Statuses about warmth and comfort. Quotes about comfort. The soul sings when it feels comfortable

Few people know that immediately after the autumn equinox, coziness under the blanket, if it is described as the difference between the temperature under the blanket and outside it divided by pupation, begins to grow exponentially and exceeds the comfort outside the blanket. By February, it reaches such values ​​that the work of pulling an adult, and even more so a child, out from under the blanket, if expressed in joules per square centimeter of a naked or even flannelette pajama-covered body, becomes equal... In short, many do not crawl out from under blankets until April. If, of course, from time to time you bring them new books to bed, hot tea and allow them to shake cookie crumbs from the sheets directly onto the floor.

It’s not easy to create coziness in a city apartment - to do this, one places porcelain figurines of pioneers, ballerinas and writers in all rooms, bought at flea market; another scatters smart books on his desk in artistic disorder, and even inserts five bookmarks into each; the third, in front of the oven in which a dozen chicken drumsticks from the supermarket are browning, places a chair, lights a pipe and makes a cat-sized lap dog lie at his feet on a synthetic rug; fourth... However, all this is in the city. In the village, in order to create coziness, it is enough to light the stove or in early spring grow cucumbers covered with delicate milky bristles on the windowsill.

The ability to create comfort in war is a great art.

Not every window with bright light brings comfort and warmth.

Oh, how wonderful it is to live in the world, When my brains don’t give a damn. Away from worries and gossip, This is how I see my comfort.

The owner of the Violetta Hotel opened the door for me before I knocked. - Come in, everything is ready. -What's ready? She waved. I followed her along the corridor and went up to the second floor. The staircase railings sparkled like caramel cockerels in the sun. - Here's your room. There were no curtains on the windows, the shutters were wide open. A candlestick on the nightstand instead of a lamp. The edge of the blanket was turned back, two pillows stood in pyramids, fluffed up like a Pavlova cake. This bedroom hugged me tighter than my mother.

In a slightly violet light, my pale, disheveled demon sat on a stone in an oversized, tattered sweater and warmed his palms on a clay oven, from which it smelled unbearably good of bread and roasting nuts.

It is a well-made renovation that creates the highest level of comfort, not a woman, as is commonly believed.

It's comfortable where you are loved. Don't skimp on kindness - create comfort!

Be a pleasant person so as not to create a feeling of tension in those who communicate with you. Be as cozy as an old worn out shoe or an old hat.

Let's think about it. What is happening in our information-progressive age? We know how eye shadow and eyeliner go together, but we forget such a combination as hot tea and a warm blanket. We know what a business plan consists of, but we forget the ingredients of a big family dinner. We know how to please clients and bosses, but we often forget to please ourselves.

Where there is a woman's comfort, there is a man's shelter.

“Why on earth did you bring a cot and your things here?” Are you planning to settle here? “Of course not,” the magician chuckled. – I don’t like rented apartments; they lack warmth, comfort, and love for home. But the house does not tolerate such things and responds in kind to temporary residents. I remembered the garbage lying around the bucket in his kitchen, and the things scattered around the room. – Do you think your place is more comfortable? “Yes to me,” the magician shrugged. “Get up, I’ve already warmed up breakfast.”

It feels as if, having come from a chilly street, I changed into home clothes - an old, worn shirt and trousers that you wouldn’t wear on people, but in which you feel cozy and comfortable; I poured strong hot tea into a large mug and opened a new book by my favorite writer. I read a few pages and looked with satisfaction at how many more pages were ahead... Warmth, calmness and expectation of something good...

What a joy it is to unlock the front door and breathe in the smell of home!

Home comfort is, of course, good. But, girls, without fanaticism! - It will suck!

My family is my abode. My home, my castle, my peace. Protect Her, Lord Savior, from evil spirits. Protect us from temptations, and save us from storms and troubles. Save from envy and the evil eye. And, if necessary, give advice.

The concept of comfort is the most abstract concept.

The house was noisy and cheerful, restless children grew up in it, a large family felt comfortable in it, but children fly away from their native nest...

But when creating home comfort, you don’t need to overdo it and remember that a bunch of pleasant little things won’t create comfort.

Comfort in the house for me personally is, first of all, the atmosphere in the family, with those people with whom you live... even if the house has new furniture, European renovation, but scandals, quarrels, and other nonsense will reign - I don’t think anyone is comfortable will not be..

Cats like doors left open in case they change their mind about being indoors.

You just pray for your happiness, for it to come to your home...

Life is good when you have five things in your home, said the science expert. - Health, peace, tranquility, plenty of food, a pleasant companion, a faithful friend!

A woman should do housework with pleasure, otherwise... she will still do it, but without pleasure.

Seals, without a doubt, should be considered units of measurement of comfort and are designated 1 Ktk.

How nice it is to look at snow-covered houses, trees, passersby scurrying and hurrying back and forth, cars passing by... from a warm and cozy apartment with a glass of hot tea))))))

A cozy home is a home in which mutual understanding, light, and cleanliness prevail)

Each person has his own concept of home and home comfort, but the most important thing is probably the house itself, which should always be clean and well-groomed.

Four walls. He and she. And like borders and poverty. But they feel so comfortable together in silence. And all because they breathe together. It is more important to be together, the two of us forever, than to live without each other, not breathing at all.

Who cares... but I love the smell of borscht at home...)))... it immediately becomes so warm and cozy like a family...

My father's house - you are my stronghold. You are my fortress and the anchor of my whole life... My childhood still lives here. And you can still hear children’s laughter!…

And I love it when the house smells like home, so familiar from childhood, warm and forcing you to return and plunge headlong into your familiar world...

Home is not a place, but a state of mind...

I dreamed about my parents’ house again... Mom, dad, me, little, flying up into the sky on a swing... The sun is shining. The cherries are ripe... And... I woke up. All. Dad is gone, mom is far away. it's winter outside...

Today I was torn between washing, cleaning and cooking. I chose to sleep.

Oh, what a pity that when moving to a new place you can’t take with you the view from the window, the landscape that was the background of my life, spied on us at night and rejoiced, shimmering with many lights, at our happiness.

Where they love, they don’t leave... Where they love, they strive to get...

There should be comfort in the house!

My room is my universe: there is a mess, an unmade bed, trash on the computer desk, clothes on the chair... But all this creates an incredible feeling of comfort...

Every place you love is the whole world to you.

Pets, a faithful dog, cat, fish or parrot will help make your home more comfortable.

There are winter books. Not the ones about winter, but the ones that make the snowstorm outside the window cozy.

Coziness is created by the smile of the hostess; it is only finished with her hands.

The husband said - the husband did! The wife is silent - the wife has already changed everything!

You and I are growing up in a family circle. The basis of the foundation is the parental home. All your roots are in the family circle, And you enter life from the family. In the family circle we create life, the basis of the foundation is the parental home.

Home is not a place. Home is the people who are always nearby.

My house, of course, is not a luxurious palace, But our life is complex and hectic. There is no sweeter place in the world for me, warmer, more comfortable, closer and brighter!

Cleaning, cleaning - go to Egorka, washing - to Irka, and cooking to Vovka!!!

In such gloomy, rainy weather, the house should smell like pies. Statuses about comfort in the home and home comfort

Home comfort can also be created where incompatible things are combined.

For example, I really love it when it rains on Sunday. Somehow you feel more comfortable.

- How to constantly maintain cleanliness and order in the house?
- My grandmother told me that in the house there is no need to swear and talk badly about your husband, then the brownie will maintain comfort!

What does comfort in your home mean to you?

Comfort is when looking at the furnishings of an apartment you want to purr!

How little... for happiness we need... If only... there was comfort in our souls... And carelessness... like in childhood... And the confidence that... that they are waiting for us... And it doesn’t matter at all... who... and where... If they are waiting... that means you... are still needed... Let everyone have... in their destiny... That pier... that will save and shelter... from the cold...

When you become uncomfortable in your body, there is nowhere to go.

I'll buy myself a dog. I'll call her Good. You come home, and it’s always good there. And another kitten, whose name is love!

Many people who are thinking of gaining home, discover that they have simply opened a tavern for their friends.

If you want to see what the world looks like at four in the morning, have a child...

I always do household chores on a whim, there are a lot of them, but for some reason I feel endlessly lonely with them)))

All we need is a small cozy house, a cup of good tea and someone who is always there

When I see people enjoying the smell of fresh baked goods, rushing home for dinner, frying potatoes or making dumplings together, I am convinced that the world rests on simple happiness.

Home and family rest on 4 pillars - trust, support, understanding and kindness!!! And the roof of a strong, friendly family is the care, tenderness and comfort that two people create!!!

It's comfortable when you're nearby.

First of all, you need to remember that important things for home comfort are paintings, various compositions, gift plates, vases, collections of figurines or masks.

My main treasure in life is my little mischief makers who turn the house upside down and shout “catch up mommy”

The heart doesn’t need coffee or a coffee shop, the heart needs comfort, coffee is just an excuse...

Whatever you give a girl, she will give you more. You give yourself to her - she will give you a baby. You build her a house - she will give you comfort in it. You provide her with food and she will give you a delicious dinner. You give her care - she will give you her heart.

Close eyes. Imagine comfort, imagine a place where people will always understand.

Comfort is not a material concept, but a spiritual and emotional one. Creating comfort in an apartment does not at all mean a European-quality renovation that costs exorbitant amounts of money, or an interior designed by an expensive designer working on style and comfort.

What do you need to make you feel cozy and comfortable?

You can’t go through all the money, and you can’t change all the cars, and you can’t caress all the women, but you’ll only waste time! Don’t waste yourself in vain, because life is one and so beautiful! Dedicate it to your family - your beloved wife, children! And you will understand that happiness is a Home where you are warmly awaited!

Without a woman, the house is empty, there is no comfort, warmth and ringing laughter...

How nice it is to be with you in the apartment, how nice it is for me to be with you. There is nothing more beautiful in the world than coming home!

A home is something that warms you from a distance...

Let there be everything in your home: Love, peace, comfort, wealth, let it always be warm so that you want to come back!!!

When a woman appears in a man's house, both the woman, the man, and the house benefit.

Oh, how you need it - a cozy routine.

Previously, in the cold, the coziness in the house was created by the crackling of wood in the fireplace, but now the crackling of the keyboard!

It’s not the men who make the house comfortable)))

All we need is a small cozy house, a cup of good tea and someone who is always there.

Home is not somewhere... Home is someone...

Smart housewife - how good boss: in her absence, home order does not suffer.

In a family where advice and love - and the table is set, and children are a joy, and guests are welcome, and the house will always be - the cup is full.

Why is the day when I wash, wash, iron, cook... called a WEEKEND?

A cat in the house behaves like a heat-seeking missile...

There are people who are as comfortable as home. You hug them and understand: I’m home.

Now I’ve added valerian to the aroma lamp so that there is harmony, comfort and complete relaxation in the house, and at the same time I’ll tell my parents that they’ve been expelled...

Let's hide from the cold under silk!!! I will be the red riding hood, you will be the wolf!!!

Sooner or later... Everyone meets that person: with whom it will be just good... Cozy and calm... And then it doesn’t matter: what eye color... height... what matters is something completely different: what place you occupy in this person’s life.

Home comfort is the atmosphere of warmth in your apartment, the desire to return there after a hard day, the special, native smell that is unique only to your home.

Statuses about comfort in the home and home comfort

Home comfort is very important at any time of the year, but especially when it’s gray and cold outside, you really want to go home – to your own walls and to your loved ones. On days like these, I also want to post statuses about the comfort of home - after all, you always value it, and you need to express it in words at some point.

And now they give me pasta at home...

Statuses about home comfort are always filled with warmth and joy - after all, our home is our fortress, where we hide from all problems and adversity. And when it’s also cozy, it’s doubly joyful to be there. Phrases can be put like this:

  1. Although I dream that “old age will not find me at home,” I increasingly love being at home.
  2. “We are on the road day after day,” but in our hearts we dream of a home.
  3. Each of us is a lover of roads and travel, but it is the memories of home comfort that warm us on the road.
  4. Movement is life, and movement around your cozy apartment is a great life.
  5. Enjoying the comfort of home is a state of mind when it just flutters and laughs.
  6. What could be better - to run home from a cold street, plunge your feet into your favorite soft slippers, wrap yourself in a blanket and understand - that’s it, you’re home.
  7. Everything is great outside by the fire, but you still want to sit on your favorite sofa.
  8. As soon as you immerse yourself in the comfort of home, memories immediately come of a cat that has not been fed, of laundry that has been lying in the bathroom for a week, of children for whom you have to leave the cloudless kingdom of the house and run to kindergarten.
  9. Even at work, I continue to dream of how I will return from it and immerse myself in the world of my comfort.
  10. You can see the world in all its glory even in your own apartment, when you are glad that it is cozy and comfortable, and you don’t want to go anywhere.
  11. Every little thing in my house makes me happy - curtains, fireplace, table - and there are candles and wine on it, I'm waiting for you.
  12. Only in a cozy home do I understand that I can live peacefully without fields, sky, forests and even the sea - I feel so good at home.
  13. You especially begin to appreciate the comfort of home when you return from an extreme trip, where there were mosquitoes, off-road conditions, swamps, and sleepless nights.
  14. “We are not afraid of frost or heat” - after all, we are sitting in a cozy home and enjoying life.
  15. Only at home I can dream - because everything there whispers - you feel good, and maybe it will become even better.

Comfort when the brain is not pecked

Statuses about comfort can relate not only to home improvement, but also to the general atmosphere of the house, when it’s pleasant to be there. But there are also opposite facts, when you don’t want to go home at all, and you feel uncomfortable there. Choose your statement:

  1. Comfort is a flexible concept: for some it is simply stylish interior, and for some – a home filled with emotions and kindness.
  2. It’s cozy not where it’s beautiful, but where it’s loved.
  3. I’m scared to go home - my mother-in-law is there, so I’d rather go for a walk with friends - because the darkness of the night scares me less.
  4. It’s better to spend the night in the open air, on a bench, than to listen to your eternal complaints.
  5. You can’t achieve comfort in a house with just renovations; you also have to put your soul into it – and not only into the renovations, but also into your household.
  6. Attachment to home arises only when you are expected and loved there.
  7. If you have European-quality renovation and new expensive furniture, but there is no harmony in your family, don’t even think about any comfort.
  8. The house is decorated not by renovation, but by spiritual comfort.
  9. You can feel comfortable not only in your own home, but wherever you are sincerely welcome.
  10. I love those places where my soul is filled with goodness and joy.
  11. It’s cozy where there is care and body of the soul.
  12. If you enjoy life at home, it means there is a cozy atmosphere there.
  13. Don't feel like going home after work? Wander around your favorite places - you will feel more comfortable there.
  14. Where there is silence, peace and understanding - that is where comfort is.

Flying home or crawling - two big differences

Statuses about home and comfort can have a positive connotation when a person feels good at home, and a negative connotation when he doesn’t feel comfortable going home. Put your phrase:

  1. The road home brings me greater joy than the arrival itself: on the road - birds sing, people smile, at home - right from the doorstep there are complaints, questions, a desire to receive some material resources from me.
  2. Your home should always be cozy for you - after all, this is where you should recover and accumulate strength for further trips out the door.
  3. I don't feel comfortable at home... maybe because I'm already 50 and still live with my mother.
  4. If your wife, cat and children are waiting for you at home, then there is nothing more joyful than coming to them as quickly as possible.
  5. “The birds don’t sing here, the trees don’t grow,” and only my wife and I sit and get angry at fate.
  6. Only at home I missed claims, reproaches, arrogant looks - at work there is enough of all this. Can you just enjoy the comfort of home in your own home?
  7. There is no mutual understanding in my house, so what kind of comfort can we talk about?
  8. I don’t feel comfortable at home, I’ll go wandering.
  9. Life outside the walls of your home can both offend and disappoint, and only those at home can heal and heal.
  10. When you want to relax at home, but they constantly prevent you from doing so - why such home comfort and repairs for 2 lamas?
  11. I often don’t want to go home, because they don’t understand me there for a long time, there is a possibility that soon I will simply pass by.

Warm and cozy where you are needed

Statuses about comfort and warmth are given by those who value these qualities and find them not necessarily in their own home, but also at the table with friends, visiting their parents, or in a conversation with a loved one. Then the phrases could be like this:

  1. “There is a home and the warmth of fire,” and the main thing is that you are there waiting for me.
  2. The body when you are surrounded by warm people.
  3. It is not the radiators in a European-quality renovated house that warm you, but warm relationships with people.
  4. I feel comfortable only with her; even a hunting hut seems to us a temple of our love.
  5. It’s cozy where there is no angry dog ​​or evil people in the yard.
  6. Where you feel freedom and demand, that’s where you feel comfortable.
  7. If your freedom ends where hers begins, then leave everything to her and do not constrain her anymore.
  8. You never want to leave a home where it’s warm and cozy for a long time, and even more so forever. If someone leaves your house, it was just bad for him there.
  9. When the sun is bright, when the mother is warm.
  10. Your father’s house is the place where you are always needed, so you feel especially warm and comfortable there.
  11. Are you comfortable on the couch and alone? Then don't slide off it and live like a lone wolf.
  12. Only children's laughter and bustle can create true warmth in the house.
  13. Warmth with those who will not let you down or betray you.
  14. You shouldn’t complain that there is no warmth and comfort in the house - start showing warmth to your loved ones, and the home atmosphere will warm up.
  15. They don’t seek warmth from warmth - don’t exchange your loved ones for strangers and crooks.
  16. I feel sorry for those people who chase external well-being, but it is always internal - in spiritual warmth and inner comfort.
  17. Do not betray your conscience, freedom and yourself, then your house will be full of guests and children, and your wife will be proud of you.
  18. It’s warm in the house where kind people live.
  19. If people in your house don’t understand you, look the other way and don’t let you dream, leave such a house, you will never feel warm and comfortable there.

The soul sings when it feels comfortable

For many, physical warmth and comfort is not so important as warmth in the soul, and only those people who understand and respect you can give it. Choose statuses about comfort in the soul:

  1. You need to live with joy in your soul - then everyone will be doubly comfortable.
  2. It feels comfortable in your soul when your parents and children are healthy, and you yourself are full of strength and desires.
  3. For comfort to settle in your soul forever, change to a cheerful wave.
  4. The fear of disturbing the comfort in your soul does not allow you to lose heart.
  5. Only a joke helps to maintain comfort in the soul.
  6. “Share your smile,” and comfort will return to you again.
  7. Creating comfort with your mere presence is the lot of people who constantly maintain comfort in their souls.
  8. Cozy people are those people whose presence makes you feel cozy and comfortable.
  9. Don’t let anyone disturb your comfort in your soul, periodically turn on the indifference - then you won’t notice small dirty tricks.
  10. The smile on his face said that inside he was all comfortable and cozy, which is what he wishes for all of us.
  11. Comfort in the soul and memories of good things always help to drive away negative thoughts.
  12. Turn on the hearth of inner comfort, then the delights of life will become more noticeable.
  13. If you have reliable support in life, a clear goal, true friends, a positive attitude, then you will be in complete order with comfort in your soul.
  14. Only close and dear people help you maintain comfort in your soul, and everyone who passed by simply passed by.
  15. Only over the years do you realize that with comfort in your soul, life seems more comfortable - and it doesn’t matter where you are - at home, at work or on vacation.
  16. Our life is full of comfort, care, attention and warmth, but sometimes we don’t notice it and pass by.
  17. I have loved ones - it gives me strength and warms me mentally.
  18. “We can sing and laugh like children,” because awe, care, comfort and love are alive in our souls.

Advice from an Old Mormon: My friend, take the old man's advice and don't burden yourself with a big family. Only in a small family, in a close home circle, will you find comfort and that peace of mind, which is the best and highest good of all prepared for us in this world. Believe me, ten - at most twelve - wives are plenty for you, do not cross this border.

Yes, we easily fall in love with the distant, proud, cruel fairies of winter, we write poems to them, dedicate songs. We see them in dreams, we dream about them in fantasies. But we live with Gerda. Because we strive for coziness, for comfort, for the warm hands of these girls, in which we warm up from our snow queens. We live with these girls, we cradle them in our arms, we make babies with them, we love them. But somewhere deep in our souls we keep the image of the snow queen as a body icon. And somewhere she lives, the only one. And everyone has one. At the same time, both Gerda and The Snow Queen. She is everything. But it's so hard to find. And once you find it, you can recognize it and don’t accidentally pass by, confusing it with a flower on the side of life. It definitely has to be there.

The one you love is a dream. The one who dreams when you don't close your eyes. Which gently envelops you in the slumber of warmth and comfort, gently rocking you in the arms of existence. Which gently exhales the laughter of the stars into your hair, scattering with bright fragments of happiness in the wind, settling on your lips. The one who changes the world, one day becomes it, only yours

And I will come when others turn away,
When you're completely alone.
And they will smile at me so doomedly
Dozens of your lifeless wrinkles
You will laugh quietly - not from happiness -
From pain and hopeless melancholy.
And you will tear my heart into pieces,
Accidentally touching my hand.
Nothing disappears - you before
Devastated eyes tormented!
And your voice, broken from falsehood,
It sounded meaningless in my soul.
But try to smile at me -
I believe we will return our former comfort!

After all, I will come when others turn away.
I will come when others don't come.

Either she is an angel or she is a bitch.
Exposed nerves stick out.
Ready to kill from anger
Then resurrect again.

And tenderly love - cherish,
It is reasonable and good to sow,
Cuddle up, purr with happiness
And in between - fly.

And life will trip her up,
He will give you a spoon with holes in it,
And he smiles playfully -
I don't feel sorry for such goodness.

And again she will become a bitch,
The last, or maybe the first,
And the pain will pour out in verses,
And sadness will fall from the pen.

There aren't enough straws for everything
And the angel dies in the darkness,
Well, how much can you torture,
There is only one soul.

She's in pain, she's laughing
And sometimes he cries from the sun,
Hiding my feelings securely,
Deprived of sleep for a long time.

Or maybe she's not a bitch,
Although probably not an angel
She's just in terrible pain
When she is betrayed.

And indifference splashes,
And I don’t understand what’s better
Love is like a game without rules
Or cold comfort.

Don’t look for shelters, don’t settle down,
Step by step, without sadness,
Step forward, go from distance to distance,
To be wider and higher, to rise higher!
Sucks in the circle of dear habits,
The comfort of peace is full of temptation,
But only those who are able to move from their place,
Will save your spirit from decay.
And even near the entrance of the tomb
Life again, you see, a rallying cry calls to us.
And the path will begin again uninterrupted.
Say goodbye, my heart, and become stronger again.

AND I LOVE RED...))) Let them say: fire truck
They say that there are no other colors in the world
I hate black, gray, blue
But I absolutely love the color RED!
He is everywhere: in a cosmetic bag and in clothes,
in accessories, in the house - he is with me!
RED gives me joy and hope,
warmth, comfort and even (YES!!!) peace
He is very aggressive for some people,
too bright for some
I do not care!
I shop at a fashion store
get yourself a new RED one again)))

Your home has simple comfort.
Homes where high love is expected.
Wrapping myself up in a blanket, chilly,
The hostess is always happy to see me,

If I run for 5 minutes.
This house has floors of books.

Are you a holy scribe?

Am I an earthly woman?
Which of us is happier, tell me?
Two women were sitting by the fire.
One looked like me.

The other one is just the spitting image of you
Two women were sitting at the edge.

A golden ghost was spinning around love.

I was looking for love on Earth.
I've walked on ashes many times
I found her and, like,
I feel good in not being free,

In a gentle and lingering bondage.
You've been in the clouds all your life,
There are already gray hairs at the temples
Why - no one knows

It still doesn't fade away
A glimpse of gold in your eyes?!
Two women were sitting by the fire.
One looked like me

The other one is just the spitting image of you
Two women were sitting at the edge.
And there, beyond that limit, beyond the line,
A golden ghost was spinning around love.