Essay-reasoning “doctor is my future profession.” Essay "my future profession is a doctor" Essay my profession is a doctor

Khovalyg Saizana, 11th class.

The problem of choosing a profession is as old as the world, and a well-chosen profession reduces the number of physical and psychological problems associated with health and increases a person’s satisfaction with life. Work plays an important role in the life of every person and has a great impact on his condition and well-being.



Municipal budget educational institution

"Average comprehensive school No. 2 of the city of Kyzyl."


On the topic: “My future profession»

Completed by: Khovalyg Saizana

student of grade 11 "a" MBOU secondary school No. 2

Head: Mathematics teacher

MBOU Secondary School No. 2 Shivit-ool

Tatyana Serenovna

Kyzyl - 2014

  1. Introduction.
  2. Goals of the report and objectives of the report.
  3. Main part.
  4. Conclusion.


The problem of choosing a profession is as old as the world, and a well-chosen profession reduces the number of physical and psychological problems associated with health and increases a person’s satisfaction with life. Work plays an important role in the life of every person and has a great impact on his condition and well-being. Consequently, the adequacy of the choice and the level of mastery of the profession influence all aspects and overall quality life. Therefore, one of the central and, in this sense, fateful in the life of every person, in his professional career, is the question of searching, choosing and mastering a profession.

Objectives of the report:

1. To study what factors influenced the choice of the future profession of a doctor in the chemical and biological class.

2. Studying materials about the medical profession.

3. Development of personality qualities necessary for obtaining a future profession.

Objectives of the report:

  1. Find out what quality I should have when choosing this profession.
  2. Find out whether I am medically and personally suitable for this profession, and whether it is suitable for me.
  3. Will I be able to work in this profession in the future?

Main part:

Historical reference:

The medical profession has long history. In ancient times, there were various healers of ailments. Their arsenal mainly consisted of medicinal herbs, tinctures, extracts from fruits and roots of plants, which had the ability to heal wounds and cure infections. Often such healers were associated with witchcraft, and their art of restoring health was explained through mysticism. The very meaning of the word “doctor” is of Russian origin and means “bewitcher”, “wizard”. According to another version, the word was formed from the word “grumble”, which equally confirmed the superhuman capabilities of healers.

Who becomes a doctor and how? This question interested me and therefore in my chemical and biological class I conducted a micro-research in the form of a survey. I interviewed 9 classmates and asked the question: “What or who influenced the choice of your future profession – a doctor?”

The following results were obtained:

A total of 9 students from the chemical and biological class were interviewed.

According to the survey results, most of my classmates themselves chose their future profession - a doctor, because three of them are going to continue the family tradition, and Khoragai listened to the results of the career navigator test.

In the future I would like to become a doctor because I would like to follow in the footsteps of my paternal grandmothers. Since childhood, I know very well this noble profession of a doctor, important and necessary for humanity. My great-grandmother and grandmother are professionals in their field, always ready to help the sick, not indifferent to the misfortune of others, and devoted to their favorite work. People in white coats must always inspire confidence and not make mistakes because what is at stake human life and health. What could be more valuable than life and more necessary than health? And therefore, a person who has chosen this noble profession does not have the right to be a bad doctor, since it is the doctor who is entrusted with the most valuable thing - health. Studying at a medical school is a long process, at least 6 years. Studying is not easy even from the first courses, and you should calculate your strength in advance. One missed lecture may cost the patient his life in the future - this should not be forgotten for a minute. Responsibility is the main character trait of the future doctor. The future doctor must be patient, understanding, and merciful. Patients are different, but you have to be extremely polite with everyone. Moreover, the daily work of a doctor is very difficult - every day you have to make decisions on which someone’s fate depends. Therefore, it is extremely important to become a real professional. Being a doctor is a matter of pride and responsibility. From the first year, all students are told that every time they put on a white coat, they take on certain obligations. It is not without reason that since ancient times this has been one of the most prestigious professions. Not everyone can be a doctor. This is truly a calling. This profession is suitable for those who sincerely want to help people, who can empathize, and those who are efficient. If all these qualities are combined in one person, then he has a chance to become a real Doctor with a capital D.
The name of the first outstanding physician of antiquity, Hippocrates, whose knowledge and art of treating people not only saved many lives, but also determined the development of medicine, will forever remain in history. The Hippocratic Oath is a medical oath that expresses the fundamental moral and ethical principles of a doctor’s behavior, as well as the commonly used name for the oath taken by everyone who intends to become a physician. "Oath" contains 9 ethical principles or obligations:
commitments to teachers, colleagues and students;
the principle of no harm;
obligations to provide assistance to the patient (principle of mercy);
the principle of concern for the benefit of the patient and the dominant interests of the patient;
the principle of respect for life and a negative attitude towards euthanasia;
the principle of respect for life and a negative attitude towards abortion;
obligation to refrain from intimate relationships with patients;
a commitment to personal improvement;
medical confidentiality (principle of confidentiality).

Qualities that a doctor must have:

Of course, a doctor must love people, his job is to improve and treat them. He must be brave, because it is he who is the first to go, when called by a sick person, to where a destructive epidemic is raging. He must devote himself completely to work, be ready to treat, without fear of contracting a fatal disease.

Only those who are ready for difficulties should go into medicine.

The future doctor must be:

Patient and self-possessed;

Friendly and welcoming;






Ready to provide medical assistance to those in need at any time;


Every doctor will need reserves of philanthropy: without it, it will not be possible to achieve success in the medical field. Moreover, the daily work of a doctor is very difficult - every day you have to make decisions on which someone’s fate depends. Therefore, it is extremely important to become a real professional.

Why did I choose this profession?

Why did I choose this profession? The profession of a doctor means a lot to me. After all, when you take into your hands many lives that need help, you realize that you can benefit people. By nature I a kind person, because I always help my friends, acquaintances, relatives and students of our school. Since childhood, I have been able to give injections and measure blood pressure, because my grandmother taught me all this. And therefore, the profession of a doctor is a very important and responsible matter for me. My parents approve of my choice and believe that being a doctor is a worthy profession. Regardless of mentality or state order, the profession of a doctor allows a person to enjoy a certain status and respect in society. His opinion is taken into account and his advice is listened to. At the same time, the level of ethical and legal requirements for the competence of a doctor is also unusually high. In modern times, a doctor has no right to make a mistake or neglect his work. A doctor is expected to provide prompt assistance, a complete absence of emotions and high efficiency of his work, which often becomes a difficult test for the psyche of a young worker, but I am ready for any test. Because every young specialist must go through this path, and therefore from life and professional experience I know my grandmothers very well.

My great-grandmother Oorzhak Mysyydak Kuderovna is one of the first veterinarians in the Republic of Tuva. She worked as a veterinarian in Sut-Kholsky kozhuun. From 1952 to 1962 she worked at the Ravet Hospital of Sut-Kholsky Kozhuun. From 1962 to 1987 she worked as a worker at the Red Plowman state farm. Labor veteran since 1988 Awarded the Jubilee Medal in honor of the 60th anniversary of the Second World War (02/28/2004). Has numerous certificates of honor and gratitude.

My grandmother Khovalyg Malchyn-Baiyr Mysyydakovna, district nurse at City Clinic No. 2


Choosing a profession is very important for us, like food, rest, sleep, etc. By taking a step towards a profession that is suitable for ourselves, we rise to a new step in life. Our entire future life depends on our choice. And there is nothing wrong with the fact that we have not yet decided on a profession. You can fix everything in life if you try. But if a person the first time chooses a profession (which happens very rarely) that suits him and enters a university, and then works in his specialty, then the person’s life can be considered successful. And the main thing is never to lose heart. There is always a way out of any situation. The main thing is to believe and know that whether you will be successful or not depends on ourselves. Therefore, if you did poorly at school, do not think that nothing will come of you. If you want, you can achieve more, you just need to put in a little effort. And I decided that I would definitely be a doctor, like my grandmother and great-grandmother. I'm preparing hard for my exams.

I must have the following qualities:

  • have solid medical knowledge;
  • be able to identify diseases;
  • completely treat the disease in patients;
  • be able to provide emergency assistance;
  • be patient, merciful, compassionate;
  • Put professional interests above personal;
  • Be dedicated to your profession;

My determination to become a doctor was shaped by the personal example of my grandmothers and I think that I will good doctor for our republic.

I have a project for my life and professional plans - to become a professional in my field.

My research work I consider it completely completed, since all the goals and objectives have been completely resolved.

It is a noble desire to become a doctor. It’s great if a child dreams of this type of activity. But how to write a reasoning essay or an essay on the topic “A doctor is my future profession”?

Let's look at some examples and ideas. The article will contain not only ways to write an essay, but also various recommendations for the future. After all, not every fifth grader has an idea of ​​what a doctor’s job is. Maybe someone will think about this differently and is intensively preparing to enter medical school.

Dream since childhood

Did you dream of being a doctor when you were just six or seven years old? Maybe you spent your entire childhood treating toy animals and dolls, and later helped treat the wounds of your loved ones and friends?

“Doctor is my future profession,” like all works, has an introduction. You need to briefly outline the essence of the essay you want to write. For example, like this:

“I want to happily tell you why I dream of becoming a doctor...” Agree, you must explain why you are attracted to this particular field, and not technology, science or literature.

But the introduction does not need to be loaded with explanations. Let this moment remain for the main part of the essay. Let's return to our dream of becoming a doctor. Are there doctors among your relatives? Or do you want to become a doctor of your own free will?

Unfortunately, parents often try to raise their children strictly and force them to follow in their footsteps, contrary to your preferences. Well, if this is not your case, we will explain why below.

Love for people

A good doctor must love not only his profession, but also people. A sense of compassion, mercy, responsiveness - this is what should be present in a physician. Without such good qualities, a professional will not be able to fully help the patient.

Yes, unfortunately, there are doctors who are strict, grumpy and withdrawn, but maybe they sympathize with you deep down and prescribe the right medicine.

What will you write about this in the essay “A doctor is my future profession”? Make a paragraph in the body dedicated to this point. For example:

“When my ear hurt, my mother took me to an ENT specialist. I was treated by a very kind and gentle doctor. It may seem like a joke to you, but my ear stopped hurting when talking to him. I remember this bright moment from childhood, and since then I have dreamed of becoming such a wonderful doctor.”

Do you see how the kindness and love of the doctor affects the patient? It is very important.

What should a doctor do?

After graduation, should a doctor just sit in his office and accept? No. He must develop, learn something new. If talented doctors, biochemists, who are not indifferent to human fate. They understand that it is necessary to treat not the symptoms, but to look for the cause that caused the disease. Unfortunately, modern traditional medicine recognizes practically nothing except pharmaceutical drugs and “chemistry”, and also does not believe in the cure of chronic diseases. But there are brave doctors who really want to cure a patient, undertake experiments at their own risk, and quite successfully rid him of all diseases.

It is worth including this factor in the essay-reasoning “My future profession is a doctor.” At the same time, think about whether you would like to develop in the medical field and gain additional skills?

I will be a good specialist. My tasks

It is difficult, of course, for a child to reason with him about what is the responsibility of a doctor. We won’t describe all this. But you need to have a superficial idea. How can a 5th grader, and 11th grade graduates, write on the topic “My future profession is a doctor?” Of course, the idea of ​​a ten-year-old student and a seventeen-year-old is different. Therefore, the requirements for an essay plan vary.

So what are the tasks good specialist? Let's list approximately:

  • listen to the patient's complaints;
  • collect anamnesis;
  • carry out an inspection;
  • if necessary, prescribe examinations and tests;
  • prescribe treatment;
  • inform the date of the next visit.

It would seem like a standard list. But a doctor's job is very difficult. There is a great responsibility for the health and lives of people. We must always remember this.

What kind of doctor do I want to become?

It is important to decide what kind of doctor you want to become even before entering medical school. There are a huge variety of specializations, and they can vary greatly.

Just imagine: a dentist and an ophthalmologist, a neuropsychiatrist and a surgeon... Who is not afraid of blood, is able to carefully fill a tooth, or do jewelry work in plastic surgery? On the other hand, a psychoneurologist must be very talented, sensitive, with high intelligence, and also be able to control the situation in extreme conditions.

So, let's say my future profession is a dentist. It is easier to write an essay than to master a profession in practice. Each of us in childhood visited How does he treat a tooth and with what? While you were little, you had no idea that the doctor was doing very serious and complex work. Not every person is able to hold an instrument firmly in their hands and do jewelry work.

Be prepared for the fact that you will have to study this skill for several years. Only strong, healthy people who can work clearly and harmoniously with the help of tools are hired for such work.

Books on anatomy and encyclopedia

A child may be interested in books on anatomy from childhood. From an early age, did you have any encyclopedia with a section on the human body? Did you study with interest?

Be sure to write about this too. Let's give a small example:

“For my birthday, when I turned seven, they gave me a huge children’s encyclopedia. I loved to sit down in the evenings with a book in a cozy chair under a floor lamp and study pictures. But when I got to the “Man” section, I realized that I was interested in everything that was drawn and written there. I realized that my future profession is a doctor. On English language We studied professions in 1st grade. The first phrase I learned was “I want to be a doctor.”

Naturally, the first anatomical reference book can be not only a children's encyclopedia, but also some films, brochures, and so on. Were you afraid of pictures?

Are medical reference books and pharmacology interesting?

Sometimes it happens that a child becomes seriously interested in medicine from the fifth grade. First there were children's books, then medical magazines, and now pharmacology, doctor's reference books. Parents may get scared and think that the child is going crazy. But that's not true. Suddenly they have a future genius growing up, a doctor who will save thousands of lives.

So, do you, future doctors, have a favorite medical library? Write one paragraph in the essay “A doctor is my future profession” about what books you have, whether you read them, and what topics you know by heart.

It happens that at a doctor’s appointment, a child asks difficult questions, finds out how difficult it is to study and how many years he needs to devote to studying.

What kind of person should I become?

The most crucial moment for the young doctor is coming: what kind of doctor should he be? At the very beginning we talked about kindness and responsiveness. Yes it important characteristics. But are you like that yourself? Don’t you hurt others not only physically, but also mentally?

Unfortunately, many doctors nowadays treat patients rudely and may scold them for no reason. Maybe you have encountered such people in a children's clinic, or have your parents or relatives? The patient's mood deteriorates and resentment appears. But the worst thing is that because of this, people begin to engage in dangerous self-medication. God willing, if the treatment is chosen correctly. And if not?

Your task is to prevent such an attitude towards future patients. Maybe these important points write down in the essay “My future profession is a doctor” (5th grade). It is better for high school students and medical college students to write an essay.

My future subjects: chemistry and biology

Of course, it is difficult for a fifth grader to imagine what chemistry is. Although, if he has studied the encyclopedia “From A to Z” in its entirety, he has an idea about this difficult science. Let's give an example of an excerpt from the essay “My future profession of dentist cannot exist without chemistry.”

“Doctors work with medications consisting of chemicals. And it is not so important whether it is pure chemistry or herbal components. And chemical reactions are constantly created in the body. The doctor must have an idea of ​​how the medicine will affect the patient.

Biology is perhaps the most important subject in medicine. Every physician should know the structure of the human body, how blood circulation, digestion and much more occur.”

Am I ready for the challenge of medical school?

Are you ready to answer this question? Even if you do, you may have no idea how difficult it is to go to medical school. In addition, you will have to learn Latin, on which all medicine is based. You need to have at least a little desire to learn a foreign language. Let's look at an example:

“My mother’s friend works as a pediatrician. I am also being treated by her. She is very good man, knows a lot of interesting things. Perhaps thanks to her I want to become a doctor. My mother’s friend very often goes to conferences in England, Germany, Japan and Israel. She has high pay There are also prizes for qualifying. I now understand that I need to study seriously foreign languages, since my future profession may depend on it. In English, doctor is doctor. I know about this. Of course, I need to study a huge number of words, rules of grammar, and be able to translate.”

So we looked at the options on how to write an essay or composition. Remember that any such topics are given so that you seriously decide on your future field of activity and do not make a mistake.

The decision to become a doctor did not come to me suddenly. I looked closely at different professions and tried them on for myself. I wanted mine future specialty was people need and interesting for me. I enjoy helping my family members when they are sick and studying the instructions that come with medications. My favorite subjects at school are biology, chemistry, physics. Thus, choosing the profession of a doctor is a balanced decision.

I am aware that, in addition to an interest in medicine, a doctor must also have such character traits as determination, courage, and responsibility. To become a doctor, I will have to cultivate these qualities in myself. Working as a doctor in a hospital is not only interesting, but also very difficult. Sometimes you have to make a quick decision, realizing your responsibility for someone else’s life.

A doctor may face many difficulties if he has to work in a rural hospital or fly by helicopter to hard-to-reach areas. I believe that a real doctor should be prepared for this. Once I watched the old film “My Dear Man,” and the main character of the film, doctor Vladimir Ustimenko, became an example for me. He wasn't looking career growth, benefits, the main thing for him was serving people.

To become a doctor, you need to study at a medical university for at least seven years, which requires a very large amount of knowledge. And this baggage must also be skillfully applied in practice, without harming the patient. A doctor must constantly improve his qualifications and keep up with the times, since medicine does not stand still. Only then will he be a true professional.

A doctor must be a good psychologist and simply a caring person. Moral support, kind participation and an encouraging word very often help the patient in the fight against the disease. A doctor, like a priest, must be able to keep sensitive information, the secret of a patient who has trusted him, that is, observe medical ethics.

Doctor - the most important profession, people always need it, and it requires self-sacrifice. Doctors are always there where there are wars and epidemics. They have to work in very difficult conditions, lack sleep, eat poorly, and their main joy is in saving other people's lives. It is no coincidence that among the saints there were many doctors, and they were unpaid, that is, they did not take bribes. This was the famous holy healer Panteleimon, who lived in the 3rd-4th centuries. The same was the Russian and Soviet surgeon, Doctor of Science, St. Luke (Voino-Yasenetsky), who worked in exile and military hospitals.

I think that striving to devote one’s life to saving people’s lives, restoring them to health, which makes life joyful, is a worthy goal. At the same time, the doctor’s mission is difficult because he is only a person, he cannot always help. You also need to be mentally prepared for this.

My future profession is a doctor.
My future profession - a doctor - is the most necessary, the most important for a person. What could be more valuable than life and more necessary than health? And therefore, a person does not have the right to be a bad doctor, since it is the doctor who is trusted with the most valuable thing - health. Studying at a medical school is a long process, at least 6 years. Studying is not easy even from the first courses, and you should calculate your strength in advance. One missed lecture may cost the patient his life in the future - this should not be forgotten for a minute. Responsibility is the main character trait of the future doctor. The subjects will be extraordinarily difficult. A medical student simply has to do great understand biology and chemistry. You won't be able to relax. The profession of a doctor is much more complicated than it seems at first glance, and much more interesting. Many people imagine her only from TV series, but in life everything is completely different. The future doctor must be patient, understanding, and merciful. Patients are different, but you have to be extremely polite with everyone. Moreover, the daily work of a doctor is very difficult - every day you have to make decisions on which someone’s fate depends. Therefore, it is extremely important to become a real professional. Being a doctor is a matter of pride and responsibility. From the first year, all students are told that every time they put on a white coat, they take on certain obligations. It is not without reason that this has been one of the most prestigious professions since ancient times. Not everyone can be a doctor. This is truly a calling. This profession is suitable for those who sincerely want to help people, who can empathize, and those who are efficient. If all these qualities are combined in one person, then he has a chance to become a real Doctor with a capital D.
The name of the first outstanding physician of antiquity, Hippocrates, will forever remain in history, whose knowledge and art of treating people not only saved many lives, but also determined the development of medicine. The Hippocratic Oath is a medical oath that expresses the fundamental moral and ethical principles of a doctor’s behavior, as well as the commonly used name for the oath taken by everyone who intends to become a physician. The Oath contains 9 ethical principles or obligations:
. commitments to teachers, colleagues and students;
. the principle of no harm;
. obligations to provide assistance to the patient (principle of mercy);
. the principle of concern for the benefit of the patient and the dominant interests of the patient;
. the principle of respect for life and a negative attitude towards euthanasia;
. the principle of respect for life and a negative attitude towards abortion;
. obligation to refrain from intimate relationships with patients;
. a commitment to personal improvement;
. medical confidentiality (principle of confidentiality).

I think this is the most important thing. There is nothing better than getting up every morning and being excited to go to work. My profession should bring me joy. A person who loves his profession becomes a professional, an expert in his field. A job that you truly enjoy, regardless of how it is paid, is an important component of success in life. However, the need to earn a living must be taken into account. After all, even the most amazing job will not bring us complete satisfaction if we are starving. In addition, there is very current problem unemployment: you need to choose a profession so that you can find a job later.

I'm in eighth class. Very soon I will turn fifteen years old. I think that I am one of those people who have already found their calling, and now I just need to purposefully study in order, as one of the greats said, “to turn the diamond of my capabilities into a diamond of achievements sparkling with its facets.” The main thing is not to be afraid of difficulties that may arise on my way. I didn't say who I want to be? My dream is to become a “sorceress in a white robe.”

Once upon a time, in early childhood, I received the game “Doctor” as a birthday present. There was everything a real doctor needs, just a toy one: a syringe, a thermometer, cotton wool, a phonendoscope, even a white coat. I imagined myself as a doctor and treated my dolls for all imaginable and unimaginable diseases. Many years have passed since then, but I have not lost interest in medicine. In addition to childhood impressions of playing doctor, I have a vivid example of a “doctor with a capital D” - this is my aunt - Nina Andreevna Klimenko. For more than forty years she has been working as a dental surgeon, being at the same time the head of the department. For your many years of work she has government awards and no less

important gratitude from his patients - “People's Doctor of the Year”. My aunt is happy to pass on her knowledge and practical experience to the students of Vologda medical college. I also love listening to her stories about her work, about how she prescribes courses of treatment, communicates with patients, carefully listening to their complaints. I remember with what interest I listened to these stories as a child, and it was at those moments that I realized that I would definitely follow in my aunt’s footsteps and become a doctor.

What do I know about my future profession? First of all, a doctor is a man of high soul, intelligence, a person who is ready to devote himself to serving people. The profession of a doctor is a feat. A doctor has no right to make even a small mistake, so I try to study well. A doctor needs to be brave. After all, he is the first to go where a destructive epidemic is raging. He should not be afraid to care for such patients from whom he himself may become infected with a fatal disease. An example of this is the image of Yevgeny Bazarov from I. S. Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons.” Bazarov goes to his father, where he begins to treat everyone who needs the help of a doctor. As a result, while practicing on the corpse of a typhoid patient, Evgeniy injured his finger, received blood poisoning, and died as a result. The future doctor must be patient, understanding, and merciful. Patients are different, but you have to be extremely polite with everyone. Daily work Being a doctor is very difficult - every day you have to make decisions on which someone’s fate depends. The doctor must be able to quickly make a decision and not be afraid to take responsibility for this decision. Also, the doctor must be inquisitive and hardworking, must constantly expand his knowledge in order to apply modern methods treatment and benefit from the latest medical discoveries.

Many people often warn me and tell me about the multiple difficulties of this profession. I understand it won't be easy. I need to overcome some feelings in myself (for example, fear and anxiety). But I can handle it, I'm sure of it!

Preparing myself for my future profession, I study a lot and diligently, studying deeply and comprehensively, in addition to the main subjects: chemistry and biology - without this you cannot become a doctor. I read a lot about this profession, and on my shelf there are already medical reference books and books about doctors. In one of the books on medicine, I read: 5 history will forever remain the name of the first outstanding physician of antiquity, Hippocrates, whose knowledge and art of treating people not only saved many lives, but also determined the development of medicine. Oath

Hippocrates is a medical oath, expressing the fundamental moral and ethical principles of a doctor’s behavior.” I fully share these highly moral principles and will always try to follow them.

We are children of the twenty-first century. All roads are open to us. And which one we choose depends only on us. I know what I want to become, I have a goal in life. I really want to go to medical school. I will study hard to become a good doctor. My parents support me in my decision, although their lives are not connected with medicine: my mother is a teacher, and my father works at a factory and is actively involved in sports. With their support, I will be able to overcome all the obstacles in my path, because the profession of a doctor is worth it. Doctors give patients a second life. After all, they are the ones who treat us, helping us get rid of various ailments, and they are the ones who make people happy. Happiness...what does it consist of? Everyone associates happiness in their own way. And I think that the most important happiness for a person is his health. After all, health is priceless; no amount of money can buy it. Therefore, it must be protected and looked after. And our doctors, our “wizards in white coats” help us with this, who will lend a helping hand at the right time and help us get rid of physical ailments. That’s why I want to become such a “sorceress” to give people happiness! And let this quatrain serve as confirmation of my words: