used that give greater expressiveness to speech (for example, “to kick the bucket” - do nothing) and words with suffixes of subjective assessment: house, legs, huge, tiny... Scientific style Scientific style-variation book styles

literary language. It is used in oral and written speech. Main function

scientific style – evidence-based presentation of scientific information. Scientific speech is a monologue speech. The scientific style is used in official settings, as well as when writing dictionaries, textbooks, and popular science books. The scientific style is characterized by neutral vocabulary: earth, water, life; book: demonstrate, prevail, and special (terms): atom, structure, syntax,

The scientific style also has its own characteristics in grammar. Thus, participles, gerunds, and verbal nouns are widespread in scientific texts. Nouns in the form are often used singular in the plural sense: Lily of the valleyblooms in early May. Real and abstract nouns can be used in the plural form: noises in the heart, sea depths. The scientific style is characterized by accuracy, strict logic, and clarity of presentation.

Business style

The main function of business style is the accurate transmission of business information. Business style is used in an official setting and for writing various official documents and business papers; statements, memos, protocols, etc.

Business style is characterized by accuracy, conciseness of presentation, and the use of cliches: according to order, based on the above, in accordance with the resolution...

In business speech there is no vocabulary of limited use (dialectisms, colloquial words) and emotionally charged vocabulary.

Business texts use strict word order in a sentence.

Journalistic style

The journalistic style is used in newspapers, magazines (that is, in the media), and speeches to the public for propaganda purposes. The main function of style is the function of influence (agitation and propaganda). A journalistic text not only contains a message about something, but also expresses the author’s attitude towards the statement.

The journalistic style is characterized by strict logic of presentation, accuracy of facts (in this the journalistic style is similar to the scientific one), as well as emotionality, which brings it closer to the style fiction.

In journalism, vocabulary of different layers is used: book: accomplishment, industry;

colloquial: good fellow, hype;

terms: atmosphere, delicate...

Foreign words are often used: show performance, consensus agreement; phraseological units: work tirelessly, rake in the heat with someone else's hands; various figurative and expressive means of language.

Fiction style

Fiction style (or artistic style) used in works of art: stories, tales, novels, plays, etc.

The main function of artistic style is to influence the reader and also to inform him about something.

The artistic style is distinguished by imagery, expressiveness, and emotionality. Using figurative and expressive means of language, writers and poets introduce readers to the everyday life and spiritual life of peoples different countries not only today, but also in the distant past. In the artistic style, to give the text a sublime, solemn coloring, to create the flavor of the era, outdated words are used: Rise up prophet, and see and listen, Be fulfilled by my will, And, bypassing the seas and lands, Verb burn people's hearts. (A.S. Pushkin)

The style of fiction is characterized by a combination of features of different styles. The most commonly used elements are conversational style.

Teacher: Check that the table is filled out correctly. Self-test

Frontal survey:

Teacher: So, how many styles are there in total? Let's check how carefully you listened to the speakers.

Name the style based on its characteristics. Use the table.

– Exchange of thoughts, colloquial vocabulary (colloquial)

– Transmission of scientific information, terms (scientific)

– Transfer of business information, business papers (official business)

– Media, emotionality (journalistic)

– Fiction (fiction)

4. Lexical game

Teacher: Now look at column 3 of the table, which lists the features of the styles. How are they different? Of course, vocabulary. Different styles use different vocabulary. There is colloquial and book vocabulary, but all styles use neutral or common vocabulary. Now we will learn to distinguish vocabulary. 3 people at the board will fill out 3 columns (distribute words among the columns of the table), the rest will work in notebooks, and the editor will work with the dictionary and check the correctness of the work.

Commonly used


Top Vertex crown
Let Block interference
Afraid Fear be a coward
drive away Banish expose
worry worry freak out
face face muzzle (colloquial)

– So, are the fields (to the editor) filled out correctly?

– We check everything (self-test)

We evaluate (evaluation criteria: 1-2 errors-4,3-4– “3”)

5. Independent work (in groups)

Briefing before s/r.: 7

Teacher: So, we remembered the features of different styles. We filled out the table and diagrams that you can use when doing s/r. in groups. You need to determine the style of the text given to you and prove its belonging to the style.

– What will you pay attention to? (point to the diagram): where and why is it used this text. Firstly, define a goal then scope of application, features.

Then 1 person from the team (you choose him) will read the text and answer the question, and the rest listen carefully and check.

Job completion time 5 min.

Task for group No. 1:

“Well, Lyoshka, should I tell you about our city? There are many architectural monuments, and it was built not so long ago Ice Palace. The boys and I go there to skate, it’s so cool! You can also relax in the Peace Park or roller skate at the Eternal Flame. In general, it’s great in our city, come and see.”

Task for group No. 2:

Kolomna is territorially and legally qualified as part of the Moscow region.

A little more than 143 thousand people live in the city and region. In recent years, housing construction has been rapidly developing, infant mortality has decreased, and positive dynamics have been observed in terms of childbirth. The administration of the city of Kolomna is doing everything possible for the dynamic development of the city and improving the well-being of citizens.

Task for group No. 3:

Kolomna is an ancient city founded in the 12th century. According to chronicles, it appeared only 30 years later than Moscow.

The word “Kolomna” itself refers to the Finno-Ugric tribes that lived here before the arrival of the Slavs. In their dialect this word meant “a place near the cemetery.”

Other data indicate that the word Kolomna has a “geographical” origin - after all, there is both the Kolomenka River and the village of Kolomenskoye. There is also a beautiful legend about the founding of our city by the Italian Count Karl Colonna, who was fleeing the persecution of Pope Boniface 8.

Be that as it may, today Kolomna is the cultural and industrial center of the Moscow region, a city of which we, Kolomna residents, are proud.

Task for group No. 4:

Kolomna is a city founded in 1177. Chronicle information indicates the determination of the Finno-Ugric group of languages ​​in the name of this city.

Linguistic analysis carried out by researchers and linguists confirms this hypothesis.

Developing its historical traditions, the city is rightfully one of the five most dynamically developing regions of the Moscow region.

Analysis geographical location The city suggests that loamy soils predominate in the city and region, and the terrain and climate are suitable for stable vegetable growing.

Task for group No. 5:

It is difficult to find a city as beautiful as Kolomna in the Moscow region. Picturesque river mouths and unique landscapes allow you to fully enjoy the beauty of this repository of ancient traditions.

Like invisible guards of the city, at the entrance to it, guests are greeted by monumental steles, and when you drive past the Marinka Tower, it seems that a little more, and Dmitry Donskoy will appear.

Like a big bird, the newly built Ice Sports Palace opened its arms.

Check: students read the text and name the style.

Question for another group:

- Do you agree?

6. Summing up.

Let's let's generalize that what we talked about in class.

How many styles are there in Russian? Write down the names from memory.

Self-test (a board with words opens).

7. Homework.

You did a good job today Houses you will secure

this material by completing ex. 181(define text style) or edit text

(exercise 180, part 2); ind.rear :continue the story from this beginning, adhering to the same style. You can use the table and diagram that we compiled in class at home and in subsequent lessons when preparing for the exam.

8. Editing text.

Teacher: And now you will feel yourself in a new role - as editors. Here is a text that contains stylistic errors. Check, find words that do not match the style, correct the text.

Edit the text.

Text No. 1:

What style does this text belong to?

What violations of lexical norms did you find in text. Correct it.

Kyiv... was founded in the 6th-7th centuries as the center of the Polyan tribe. It has been known in Russian chronicles since 860. At 9 a.m. 12 centuries capital Kievan Rus. Destroyed in 1240 harmful Mongol-Tatars. In 1362 straightaway captured by Lithuania, and in 1569 by Poland. Since 1654, part of Russia. Well now it is the capital of Ukraine.

(From a history notebook for a 6th grade student).

Text No. 2. Find and correct errors in the design of business paper.

Head of Communications Department

M.I. Prokhorova
Sokolov A.P., living at the address:
st. Volgina, 5, apt. 44,


Dear Maria Ivanovna!

Since my family and I are leaving for a whole month rest to Crimea and my apartment will be closed from July 15 to August 15, then Very I ask you, in my absence, to leave all correspondence received in my name at the post office. Thank you very much in advance


Peculiarities various styles speeches

1.1.Scientific style

1.2.Formal business style

1.3.Publicistic style

1.4.Artistic style

1.5.Conversational style


The stylistic organization of speech is a system of linguistic elements within a literary language, delimited by the conditions and tasks of communication; the form of our statements depends on where, with whom and why we speak.

There are five styles: four bookish: scientific, official business, journalistic, artistic - and conversational style. Each style is characterized by certain means of language: words, their forms, phrases, types of sentences, and their belonging to a colloquial or book style is recognized when compared with neutral means.

Speech styles are realized in certain forms, or types of texts, called speech genres. Speech genres are a typified form of speech organization that defines types of texts that differ in the given nature of speech activity and the form of language use. Basically, each genre of speech belongs to a specific style of speech, but there are also inter-style genres, for example: article, sketch, essay.

1.1. instead of a word

Scientific style– one of the book styles that is used in scientific works, textbooks and teaching aids, and oral presentations on scientific topics.

Scientific style problem– communicate scientific information, explain it by presenting a system of scientific argumentation. Used in an official setting, it is characterized by logic, objectivity, and semantic accuracy.

In the scientific style, the following varieties can be distinguished:

1) actually scientific style(inherent scientific works– monographs, dissertations, articles in scientific journals, books, encyclopedias, scientific reports),

2) popular science style(inherent in texts intended to popularize scientific knowledge, i.e. popular science literature, articles in non-specialized magazines, newspapers, speeches on radio and television, public lectures before a mass audience),

3) scientific-educational style(used in textbooks, teaching aids, reference books intended for students).

The scientific style is characterized by the use of the following linguistic means:

at the vocabulary level:

Saturation with the terms of this science;

Using words with abstract meaning: law, number, limit, property; verbal nouns with the meaning of action: processing, landing, use;

The use of words in direct meanings, lack of imagery (metaphors, metonymies, interjections, exclamatory particles);

Frequent use of lexical means indicating the connection and sequence of thoughts: first, first of all, firstly, therefore, vice versa, because, therefore;

at the morphological level:

Rare use of personal pronouns “I” and “you” and verbs in the 1st and 2nd person singular form;

Use of participles and gerunds and phrases with them;

at the syntactic level:

The use of complex sentences using conjunctions indicating the connection of phenomena;

Non-use of exclamatory sentences, slight use of interrogative sentences;

Using formulas, graphs, and diagrams as text components.

Basic types of speech– reasoning, description.

Main genres– textbook, article, report, dissertation, scientific monograph, encyclopedic article, patent application, abstract, summary, review.

As an example, we can cite an excerpt from a speech work of a scientific style of its own scientific variety - a monograph on linguistics:

- “Rule 3 (optional coloring of presumptions). If a component with a potential presumption P is a syntactic actant of a world-generating predicate, then there are two possibilities: a) P is a presumption in the corresponding world and can be translated into a presumption of the real world (or at least into a proposition true in the real world) with the appropriate change in content – ​​modal “coloring” (the term “coloring” is from Schiebe 1979); b) P remains a presumption in the real world. The difference in understandings a) and b) does not have a regular semantic expression [Paducheva E.V. Statement and its correlation with reality. M., 2001. p. 77]."

This passage reflects the following features of the scientific style:

– linguistic terms presumption, syntactic, actant, predicate, modal, semantic;

– symbol P (presumption) as a component of the text;

– words with an abstract meaning: component, possibility, judgment, change, understanding, expression;

– absence of words in a figurative meaning: the word coloring is used as a term, enclosed in quotation marks and provided with an appropriate link;

– words indicating objective criteria for assessing the situation: potential, appropriate, true, regular;

– absence of appeals, interjections, modal particles, interrogative and exclamatory sentences and other means of imagery;

– a complex sentence with a conditional subordinating conjunction if... then, indicating a cause-and-effect relationship;

– giving the text greater clarity by dividing it into points: a) and b);

1.2. Formal business style

Official business style is one of the book style, used in the field of business relations, business papers, i.e. laws, documents, acts, contracts, resolutions, charters, official correspondence, etc.

The purpose of this style– provide information, give instructions. The official business style is characterized by accuracy, unambiguity, impersonal character, standardization of text construction, and the obligatory prescriptive nature of the text.

The official business style is characterized by the use of the following language means:

at the vocabulary level:

Use of full names, exact dates;

Book vocabulary (due to, during, due to the fact that, be characterized);

Using words in direct meanings;

Lack of expressive and evaluative vocabulary;

Frequent use of verbal nouns (testing, use, implementation);

Availability of standardized revolutions (after the expiration of the period, in accordance with the established procedure, enter into legal force);

Limited possibilities for synonymous substitution, frequent lexical repetitions;

at the morphological level

Lack of personal pronouns, especially 1st and 2nd persons, instead of which proper names, proper names or special designations are used (Customer executive), as well as verbs in the form of 1st and 2nd person;

at the syntactic level:

Complication of a simple sentence with isolated phrases, homogeneous members;

Clear division of text into semantic blocks, usually using subheadings and digital design of paragraphs.

The official business style is characterized by both monological methods of organizing speech, as well as dialogue (a conversation between two people) or polylogue (a conversation between several people).

Main genres: monologues - order, official order, instruction, statement, request, complaint (complaint), recommendation, report, review; polylogue genres – meeting, meeting, negotiations, interview.

As an example, here is an excerpt from a standard contract:


On the transfer of non-exclusive property rights

Citizen Russian Federation Ruzheva Anna Ilyinichna, hereinafter referred to as the Author, on the one hand, and Aranta LLC, hereinafter referred to as the Firm, represented by general director Bozin Sergei Ivanovich, acting on the basis of the Charter, - on the other hand, we have concluded this Agreement as follows:

1. Definitions used in the Agreement

1.1. The work is “Russian language for schoolchildren and those entering universities,” prepared by the Author. Description of the Work - the manual contains the basic theoretical concepts of the school course of the Russian language and explains the procedure for analyzing language material, addressed to students and especially graduates high school due to the lack of a unified set of textbooks on the Russian language for secondary educational institutions.

This passage reflects the following features of the official business style:

– lack of personal pronouns;

– full naming characters indicating their social status;

– replacing them in the future with special designations Author, Company;

– standardized turnover: this Agreement as follows, hereinafter referred to as, acting on the basis of;

– exact indication of the place and time of conclusion of the contract;

– complication of a simple sentence by various isolated members;

– division of text into blocks using subheadings and digital notation.

1.3. Journalistic style

The journalistic style is one of the bookish ones, used in social journalistic and literary critical literature, the media, at meetings and rallies.

The purpose of this style– influence on mass consciousness through socially significant information. Characteristic features of the journalistic style are logic, imagery, emotionality, evaluativeness, appeal.

at the vocabulary level:

Wide use of socio-political, economic, general cultural vocabulary;

The use of solemn vocabulary (measure, view, exude, incomparably), often in combination with colloquial vocabulary;

Use of figurative means: epithets, comparisons, metaphors, phraseological units and “catchphrases”;

Frequent language games, puns, parody (especially in titles);

at the level of morphology and syntax:

Active use of 1st and 2nd person personal pronouns and corresponding verb forms;

Non-use of participial and participial phrases, their replacement with subordinate clauses;

The use of incentive and exclamatory sentences, rhetorical questions;

Use of appeals;

Frequent lexical and syntactic repetitions

Main genres: public speaking (speech, report), discussion, critical note, report, interview, article, review, essay, sketch.

1.4. Art style

The artistic style is used in works of fiction and refers to book speech.

Style challenge– paint a picture with words, express an attitude towards what is depicted, influence the feelings and imagination of the reader. The peculiarity is the unity of communicative and aesthetic functions, high imagery.

The artistic style is characterized by the following means of expression:

Tropes are phrases in which a word or expression is used in a figurative sense: metaphor, metonymy, personification, comparison, epithet, etc.;

Figures of speech: anaphora, antithesis, gradation, inversion, parallelism, rhetorical question;

Rhythm, rhyme, mainly in a poetic work.

A broader concept is the language of fiction: the artistic style is usually used in the author's speech, but the characters' speech may also contain other styles, such as colloquial.

As an example, we give an excerpt from a poetic text - a poem by A. Blok:

Late autumn. The sky is open

And the forests are filled with silence.

Lying down on the blurry shore

The mermaid's head is sick.

The following linguistic means characteristic of the artistic style are used here:

– rhythm, rhyme;

– inversion – an adjective after a noun: late autumn, the sky is open, the shore is washed out, the mermaid is sick;

– paths: open sky, the forests are filled with silence, the mermaid’s head lay down on the shore;

– syntactic parallelism in the first line;

- nominative sentences that create a feeling of staticity, immobility.

1.5. Conversational style

The conversational style is opposed to the book style and is used in casual conversations, often in informal settings. The main form of existence is oral, but can also be carried out in written form (notes, private letters, recording the speech of characters, and sometimes the author’s speech in works of art).

Speech task– communication, exchange of impressions. Distinctive features of the conversational style are informality, ease, unpreparedness, emotionality, and the use of facial expressions and gestures.

The journalistic style is characterized by the use of the following linguistic means:

at the phonetic level:

Greater degree of vowel reduction, pronunciation compression of words ( now [sh’as], hello [(h)dras’t’i]) ;

Varied intonation with relatively free word order;

at the level of vocabulary and word formation:

Use of colloquial and colloquial vocabulary, jargon (hard worker, train, meticulous, slowly, fawn);

Predominant use of concrete vocabulary, minor use of abstract, terminological words;

Expressiveness and evaluativeness in vocabulary and word formation (awesome, boom, little book, hefty);

Frequent use of phraseological units;

at the morphological level:

The most common of all styles is the use of personal pronouns;

The predominance of the use of verbs over the use of nouns;

Rare use of participles and short adjectives, non-use of gerunds;

Indeclinability of complex numerals, indeclinability of abbreviations;

Use of particles, interjections;

Frequent figurative use of morphological means (for example, the use of tenses and moods in meanings unusual for them in book styles);

at the syntactic level:

Use of one-part and incomplete sentences;

Lack of complex syntactic structures;

Non-union of a complex sentence;

Frequent use of incentive, interrogative and exclamatory sentences;

Use of appeals.

As an example, here is a statement from one of the characters in A. P. Chekhov’s story “Revenge”:

- Open it, damn it! How long will I have to remain numb in this through wind? If you knew that it was twenty degrees below zero in your corridor, you wouldn’t have made me wait so long! Or maybe you don't have a heart?

This short excerpt reflects the following features of the conversational style:

– interrogative and exclamatory sentences,

- conversational style interjection, damn it,

– personal pronouns of the 1st and 2nd persons, verbs in the same form.

Another example is an excerpt from a letter from A. S. Pushkin to his wife, N. N. Pushkina, dated August 3, 1834:

“Shame on you, wifey. You are angry with me, not deciding who is to blame, me or the post office, and you leave me for two weeks without news of yourself and the children. I was so embarrassed that I didn't know what to think. Your letter reassured me, but did not console me. The description of your trip to Kaluga, no matter how funny it may be, is not funny to me at all. What kind of desire is there to drag yourself to a nasty little provincial town to see bad actors playing a bad old opera badly?<...>I asked you not to travel around Kaluga, yes, apparently, that’s your nature.”

This passage shows the following linguistic features of a conversational style:

– use of colloquial and colloquial vocabulary: wifey, wandering around, nasty, driving around, what kind of hunt, union Yes meaning 'but', particles really And not at all, introductory word it is seen,

– a word with an evaluative derivational suffix little town,

– inversion of word order in some sentences,

– lexical repetition of a word bad,

– appeal,

– the presence of an interrogative sentence,

– use of personal pronouns 1st and 2nd person singular,

– use of verbs in the present tense,

– use of the absent plural form of the word Kaluga (driving around Kaluga) to refer to all small provincial towns.

The study of stylistic features of speech and styles teaches the conscious selection and use of linguistic means in speech. Accuracy as a quality of speech is always associated with the ability to think clearly, with knowledge of the subject of speech and the meaning of words.

Language norms are formed as a result of the selection of elements (lexical, spelling, spelling, etc.) from those existing in the modern language to serve the communicative needs of society.

A stylistic norm is a set of rules adopted by society in a given historical period that regulate the use of words depending on the sphere of use. Stylistic norms are changeable and reflect those language variants that are most common in practice.

Speech style is a set of techniques, methods, manners of using these means, as well as a set of lexical, grammatical and syntactic features that give speech a certain coloring and make speech either scientific, or official, or colloquial.

Beloshapkova V.A. Modern Russian language. M., 1977.

Golovin B.N. Fundamentals of culture speech M., 1988.

Gorbachevich I.N. Norms of the modern Russian language. M., 1981.

Istrina E.S. Norms of the Russian literary language and speech culture. M., 1948.

Kostomarov V.G. Life of language. M., 1995.

Practical stylistics of the Russian language: functional styles / ed. V.A. Alekseev and K.A. Horny. M., 1982.

Rosenthal D.E. Practical stylistics of the Russian language. M., 1989.

Sirotina L.P. Modern colloquial speech and its features. M., 1974.

Khazanova A.S., Zweig L.V. Russian language: practical guide. M., 1996.

Styles and functional-semantic types of speech.

Speech styles

Art style:

Journalistic style:

Business style used to convey business information accurately. Main function scientific style speech is an accurate presentation of scientific information. Application area conversational style– communication in an informal setting.

The scientific style of speech is a style that is characterized by a number of features: preliminary consideration of the statement, strict selection of linguistic means, monologue character. Characterized by logic, consistency and clarity.

Although the Russian language has five styles of speech: scientific, official business, colloquial, artistic and journalistic, the Unified State Examination presents only two styles: artistic and journalistic.

Why aren't there others? The text, in addition to task A29, includes such as B8 (definition of visual and expressive means) and C1 (writing an argumentative essay).

Think about how you can talk about the merits of a conversational style or write an essay based on a text in a scientific or official business style?!

Therefore, the site focused specifically on the question of how to distinguish between the text of artistic and journalistic styles (pictures above).

Types of speech

description narration reasoning
is a verbal picture of someone or something this is a story about events this is a verbal presentation, explanation and confirmation of any thought
Think about how you describe a photograph or painting. Think about how you retell a movie or book plot Remember how you construct a speech when you are trying to convince someone of your point of view.

Analysis of the task.

What type(s) of speech are represented in sentences 1-5?

1) description

2) narration and reasoning

3) narration and description

4) narration

(1) As a child, I hated matinees because my father came to our kindergarten. (2) He sat on a chair near the Christmas tree, played his button accordion for a long time, trying to find the right melody, and our teacher sternly told him: “Valery Petrovich, move up!” (3) All the guys looked at my father and choked with laughter. (4) He was small, plump, began to go bald early, and although he never drank, for some reason his nose was always beet red, like a clown’s. (5) Children, when they wanted to say about someone that he was funny and ugly, said this: “He looks like Ksyushka’s dad!”

Let's think like this. The first to third sentences present events in chronological order. So, before us is a story. And in sentences 4-5 a portrait of the father is presented, that is, this is a description.

Speech styles are a system of speech means that are used in any area of ​​communication, as well as a type of literary language that performs some function in communication.

Scientific style- a special type of literary style used in both oral and written speech. The main function of the scientific style of speech is the accurate presentation of scientific information. Careful preliminary consideration of the statement and strict selection of linguistic means distinguishes the scientific style from the rest. Scientific speech is characterized by the use of special terms and neutral vocabulary. The scientific style also has its own grammatical features. In scientific texts, gerunds, participles, and verbal nouns are often used. Singular nouns can be used to indicate plural forms. The scientific style is characterized by logic, accuracy, and clarity of presentation. Emotionality and imagery are rarely used. Direct word order in a sentence is typical for scientific speech.

Business style used to convey business information accurately. This style of speech is used mainly in written speech. Used when writing various kinds of official documents, business papers: memos, statements, protocols, etc. Business style is characterized by conciseness of presentation, accuracy, and the use of phraseological cliches, special terminology, and abbreviations. In business speech there are no words of limited consumption and emotional vocabulary. Business texts use complex sentences, strict word order in a sentence, and impersonal constructions. Business style is characterized by the use of verbal nouns and imperative verbs.

Scope of application journalistic style– these are periodicals, news feeds, texts of speeches to the public for propaganda purposes. The main purpose of texts written in this style of speech is influence, agitation and propaganda. This style is characterized not only by the communication of information, but by the attitude of the author, complementing the text. In the journalistic style, as in the scientific style, strict logical presentation and handling of exact facts are of particular importance, but at the same time, the text may differ in emotional coloring, which is more characteristic of the artistic style. The journalistic style uses a variety of vocabulary: from dry bookish to emotional colloquial, from terminological to evaluative. Often in journalistic texts foreign language terms, phraseological units of various kinds, figurative and expressive means of speech can be used. This style is characterized by the use of both bookish and colloquial sentence structures. Interrogative and exclamatory sentences are common.

Application area conversational style of speech- communication in an informal setting. Used in written and oral forms. Conversational speech is not distinguished by a strict selection of linguistic means; the speech situation is of greater importance. Conversational speech is often emphasized and supplemented by gestures and facial expressions of the people talking. Accents, pauses, and changes in intonation are used. Accordingly, less stringent requirements are imposed when using colloquial speech; special emphasis is placed on emotionality and expressiveness of vocabulary. You can often find in explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language a mark corresponding to the vocabulary of the colloquial style - “colloquial.” When using this style of speech, non-literary words and incorrect speech (colloquial speech) may occur. Phraseological units are often used, giving the text greater expressiveness and emotionality. The conversational style of speech is distinguished by the use of addresses, repetitions of words, introductory and inserted constructions, and incomplete sentences. The use of colloquial speech in fiction is widespread for verbal characterization of characters or figurative representation of events.

Art style or the style of fiction is used when writing works of fiction: stories, short stories, novels, essays. The main function is to inform the reader and influence him through emotions. It is distinguished by emotionality, imagery, and expressiveness. The use of artistic linguistic means and verbal expressions is widespread: metaphors, comparisons, epithets. Sometimes, to give the text a solemn, sublime coloring, a special flavor, outdated words are used - archaisms and historicisms. The artistic style of speech stands out high degree information content combined with emotionality and expressiveness of language. The artistic style is also characterized by the use of combinations of features of other styles of speech. The elements of conversational style are most often used.



Compiled by: Zhdanova Oksana Valerievna,

teacher of Russian language and literature




Text These are several sentences or paragraphs connected into a whole by a topic and main idea. The text can consist of one paragraph, or it can be an article or a book.

Main features of the text:

    thematic and compositional unity of all its parts;

    the presence of a grammatical connection between parts (chain, parallel);

    semantic integrity, relative completeness.

Connection of sentences in the text

    Chain link – this is a connection in which sentences are connected to each other sequentially, along a chain (the second sentence is connected to the first, the third to the second, the fourth to the third, etc.).

The peculiarity of this type of connection is the repetition of the keyword, its replacement with a synonym, synonymous phrase, pronoun, repetition of one or another member of the sentence.

For example:

The cherished goal that Nikolka thought about all these three days, when events fell into the family like stones, a goal associated with the mysterious last words of the one stretched out in the snow, Nikolka achieved this goal. But to do this, he had to run around the city all day before the parade and visit at least nine addresses. And many times in this rush Nikolka lost his presence of mind, and fell, and got up again, and still achieved.

(M.A. Bulgakov)

2. Parallel communication – This is a connection in which sentences are not linked to one another, but are compared and subordinate to the first sentence. With such a connection, all sentences complement and clarify the meaning of the first.

The peculiarity of this type of connection is the same word order, the members of the sentence are expressed in the same grammatical forms, sometimes by repetition of the first word of the sentences. Parallel connections are used very often in poetry.

For example:

How many excellent words exist in the Russian language for the so-called celestial phenomena!

Summer thunderstorms pass over the ground and fall over the horizon. People like to say that the cloud did not pass, but fell.

Lightning either strikes the ground with a direct blow, or blazes on black clouds, like branchy golden trees uprooted.

(K. Paustovsky)

Subject of the text - this is something common that unites sentences in a text, this is what or who is said in this text.

Idea of ​​the text - this is what this text calls for, what it teaches, for what it was written.


Literary language serves different aspects of people's lives, so it is divided into functional styles. The choice of style depends on the purpose of speech and the speech situation, which, in turn, is related to the conditions in which communication occurs. Depending on the tasks of speech, styles are divided into two groups: conversational and bookish(scientific, artistic, journalistic, official business). Each style has its own characteristic features.


The conversational style is presented both orally and in writing - notes, private letters. The sphere of conversational style of speech is the sphere of everyday relations.

Target: communication, exchange of thoughts.

General signs: informality, ease of communication; unpreparedness of speech, its automaticity; the predominant oral form of communication.

The conversational style is widely used in fiction to figuratively depict certain events, as well as to characterize the characters’ speech.

    in vocabulary and phraseology – words that have a colloquial connotation; specific vocabulary; a lot of words and phraseological units with expressive and emotional overtones; common and neutral words;

    suffixes of subjective assessment with the meaning of laxity, disapproval, magnification, with a colloquial coloring are widely used (sweetheart, cold storage, overnight, dead meat, doctor); formation of adjectives of evaluative meaning, verbs (big-eyed, thin, lose weight, talk); to enhance expression, doubling of words is used (big-big-big, big-eyed-big-eyed);

    in morphology – there is no predominance of the noun over the verb, verbs are more common, pronouns and particles are used more often, possessive adjectives are very common; participles are rare, gerunds are almost never found, short adjectives are rarely used;
    The temporal meanings of the verb are varied (past and future in the meaning of the present), verbal interjections are widely used (jump, skip, bang);

    syntax – incomplete sentences; interrogative and incentive sentences; the order of words in a sentence is free; Impersonal sentences are widespread.

The telephone rang in the Golikovs’ apartment:

- Ale! Bear, is that you? No? Call me Mishka. Hurry up!

- What's wrong?

- I want to know: did he solve the problem with the answer?

- Who says this?

- Sanka.

“Tell me, Sanya,” the Golikovs’ grandmother asked in a whisper, “doesn’t this problem ask whether it’s convenient to get you out of bed at one in the morning with a phone call?”

“No,” Sanya was taken aback, but now he found it: “What’s wrong with that?”

(A. Sukontsev)

Fyodor pulled out a canvas on a stretcher, a box...

Savva Ilyich raised his head:

- Fedyushka, what are you doing?

- Sleep, sleep, Ilyich.

- Where there? I sleep like a bird of God. What are you doing?

- I want to prime the canvas.

- It seems like it’s not working time – it’s night?

- Need it by morning.

- That guy is careless, I see. Needed by morning, not ready.

Savva Ilyich began to rise.

- Go to sleep!

- I’ll help... careless, you’re upsetting me. You don't take things seriously.

(V. Tendryakov)


Scientific style – a type of book style of literary language. It is used in oral and written speech.

The main function is an evidence-based presentation of scientific information. Scientific speech is a monologue speech. The scientific style is characterized by accuracy, strict logic, and clarity of presentation.

The main type of speech: reasoning and description.

The most characteristic language means:

    in vocabulary - terms, unambiguity of the word, frequent repetition keywords, lack of figurative means;

    word-formation features – suffixes that give abstract meaning; international roots, prefixes, suffixes;

    in morphology – predominance of nouns, frequent use of abstract verbal nouns; infrequency of pronouns I, you and verbs of the 1st and 2nd person singular; the infrequency of exclamatory particles and interjections;

    syntax – direct word order; widespread use of phrases “noun.” + noun in r.p.”; the predominance of vaguely personal and impersonal sentences; rare use of incomplete sentences; abundance of complex sentences; frequent use of participial and participial phrases.

An important means of logical organization of a coherent text is its division into paragraphs.

A paragraph is a section of written text from one red line to another. In terms of content, a paragraph serves as an expression of the completeness of a part of the whole, a separate link in the overall dynamics of thought and a transition to the next part, to the next link of thought. Properly organized paragraphs are very helpful in following the logic of the author's thoughts. The inability to divide text into paragraphs leads to a decrease in the logic of speech and significantly complicates its perception.

(B. N. Golovin)

Autumn is a time of year that lasts in the northern hemisphere of the Earth from the autumnal equinox (September 23) to the winter solstice (December 21 or 22). In everyday life, the months September, October and November are usually called autumn.

(Encyclopedia article)


Journalistic style - This is a style of newspapers, magazines, public speaking, which is used for propaganda purposes. The main function is the function of influence (agitation, propaganda).

Target: impact on listeners or readers.

The journalistic style is characterized by strict logic of presentation, accuracy of facts, as well as emotionality, imagery, evaluativeness, and appeal.

Genres of journalism - article in a newspaper, magazine, essay, report, interview, feuilleton, oratory, judicial speech, speech on radio, television, at a meeting, report.

The most characteristic language means:

    in vocabulary - widespread use of socio-political vocabulary, vocabulary denoting the concepts of morality, ethics, medicine, economics, culture, words from the field of psychology, words denoting the internal state and experiences of a person; much attention is paid to evaluative vocabulary; use of figurative means, figurative meaning of words;

    word-formation features – use of foreign words (time-out, consensus, know-how);

    syntax – frequent use of nouns in the genitive case as an inconsistent definition; the role of the predicate is often played by verbs in the form of the imperative mood, reflexive verbs; frequent use of interrogative and exclamatory sentences, rhetorical questions, appeals; the use of homogeneous sentence parts, introductory words and sentences, participial and participial phrases, complex syntactic constructions.

The greatest value of a people is its language. The language in which he writes, speaks, thinks. He thinks! This must be understood thoroughly, in all the polysemy and significance of this fact. After all, this means that a person’s entire conscious life flows through his native language. Emotions and sensations only color what we think about, or push the thought in some way, but our thoughts are all formulated in language.

(D.S. Likhachev)

Why don’t you powerfully raise your voice against the madness that threatens to envelop the world in a cloud of poison? Every moment a person falls somewhere under the scythe of death, and every moment in some other corner of the earth a woman, triumphant in victory over the elements of destruction, gives the world a new person... Thousands and thousands of your sons have covered themselves with brilliance and glory throughout the centuries. They enriched our lives with great discoveries, their work, the work of your sons, created man from the beast - the best of all that has been seen on earth. How can you allow the person you have born to degrade again to a beast, to a predator, to a murderer?

(M. Gorky)


Formal business style of speech used in the field of legal relations, official, industrial. Its main function is the accurate transmission of business information. It is used for writing various official documents, business papers.

The official business style is characterized by accuracy, conciseness of presentation, standardization and stereotyped construction of the text. All documents are devoid of emotionality and expressiveness.

Most character traits:

    in vocabulary– lack of vocabulary of limited use (dialectisms, colloquial words, etc.); lack of emotionally charged vocabulary; widespread use of standard figures of speech, special terminology, and stable phrases of a non-emotional nature;

    in morphology– use of imperfective verbs (in charters, codes, laws); perfect form (in more specific documents - protocols, orders, acts); short adjectives; large quantity denominative prepositions and conjunctions; verbal nouns in the genitive case; masculine nouns to designate female persons by their profession;

    syntax– complicated simple sentences; strict word order in a sentence; Impersonal and infinitive constructions and complex sentences predominate.

Business letter

Members of the exchange are banks that have received a license to carry out transactions with securities and having accepted all obligations arising from the Securities Law and the Charter of the Stock Exchange.

Banks are required to approve and submit a list individuals authorized by them to carry out transactions with securities, who must also obtain a license to carry out transactions with securities.


Fiction style- this is the style of works of art: stories, novels, plays, etc. The main function is to influence the reader and also inform him about something.

The artistic style is distinguished by imagery, expressiveness, and emotionality.

Target: impact on listeners or readers of works.

Most characteristic features:

    in vocabulary - use of vocabulary and phraseology of other styles;

    use of figurative and expressive means (metaphor, hyperbole, aphorism, epithet, comparison, personification, etc.);

    the use of rhetorical questions, sentences of various syntactic structures;

    manifestation of the author’s creative individuality.

The sun was already setting behind the forest; it cast several slightly warm rays... Then the rays went out one after another; the last ray remained for a long time; it, like a thin needle, pierced the thicket of branches, but that too went out.

(I. S. Turgenev)

A wavy cloud

Dust rises in the distance;

On horseback or on foot -

Can't be seen in the dust!

I see someone jumping

On a dashing horse.

My friend, distant friend,

Remember me!

(A. Fet)


The objects of our statements are surrounding objects, phenomena, animals, people; various concepts; life situations. Depending on this, texts are divided into three semantic types: narration, description, reasoning.


Narration – a semantic type of text that describes events in a certain sequence.

Narrative text comes in the form of colloquial and literary styles.

A literary narrative text is built according to the following compositional scheme: exposition, plot, development of action, climax, denouement. Works of the narrative type can begin immediately with the beginning and even the denouement of the action, i.e. an event can be transmitted in direct, chronological order and in reverse, when we first learn about the denouement, and only then about the action itself.

The expressive and visual power of storytelling lies primarily in the visual representation of action, the movement of people and phenomena in time and space.

Since the narrative reports events, incidents, and actions, a special role here belongs to verbs, especially past perfect forms. They, denoting successive events, help unfold the narrative.

About an hour passed like this. The moon shone through the window, and its beam played across the earthen floor of the hut. Suddenly, a shadow flashed across the bright stripe crossing the floor. I stood up and looked out the window, someone ran past him a second time and disappeared God knows where. I could not believe that this creature would run away along the steep bank; however, he had nowhere else to go. I stood up, put on my beshmet, belted my dagger, and quietly left the hut; a blind boy meets me. I hid by the fence, and he walked past me with a faithful but cautious step. He carried some kind of bundle under his arms and, turning towards the pier, began to descend along a narrow and steep path.

(M. Yu. Lermontov)


Description - semantic type of text that describes the characteristics of objects, phenomena, animals, humans.

Descriptive text can be in any style.

Composition of the description, its most characteristic elements:

    general idea of ​​the subject;

    description of details, parts, individual features of an object;

In the description, words denoting qualities and properties of objects are widely used.

Verbs are more often used in the form of the imperfect past tense, and for special clarity and figurativeness - in the form of the present tense; An important role is played by agreed and inconsistent definitions, nominal and incomplete sentences.

The sea hummed menacingly beneath them, standing out from all the noises of this anxious and sleepy night. Huge, lost in space, it lay deep below, far away whitening through the darkness with manes of foam running towards the ground. The chaotic hum of the old poplars outside the garden fence, which grew like a gloomy island on the rocky coast, was also terrifying. It was felt that in this deserted place the night of late autumn now reigned powerfully, and the old large garden, the house closed for the winter and the opening of the gazebo at the corners of the fence were eerie in their abandonment. One sea hummed smoothly, victoriously and, it seemed, more and more majestic in the consciousness of its strength. The damp wind knocked us off our feet on the cliff, and for a long time we were not able to get enough of its soft, penetrating freshness to the depths of our souls.

(I. Bunin)


Reasoning – semantic type of text in which some phenomenon, fact, concept is affirmed or denied.

Reasoning differs from narration and description by more complexly constructed sentences and vocabulary.

Text-reasoning comes in the form of scientific style and its varieties. Reasoning can appear in different genre forms: in the form of a letter, article, review, report, student essay, polemical speech in a discussion, polemical dialogue.

The reasoning is based on the following plan:

    thesis (some idea is expressed);

    arguments proving it;

    conclusion, or conclusion.

The thesis must be provable and clearly formulated.

The arguments must be convincing and sufficient to prove your thesis.

This is a strange thing - a book. There is, it seems to me, something mysterious, almost mystical. Now another new publication has been published - and immediately it already appears somewhere in the statistics. But in fact, although there is a book, it is not there! Not until at least one reader reads it.

Yes, a strange thing - a book. It stands on the shelf quietly, calmly, like many other objects in your room. But then you pick it up, open it, read it, close it, put it on the shelf and... that’s it? Hasn't something changed in you? Let’s listen to ourselves: after reading the book, didn’t some new string sound in our soul, didn’t some new thought settle in our heads? Don’t you want to reconsider something in your character, in your relationships with people, with nature?

Book …. This is a piece of the spiritual experience of humanity. While reading, we voluntarily or involuntarily process this experience and compare our life gains and losses with it. In general, with the help of a book we improve ourselves.

(N. Morozova)


    A.I.Vlasenkov, L.M. Rybchenkova “Russian language. Grammar. Text. Speech styles" textbook for grades 10-11 educational institutions. M.: “Enlightenment”, 2006

    M.T. Baranov, T.A. Kostyaeva, A.V. Prudnikova “Russian language” reference materials. Tutorial for students. M.: “Enlightenment”, 1993

    Speech development lessons for grades 5, 6, 7. Toolkit for teachers. Edited by G.I. Kanakina, G.V. Prantsova. M.: Vlados, 2000

    T.M. Voiteleva, K.A. Voilova, N.A. Gerasimenko and others. “Russian Language” is a large reference book for schoolchildren and those entering universities. M.: “Bustard”, 1999