The meaning, history and significance of the tit tattoo. Why do you dream of a tit in the house: interpretation of dream books What does a tit tattoo mean

A tit tattoo means love of life, optimism, joy, hope for the best, benevolence, the talent to adapt to any conditions, independence, self-reliance, fidelity, justice, attractiveness, kindness, compassion, love and a relaxed attitude towards life.

The meaning of the tit tattoo

The titmouse is a nimble and swift bird that has lived in close proximity to humans for a long time. By destroying various pests of field crops, tits have rightly won the favor of farmers, thereby providing themselves with food during the cold season.

A tattoo depicting a tit has received ambiguous meaning among Europeans. Since a tit is primarily a bird, the meaning of such a tattoo will be a craving for freedom and independence. And since this bird is small and friendly, this fact is also symbolic for the owner of the body image of a tit. In this case, the tattoo will speak about the person’s love of life, friendly attitude, and his ability to survive in various situations without loss of optimism. This interpretation of the meaning of the tattoo is associated with the character of the yellow-breasted birds themselves, which whistle specifically on the eve of spring and are able to be content with little, surviving both in urban conditions and in the wild forest.

Also, the meaning of such a tattoo is certainly connected with the meaning of the colors of the image: the color of the tit is blue and yellow.

Blue shades in a tattoo indicate fidelity and justice, help fulfill seemingly unrealistic desires and are identified with love of life. Blue color gives positive emotions and stimulates intellectual abilities. In addition, the blue color symbolizes a person’s ability to submit.

Yellow color is mostly liked by creative, sincere and diligent people. It is preferred by those who want to attract wealth and independence.

At the same time, when choosing a tit as a tattoo, you should carefully consider its image itself. After all, the Slavs have long believed that a tit, knocking on a window, brings deadly news. However, according to other signs, the tit brings only good signs and joy.

The drawing of a tit with open wings symbolizes a friendly attitude, tenderness, complacency and attentiveness. In addition, such an image speaks of a reluctance to plunge into widespread problems and confidence in a bright future. This is a sign of simple views on life and surrounding concerns.

A tit tattoo is sometimes depicted together with various inscriptions that are fateful for the owner of the tattoo. The interpretation of a tit tattoo does not depend on the style of its depiction - realistic or stylized. In this case, the bird can only be part of a harmonious composition.

The image of a tit on the body is quite capable of awakening delight and touching those around you. However, before applying such a tattoo, it is still worth deciding on its meaning directly for yourself, because for everyone the truth is the one in which he believes.

Parshenkova Ulyana Yurievna

The bird is small, but the name is loud - great tit! Here she is, a hard worker, a smart girl, a hard worker, a protector, a helper to a person, a beauty and a fashionista. Many kind words can be said about this bird, a lover of unsalted lard. And the Russian people glorified the tit in proverbs and sayings, riddles and nursery rhymes. I didn’t miss to mention the yellow-breasted beauty in my omens. A lot of good things can be said about the great tit, so it can easily become a symbol of the Smolensk region!



municipal budgetary educational institution

"Yartsevo Secondary School No. 1"

Yartsevo district, Smolensk region



nomination “Living Symbol of the Small Motherland”


Smolensk region

Yartsevo town


A living symbol of our small homeland! Very beautiful and honorable status. But our Smolensk land is rich in numerous and unique herbs, shrubs, trees, plants of swamps, lakes, and rivers. The fauna is also diverse, represented by fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals living in forests, soils, rivers and lakes. How to choose the most, most, most representative organism that could bear this title - a living symbol of the Smolensk region?

To be honest, I have a contender for this title. Or rather, the contender is a great tit (appendix, photo 1). At first glance, this small bird is not particularly remarkable, there are no legends or myths about it, it did not perform militant feats, it was not noted in agriculture, there are no crafts associated with this bird. And crafts on our land could not receive proper development, since the peoples inhabiting the territory of the Smolensk region from time immemorial until the mid-20th century were forced to defend themselves, to defend this land.

However, this bird has character, character, and even a number of merits that will help the great tit claim the status of a living symbol of the Smolensk region, our small homeland.

In my opinion, the symbol should be recognizable. And absolutely everyone, young and old, knows the great tit. From childhood we remember the nursery rhyme:

“Two tits - two neighbors

We ate a cherry on a branch.

And a worm from a cherry

He showed them his tongue.

- Tsvin-tsvilin! - the titmouse sings. –

It's no good to tease like that!

Yum-yum-yum - on the tongue...

The worm was teased in vain!”

I assume that the candidate for the symbol must be handsome, well, at least good-looking. And our titmouse is a real fashionista! Bright yellow chest and belly, snow-white cheeks, black head, cute beady eyes, thin, slender, on thin legs in dark boots. Most people recognize a tit by these signs. If you look closely, its wings are grayish-blue, and its back is olive (appendix, photo 2). Maria Borina described the tit in her poem:

"Frisky titmice

Smart little birds,

With ties on their necks,

In yellow padded jackets.

dark backs,

Paws like blades of grass.

They jump so cleverly

They have so much skill!...”

Contrary to its name, there is little blue in the plumage of tits. And the birds of the genus Parus got their name for their sonorous songs, reminiscent of the ringing of a bell: “Zin-zin!” It turns out that our ancestors had a special symbol of the tit; it symbolized the Blue Bird, bringing good luck and fortune. The Slavs associated the image of the Blue Bird with light, purity, goodness and happiness. The kindest stories and beliefs are associated with the tit. This is the centuries-old veneration, the respect of the Slavs for their tit-sister!

My favorite is very good-natured and trusting; a wild bird can be tamed and, if desired, with patience, fed by hand (Appendix, photo 3).

If you hear a loud, sharp bird cry in a park or garden, it means that this titmouse is warning all other peaceful birds, sparrows, bullfinches, nuthatches, and goldfinches about danger (Appendix, photo 4). The Smolensk people are a peaceful people, but from ancient times they had to lead defensive warriors, stand guard over the entire Russian, Russian state. So is our difficult bird: it closely monitors unexpected “guests”. What a clever girl!

I recently learned that a real decree was issued in Rus', which threatened to levy a large fine for killing a great tit. The fact is that tits are hard workers; they feed their young 60 times an hour! At the same time, an adult bird eats as many insects per day as it weighs, which is 20 grams! In the summer, she catches flies and mosquitoes, collects unpleasant “tasteless” caterpillars and worms (Appendix, photo 5).

This means that the tit is not only a fashionista, but also a very smart and hard worker! Smolensk residents have always been distinguished by their hard work: they worked on the land, built factories and factories, restored them after the war, and rebuilt cities. It turns out that everyone has their own, but irreplaceable job.

Numerous sayings are evidence of our people’s love for this bird: “A bird in the hand is better than a pie in the sky”; “The titmouse is small, but its claw is sharp”; “And for the titmouse, the bird’s sister, their saints pray to God!”; “Zinka doesn’t eat or drink much, but lives happily.”

The tit bird is not great, but even she remembers her holiday. The thirtieth of October (the day of remembrance of the holy martyrs Zinovy ​​and Zinovia) is popularly known as the holiday “zinek”.

And the folk signs associated with the titmouse are known to everyone. Sings melodiously - the thaw is approaching, and before frost they begin to whistle clearly. A titmouse knocks on the glass or flies into the house to welcome guests, to announce the news.

“Here is a tit - this bird

Doesn't fly to foreign countries

She can have fun at home too

The strange wind doesn’t interfere..."

Indeed, from September to May my favorite lives next to a person, so it’s easier for her to feed herself, and it’s warmer here. But in the summer it moves to the forest so that it does not interfere with the breeding of its offspring. But for centuries, humans have been making artificial nesting boxes for tits that cannot build their own houses (Appendix, photo 6). The titmouse will settle here all year round, you can listen to sonorous songs, and the garden and vegetable garden will be under supervision.

I remember as a child, in winter we always hung out feeders, both in kindergarten, and near school, and in the courtyards. This is how they fed the birds in cold, hungry times. New feeders appear in the city every winter and are replenished with bird food. And in the crown of bushes and trees, here and there, pieces of unsalted lard, the most favorite delicacy of titmouses, turn white. It sounds loud, but from childhood we were instilled with love and care for our younger friends, taught to protect nature from an early age. And that is great.

So what makes the great tit unique? This is a fashionista, a hard worker, and a smart woman, the first to report danger, caring for others. She is the first to announce spring with a ringing song. A large number of poems for children, nursery rhymes, and riddles about titmouse can be found in literature. In a word, a great bird - a great tit!


Photo 1. Fashionista

Photo 2. Eating from hand

Photo 3. “Attention, alarm!”

Photo 4. “Green Patrol”

The tit tattoo does not allow its owner to resist paraphrasing the famous proverb: Better a bird on your arm (leg, back, etc.) than a pie in the sky. Despite the fact that body images of this bird are not common and do not have such multifaceted meaning as, for example, a dove tattoo, they look cute and tempting.

Why is the bird interesting?

Agile and swift tits have long lived side by side with humans. By destroying field pests, these birds earned the favor of the peasants and thus provided themselves with food in the winter.

The most recognizable of the entire tit family is the bolshak. It is she who is most often depicted on tattoos. A yellow belly, a charming “tie,” and funny white cheeks require active use of color, so monochrome drawings of tits on the body have not gained popularity.

Tits settle not only in sparse forests and groves (these birds like thickets much less than open spaces), but also in gardens, parks, and public gardens. At the same time, tit nests can be found anywhere - in hollows, crevices, recesses of natural and artificial origin, even in the barrels of museum cannons.

Who is a tit tattoo suitable for?

Frisky tits attract the sympathy of many. However, not everyone decides to get a tattoo with the image of this bird. If you are hesitant, we suggest you take a short test that will help you determine whether a tit tattoo will truly please you and be important to you. Arm yourself with a piece of paper, a pencil or a pen and respond to each statement as follows: “true” (2 points), “partially true” (1 point), “false” (0 points).

  1. You don't like to spend weekends at home.
  2. You love to sing (and not only during your morning shower, but also in public).
  3. When you meet someone, you feel at ease and at ease.
  4. For travel, you choose your favorite, long-familiar places, preferring them to new cities and countries.
  5. People around you consider you to be an optimistic person.
  6. You love bright colors in interiors and clothing, even if sometimes it doesn't suit someone else's taste.
  7. You usually talk quickly and a lot, so the other person rarely gets a chance to get their word into the conversation.

If you scored from 12 to 14 points inclusive, a tit tattoo should definitely decorate your hand (or any other part of the body): you are on the same wavelength as this lively bird. Those who received from 7 to 11 points should look for other images for a tattoo that have deeper meanings, but those who scored from 0 to 6 points can think about whether it is worth making a design on the body at all. However, even avid introverts sometimes find reasons to decorate themselves with tattoos.

There is a popular saying: if a tit sits on your hand, you should make a wish. It turns out that by getting a tit tattoo, you will provide yourself with the opportunity to make wishes around the clock.

A selection of photographs

Selection of sketches

The tit symbolizes goodness and happiness. This bird is one of the living creatures that evoke only positive emotions. There are many folk signs that explain the appearance of tits next to a person.

It is considered great luck if a cute bird sits on your open palm - you can make a wish. If the titmouse on your palm begins to sing, then your wish will certainly come true.

Popular rumor claims that a bird in the hand is better than a pie in the sky. This controversial statement has a basis. The tit is a symbol of the zodiac sign Virgo, which is distinguished by perseverance, pragmatism and hard work.

In the summer, when there is a lot of food, tits are busy caring for their offspring, caring for up to 10 chicks at a time. There are also 2 broods per season. All this time, yellow-breasted birds are busy hunting for insects and their larvae, which is why the expression appeared: “the tit is the protector of the garden.”

Signs with tits

According to superstitions, if, or knocks on it with its beak, this is a harbinger of trouble or happiness. But the little titmouse does not evoke bad associations. The sign can be interpreted in different ways depending on the behavior of the bird:

  • She sat peacefully on the windowsill and looked through the window into the room - expect good news, joyful changes.
  • It behaves restlessly, squeaks anxiously, hits the glass - get ready for material losses, or the bird was frightened by a cat.
  • A cheerful titmouse jumps first in one direction and then in the other - portends the arrival of distant relatives.
  • The bird whistles cheerfully while sitting on the windowsill - the situation is in your favor, everything you have planned will soon come true by itself.
  • Most of the time the tit has its back to the glass - don’t worry, there is no news for you, good or bad.

Titmouse's whistle also has another meaning. It can be used to predict the weather in cold weather:

  1. The tit is singing - a thaw and a sunny day are expected.
  2. The yellow-breasted bird squeaks - foretells frost at night.
  3. There are a lot of titmice near the house - cold weather is coming.

If there is a feeder hanging next to the window, there are no omens - the birds are waiting for food, making signs, reminding themselves of themselves in all possible ways: knocking on the windowsill, flapping their wings.

Feeding titmice is good luck.

Those who know the signs about tits happily hang up feeders and prepare treats in advance for forest birds, which, with the onset of cold weather, move closer to human habitation.

Why does a tit appear in the house?

A tit flew onto the balcony - there are several explanations for this event:

  • The feathered guest portends a new addition to the family.
  • You'll get good news soon.
  • You keep food supplies on the balcony, the bird has chosen its “dining room” - its visit means nothing.

A tit flying into a room evokes diametrically opposed emotions in superstitious people. Some rejoice at the happiness that has arrived, others begin to worry about the fate and health of loved ones.

The negative interpretation of the sign is explained by the general fear of old-timers of wild birds in the house. According to tradition, birds are associated with the souls of deceased people. But if the spirit of a deceased person wants to visit relatives, see how they live without him, there is nothing wrong with that, there will be no harm from such a visit.

For our ancestors, the window could symbolize the “gate to the other world”; the coffin was taken out of the house through the window opening - hence the fears: you never know what a “native from the other world” brought into the house. But the tit is a nice bird; it cannot be a harbinger of great trouble.

There are interpretations of the sign about a tit in the house, which are based on the circumstances of the bird’s visit:

  • A titmouse flew through the window, stayed in the room, and quickly fluttered out - you can expect guests or a short noisy holiday is approaching. The sign is especially relevant on the eve of the New Year.
  • The bird flew into the room and behaved calmly, sat down on the furniture, looked around - pleasant events of a large scale are coming, a replenishment of the family is expected, material profit is expected.
  • The tit in the room is nervous, rushing from side to side, emitting a piercing squeak, hitting the walls and ceiling - a bad sign. But there is no need to take out your excitement on the “baby”. She is not the cause of possible troubles, but just a messenger.

What to do? Open the window wide, open the curtains, and leave the room so as not to scare the bird. She will find a way out herself - this is the best option: she will fly away with what she came with.

What awaits you in the near future

Don’t even think about catching a bird to put it in a cage! If you cannot stand the bird's chaotic fluttering, carefully cover it with a cloth and release it out the window. Do you still have superstitious awe in your soul? A bad omen associated with birds can be neutralized or its effect weakened. Throw food (crumbs, grains, seeds) after the uninvited guest and say the words: “I came for food, not for trouble.”

Fans of tattoo culture often choose images of different birds. These are mainly eagles, owls or swallows, but the tit is a rather rare bird. They look very cute and bright, and the meaning of a tit tattoo is positive, no matter how you look at it.

A tattoo is primarily done for aesthetic reasons. Previously, each image was indeed given a special meaning, because aesthetics was then considered not such an important criterion when creating a drawing. Tribal tattoos, for example, had a certain sacred meaning: some were supposed to protect their owner from evil forces, bring good luck, others were supposed to give him strength, courage, victory in battle, others were supposed to endow him with secret knowledge, magical abilities, open a channel of communication with higher forces.

For a long time, most people associated tattoos only with certain segments of the population, for example, with prisoners. Each image that they applied to their body also had a certain meaning, often understandable only in certain circles.

Nowadays, when a tattoo does not serve as an identification mark, but is elevated to the rank of art, the meanings and semantic load in many cases fade into the background. However, to say that the symbolism of the image is not important at all is also not entirely correct.

Semantic load

The tit tattoo is equally popular among both sexes. More precisely, it is equally unpopular, which only fuels interest in such works. What could it mean?

    • Liberty. The desire for freedom is a common interpretation of bird tattoos. The ability to fly has always been associated with the sea of ​​opportunity, freedom to choose a path in life, the absence of internal fetters and other factors that hinder the development of a person as an individual.
    • Creativity. This is another meaning associated with the ability to soar in the skies; it’s not for nothing that there is even an expression “flight of fancy.” A tattoo with a bird suggests that its wearer likes to often fly in the clouds in search of inspiration, think about great things, dream, fantasize and create.

  • Cheerfulness and optimism. Have you ever heard the characteristic whistle-like sounds that titmice make when they sense the approaching warmth of spring? If you have heard, you must also have associations with joy and anticipation of something beautiful. The person who chose a tit tattoo is used to enjoying what he has in this life, and not lamenting what, for some reason, is not available to him now. If some kind of trouble happens to him, most likely, he will perceive it not as a blow of fate that knocks him off his feet, but as a lesson that must be learned in order to act smarter and more correctly in the future. When others feel the ground disappears from under their feet due to everyday difficulties, incorrigible optimists are sure that the black stripe will certainly be followed by a white stripe, which is darkest before dawn.
  • Ability to easily adapt to any conditions. Tits are masters of survival; they will not be lost both in the forest and in a noisy metropolis. They know how to be content with little, make the most of everything, be content with little and at the same time maintain strength.
  • Easy attitude to life. The bearer of a tattoo with this bird is not used to being bothered by trifles; he does not get distracted by all sorts of insignificant details, focusing on the main thing, thereby doing a huge service to himself. He knows that sooner or later everything will work out, because it cannot be otherwise. Such a person is not prone to excessive worries.

Stylistic and compositional solutions

Watercolor is ideal for depicting birds. Bright colors, smooth transitions from one color to another, unobtrusive splashes and drips perfectly help convey the feeling of flight, lightness, grace with which the bird flaps its wings. This style has not yet gained such a huge army of fans as, for example, realism, so the work will look original and attract curious and admiring glances.

Another suitable option is . This style is as bright as watercolor, but its cardinal difference is the clarity of lines and purity of colors with virtually no use of gradients.