Medical center management bit templates. BIT: Medical Center Management (BIT.UMC). Personnel and equipment accounting

BIT solution card: Medical center management

Designed to automate financial and operational accounting of the activities of medical centers, specialized medical institutions (dental, ophthalmological clinics) and other healthcare organizations.

Buy BIT: Management of a medical center in St. Petersburg

BUHIT028 20 000
BUHIT028OSN005BIT: Medical center management. Basic license for 5 workstations 29 000
BUHIT028DOP001BIT: Medical center management. Additional license for 1 workplace 4 500
BUHIT028DOP005BIT: Medical center management. Additional license for 5 workstations 15 500
BUHIT028DOP010BIT: Medical center management. Additional license for 10 workstations 30 000
BUHIT028DOP020BIT: Medical center management. Additional license for 20 workstations 57 000
BUHIT028DOP050BIT: Medical center management. Additional license for 50 workstations 112 500
BUHIT028DOP100BIT: Medical center management. Additional license for 100 workstations 202 500
BUHIT028DOP_NOTEBIT: Medical center management. Additional license for laptop 5 000

The price is indicated in rubles. Free delivery and installation of 1C:Enterprise programs in St. Petersburg.


The product "BIT: Medical Center Management" is intended for use with client licenses "1C:Enterprise 8", increasing the number of jobs, as well as with a license for the 1C:Enterprise 8 server. If you need to connect additional workstations, you need to purchase the appropriate number of additional licenses

Support and update

Support and service for registered users is provided within the framework of Information Technology Support (1C:ITS) - 1C:ITS Techno or 1C:ITS Prof. The free subscription period when purchasing the program is 3 months. After the free subscription expires, you must purchase a paid subscription to ITS to receive product support services

Registered users can download updates from the website and from the ITS disk.

BIT functionality: Medical center management

  • A visual log book displaying patient records to doctors, offices and equipment, employee accounting, automatic calculation of staff wages depending on output.
  • Maintaining a client base:
    • Storing complete information about clients and visit history.
    • Wide range of pricing options: maintaining multiple price lists, various discount schemes.
    • Bonus system.
    • Maintaining SMS and E-mail mailings from the program.
  • Medical activities:
    • Receiving patients using flexible examination forms.
    • Drawing up a patient treatment plan with the ability to select frequently used treatment regimens.
    • Convenient selection of diagnoses from ICD-10.
    • Accounting for laboratory tests and analyses.
    • Working with insurance companies.
  • Warehouse accounting and work with suppliers:
    • Accounting for services rendered and sales, automatic write-off of consumables with calculation of consumption deviations from established standards, generation of a report for the shift with data on sales and cash flow.
    • Conducting all standard warehouse operations.
    • Equipment accounting.
  • Analytical activities:
    • Reports on sales, movement of goods and funds for arbitrary periods.
    • Reports on mutual settlements with clients and employees, on employee output for the period.
    • Reports on financial results of activities for any period showing profits and profitability of activities with detail by cost items.
  • Support for retail equipment: fiscal recorders, barcode scanners, label printers, magnetic card readers.

Modern operating conditions of medical institutions and maintaining a high level of service require full knowledge of information about the patient, administrative and financial resources of the clinic and the ability to quickly operate with this data. This becomes possible thanks to the automation of the medical center. Many healthcare institutions have already switched to electronic document management, having appreciated its advantages.

The BIT.Medical Center Management program offers the ability to automate the work of a commercial clinic, medical institution, medical center, or clinic. Multidisciplinary centers with a developed network of branches, as well as highly specialized clinics: ophthalmology, dentistry, narcology, etc. can work with it.

Why is medical center automation needed:

  • a large amount of information about clients, medical histories;
  • promptly make an appointment with a specialist according to the work schedule, without any hassles;
  • reducing the time of patient appointments along with increasing the efficiency of the appointment;
  • reliable storage of information about services provided, procedures and examination results;
  • calculations and document flow with patients;
  • customer loyalty;
  • common database for all branches;
  • warehouse condition monitoring;
  • accounting for the work of employees and equipment;
  • monitoring and analysis of financial indicators and cash flow;
  • payroll for employees;
  • reporting and statistics on the work of the clinic as a whole.

Automation of a clinic in Moscow and the region. is possible thanks to the implementation of a medical information system from “First BIT”, which is a huge electronic archive of institutional data that is easy and quick to navigate.

What distinguishes our software for automation of medical institutions from its analogues?

coverage of all business processes Coverage of all business processes of a medical institution thanks to the wide functionality of the system.

ease of settings Any employee can handle the program: it is clear, well-visualized, and has simple settings.

own protocols For the convenience of doctors, we have included the ability to create their own protocols and make necessary changes to the template.

data exchange system Using the program, you can set up a system for data exchange, including receiving information from medical equipment, from a laboratory, from a company website (for example, making an appointment, feedback).

distribution metering systems For multidisciplinary clinics, it is possible to create distribution accounting systems (storing information across branches with consolidation in a central hub and full data exchange).

various modules Possibility of connecting various program modules on favorable terms.

06/18/2018, Mon, 10:22, Moscow time , Text: Dmitry Stepanov

First BIT, a Russian integrator of IT solutions, has automated 300 workplaces in the clinics of the Georgian holding Vivo Medical Group, introducing the 1C: Medicine system. Hospital". The program allowed Vivo Medical Group hospitals to streamline information transfer processes between their laboratory and departments, reduce data entry errors, and reduce the burden on doctors.

The management of the large medical holding Vivo Medical Group decided to increase the number of clinic clients, improve the quality of services and speed of service.

To implement the plan, the holding needed to automate all accounting and management circuits in the clinics. The international company First BIT helped him with this, which has already implemented programs in 1.2 thousand clinics in Russia and other countries.

The Chelyabinsk office of First BIT needed to understand the peculiarities of the clinics’ work in order to select a solution for specific tasks and establish processes for transferring information between the clinic laboratory and medical departments. The implementation experts also had to set up the integration of the 1C:Medicine program. Hospital" with the laboratory management system Terra Lab.

The project was implemented by First BIT in 6 months within the timeframe agreed with the customer. As a result, 300 jobs were automated: receptionists, doctors, managers.

System "1C: Medicine. Hospital" allowed us to reduce the time for preparing information for making optimal management decisions.

Data flow processes between the laboratory and Vivo Medical Group clinics were established. Now doctors quickly see the results of research: they do not have to waste time calling the laboratory, writing letters and checking mail regularly. By logging into the system, doctors see the timing of preparation of tests and their results. This helps to track the patient’s condition over time and quickly establish a diagnosis. This way they can see more patients.

As a result, using the program “1C: Medicine. Hospital” Vivo Medical Group holding managed to improve the quality of service in clinics. Due to this, the likelihood of patients returning to Vivo Medical Group hospitals has increased.

“We thank the Chelyabinsk office of First BIT for their help. Thanks to the implementation, we were able to obtain a clear working system, which significantly accelerated the exchange of information between departments, simplified the work of clinic staff and helped reduce the number of errors when entering data,” noted the CFO of Vivo Medical Group Anna Kurkhuli.

“For us it was a socially significant project. Now Vivo Medical Group clinics have reached a new level of interaction with patients, involving efficiency and accuracy in matters affecting the patient’s life. Delays and mistakes in such matters can sometimes lead to dire risks that threaten the deterioration of the health of patients, and subsequently the damaged reputation of the hospital. Therefore, in my opinion, every medical institution should automate its processes in order to minimize risks or prematurely eliminate the causes of their occurrence. The First BIT company is ready to help them with this,” said the head of medical solutions at the First BIT company. Andrey Ulanovsky.

Increase profits and make management decisions 2 times faster!

  • The program for a medical center in 1 click shows how much profit the clinic brings and how stable it is. Reports will help you adjust your strategy so that your business makes money.
  • The manager easily manages staff and retains talent! The program helps to understand which of the employees sets records and makes a profit, and who misses deadlines and slows down the work of the clinic.

Attract new clients and retain those who are already with you!

  • The marketer sees in the program how clients found out about the clinic, how many people called, how many of them made an appointment, and at what stage they “get lost.” This helps you invest money in advertising wisely and turn new customers into regular ones.
  • Simple reports show the effectiveness of promotions and special offers. The marketer monitors how the demand for services is changing and which areas are now more promising.

Organize proper loading of the clinic!

  • The scheduling calendar displays patient appointments with doctors. This speeds up the operation of the recorder by at least 3 times, eliminates “duplicate” records and data loss. The head of the call center sees the workload of the clinic or medical center and competently distributes the work of doctors.
  • The program automatically identifies the client, the administrator sees the visit history. This helps to quickly select the necessary services and doctors, and make an appointment for the patient in seconds.

More time to treat patients!

  • Electronic medical records help you quickly view a patient's medical history and test results.
  • Built-in appointment templates and diagnoses according to ICD-10 allow the doctor to spend more time treating the patient and minimize errors.

Control every ruble!

  • Every day the manager looks at the most important indicators: how money moved in the cash register, which employee sold more services and for what amount, how much was spent on salaries and how much money was left in the cash register.
  • The software helps reduce the consumption of materials in medical institutions by at least 50%, and control deviations in consumption from established standards.

Using the program, you can automate financial and operational accounting of the activities of various healthcare organizations, including medical centers and specialized medical institutions (ophthalmological, gynecological, dental clinics).

The benefits of automation are:

Fast registration work. The program allows you to quickly enter data of new clients into the database, draw up and print contracts, contains effective search tools and make appointments;

Convenience of medical work on site. Patient records are maintained in a form approved by the Ministry of Health; it is possible to view the history of visits, examination results, laboratory tests, as well as print the results of each visit. There is a directory of diagnoses;

Accounting for the sale of goods in existing trade divisions, such as pharmacies, optics, etc.;

Assistance in the work of the head physician and the manager of the medical center. The program allows you to track the output of employees, take into account the materials used, control their balances, and automatically pay salaries to staff;

Adjustment of discounts on medical services and goods;


Transparency of the center's work for owners and investors. You can quickly generate reports for any period and track cash flows.

The functionality of "BIT: Medical Center Management" includes:

maintaining a client base. The program stores information about all patients and visit history, has great pricing capabilities thanks to maintaining several price lists, a bonus system, and various discount schemes. E-mail and SMS sending is possible;

medical activities. Admission of patients is facilitated by maintaining customizable examination forms, when drawing up a treatment plan, it is possible to select frequently used treatment regimens, the selection of a diagnosis is made from ICD-10, all laboratory and additional research methods are registered, interaction with insurance companies is automated;

analytical activity. The program allows you to quickly create various reports for arbitrary periods. These are reports on sales, cash and goods flows, mutual settlements with patients and staff, employee output, as well as reports on financial activities, which display the profit and profitability of the enterprise with itemized costs;

inventory control. All standard warehouse operations are carried out, equipment records are kept, a report can be generated for each shift indicating data on the flow of funds and sales, materials used are automatically written off and expenses do not comply with established standards.

The BIT: Medical Center Management program is compatible with 1C: Accounting 8. The delivery set includes a user manual, registration form and CD distribution kit.