Status about a wonderful life. Statuses tagged “life is beautiful. Beautiful quotes about life

Only those who are only going to live all their lives live badly.

Trust is important. Or rather, that's all.

If you are criticized, then you are doing everything right. Because people attack anyone with brains. Bruce Lee

The only obstacle to the realization of our plans for tomorrow may be our today's doubts.

Be with those with whom it is good, the rest will wait.

There will always be people who will hurt you. You have to keep trusting people, just be a little more careful.” Gabriel Garcia Marquez

We must free ourselves from the hope that the sea will ever calm down. We must learn to sail in strong winds. Aristotle Onassis

The less intelligence, the more criticism. Alexander Minchenkov

Public opinion is the opinion of those who are not asked. Bruce Willis

The best of us develop late. At school I was an idiot. Anthony Hopkins

There is no other meaning in life than the one that a person himself gives it. Erich Fromm

Silent people cannot be deprived of the word

Don't judge someone's past without knowing your future.

We are what we constantly do. Perfection, therefore, is not an action, but a habit ... (Aristotle)

Happiness is like a butterfly. The more you catch it, the more it slips away. But if you shift your attention to other things, it will come and sit quietly on your shoulder. Frankl.V

Reality is a chip from a chisel in the hands of the Creator.

It is impossible to see new shores without sailing away from the old ones.

The sea is outwardly lifeless, but it is full of monstrous life, which is not given to comprehend until you go to the bottom. Brodsky

Do not grieve about anything in advance and do not rejoice at what is not yet there.

Remember, if people are talking behind your back, it just means you are two steps ahead!

If you are not afraid of the dark, then you have a bad imagination.

“In my student years, I had one teacher, a professor, who inspired me with one simple truth. He said that a real man can be identified by two things: by his attitude to the book and in relation to the woman. He himself always went to wash his hands before picking up a book. And it has become a rule for me for life to treat books with reverence and, of course, women.” Sergei Bodrov Jr.

Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, small minds discuss people.

Who wants, he is looking for opportunities, who does not want - looking for reasons. Socrates

One day, you will accidentally find yourself at the right time in the right place, and millions of roads will converge at one point ...

Never give up - never, never, never, never, neither in big nor in small, neither in big nor in small, never give up, unless it is contrary to honor and common sense. Never succumb to force, never succumb to the obviously superior power of your opponent. Winston Churchill

Be careful with small expenses: the smallest leak can sink a large ship.

Every great dream starts with a dreamer. Always remember that you have the strength, the patience and the passion to reach for the stars and change the world. Harriet Tubman

Trying to help others is never stupid. Stephen King

Genuine happiness is cheap: if you have to pay a high price for it, then it is fake. Coco Chanel

Death exists not as the opposite of life, but as part of it.

If there is any secret to success, it lies in the ability to take another person's point of view and see things through their eyes and your own. Henry Ford

Money comes and goes, happiness is not in them. The most important thing in the world will always be the people who were with you during the most difficult times. Friedrich Nietzsche

Will, you are strong, but let your heart guide you too ... / Abay Kunanbaev

Opinions do not become right just because many people agree with them. Wilhelm Schwebel

Stop talking: I start everything from Monday .. while you start others are already achieving results.

I am convinced that a woman, in order to look brilliant all her life, needs a good, reliable husband, whom she could be proud of and walk with her head held high.

Better to remain silent until asked... than to speak until asked to be silent. Eastern wisdom

All great changes in the life of one person, as well as of all mankind, begin and take place in thought. In order for a change of feelings and actions to take place, there must first be a change of thought. Lev Tolstoy

All thoughts that have huge consequences are always simple. Lev Tolstoy

What is broken is broken. And I’d rather remember how it looked when it was whole than glue it together, and then I’ll see cracks for the rest of my life. Margaret Mitchell "Gone with the Wind"

Freedom, of course, is a cool thing, but sometimes you still want to exchange it for happiness.

Your life is full of lies, porn, everyday life, Internet addiction and cell-mobile slavery. Well, am I not right? Tell me, have you ever done anything truly out of the ordinary? Never. And you can't.

Do you know why? Because it's all outside of your comfort zone. You are wrapped in it. Like in a polypropylene bag. You are pieces of meat, squeezed by the framework of life and work. Or am I wrong? Maybe I'm wrong? Correct me.

For example, can you give your mobile phone to the first person you meet? A? Tricky question. Can you format a screw on your computer right now? Dumb? Crap yourself? Do you know why you don't? Because it is tantamount to suicide. You don't exist without it.
Mr. Freeman

Everyone has cockroaches in their heads. It’s just that for some they are domesticated, while for others they are wild, fighting.

Sometimes the blow misses the target, but the intent cannot miss. Jean Jacques Rousseau

Two actresses are talking about a common friend: - I just can not understand this: Helen married a critic who always scolded her in reviews ... - Well, she decided to take revenge on him.

Finding the cause of evil is almost the same as finding a cure for it. V.G. Belinsky

I take back my words, I came up with something more offensive.

People's lives are happy and interesting only as long as they lack something, as long as they want something, as long as they are chasing something and looking for something.

To live and rejoice, you need only two things: firstly, to live, and secondly, to rejoice.

Life provides many topics for reflection. but little time. / Vladimir Semyonov

"The best proof of wisdom is a continuous good mood" Michel de Montaigne.

Depression is not a sign of weakness - it's a sign that you've been trying to be strong for too long. Sigmund Freud

Your happiness will always be yours. Just give it time to find you.

In fact, life is simple, but we persistently complicate it.

This is the magical moment when dreams begin to turn into reality. Even if all your life you were sure that you would succeed. Vin Diesel

If you know what you want, then fight for it.

"The secret is in self-sufficiency. In the ability to be a person, in the ability to be happy with yourself. It's difficult. But life will give you everything else as a gift." — Vivienne Westwood

The main thing in life is family. Career - does not wait for you at home, money - will not wipe your tears, and fame - will not hug you at night.

Success is achieved only by those who are ready to fight for it!

Try to see the world. He is more beautiful than any dream created in a factory and paid for with money. Ray Bradbury

Sometimes our own light is extinguished, and then rekindled by the spark of another person. Each of us has reason to think with deep gratitude of those who kindled the flame within us. Albert Schweitzer

The future has one peculiarity: one has only to look into it, as it immediately changes. 1+1

Plan B only distracts you from Plan A. Will Smith

Everything will be fine. And even yesterday's mistakes will benefit us tomorrow.

My mom used to tell me that if you can't find something worth living for, you better find something worth dying for. Tupac Shakur

Lonely for everyone, a stranger for you.
In the soul, just a beast that believes in itself.

Music washes away the dust from the soul Everyday life. Averbakh Berthold

People will forget what you said. People will forget what you did. People will not forget one thing - how they felt thanks to you. @ Maya Angelou

Persistently pursue your goal, and you will overcome everything, even yourself.

Sometimes, we don't have enough words to say how we feel. Sometimes, we do not have enough strength to admit that we love. Sometimes, we can't lower our pride and say, "Wait, I need you, stay!" And sometimes we don’t even understand how dear a person is to us ...

If you have been undeservedly offended, come back and deserve it!

Does music have a smell? - Yes. She smells like memories.

Sometimes you need to act, even knowing in advance that you will not be understood.

"If life is not satisfied strong man, then he makes claims against himself, and if weak, then against people "

A person does not have the opportunity to do good to everyone, but he has the opportunity not to harm anyone.

"Good afternoon!" - we hear this phrase every day and do not even think about its meaning. Sometimes we have a bad mood and it seems to us that the day is not just good, it's just terrible. This is a profound error and a gross mistake. The day cannot be bad, if only because we have the opportunity to live it. And all sorts of troubles are just an excuse to make us stronger, wiser and more experienced. Let's spend today in good mood, and let the quotes and sayings from our selection help us with this!

Sometimes it seems to us that the days are just gray everyday life. In fact, everything is in our hands and at any moment we can “paint” everyday life with colored paints. To do this, you need very little. Sometimes it is enough to look out the window and admire nature, go for a walk in the park, call a loved one or just say “I love you!” and hear in response "I love you too!". Each new day is a great opportunity to change yourself and your life, it is an occasion to become happier than yesterday.

Each person has special days, not like others, those that are remembered for a lifetime. This may be the day of the first declaration of love, prom, wedding day, baby's birthday, or just the day we discovered a new writer or tasted a special coffee that has since become a habit.


Think that this day will never come again. (D. Aligeri)

Therefore, use every opportunity and live every day as if it never comes...

Let the hours of oblivion flow
Sadness and joy eliminated;
The time for healing is near,
Believe again in the radiance of the day! (Goethe)

Believe that the new day will bring you happiness!

One day followed another, and I did not know that this is life. (S. Johansson)

Why is there a day, every minute is also life ...

If the morning was good, then the day will be successful. (G. Palych)

Wake up in a good mood and have a good day!

Days get better when you put on open and welcoming faces. (Kramar)

Days will get better when you want them to.

Use every day to increase love and kindness. (S. Adelaja)

Do it every day good deeds and there will be no place for evil in life.

One should look at the day as if it were a small life. (M. Gorky)

Every day needs to be loved and accepted as it is.

Every day you have to do the thing that scares you, and you will change into better side very fast. (Eleanor Roosevelt)

Then you will definitely become stronger!

Rejoice every day always. Anyone, as soon as the light splashes! Because you never know which one will be the last in your life. (Eduard Asadov)

Don't put off anything for tomorrow, it may not come.


Do not forget to thank the Lord for every day you live, because he does not forget to wake you up every morning!

Thank God for today, He will give you tomorrow.

It doesn't matter how many days are in your life. What matters is how much life is in your days.

May not a single day in your life become an abyss.

A lived day can no longer be exchanged and cannot be corrected, but this is a chance for tomorrow new plan compose…

Every day gives us experience and gives us the opportunity to correct mistakes.

Let every day start with a smile!
With beautiful words and the sun outside the window!
Wishes, dreams come true!
Happiness and good luck come to the house!

How the day starts is how you spend it!

Smile more often to the new day, and do not forget to tell your loved ones: “I love you!”

Meet each new day with a smile and he will definitely reciprocate!

Let the new day give the sun a ray
Bold smiles, an island of happiness.
And let, one day, a goldfish
Will sink your fishing float.

Each new day is an occasion for the fulfillment of desires.

A day is a small life, and you have to live it as if you have to die now, and you were suddenly given another day.

Never put off anything for the next day, do everything today!

You can enjoy life only when life itself allows. And the one who says that he enjoys life every day is either lying or does not understand anything.

You don't need permission to enjoy!

Remember, the day lived today is not subject to exchange and return!

A lived day is a part of life, and you can’t complain about it.

Sometimes it seems that life is difficult, but remember one thing: after each, even the darkest night, there comes a day!

If it is difficult to live, then you live in the wrong environment ...

Each person has at least ten opportunities to change his life during the day. Success comes to those who know how to use them.

A new day is already an opportunity to change something ...

A happy day is almost a miracle.

And in general, the day itself, happy or with a drop of sadness, is a miracle.

If you do not tune in to the fact that the day will be important, then it is lost.

Take every day as important, because this is an occasion to change your life for the better.

Every day he proudly wears a hat in the form of the sun on one side.

Sometimes, it seems, the day forgets to wear it at all ...)

Every day that passes is a step into the future.

In order for the future to be bright, every day must be done like this ...

The next day is the student of the previous day.

Sometimes there are intermediate days, so to speak, time to work on the bugs ...

As usual - everything is strawberry!!!

The best decoration of life is a great mood.

Carefully! I radiate positive vibrations!

When you wake up in the morning, don't be lazy! Tell yourself a beautiful compliment, and you will blossom in an instant!

Let sorrows be forgotten in autumn, let us leave the past for winter, spring blooms in the soul, and summer mood!

Happiness is such an ability not to spoil your mood and not let others do it.

I wish positive, meetings, communication, creativity! In general, they understood me. Have a wonderful day!

I have a unique talent - no matter how good it is, I manage to do even better!

If life doesn't make you happy, then make it happy. Do you want change in your destiny? So start from within.

We are looking for magic and beauty in things, while magic and beauty are in ourselves!

You can't get away from the sun if it's inside.

Our destinies depend on ourselves, by changes in ourselves we change others.

Always listen to yourself good man don't wish bad!

Look into your hearts! What beautiful flowers of Love, Light and Harmony bloom in them!

In every winter heart lies a trembling spring, and behind the cover of every night is a smiling dawn.

Believe me, all troubles will go away! Misfortunes also get tired, and tomorrow will be a happy day!

In vain in this world nothing happens! There is room for the best!

Seeing the goal, not obstacles, we will get where we need to go!

I don't allow myself too much. Maybe you're just denying yourself too much? ..

Being happy is the most important decision I have made in my life!

Yes, I have many shortcomings. Forgive me, perfect people!

Rather, take a ray of sunshine as a gift!

You noticed - you can change the world: you are sad - and the world is cloudy, smiled - and the world shone.

Since the mood is always different, let it alternate - good with beautiful!

The mood is excellent, even rolls over!

The mood is excellent - familiar in the spring!

I love spring for a great mood, a charge of emotions, a new love, tenderness, flowers, bright colors.

Spring is always new life, rebirth, youth and excellent mood.

In the spring there is a lot of strength, I want big and bright, so why not start today? ..4.375

Rating 4.38 (8 Votes)

As long as the soul desires to love, the mind will find arguments for forgiveness.

Stupid things happen by chance, and then become best moments life!

A person sleeps 30% of his life, the remaining 70% dreams of getting enough sleep!

Dear alarm clock!
Please don't call me again!!!
It's over between us!
I'm leaving ... On vacation ...))))

In a real family, the last word is always with the spouse ... and this word is “YES DELOVED!” …)))

- It is better to start life from scratch, and feel - one hundred percent, than to live one hundred, and be - zero!

It's a pity guys ... But only whose fault is it that family life is broken. Became a toad, you say, wife? So she wasn't kissed.

I have many shortcomings, but I live in harmony with them)))

Do you want to dramatically change your life... Take it and don't pay... for the Internet!!!

Don't be silent... life is so short. One second is everything. And when you can’t find the right words… just tell the person: “I need you, don’t leave…”

It would be great if my dream came true, and the Lord decorated the life of each of us, like a New Year tree, with happiness, health, positive, success, and so densely, so richly, that there would be no place for troubles and hardships!

It's easy to be beautiful, but it's expensive!

To live a full life, one must be in constant motion, and only then will one day be different from the next.

Fate sends random meetings only when it is sure that you can survive it.

At one fine moment, I didn’t care what other people think - and life became easier.

In life there is one and the main status - to remain a Human under any circumstances.

Some people are like the sea or the ocean. I want to live next to them. Others - on dirty puddles. Do you think - how to slip more carefully ...

Someone wants a prince, someone wants money. And I want to get up from a wheelchair and walk barefoot on the green grass, go with a child to a matinee and go camping ... Live and enjoy every moment, do not bother with trifles.

If you have been offended, do not take revenge ... See how life will do it for you.

If your life has come to a standstill, do not forget that you are behind the wheel ...

A crisis in your personal life - even when drunk, you don’t want to call anyone!

Life is very wise, if you let go of a person, then a new and even better one comes in his place.

It's hard to find words when you really have something to say...

We quarrel with our loved ones, shout at them, blame them for everything, and as soon as something happens to them, we will give our lives for them.

You begin to understand that everything is really bad when the person who always calmed everyone is crying ...

How many "adventures" are scattered throughout life ... Well, they wallow and wallow - step over and move on. But no… we definitely need to try them on our asses…

“So listen to me here. My problems are none of your business, and your problems are my problems, and I will solve them ”- this is how a real man answers!

You can’t hold a man in anything - neither by children, nor by youth, nor by the “stomach”. A man stays with the woman with whom he wants to LIVE.

Do not beat your head against the wall, suffering, humiliating yourself and loving ... DO NOT SPEND LIFE on those who do not appreciate YOU - SPEND IT BETTER ON YOURSELF!!! ;))

If they don't believe you, don't make excuses. If you are not appreciated - do not prove it. Life is so short...

The worst misconception in women: "He will change." The most common misconception in men: "She's not going anywhere"

There is only one thing you can regret in life - that you once never took a chance ...

Don't take revenge! sorry! and you will see how life will smear them with a thin layer in the most visible place for you.

I live for those who need it… I make friends only with those in whom I am sure… I communicate with those who are pleasant… And I am grateful to those who appreciate!!!

Pro beautiful life statuses

Best movie quotes

You need to live in such a way that it would be embarrassing to tell, but it's nice to remember ...

Yes, I forgot to tell you!
- Speak
- You have no idea how much I want to make love to you. I won't tell this to anyone, especially to you, I would only say it under torture.
- What would you say?
- That I want to make love to you not once, but again and again, but I will never say that. I'm not crazy, I won't say that I want to love you right here in front of your house for the rest of my life.
Quote from the movie "Life is Beautiful"

How beautiful it is here, just a miracle! Pigeons are flying, women are falling from the sky...
Quote from the movie "Life is Beautiful"

And I need so little for happiness - one chocolate ice cream.
Quote from the movie "Life is Beautiful"

Princess, your rear is open to all winds.
Quote from the movie "Life is Beautiful"

All movie quotes

We'll go home in a tank. We will win.
Quote from the movie "Life is Beautiful"

Uncle, how low should you bow? 180 degrees? Like this?
- Think about sunflowers. They bow to the sun. But those who bowed too low perished. You serve, but you are not a servant. Servicing is an art. The Lord serves man, but he is not his servant. Understand?
Quote from the movie "Life is Beautiful"

Say her name and she's gone.
- Silence.
Quote from the movie "Life is Beautiful"

How long have you learned to drive?
- About 10 minutes ago...
- I thought later.
Quote from the movie "Life is Beautiful"

It's a simple story, but not easy to tell. There is a lot of grief in it, like in a fairy tale, and, like a fairy tale, it is full of miracles and happiness.
Quote from the movie "Life is Beautiful"

Excuse me princess, do you know how to turn on the wipers?
Quote from the movie "Life is Beautiful"

Why didn't you call for help? - Silence is the loudest sound.
Quote from the movie "Life is Beautiful"

Goodbye doctor.
- Goodbye, genius.
Quote from the movie "Life is Beautiful"

How sad, what nonsense, Jewish horse!
- Come on, uncle, I didn't even know that your horse was a Jew.
Quote from the movie "Life is Beautiful"

If you want to thank me, I'll take the eggs. I'll make an omelette for my squire.
Quote from the movie "Life is Beautiful"

Sing about what I see!
My thought will penetrate everywhere!
"I'm here!" - I shouted to chaos -
"I am your servant!"
He replied: “Great!”
"How?" - I exclaimed -
"Who are you? Is it my freedom?
I can fall for joy!
I finally found happiness!
Now I'm ready to demolish everything:
railroad without trains,
car without brakes!
Freed from shackles!
I am yours! Oh Bacchus! Enough words!
Car without brakes!
Without brakes!
- I understand!
- No, they really refused!
Quote from the movie "Life is Beautiful"

Stand back! Stand back! We are without brakes!
Quote from the movie "Life is Beautiful"

There is nothing more necessary than unnecessary.
Quote from the movie "Life is Beautiful"

This is the sacrifice my father made. This is the gift he gave me.
Quote from the movie "Life is Beautiful"

And we let everyone into our store ... [about the ban on visiting the store by persons of Jewish nationality]
- No, from tomorrow I will also post a ban. Who do you not love?
- Spiders. And you?
- I don't like Visigoths. Tomorrow I will write: "Spiders and Visigoths do not enter." I'm tired of these Visigoths! That's all, I've had enough! How can?!
Quote from the movie "Life is Beautiful"

Children and old people are not forced to work because they are all killed.
Quote from the movie "Life is Beautiful"

We will play evil, we will yell at you. Who gets scared loses points. In three cases, you will lose all points. The first: if you cry, the second: if you want to visit your mother, the third - if you want to eat. And don't ask us for candy, we ate them all. Personally, I ate 20 pieces yesterday!
Quote from the movie "Life is Beautiful"

Anyone who gets hungry immediately loses points. Yesterday I lost 40 points for having to eat a roll with jam. With apricot. Although it was supposed to be with strawberries.
Quote from the movie "Life is Beautiful"

This is an Italian navel, a sign of a superior race.
Quote from the movie "Life is Beautiful"

This is a game in which we are all players.
Quote from the movie "Life is Beautiful"

I was specially chosen by racist Italian scientists.
Quote from the movie "Life is Beautiful"

It's the bastard with the balls!
Quote from the movie "Life is Beautiful"

They make buttons and soap out of us.
Quote from the movie "Life is Beautiful"

Jews and dogs are not allowed.
Quote from the movie "Life is Beautiful"