Download presentation number and figure 3. VI. Reflection on learning activities in the classroom

Introduce children to the number and number 3, the formation of the number 3, teach them to relate the number to the number of objects. Teach to write the number 3. Exercise children in the ability to decrease and increase by 1. Use appropriate signs when solving examples and problems. Strengthen the ability to determine spatial location and copy it. Strengthen counting skills. Learn to understand a learning task and complete it independently. Develop logical thinking and attention. Cultivate an interest in mathematics.



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Number 3 Compiled by: Lyagushina L.V.

The nose is round, with a snout, It is convenient for them to rummage in the ground, The tail is small with a hook, Instead of shoes - hooves. Three of them - and how similar the friendly Brothers are! Guess without a hint, who are the heroes of this fairy tale? Mystery.

Find the error and restore order. 1 2 3 7 4 5 6 8 9 10 1 2 3 7 4 5 6 8 9 10

How many rabbits are there in a basket? Why do you say that? 3

Look! Bird flock! Troikas fly across the sky. With the number 3, bending the branches, it’s easy to make a bow.

A rooster flew up onto the fence and met two more there. How many roosters are there? Who has the answer?

How many apples were there? How much is left? 3 2 3 – 1 = 2

3 1 2 Formation of the number 3

3 Look at this, the number three appears. Three - the third of the icons - Consists of two hooks. 2 1 0 3

The magic of numbers Guys, many of you already know how to count, you can count your toys, your friends, the trees in the garden, and much more. And in ancient times, people learned to count to two with great difficulty, and only after many, many years they began to advance in counting. Every time something unknown and mysterious began after the deuce. when they counted “one, two, many,” then after two there was “everything.” Therefore, the number 3, which should have followed the number 2 when counting, meant “everything.” For a long time, the number 3 was for many peoples the limit of counting, perfection, a symbol of completeness, and a lucky number. The number 3 has become the most favorite number in both myths and fairy tales. Remember the fairy tales about the Three Little Pigs, the Three Bears, the Three Heroes, the Three Brothers who tried three times to achieve some goal? It has become a tradition to write works in three parts (trilogies), paintings (triptychs). The ancient Greeks considered this number lucky, and in Ancient Babylon they worshiped three main deities: the Sun, Moon and Venus. The number 3 was considered magical in ancient times because it was the sum of the previous numbers (3=2+1); symbolized by a triangle, which represents the past, present and future. Well, what does three mean as a name number? This is talent, versatility, cheerfulness, an indication of science, the world of art, sports, everything that serves as an outlet for a person. So, Katya, Viti, Alyosha, Dima and Fedya, if you take this into account when choosing a profession, you will definitely come to success and fame.

IN Ancient Rus' In Ancient Egypt Roman numbering Chinese numbering

Three is a snake charmer. He came out with his pipe. A snake dances in front of him - the tail is hooked, the neck is arched. Look at the snake - it’s the number three! What does the number 3 look like? -Look at the number three - It’s like a swallow, look. -Three is not just a curl – Three is a spring, a pretzel, a shaving

Number composition 1 3 3 2 0


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  • Personal results:
  • Meta-subject results:
    • Regulatory UUD:
      • Study differ
      • give emotional assessment
    • Cognitive UUD:
      • differ
      • navigate in the textbook.
      • Gain new knowledge: find answers
      • draw conclusions
    • Communicative UUD:
      • draw up your thoughts in oral speech
      • Listen And understand speech of others.
  • Subject results
    • Students must be able to :
    • read, write and compare numbers within 9;


I. Organizational moment

Every day - always, everywhere,
In class, in play
We speak boldly and clearly
And we sit quietly!

Guys, do you like fairy tales?

slide 1

II. Updating knowledge.

slide 2

Three people rush to the duck,
How much is left in the water? (6)

2) Once to the bunny for lunch
A neighbor friend came galloping up.
The bunnies sat on a tree stump
And they ate five carrots.
Who's counting, guys, is dexterous?
How many carrots did you eat? (10)

Egorka ran home,
And then Vadim left
And Seryozha followed him.
How many children are left on the hill?
Who has counted, answer quickly! (4)

4) Arina entered the class,
And behind her is Marina,
And then Ignat came in,
How many children came to the class?(3)

5) Birds flew over the river:
Pigeon, pike, two tits,
Two swifts, five crucian carp,
How many birds? Answer quickly!(5)

Who is our “mind chamber”?
-Who do they call that?


One - get up, pull yourself up!
Two - bend over, straighten up!
Three - three claps of your hands,
Three nods of the head.
Four - arms wider,
Five - wave your arms,
Six - sit down quietly!


Letter number 3.Slide13

Exercise for the eyes.Slide14

V. Work on the topic of the lesson

(Physical Minute) Slide 16

VI. Lesson summary

What was the lesson objective?
- What number does the number 3 represent?
- What did we do with the objects to find out their quantity? (Counted, recalculated)

  • - Appreciate your work using a smiley face.

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Subject. Number and figure 3. (UMK "Harmony")

Lesson type: fairy tale lesson

Target: introduce the number 3, its formation and writing.


    Educational: improve counting skills, the ability to divide objects into groups according to a given criterion, model subject information, replace objects with symbols.

    Developmental: develop thinking, speech, attention, orientation on the plane of a sheet.

    Educational: cultivate perseverance and discipline.

    Personal results:

    • In the proposed situations of communication and cooperation, based on simple rules of behavior common to everyone, make a choice, with the support of classmates and the teacher, what to do.

    Meta-subject results:

    • Regulatory UUD:

      • Determine and formulate the purpose of the activity in the lesson with the help of the teacher.

        Learn to express your assumption (version) based on working with textbook illustrations.

        Study differ a correctly completed task from an incorrect one.

        Learn together with the teacher and other students give emotional assessment class activities in the lesson.

    • Cognitive UUD:

      • Navigate your knowledge system: differ new from what is already known with the help of a teacher.

        Make a preliminary selection of information sources: navigate in the textbook.

        Gain new knowledge: find answers answer questions using the textbook, your life experiences, and information received in class.

        Process the information received: draw conclusions as a result of joint work of the whole class.

      Communicative UUD:

      • Communicate your position to others: draw up your thoughts in oral speech

        Listen And understand speech of others.

    Subject results

    • Students must be able to use when completing tasks :

      knowledge of the names and sequence of numbers from 1 to 9;

      classify objects and mathematical objects according to one basis;


I. Organizational moment

Every day - always, everywhere,
In class, in play
We speak boldly and clearly
And we sit quietly!

Guys, do you like fairy tales?

Today we have a fairy tale lesson. Guess which one? (“Kolobok”) slide 1

II. Updating knowledge.

- So, the grandmother baked a bun in the evening and put it on the window to cool. slide 2 Surprisingly, the bun turned out great. Not only is he a fidget, he’s also inquisitive and loves to solve problems, what about you? Shall we help the bun?

1) Nine clever ducklings were swimming in the creek,
Three people rush to the duck,
How much is left in the water? (6)

2) Once to the bunny for lunch
A neighbor friend came galloping up.
The bunnies sat on a tree stump
And they ate five carrots.
Who's counting, guys, is dexterous?
How many carrots did you eat? (10)

3) Seven guys were sliding down the slide.
Egorka ran home,
And then Vadim left
And Seryozha followed him.
How many children are left on the hill?
Who has counted, answer quickly! (4)

4) Arina entered the class,
And behind her is Marina,
And then Ignat came in,
How many children came to the class?(3)

5) Birds flew over the river:
Pigeon, pike, two tits,
Two swifts, five crucian carp,
How many birds? Answer quickly!(5)

– Who is our “mind chamber”?
-Who do they call that? (In the old days this was the name of the smart person, who could replace several wise men. True, today this expression is more often pronounced with irony.)


One - get up, pull yourself up!
Two - bend over, straighten up!
Three - three claps of your hands,
Three nods of the head.
Four - arms wider,
Five - wave your arms,
Six - sit down quietly!

- Morning has come. The bun rolled along the path, and a hare met him and said: “Kolobok, bun, I’ll eat you!” And the bun answers him: “Complete the task first!”

IV. Working on new material.

- No, gray one, you won’t eat it, it’s better to work in your notebook. Slide12

- First, name the number of items. (3)

- What is the topic of the lesson? What tasks will we set ourselves for the lesson?

Letter number 3.Slide13

What three rules must you follow to write correctly?

    writing numbers by the teacher on the board;

    children writing numbers in the air;

    writing two numbers by children in notebooks (the teacher marks the successful one);

    writing numbers to the end of the line

Exercise for the eyes.Slide14

V. Work on the topic of the lesson

No, Mikhailo Potapych, it’s better to dance with us! He agreed.

(Physical Minute) Slide 16

No, little fox, you won’t succeed, do the task with us in the textbook on page 46 No. 90, No. 91

VI. Lesson summary

- Well done, guys, you helped the bun survive.

– What was the task of the lesson?
– What number does the number 3 represent?
– What did we do with the objects to find out their quantity? (Counted, recalculated)

VII. Reflection educational activities

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Name the number of objects in each picture:

The number three is written with the sign - number 3.

We clap our hands, clap, clap (clap overhead) We stomp our feet, stomp, stomp ( raise your knees high) Shake your head (move your head back and forth) We raise our hands, we lower our hands (raise our hands, lower our hands) We squat low and we stand up straight (squat and jump)