Look who came: Belarusbank has received a new head. Chairman of the Board of Belarusbank Viktor Anich discussed issues of further cooperation with the management of Belaruskali Melnik Sergey Nikolaevich


Chairman of the Board

Year of birth: 1963.

Education – higher (Belarusian Technological Institute named after S.M. Kirov, 1989; Academy of Management under the President of the Republic of Belarus, 2003; Belarusian State Economic University, 2013).

Qualification: mechanical engineer, manager-economist, economist.

2006 – 2017 – senior positions in the institutions of JSC JSB Belarusbank.

from 03/23/2017 – Chairman of the Board of JSC “JSSB Belarusbank”.

Provides general management of the activities of JSC JSB Belarusbank. Organizes the work of the Board of JSC "JSSB Belarusbank". Interacts with higher government bodies, the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus, international financial and banking institutions, and audit companies. Supervises the activities of the secretariat of the Chairman of the Board, the security department, the internal audit department, the internal control service, the sensitive part, and the Bank's representative offices abroad.



Year of birth: 1961.

Education – higher (Slovak Polytechnic Institute of the Order of the Republic, 1988; Belarusian State University of Economics, 2005; Institute for Advanced Training and Retraining of Managers and Specialists in Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism, Belarusian State University of Physical Culture, 2010).

Qualification: engineer, economist, trainer-teacher.

1995 – 2019 – senior positions in the institutions of JSC JSB Belarusbank.

from January 14, 2019 – First Deputy Chairman of the Board of JSC JSB Belarusbank.

Supervises the activities of the treasury, the legal department, the executive director directing the activities of the corporate lending department and the corporate business department, the executive director directing the activities of the international business department, the protocol service department, and makes decisions on issues within their competence. Manages the work of the Credit Committee of JSC "JSSB Belarusbank".


Deputy Chairman of the Board

Year of birth: 1985.

Education - higher (Belarusian State University, 2007; master's degree at Williams College, 2012).

Qualification – mathematician-economist; M.A.

2012 – 2015 – senior positions in the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus.

2015 – 2019 – senior positions at JSC JSB Belarusbank.

from 01/14/2019 – Deputy Chairman of the Board of JSC JSB Belarusbank.

Supervises the activities of the financial and economic department, the department of strategic development and marketing, digital transformation management, the executive director directing the activities of the information technology department and the payment card settlement center (on software and hardware issues), makes decisions on issues within their competence.


Deputy Chairman of the Board

Year of birth: 1976.

Education – higher (Belarusian State University, 1998; Belarusian State Economic University, 2013).

Qualification: mathematician, teacher of mathematics and computer science, economist.

2003 – 2015 – leadership positions in institutions

OJSC "ASB Belarusbank".

from 09/01/2015 – Deputy Chairman of the Board of JSC “JSSB Belarusbank”.

Supervises the activities of the methodology coordination department, compliance control department of financial transactions, risk management department, collateral management, problem debt management department, makes decisions on issues within their competence. He is the official responsible for risk management in the Bank and the bank holding company. Manages the work of the Financial Committee of JSC ASB Belarusbank and the Committee for Working with Problem Debt of Corporate Clients of OJSC ASB Belarusbank.


Deputy Chairman of the Board

Year of birth: 1970.

Education - higher (Belarusian State Institute of National Economy named after V.V. Kuibyshev, 1991; Private educational institution "BIP - Institute of Law", 2013). Postgraduate studies at the Belarusian State Economic University, 1997 (specialty: finance, money circulation and credit).

Qualification: economist, lawyer.

1997 – 2009 – management positions in the Moscow branch in Minsk of OJSC Belinvestbank.

2009 – 2014 – management positions at OJSC Belagroprombank.

2014 – 2017 – senior positions at Paritetbank OJSC.

from 09/06/2017 – Deputy Chairman of the Board of JSC “JSSB Belarusbank”.

Supervises the activities of the department for working with valuables, the department of retail business, the department of lending to the population, the payment card settlement center (except for software and hardware issues), the contact center, the mortgage office, and makes decisions on issues within their competence.


Deputy Chairman of the Board

Year of birth: 1963.

Education – higher (Belarusian State Institute of National Economy named after V.V. Kuibyshev, 1988).

Qualification – economist.

2002 – 2013 – senior positions in the institutions of JSC JSB Belarusbank.

from June 20, 2013 – Deputy Chairman of the Board of JSC “JSSB Belarusbank”.

Supervises the activities of the investment and securities department, personnel department, information and social development department, personnel training and development center, makes decisions on issues within their competence.


Deputy Chairman of the Board

Year of birth: 1958.

Education – higher (Belarusian Polytechnic Institute, 1986).

Qualification – architect.

2008 – 2008 – Assistant to the Chairman of the Board of the Secretariat of the Chairman of the Board of JSC JSB Belarusbank.

from 05.09.2008 – Deputy Chairman of the Board of JSC “JSSB Belarusbank”.

Supervises the activities of the Administration Department, the Department of Construction and Real Estate Marketing, the Department of Control Measurements, the Department of Labor Safety and Civil Defense, and makes decisions on issues within their competence. Reviews materials from control measurements, makes decisions on withholding (collecting) amounts of overstatements based on the results of control measurements. Approves acts of control measurements carried out on the basis of contracts for paid services. Manages the work of the Technical Commission of JSC JSB Belarusbank.


Chief Accountant

Year of birth: 1972.

Education – higher (Belarusian State Economic University, 1994; Master’s degree at the Belarusian State Economic University, 1996).

Qualification – economist.

1996 – 1997 – management positions in the institutions of JSC JSB Belarusbank.

1998 – 2002 – Deputy Chief Accountant of JSC ASB Belarusbank, First Deputy Chief Accountant - Director of the Department of Accounting, Settlements and Reporting of JSC JSB Belarusbank.

from 07/01/2002 – chief accountant of JSC ASB Belarusbank.

Supervises the activities of the accounting department, the department of intrabank operations, the settlement center, and the IFRS reporting department, and makes decisions on issues within their competence.

On June 22, Chairman of the Board of JSC ASB Belarusbank Viktor Ananich made a working visit to Soligorsk, where he visited JSC Belaruskali and met with the general director of the enterprise, Ivan Golovaty.

In the photo: Ivan Golovaty, General Director of OJSC Belaruskali, Viktor Ananich, Chairman of the Board of OJSC ASB Belarusbank

“Our cooperation with Belaruskali can be called, without exaggeration, long-term, productive and large-scale. Today the bank provides the largest Belarusian plant with more than 40 types of banking services. One of the first to be implemented for a client was a salary project; about 13 thousand employees of the company use Belarusbank payment cards,
- commented Victor Ananich.“Since 2003, our interaction has been regulated by the General Cooperation Agreement concluded with Belaruskali.”.

The meeting was attended by the head of branch No. 500 - Minsk regional department of OJSC "JSSB Belarusbank" Dmitry Gribovsky and Deputy General Director for Economics and Finance of OJSC Belaruskali Sergey Pinchuk. Issues of financing the investment and current activities of the enterprise, attracting foreign direct investment to finance the supply of imported equipment, and the possibility of the bank’s participation in the implementation of social projects were discussed.

At the end of the negotiations, Viktor Ananich and Ivan Golovaty expressed their readiness to continue cooperation in the form of active participation in the implementation of investment projects, economic and social programs of both the individual society and the region as a whole, since OJSC Belaruskali is the city-forming enterprise of Soligorsk.

The meeting participants visited the underground department of the State Institution “Republican Hospital for Speleotherapy” on the territory of the First Mining Administration, the child development center “Planet of Childhood” and the building of the Cathedral of the Nativity of Christ under construction in Soligorsk.

For reference:

As part of the General Cooperation Agreement with Belaruskali, to maintain the production capacity of the enterprise, two investment credit lines were opened for the construction of the Krasnoslobodsky mine.

Thanks to the bank's leasing support, modern Eickhoff shearers were purchased. In 2012, a decision was made to build a plant for the production of complex fertilizers. The implementation of this project, worth more than 35 million euros, was made possible thanks to a joint program OJSC "Belaruskali" , OJSC "ASB Belarusbank" and Commerzbank AG, Germany. In 2013, an agreement was signed between the bank and the plant to provide a multi-currency credit line in the amount of 1.3 trillion Belarusian rubles.

"Belaruskali"- one of the world's largest producers and suppliers of potash mineral fertilizers for agriculture, for twenty years has positioned Belarusbank as the main, reliable partner in organizing optimal financing and settlement schemes for the enterprise.

Per share OJSC "Belaruskali" accounts for more than 18% of global production and export of potash fertilizers. More than 90% of manufactured products in physical weight are exported, while in monetary terms the share of exports is more than 90%.

Press service OJSC "ASB Belarusbank"

The structure of a bank is the form of organization of its internal elements: divisions, departments and services.

The structure of the bank is determined by external requirements for it and the features of its work.

External conditions include:

  • Instructions from bank owners;
  • The purpose of creating this particular organization;
  • Its place in the financial and economic system of a country or region.

Among the internal aspects of the bank’s work, the following are especially important:

  • Main areas of activity: lending, raising funds on deposits, settlement and exchange operations, etc.;
  • Scale of the bank’s activities: one or more nearby cities, representative offices in the regions of the country, international structures;
  • The most important categories of bank clients: individuals, manufacturing or trading enterprises, certain industries, etc.

There is no single approach or template for a banking structure in a market economy, but there are some general principles and common options.

Principles of organizational structure of banks

There are several approaches to building the internal environment of a bank:

  • Based on the areas of activity, main functions;
  • Focusing on the main external consumers of the banking product;
  • Combining the first two options, depending on the specific situation.

It is difficult to imagine a purely functional approach. In this case, it would be necessary to gather specialists in issuing loans to individuals and organizations in one credit department; The management of settlement operations would also combine payments by enterprises and transfers using plastic cards.

Targeting large consumers of banking services is closer to reality. In the spectrum of banking operations, it is convenient to combine work with individuals into the retail operations division, and servicing organizations into the corporate business department.

In this case, the bank will receive at least two credit departments, two development departments, and some other structures that are similar in essence, but have their own client.

Similarly, bank divisions are duplicated on a regional basis. But too frequent division inevitably creates problems with the management of the system, therefore the real internal structuring of banks occurs according to the commonality of basic processes and management efficiency.

Approximate structure of a commercial bank

Simplified, the internal system of a commercial bank can be represented as follows:

  • The top management of the bank is the meeting of founders, another similar structure.

This body is not directly involved in managing operations, but appoints executive bodies and controls their activities.

  • The board of the bank is headed by the chairman.

This is already an element of current, operational management. The heads of all other departments are subordinate to him.

Here are usually distinguished:

  • Retail business management. This will include departments serving individuals: lending, foreign exchange transactions, accepting deposits, transactions with bank cards, etc.
  • Corporate Business Management. Here we are talking about working with organizations. This also includes lending, raising funds, making payments and other settlements, attracting funds from organizations for deposits.
  • Directorate of Security and Control. Departments with such tasks may be part of the two departments listed above or have a single leadership. Often control, internal and external security are divided between several separate departments.
  • Department of Interbank Communications. Such a division can be considered necessary at the present stage of consolidation of the banking system. To work with partner banks, competitors and all other credit institutions, a special department is created, or these functions remain under the responsibility of the bank’s management.
  • Accounting. The structure is mandatory for any business entity, and always has a single leadership.
  • Management of stock market operations. Banks have at their disposal the securities of many enterprises and states under different conditions. To handle these assets, banks can form special services.
  • Legal Department. Exists in all banks, has in its name an indication of specialization and unified management.
  • Development Department. This includes elements of the system related to the search for new markets, clients, directions and methods of income. Development departments are created under different departments or merged into a single service in close cooperation with other departments.
  • PR (PR) and advertising. These areas can be separated into separate banking structures, can be combined with the development department, or be subordinate to divisions focused on specific clients.
  • Information Technology Department. With the computerization of information processing systems and the development of remote control, such services have become a mandatory part of any banking structure. They interact with all departments, but usually form a single system.
  • Regional divisions. Such elements are inherent in large banks. The control system in them varies according to several criteria. Sometimes regional divisions duplicate in their composition all the departments and services listed above, sometimes they supervise only some areas, for example, work with individuals.
  • Industry departments. They are not always created, but may be necessary for banks that have special interests in certain industries or mass consumers in one field of activity: agriculture, international trade, energy, etc.

This is what the internal structure of commercial banks usually looks like. But large banking organizations and associations have significantly more divisions, which is dictated by the significant diversity of their interests and operations.

A special category consists of structural elements of national banks of states. This is a natural reflection of the fact that the national bank is one of the main links in the country’s economic system, and its efforts are aimed at maintaining and developing this system.

The difference in approaches to the internal system of banks is clearly visible in the following figures:

Structure of a commercial bank:

Structure of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus

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The decision to appoint Ananich as chairman of the bank’s board was made at an extraordinary meeting of the bank’s supervisory board, the press service of the banking organization told Sputnik. The new chairman of the board will take up his duties on March 23.

A native of Bobruisk

Since 2011, Ananich has headed the Mogilev regional department of Belarusbank (branch No. 700). Before this, the future head of the largest bank in Belarus worked as director of the Bobruisk branch.

Shortly before his appointment, Ananich’s candidacy for the position of chairman of the bank’s board was approved by a special qualification commission of the National Bank, but the regulator’s materials did not indicate which bank he would head. But taking into account the fact that at that time only one Belarusian bank did not have a director, the media assumed that we were talking about Belarusbank. A few days later it became clear that the journalists were not mistaken.

Little is known about Viktor Ananich, despite his surname being quite well-known and quoted in the media in Belarus (the country’s information minister, Sputnik, also bears it). Perhaps, the Internet resource “Evening Bobruisk” wrote about him in more detail.

As the publication indicates, Ananich was born in 1963 in Bobruisk, first graduated from a forestry technical school, then from the Belarusian Technological Institute (now BSTU), Minsk College of Finance and Economics, and the Presidential Academy of Management with a degree in Financial and Banking Management. Before working in the banking sector, Ananich worked for more than 13 years at Bobruiskdrev, of which more than six years he was deputy chairman of the trade union committee of the enterprise. In the mid-90s, he worked in the Bobruisk branch of Priorbank, then in the branch of the National Bank, worked in the city executive committee as the head of the economics department, and also as deputy head of the administration of the Leninsky district of Bobruisk.

And harness the horse and play the guitar

Since December 21 last year, the country's largest state-owned bank was temporarily headed by Alexander Polivko.

Large bank for sale

Belarusbank is the largest bank in Belarus, it is completely owned by the state. The share of Belarusbank's assets in the banking system is about 42%.

In 2016, the Belarusian authorities decided to sell a stake in the bank of up to 25% to an investor; for this purpose, a special working group was created in the government. Her responsibilities include, among other things, agreeing on a preliminary assessment of the value of shares. Until November 1, 2017, the group must submit proposals to the government to select a buyer.

It was previously noted that a well-known Hungarian bank was among those who showed interest in purchasing a minority stake in Belarusbank.

State banks are losing profits

In 2016, Belarusbank maintained its leading position in the market and earned a record profit of 155 million rubles, exceeding the target by more than 50%.

At the same time, if you look at the statistics of the National Bank, which so far provides information for only three quarters, as of October 1, 2016, the bank’s profit was 110.3 million rubles, which is 16.8% less compared to three quarters of 2015.

According to the CASE Belarus study, in 2016 the country’s large state-owned banks sharply reduced their profits and began to significantly lose to private banks in terms of the most important indicators for investors - return on assets and capital.

At the end of September, the Belarusian banking sector showed an increase in net profit. But this is only in nominal terms. In real terms, net profit decreased. In dollar terms, the figure fell by as much as 16%, the study notes.

Return on assets in January-September for the entire banking sector amounted to 0.8%. For large state-owned banks this figure is traditionally below average (0.3%).

However, the most serious problem of state banks, which are widely involved in financing government programs, is the high level of problem debt.

Basically, these are accumulated “bad debts” from previous years, when banks had to engage in directed lending and work with ineffective projects.

“The authorities believe that the preservation of state banks guarantees the safety of the functioning of the banking system, allows solving issues of the safe functioning of the state, financing of state programs, and providing the required volume of services to the population. At the same time, state banks are burdened with social projects of the state, which causes the low quality of their loan portfolios and low level of profitability,” - says the study.

It is these issues—increasing return on assets to make the bank attractive to investors, increasing profits and reducing the share of “bad loans”—that the new head of Belarusbank, Viktor Ananich, will have to solve.