Thank you for your attention on a white background. Thank you for your attention animation for presentation with motion

Thanking the person for their attention is a great idea after showing a presentation, movie, or text. At the same time, the more difficult the material was to perceive, the more you need to thank. Our thank you gifs- in a large selection of animations (gif) there is exactly the gratitude that fits your product. There are all kinds of thanks here - just text, graphic, cute and harsh.

GIFs Thank you for your attention. Huge selection!

A simple GIF without unnecessary drawings with the inscription “Thank you for your attention. »

GIF with a cute fairy who thanks you for your attention

Thank you very much - not a small one. Sincere thanks - not strained. We will also be grateful for your attention and comments.

Just a sparkling inscription "Thank you for your attention" on a white background. Click on the GIF and the background will change to white

A cute emoticon with a flower and a thank you for your attention is all you need to end your presentation. You can find more gifs for the presentation here.

GIF with gratitude for attention, flowers and a beautiful crystal vase

Gif, thanks to which your work can thank you for attention to it without your participation

Rabbit from "Winnie the Pooh" is ready to thank your audience for their attention.

Thank you is a stronger word than thanks due to its origin. Mom - good, dad - I give. Give good to your audience, because you can’t put thanks in your pocket

The inscription "thank you for your attention" revolving around the flowers. Quite a psychedelic sight. Such a picture can be placed independently, as if it thanks the user for the time that he stuck to this GIF.

Simple and concise "thank you for your attention." Strict, slightly shiny GIF.

Cinderella writes "Thank you" to you in cute girlish font.

GIF "thank you for your attention" small size, ideal for placement in the signature on the forums.

The GIF with the least animation. Only an attentive viewer will notice a slight sheen of the inscription and flowers.

Multi-colored animated inscription "Thank you!". Suitable for a fun holiday and everything related to colors, colors, style and design.

A cute rabbit in headphones on a background of flowers holds a heart. Isn't it the perfect GIF for a women's blog about music, flowers or love? :)

Thank you GIF appearing from left to right. For those who are used to writing and reading from right to left, it will not work.

GIF with pencils and light sparkles on the inscription. We have seen one flashing pixel on the pencil. Can you find it? Or can you find a second one? Write in the comments!

Donald Duck thanks for the attention, like in the good old days, when cartoons with his participation were shown on Sunday mornings.

A GIF with a caustic acid color, overly bold font, but a cute transfusion. Use at your own risk.

Once again, we thank you very much for your attention to our selection and your comments!

animation Thank you Thank you beautiful bouquets of roses flowers for guest forums3 - clipartis Jimdo-Page! Free download photos, pictures, wallpapers, drawings, icons, cliparts, templates, postcards, animations, frames, ornaments, backgrounds

Animated pictures Thank you Thank you for blogs and guestbooks

Thanks for the great work.

Thank you so much for the beauty!

Huge thanks from me and my friends. everyone likes it very much

I need thanks for your attention, I didn't find it

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Slide "Thank you for your attention. Hands"

A beautiful slide to decorate the last slide of any presentation.

Slide "Thank you for your attention. Palms on a light background"

A beautiful slide to decorate the last slide of any presentation.

A beautiful slide to decorate the last slide of any presentation.

Slide "Thank you for your attention. Science"

A beautiful slide to decorate the last slide of any presentation.

Slide "Thank you for your attention. Butterfly"

"Thank you for your attention" slide for presentation

Many people like to put a big beautiful end at the end of their speech and thank the audience with a special “Thank you for your attention” slide. This slide is optional and individual situations- it is superfluous, but nevertheless, many are looking for ready-made pictures. On our site you can download ready-made slides and insert them into your presentation, and you can also make the last slide yourself.

Everyone knows from early childhood that "Thank you" is one of the "magic" words that build real bridges between people. Gratitude is a daily and necessary part of life. When communicating through the worldwide network, gratitude does not lose its relevance.

Numerous postcards and pictures help to make the word "Thank you" truly magical. A special impression is left by flickering or moving gifs and animations.

On the Internet, there are often useful or pleasant messages for which I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. It can be an original recipe, and a beautiful poem, and educational material, which helped to decide, say, with travel plans. The ability to thank is a whole art, because you want it to be immediately clear that gratitude comes from the bottom of your heart. It should carry warmth and a feeling of sincere desire to help in return.

Simple words often seem too poor to convey all the gratitude for the help. You can, of course, say “thank you very much or a huge thank you” instead of just “thank you”, but is there a big difference? Then, to say “thank you”, cute pictures with inscriptions come to the rescue.

Section novelties:

Pictures with the inscription "thank you" can come in handy when communicating on social networks. Having received congratulations from friends on a particular occasion, the addressee himself will be pleased to send funny or simply beautiful pictures in gratitude for a congratulation or for a gift.

Agree, it pleases when you receive an unexpected “thank you for your friendship” from an old friend. It is very pleasant to realize that you are remembered and appreciated. A short “thank you for having me” can cheer you up for a long time. And this is an expensive gift, which, moreover, does not require any effort.

You can choose something suitable for the presentation of your material, for example, the text "Thank you for your attention!". For numerous occasions when it is necessary to express gratitude, it is easy to pick up one of the original pictures. Among them there are beautiful, and warm, and funny, so you can choose for every occasion and taste.

Today I am publishing an article that I wrote for the leading business magazine in Kazakhstan, Business Life. By agreement with the editors, at first it had to appear in paper form and then it could be published on . The article has already appeared in the August issue (with the announcement on the cover) and it's time to move it “home”. The fact that my readers in Kazakhstan have already read it does not make the information in it any less useful to the rest of the world. In addition, the article was published in the journal in a modified form, because. some of my statements were not censored. Below, “10 Presentation Mistakes” comes as I wrote it.

In the process of working with the editors, I myself made some mistakes. One of them is that I sent them only a vertical photo, while the web version of the magazine needed a horizontal one. As a result, the site layout designer inserted because it did not fit the format. The error is not serious - the web version can always be corrected, but time for corrections will be lost. If your articles will be published in periodicals, do not make this mistake, send two types of photos at once: vertical and horizontal. As a workaround, I publish my horizontal photo at the beginning of this article.

In general, cooperation with Business Life was very pleasant and has already begun to bring results.

10 Common Presentation Mistakes

There are two types of presentations:

1. For shipment by e-mail and self-study

2. To perform in front of live people

This article will focus on the presentation in front of people.

Why I am qualified to write about presentations

The last 2 years I have devoted vocational training speakers and conducted presentation trainings for corporate clients. My public speaking courses, the Spikerclub, are among the top 3 most attended in Moscow and, according to experts, are superior in quality to others.

In this article, I will share practical experience and talk about 10 speaker mistakes that I have seen most often in presentations.

10 mistakes

1. Performance without introduction.

Your performance begins with your name being announced by the host, before you even take the stage. Give the facilitator a way to introduce you, otherwise he will only say your name, or worse, you will have to introduce yourself.

Self-presentation puts the speaker in the role of one who needs to speak out, and not in the role of a leader who brings useful thoughts to the audience. Introducing yourself, it will be difficult for you to announce your regalia. The mistake of leaving without a performance has serious consequences: if you present yourself too quickly, you will not be listened to with due attention, you are not an authority for the public; and if you exalt yourself too much in your imagination, you will be hated for your arrogance. Start your presentation right, give the facilitator the opportunity to introduce you right.

2. Inability to occupy the audience in "technical breaks".

Very often I am faced with a situation where the speaker comes on stage and gives me a flash drive with his presentation. Guess what he or she is doing while I am loading the presentation? That's right - it stands, guiltily waiting and squandering its authority. The first impression is not the best - a passive speaker is the same as a psychotherapist on a stool with a noose around his neck.

3. Incorrectly chosen role.

The most common speaker role I've seen is that of a guilty student who really wants to please the examining committee. In such a role, whatever you do, whatever you say, everything will sound wrong.

Back in the 90s, on the first channel there was a program with Leonid Yakubovich “The Wheel of History”. In it, the participant stood in the center and chose one of the roads to the three carriages standing around him. Answering the questions correctly, he moved closer and closer to the chosen carriage. Very often, having answered all the questions correctly, the participant reached the carriage, but there was no prize there - he initially chose the wrong carriage. Choose the right role - the role of a leader or the role of an expert, otherwise all your efforts will not bring results.

4. Apologies at the beginning of the presentation.

I heard thousands of them, ranging from “I ended up here quite by accident” to “look at my forehead, it’s not a blot, it was me and my son who played president and he put a stamp on my forehead.” Apologies don't say you're polite, all they say is that you don't deserve to speak in front of an audience.

Do not think that you will gain leniency by apologizing in advance. People may not feel sorry for you, but agree that you have no experience and will not listen to you. Part of the audience can guess that you have no experience, but if you say it yourself, 100% of those sitting in the hall will know about it.

Don't apologize either directly or indirectly, it underestimates the value of your message. If it's scary, endure the fear, but don't turn into a slobber.

5. Voice over image.

Most people are afraid to speak in public. Therefore, they try to come up with any excuses to shift the attention of the audience from themselves. There is nowhere to hide on the stage, so inexperienced speakers try to hide behind the pictures with their presentation. People become voice-overs, they themselves look at the screen and voice everything that is written there. It is not right.

At least 80% of the attention of the audience during the presentation should be on the speaker, and in cases of excellent presentations, this figure exceeds 90%. You are the one presenting the presentation, not the screen. He only helps you. Don't make another confusion with roles.

6. Bullet points .

Periods before items are called a bulleted list. I'll include them below for demonstration purposes.

  • Diapers
  • Milk
  • Sausage

I have a question for you: “Since when can we read and listen at the same time?”

Leave a bulleted list for shopping. Use images instead of a list. Remember, the brain can only maintain one focus. Don't split your listeners' attention between your voice acting and on-screen text.

7. Screen with a picture that has already been discussed.

Most The best way to explain is to show. Very often, after showing a visual image, the speaker begins to talk about a new topic, leaving the old image on the screen in front of the audience. This splits the attention of listeners and destroys the laws of perception. To keep the audience's attention, you need to remove the picture as soon as you finish talking about it. If for new topic you don't have a changeable picture, just make a black screen between images.

8. Look at the floor, ceiling, screen, piece of paper…

Remember once and for all, the safest place you can look in your public speech is in the eyes of the audience. Only eye contact builds trust. In the Speakerclub, I conducted such an experiment, I asked the audience about the degree of confidence in the speaker and compared the answers with the areas where the speaker was looking during the speech. The results surprised those present - those listeners with whom the speaker kept eye contact, expressed high confidence in the speaker, and those who “did not get the look” did not believe the speaker and said that “they did not like him.” At the same time, both of them could not specifically name the reason why they liked or disliked the speaker. It was all about the look. Look people in the eye. Always.

9. Coverage of the topic without expressing personal experience.

Many speakers take on the role of information carrier. They learn “how to scratch a piglet's stomach” from the Internet or books and think that this is enough to spend successful presentation. No, not enough. If you do not share your personal experience, one of two things will happen: either your presentation will be boring or you will not be believed.

When preparing your speech, you must remember that information is now in abundance - there are already more megabytes on the Internet than dollars in the world.

The audience no longer trusts theorists. Massively cite your personal experience. Whatever the topic of your speech, enrich it with personal stories.

Be aware of the technique used by insurance sellers. They don't say how useful it is to have insurance. They tell how, even before working for the insurance company, their house burned down and now, thanks to insurance, they live in a luxurious mansion and do not blow their mustache. Insurers know that the one who does not talk about personal experience is “blowing out”. No need to lie, but this example from the insurance industry conveys the idea very well. Personal experience not just more interesting to listen to, it is your stamp on the presentation that inspires public confidence.

10. "Thank you" at the end of the presentation.

This item is advanced and is best trained under the guidance of a coach.

We all want to be polite and want to please the audience. But there is one problem with politeness - it should not develop into a French kiss with the fifth point of the listeners.

“Thank you” at the end of a speech, or even worse, “thank you for your attention”, means: “Thank you for listening to me. There was little use in what was said, so I thank you for your courtesy, kind people ”or something like that.

It is not the speaker who should be grateful to the audience for listening, but the audience should be grateful to the speaker for delivering a useful speech. Do you believe that your speech is useful? And if not, why was it necessary to act?

American presidents usually end their speeches with the words "God bless America" ​​(God bless America).

Eastern cultures, including Russian, are just learning to accept gratitude for the benefit brought. Therefore, it is harder with our listeners.

Sometimes speaking to our audience, I break my own rule and say thanks, but only after I hear a storm of applause. I say thank you for the applause, not for listening to me.

How to end a speech without a thank you? The point at the end of the speech is put by a powerful ending, tone of voice and body language. Thank you is an acknowledgment of your inability to finish your presentation professionally.


This is only a small fraction of the mistakes that novice speakers make when they enter the stage. But perhaps the most important mistake not included in this list is to expect a good presentation from yourself without having practical experience. Public speaking is nothing but a set of habits. They cannot be worked out sitting at home. Public speaking is a barrel of practice and a spoonful of theory. I gave you a spoonful of theory at its best looking for a good barrel...