The scope of the company's activities, what to write. Professional goal in the resume: attracting the attention of the employer. Basic information about the candidate

In this article you will learn how to correctly write a resume for a job, the sample is quite clear and with its help everyone will be able to write a correct resume...

So, a resume is a self-description, briefly stated in writing, compiled by a person hiring for a job. In it you list your professional skills, personal qualities, contacts and achievements. A well-written resume allows you to get more interested employers and speeds up your employment.

The main rules for a successful resume:

  1. Your vacancy;

In order for an employer to like your resume, you need to understand what kind of candidate he is looking for. To do this, collect a list of vacancies that interest you and study all the characteristics and requirements for candidates. Assemble the characteristics of “their dream employee” like a mosaic. Based on the data you have studied, create a resume for yourself, but do not attribute to yourself qualities that you do not have.

It doesn’t matter whether you responded to a published vacancy or write to the HR manager, in any case, you need to clearly understand what exactly you will have to do in this company, based on this, and compose a resume. In order not to confuse employers and not provoke unnecessary questions, do not indicate unnecessary information about yourself.

When writing your resume, be sure to include information about your knowledge and skills correctly!

Your additional skills must be relevant to the position being applied for. You should not talk about completed handicraft courses if the company is looking for an accountant.

If you have any experience or skills that you are hesitant to indicate on your resume, then it is better to indicate them. At the very least, you will be able to discuss the issues that have arisen during the interview, which will not interest the employer at all.

  1. Spelling and punctuation;

Literacy on your resume is just as important as your professional skills.

The presence of grammatical errors, imprint and slang reduces your chances of being hired by an order of magnitude. You will be mistaken for an illiterate and unserious worker.

  1. Brevity is the soul of wit;

You shouldn’t be verbose, as the employer will already have to read a lot of resumes. And a full-page description of your previous place of work is unlikely to be interesting. Attention from reading for a long time is scattered, and you need help focusing on your document. To do this, reduce the text of your resume to a minimum.

Optimal option: 1 page, maximum 2. Of course, it won’t be possible to painlessly fit it into one page. You will have to leave some achievements and successes in the shadows.

But you shouldn’t get by with two dry phrases when describing your professionalism. Write briefly and succinctly, but under no circumstances remain silent about your achievements in the profession, because... This is exactly the information on the basis of which an idea about you is built.

Do not use generic expressions such as “sales manager” or “sales manager.” Write how much, thanks to you, the level of sales has increased, what methods you used for this. Share the tangible benefits of your actions.

Some tips for writing your resumeWord'e

Let me warn you right away, these tips can turn a two-page resume into a one-page one.

  • Save space by using tables;
  • Write in a smaller font size;
  • Optimize document headers and footers.
  1. Simplification of the structure;

A properly structured resume in itself speaks of you as a neat and attentive person. It also allows you to quickly understand the information presented, find your work experience and your personal qualities.

There is no need to come up with new forms for writing a resume; it is better to use the most common ones.

A couple of popular resume structures:

After the header of the resume comes the following work experience:

  1. Full name, contacts, personal information;
  2. Purpose (if you wish, you can indicate your desired salary);
  3. Professional skills;
  4. Experience;
  5. Education;
  6. Professional skills;
  7. Additional Information.

For a deeper understanding, let's look at each element separately.

Full name, contacts, personal information:

It is necessary to indicate:

  • Last name;
  • City of residence;
  • Telephones;
  • Email.

Specifying other information is optional.

To the extent possible, limit your personal data:

  • Indicate the number of complete years - instead of the date of birth;
  • City name - instead of a detailed address;
  • One phone number is enough instead of two;
  • Marital status – you don’t have to mention it at all.

Expected salary:

Please provide this information if you wish. You can discuss this topic in more detail at a personal meeting, at which time your responsibilities will be clarified, on which the size of your salary actually depends.


Indicate the last 10 years of employment.

If you changed jobs, list them starting from the last place. Tell us more about your previous place of work.


Those who are applying for a job for the first time, please provide complete information about your education, including diploma, internship, coursework, etc.

You can also inform about completing trainings, seminars, courses that improve your professionalism.

If you have extensive work experience, talk about your education very briefly.

Working Skills:

The use of the following characteristics is not recommended: trainable, responsible, result-oriented. They are very banal and lose their true meaning. By removing such words from your resume, you will likely appear more original than other candidates.

Additional Information

Here you indicate information that cannot be specified in other sections. Tell us about your personal qualities, your hobbies, plans for the future, everything that may interest employers.

  1. Focus on success;

Two real successes at work will be enough to raise your authority.

  1. Simple phrases and words;

Do not use unclear words and terms. The complex construction of sentences and text will only confuse the employer, and he will not be able to adequately evaluate your candidacy.

If you remove professional terms (the employer does not always understand your profession), reduce sentences to 1-2 lines, divide the text itself into small paragraphs, you will already make your resume much clearer.

The absence of invitations to an interview does not indicate disinterest in your profession. Your resume may be written incorrectly. Follow the recommendations described above and the work will not keep you waiting.

Now you know how to write a sample resume for a job.

A resume is one of the most effective tools in the hands of a person looking for a job. There is a version that a well-written resume can replace an interview, and therefore can become a kind of guarantee of successful employment.

There are no uniform standards defining how to write a resume, neither in Russia nor in the world. But there are recommendations supported by the experience of HR specialists and experts. We will pay special attention to them.

Types of resumes in modern classification

Some HR experts believe that a resume is a type of document that can be classified into several varieties. In particular, there are researchers who divide these types of resumes into documents adapted for a specific vacancy or of a general nature, and also divided according to their purpose into chronological and functional.

Choosing any one (or combining several) will affect how a particular candidate prefers to write a resume.

Resume - only for the vacancy

Many HR experts advise sending the employer exclusively targeted resumes - those that indicate the candidate’s desire to apply for a specific vacancy. Companies, experts believe, do not particularly like to deal with people who have decided to simply declare themselves without a specific goal and do not know how to write a resume when applying for a suitable position.

Resume - for any job

The opposite point of view is that it is possible and necessary to send resumes in which the person reflects their readiness to work in principle. The company itself must “appoint” the candidate to the vacancy for which it deems necessary.

Chronological view of resume

Such documents outline the candidate’s career path in relation to sequence in time (direct or reverse). This is now the most common type of resume. Its main advantage is that the employer sees a fairly detailed picture of the candidate’s work history. The main drawback is that it is not easy to identify a particularly important stage for the HR manager checking a resume, and it is not at all a fact that he will be able to discern it himself.

Functional type of resume

This type of document reflects the candidate’s qualifications, professionalism, experience, and achieved results. The sequence of facts reflecting the work biography recedes, as a rule, into the background. Some HR specialists treat this type of resume with expressed distrust, believing that the person could have presented the facts not entirely correctly (in some places taking credit for someone else’s achievements, in others wishful thinking).

There is, of course, a combined type of resume that combines the features of functional and chronological. You just need to be able to present the facts in the right structure. Our short instructions can help you decide what it should look like (and after reading it, we can see an example of how to write a resume, a sample of its composition).

Optimal resume structure

HR specialists believe that the following resume structure could be typical:

1. Title (candidate’s full name).
2. Purpose of submitting the document.
3. Basic information about the candidate.
4. Education.
5. Work experience and other activities.
6. Additional information.
7. Conclusion.

This is a relatively universal scheme; it is suitable for people who want to understand how to write a resume for a teacher, engineer, manager, one might say, for any profession.

What do we write in the title?

It is recommended to write only your full name, as well as the title of the document “resume” (so that it does not get lost on the desktops of the HR department). The title should be distributed across the entire width of the sheet, and the word “summary” should be in the middle.

What purpose do we indicate?

It all depends on one of the two strategies described above - the desire to work in a specific position or the intention to find a job in general. If the first option, we write in the goal “application for such and such a vacancy” (for example, “designer”, “programmer”, “engineer”). If the second one, we write in the goal “employment in such and such a profile” (for example, “sales,” “research,” “marketing”).

In the same section, many HR specialists recommend specifying the desired conditions for salary (if possible, we specify market average figures), and the form of employment (which can be full-time, part-time or temporary). It can be noted that there is a readiness for remote work, business trips, and a flexible schedule.

Basic information about the candidate

These include:

  • Full name, date of birth.
  • Registration address (actual residence).
  • Marital status, whether there are children.
  • Contacts - telephones, e-mail, VOIP, social network profiles.
  • Total work experience (in years).


How to write education on a resume? We indicate the name of the university (or secondary vocational educational institution), its full form (that is, for example, not FG, but “federal state”. We write the year of admission, graduation and specialty (qualification). We indicate the diploma number. And so - for each institution where you studied.

If there are professional certificates obtained outside the university (for example, courses in advanced knowledge of programming languages), please indicate below (course name, place and duration of training).


Experts advise writing what has been stated in the work book for the last ten years. If the work was in several segments, then you can somehow highlight them.

Here's an example.

In 2005-2007 - sales activities:

  • Position: manager (company such and such), 2005
  • Position: sales representative (company such and such), 2006-2007

In 2008-2014 - activities in the entertainment sector:

  • Position: TV show presenter (channel such and such), 2008-2010
  • Position: General Director (of such and such TV channel), 2010-2014.

How to write a resume if you have no work experience? In this case, you can include in this document information about activities that will give the employer a more or less tangible idea of ​​​​the candidate's qualifications.

Examples could be as follows (in particular, they will help you understand how to write a resume for a student):

In 2011 - activities in the field of logistics:

  • position: assistant to the general director (of such and such a company) within the framework of labor practice.

In 2012 - activities in the field of public service:

  • position: chairman of the election commission (number such and such) for the presidential elections of the Russian Federation

Additional Information

Here it makes sense to indicate skills that can help in the job: knowledge of computer programs, foreign languages, personal qualities (but do not praise yourself too much, but indicate only those that may be relevant to the vacancy or the field in which the company operates).

In the same section, contacts of people who can give recommendations will be useful. This, according to HR experts, is very appealing to employers. Having recommendations will especially help those who do not have work experience using a work book.

Additional information also includes professional and other achievements. For example, if there were certificates or awards at your previous job, you need to indicate this (and explain why).

Final part

Here, HR specialists recommend stating the rationale for their application to the company with a resume. It is necessary to indicate why a person chooses a particular employer and not some other (but without laudatory phrases like “I only dreamed of getting to you”). You can, as an option, indicate that this company has all the conditions in which you can reveal your professional potential.

The indicated structure of how to write a resume correctly is a completely theoretical sample. A little later we will come to the practical component. But for now, there are other important nuances.

How to create a resume

We looked at how to write a resume for a job in terms of content. The next point is the design. It is best to create a document on A4 sheet. You can leave the formatting settings (mainly for field sizes) as they are set by default in the Word editor or its equivalent. If there are any unusual ones, set the field width to 3 cm on the left, 1.5 cm on the right. The optimal font size is 12, the spacing between lines is single. It is better to align the text in width and set hyphens.

HR specialists strongly discourage the use of exclamation marks, capital letters without abbreviations, and bold font (as well as italics or underlining) in your resume.

It is not always appropriate to insert tables into a resume - they can only take up space and not contain the necessary information.

Regarding the photo (to post or not to post), the opinions of HR experts differ. Opponents of posting say that a resume with a photo is almost a sign of bad taste; supporters say that this is a global trend, and Russians need to join it.

Your resume shouldn't be too long. Ideally it is one page.

Basic mistakes when working with resumes

Experts identify three main types of mistakes that candidates make when writing a resume.

  1. Too brief a summary of the facts.

    The thing is that, as a rule, people are called in for an interview who were able to provide so much information about themselves that the HR manager only has additional questions. The basic facts have already been stated.

  2. Too verbose.

    Experts emphasize that a resume should not be an autobiography. Employers are not interested in facts that are not directly related to work: hobbies or, for example, philosophical and political views. And those that do can be presented on one page. The HR manager will ask about hobbies and the like, if he deems it necessary, during the interview.

  3. When one resume is sent to several different vacancies.

    We noted above that there are two optimal strategies: “work according to a vacancy” and “work in principle.” If a person has chosen several vacancies, then, it seems, what prevents him from using some combined option for writing a resume? But HR experts say that the intention to apply for several vacancies at once may indicate that the candidate himself does not know what he wants from the job. If there are several vacancies, then you need to create several resumes (each of which can be tailored according to experience and education) for a specific position. It’s a completely different matter if a person makes it clear to the manager that he is actually applying for several vacancies through separate resumes, which clearly and reasonably set out the legitimacy of such an intention. In which it is written that there is both experience and qualifications for each position.

Do you need a cover letter?

HR managers advise drawing it up and attaching it to your resume. The main purpose of this document is to show how the candidate differs from others with a similar resume at the level of expressing thoughts, internal beliefs and attitudes, which can be read well in cover letters. Many HR specialists evaluate a resume only in conjunction with a cover letter.

There are few requirements for this document - it is just another A4 piece of paper placed before the one on which the contents of the resume are stated (that is, the employer must first read the cover letter). This sheet contains several sentences about why the person decided to apply for the vacancy. How is this different from the “goal” section? Statement of motive. In a cover letter, a person reveals what motivates them to look for a job. The “goal” contains what he expects from the search.

What not to do when writing a resume

HR specialists warn against taking a number of actions that will almost certainly ensure failure at an interview or refusal of further consideration of the resume writer as an applicant for the position.

The first is to write a fictitious name that does not correspond to the real date of birth. It is absolute bad manners to impersonate another person (who may have the necessary experience and qualifications) in order to be called in for an interview. The identification of the candidate must be unambiguous.

The second is to give incorrect information on work experience (it is especially important to write truthful dates for the implementation of activities) and education. As a rule, employers check this by calling via contact information (or their channels).

Third, ignore key facts that indicate that a person is suitable for the vacancy. These may include, for example, job responsibilities. The ability to avoid this is especially important for people who want to learn to understand how to write a resume for a bank and other financial organizations. It is in these segments that it is not so much experience that is important as the content of previous work. For example, an accountant who worked in a sports club and calculated salaries for foreigners, and an accountant who worked in the civil service and calculated salaries for officials, are different specialists in the eyes of the HR manager, despite the fact that the position sounds the same (and, quite possibly, both accountants studied at the next desk at the university).

Sample of a good resume

Let's move from theory to practice. Let's look at how to write a resume, a sample of which can be highly appreciated by modern HR specialists. Let’s take a vacancy such as “Marketing Director”. This, of course, is just a sample resume form - how to write this document in fact is determined by the candidate himself.


Everything here is extremely simple. "Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich. Summary". Place it in the center of the page. Don’t forget to highlight the title in a larger font (14-16 is possible).


In this case, we are talking about applying for a specific vacancy - we have already outlined above how to write a resume for a job within the desired positions. Citizen Ivanov will state the following goal: “Employment for the position of Marketing Director” (we also indicate in which company).

Here we set out the salary conditions. “The desired level of income is 90 thousand rubles per month.” HR specialists do not recommend writing “by agreement” - especially when it comes to a managerial position.

Basic information

Full name - Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich.

City of residence: Samara. It is useful to indicate “ready for business trips.”

Education: higher engineering.

Marital status: married, three children.

Work experience: since 2000 (14 years).


National Research University "Higher School of Economics" (Moscow): 2001-2006

Specialty: enterprise management.

Diploma number: such and such.

Additional education

  • course “Persuasion Techniques” (Moscow, Academy of National Economy, May-June 2003);
  • course “Sales the American way” (Vladivostok, Russian-American Business Center, January-February 2005).


2000-2002 - activities in the field of high technology:

  • position: IT consultant (2000) in such and such company;
  • position: Microsoft Software Sales Director (2001-2002).

2003-2014 - sales activities:

  • position: deputy general director (2003-2007) in such and such company;
  • position: general director (2008-2014).

additional information

  • Knowledge of foreign languages: English (upper-intermediate level).
  • Knowledge of office programs Word, Excel, Access, Front Page.
  • Knowledge of graphics programs Corel Draw, Photoshop.
  • Ownership of 1C packages.


You can write it like this. “Having gained the necessary experience in Russian companies, I consider it necessary to move in the direction of international business. In this regard, I see myself as a sales director in the company.” This is roughly how to write a resume correctly, an example of a more or less attractive sample document for a modern employer.

The recruitment industry in Russia is actively developing. There are some more useful tips on how to write a resume correctly. Russian HR specialists advise that you don’t need to present absolutely all the facts about yourself in your resume. You need to limit yourself to work and training experience that is directly related to the future vacancy and, importantly, relevant to the profile of the employing company.

The section on work experience should contain information that not only reflects the essence of the activity and its duration in a specific position. It is important to remember before writing a resume an example of some achievements. It will be great if their essence is such that no one else could achieve similar results. HR managers care about candidates’ desire to reach new heights.

Similarly, in the education section, it is advisable to reflect something that can impress the employer. For example, writing some kind of scientific work on an important problem or inventing something in a university laboratory. You can point out that there were victories in olympiads and competitions, and personal scholarships were awarded.

If the candidate has no experience or understanding of how to write a resume, you can always download a sample of one from specialized sites. But it is advisable, of course, to master the methods of drawing up such documents on your own.

The most important recommendation from HR specialists is to re-read your resume several times. And ideally, ask someone else to do it. It will be great if this person is an experienced HR manager. It is very important how to write a resume correctly, not only in terms of texture, but also in terms of spelling, style and grammar. This factor is of great importance for employers.

Such a column in a resume as “professional goal” often scares applicants. Not everyone has a clear idea of ​​what exactly needs to be written under this heading. What exactly are professional goals and what they are, how to write about professional goals in a way that interests the employer, how to combine all your knowledge and skills in one sentence - these and many other questions often trouble job seekers when writing a resume. Many applicants think about the need for this column and prefer to exclude it.

Until recently, in the “professional goal” column, you could simply indicate the position for which the applicant is applying. But today it is no longer relevant to adhere to such tactics. It is important for the employer to understand the more specific information about the applicant that he can obtain regarding the professional goals of the potential employee.

Here are some questions that an employer can get answers to from the answer to just one column of a resume:

  • why the applicant wants to work in this company;
  • what motivates a job seeker when applying for a job;
  • how well the applicant understands the specifics of a particular business;
  • how the applicant can be useful to the company;
  • Is the applicant aware of what the company can offer him?

The concept of a professional goal does not need to be understood. A resume is written in order to obtain a specific vacancy. Professional goals are a much broader concept. At its core, it implies what you want to get from the profession. The answer to this question can tell a potential boss a lot and help him decide on a candidate.

It is logical that every professional should imagine his career ladder in one way or another. The way you personally see it has a direct bearing on your professional goals.

How and where to write about the purpose of a resume

The column “purpose”, which refers to the purpose of the resume, should be located immediately under the header of the resume (which indicates the last name, first name, patronymic of the candidate and contact information). If the resume is intended for the personnel department of a certain company, then you need to indicate the specific position for which you are applying. If an applicant is considering several vacancies, then it is better to create a separate resume for each of them.

If an applicant indicates too many positions in the “goal” column, then there is a possibility that the employer will prefer to invite for an interview a person with a narrower professional focus, because such a specialist is more deeply devoted to the profession.

It is very important to specify the goal in such a way that it is suitable for a given company. Abstract vacancies will interest the employer much less than a vacancy that corresponds to a given company and a given case. You shouldn’t just write “accountant” or “builder.” It is necessary to carefully study the company profile and get the most from the advertisement that is given for the vacancy. If an accountant is required for a trading company, then it is better to indicate that you are interested in the vacancy of an accountant in a company in this area. So, an example of a resume goal in this case should look like this: “obtaining an accountant position in a trading company.”

If the resume is simply posted on the Internet, then you can simply indicate the applicant’s field of activity. This may be the same profession name or (the latter option is appropriate if other vacancies are not considered by the applicant). If the purpose of a resume is without a specific position, an example of it might look like this:

  • work in a large company;
  • obtaining a position in a manufacturing company;
  • getting a job in the construction industry.

Career goal on resume

A professional goal differs from some other types. Therefore, one should not confuse a professional goal with a personal or private one. The professional goal is the content and result of the specialist’s work. After reading the wording, it should immediately become clear to anyone what a professional does and what goals he wants to achieve in his work. What goals can border on professional, and how do they differ?

  • personal goals - what the applicant wants to achieve for himself personally;
  • combined goal - says what the applicant wants to achieve and reflects the content of the activity;
  • a professional goal reflects the content of the job, specifies the scope of professional problems that the applicant can solve, and communicates what results the potential employee wants to achieve regarding a specific vacancy.

So, today we will be presented with examples of the best resumes. Without this document it is now very difficult to imagine employment. And, accordingly, when a person does not have it, then the chances of filling a vacancy are rapidly approaching zero. Thus, you have to think a lot about how to write a resume. Sometimes it is made inconsistent with reality. To some extent this is correct. Especially if you are a fast learner. Then you can always quickly master the skills and programs that are specified in the document. But if this is not so, then you will have to write only the truth. The best resume examples are those that demonstrate not only your skills and abilities, but also your integrity. So let's get started with today's topic as soon as possible.


Let's start by trying to understand more clearly what we will be talking about today. To know how to write a good resume (we’ll look at an example of one by component), you’ll have to figure out what we’re dealing with. Maybe this will already help you understand what needs to be written in this document.

So what is a resume? This is a document that reflects your skills and characteristics, as well as places of previous work. A kind of application form for employment. Without it you can't get a job now. Maybe as a loader, and that’s not a fact. In a resume, as a rule, personal characteristics are also indicated. And, of course, there is a small list of required items. After all, doing it wrong can simply ruin your career.

In truth, drawing up such a document requires extreme honesty. You can only lie about your character. After all, the majority of the population is now nervous. And this is a very bad trait. It's better not to indicate it. So let's try to look at an example of creating a good resume for different jobs. In addition, it is worth paying attention to the universal option, which is suitable for absolutely any profession.

About Me

It starts with one simple point - about yourself. You can also find the wording contact information. To be honest, this “place” is the easiest to fill. To fill it with information, you may need a passport.

The first thing you should pay attention to is your contact information. More precisely, personal. First name, last name and patronymic. This is the most important point. Without it, a resume is not valid. Examples of the best resumes cannot be imagined without “full name”. Write your full name, surname and patronymic. Next, you will have to fill in your city of residence and also provide your home address. Sometimes it may not be specified at the very beginning. But then you still have to.

If you do not live at the place of registration or temporary registration, then indicate two addresses - actual and registration. This will help get rid of problems in the future. summary? We will find out examples a little later. In the meantime, let’s take a look at what is worth writing in this document. After your address and personal information, you need to publish your phone number and email. This will help us contact you more quickly when needed in the future.

Among other things, you will also have to indicate your gender, age, desired income level, as well as marital status and date of birth. To be honest, no example of a good resume can exist without these points. So try to be as honest as possible here. And in general, there is nothing special here. As mentioned, this point is the easiest area to fill. Now it's time to move on to more difficult things.


The best resumes, examples (specific) of which we will study a little later, cannot be imagined without such an important point as education. To be honest, if you don’t have one, you may have problems finding a job. After all, now every employer wants to get a truly good and educated subordinate. But there are also exceptions.

As a rule, examples of the best resumes in the "Education" column reflect all the information about your learning throughout your life, starting with school itself. But usually only the fact of graduating from high school (with the year of graduation), as well as the presence of higher education, is indicated here. If you are just learning, this is also worth mentioning.

So, if you need to see an example of a good resume for an engineer, then this item should include secondary school education, as well as training at a technical university. Which one depends on your specialty. Indicate not only the faculty, but also the direction. For example: Moscow State University for the Humanities, "Automation and Control", specialty "Robots and Robotic Systems", terms of study from 2005 to 2010. By the way, the more prestigious your university, the better. Often you can not have any knowledge, but graduate from a good higher education institution. And this will allow you to get a lot of attention from employers. After all, first you will be “met” by your diplomas and application form, and only then by your professional skills and capabilities. So already in adolescence it is worth thinking about your future university.

True, sometimes examples of the best resumes have minor exceptions. In rare cases, in the “Education” column it is enough to simply write “high school” and the place where you studied. In this case, you must have additional knowledge and skills that are confirmed by something. For example, diplomas from olympiads or additional diplomas from courses. In addition, some employers make a “discount” on education if the employee is fully qualified in all other respects. But all this happens extremely rarely. You should not count on such a gift of fate.

Additional education

The next extremely important point is nothing more than the University and the school - this is all, undoubtedly, good. But many employers now want to get real professionals who are comprehensively developed as their subordinates. And therefore, now the best resumes, examples of which can only be found, include a fairly extensive clause of additional education. In principle, you can do without it. But it's better not to. You always need to demonstrate your skills and abilities to the maximum in order to be among the first candidates for a particular vacancy.

Of course, you often have to take into account the place where you want to find a job. So, by the way, if you need an example of a good manager’s resume, then you should not write in it about completing, say, “magician” courses or some kind of entertainment field. This will be redundant. But you need to indicate that you have completed courses in accounting or human resource management. So this is a very important point.

In principle, any example of a good resume includes additional education in the field of computers. If you have it, it will be a huge plus. Especially if you decide to work in an office. In this case, you can sometimes count on a salary increase. But not much. After all, additional duties are often not paid in Russia. Every employer wants to get a universal worker who will do all the work for him and earn pennies. However, if it is more important for you to create a correct and decent resume, then take care of additional education in advance. Remember, this is very important when applying for a particular job.

Previous places of work

Also important is the indication of your previous place of work. More precisely, your entire career ladder. Examples of a good resume for a job usually have a very long list. And without it, difficulties may arise. Especially if you have just graduated from university, but have not previously worked officially. And they didn't even try.

The fact is that without work experience you will be hired reluctantly. Nobody needs an employee who is smart but doesn’t know how to use their skills. Sometimes an employer can make a “discount” on this item, but only if you can prove during the probationary period that you are worthy of attention. An example of a good resume without is not an easy task. And it can only be allowed in adolescence. Well, or don’t count on good wages.

In addition to indicating places and vacancies of work, it is also worth paying attention to the reason for dismissal. Either you write it yourself, or they will ask you during the interview. It's common to ask. In addition, do not forget to indicate the length of your stay in your previous places. And, if you decide to simply change jobs for normal reasons (downsizing, salary level, schedule, etc.), then you can also leave the phone numbers of your previous managers. This will help you provide assurance that someone can vouch for you. That is, tell us what kind of employee you really are. In principle, an example of a good resume for a sales manager, for example, may not contain any official experience or places of work. In this case, tell them that you worked unofficially for certain reasons, and also give the contact information of your previous employer. Ask to contact him for recommendations. You can do without it, but it’s better not to.

Remember, the more experience you have and the smaller your list of jobs, the better. It is important to show that you are a diligent and responsible employee who can work and perform the same tasks for a long time. And your place of work will help you with this. Let's try to figure out what else can be in a good resume, which will be your “calling card” when applying for a job.


Quite often, a resume turns out to be not only the “face” of a person, but also his profile. True, not universal. After all, at each workplace you will have to change such an item as expectations from work. In principle, you can do without it. But it's better not to. It will be quite difficult to verbally explain what and why you want. After all, employers will start asking you leading questions. And you can simply get worried and confused. So let's try to figure out which example of a good resume will be extremely effective in this regard.

The point is that the main thing here is not to exaggerate. Of course, everyone wants a high salary. But you shouldn’t start with this right away. After all, this technique can simply scare off the employer. The person will think that you are too arrogant. And this is of no use to us. So the list of expectations should definitely include:

    career growth;

    development of the company;

    friendly team;


Only then should you indicate your salary. And it would be better to write “decent wages.” In this case, it will be clear that you, like everyone else, want to receive a lot. But you are ready to really work for it, and not just sit in the office doing nothing. So in this case, the main thing is to know when to stop. True, often during an interview you will fill out a detailed questionnaire, which includes the “Expectations” item, as well as everything that is in your resume. So it is quite possible that this document, which is prepared in advance for “labor and defense,” will save you time and effort. Try to fill it out as accurately as possible.

Professional skills

An example of creating a good resume is not only about indicating your education or expectations from a new job. First of all, this document is nothing more than a demonstration of yours. By the way, they may not depend on education. Often this phenomenon gives a huge advantage over other applicants. So, try to tell the employer as much as possible about your professional skills.

As you might have guessed, they generally depend on each profession and position. And there is no universal option here. For example, if you need an example of a good manager’s resume, then in this paragraph you should indicate:

    ability to find an approach to people;


    the ability to prove that a person needs your product;

In general, it is very difficult to find the right answer here. Ask yourself the question: “What does it take to perform your job duties normally and effectively?” This will help you figure out what to write in professional skills. However, in the case of economists and lawyers, things are a little simpler. It is enough for them to indicate knowledge of legislation, the ability to carry out calculations of varying complexity, and so on. So, this is probably the moment that will cause you the most difficulty. Try to think in advance about what to write here. Otherwise, you will have to spend a very long time explaining to the employer about your skills and abilities.

Personal qualities

Examples of the best resumes, to be honest, always include such a clause as “You can’t do without them.” It is good when the employer has an idea of ​​your education and skills, as well as work experience. But understanding what kind of person you are is also very important. For this reason, every resume should contain a paragraph about personal qualities. Or the features of your character. Here you can additionally answer a few standard survey questions. Just what many employers need.

Of course, you should only indicate the qualities that are important for the job. And here everything largely depends on what position you are applying for. But there is a small standard list of qualities that every employee should have. And in this sense, some potential employees choose the path of lies. They indicate qualities that they do not possess. Sometimes this behavior is acceptable. How to make a good resume? The example must necessarily contain a specific list of character traits. So, the universal personal qualities include:



    hard work;

    ability to perform monotonous work for a long time;

    stress resistance;





  • punctuality;

    fast learner;



This list can still be supplemented. But these points are mandatory for every employee. Sometimes you may be asked leading questions when filling out the questionnaire. It is also better to indicate them in your resume. What can you write? For example:

    “What will you do if you see that your colleague is cheating or breaking the rules?” - I'll tell the authorities.

    "How do you get rid of stress?" - I drink a cup of tea/coffee/juice, take a bath at home, and so on.

    "Are you ready to deceive for your own benefit?" - No.

    "You have a personal conflict with a colleague. What will you do?" - Avoid unnecessary communication, ignore unnecessarily.

In principle, this is enough. This way, you can emphasize your advantage over others, and also show that you are not some kind of “six”, but a diligent employee. This is now extremely valuable.


Of course, the most popular vacancy now (especially without work experience) is a manager. Therefore, now we will try to give an example of a decent resume for this employee. Let's pay attention to sales managers. After all, now it is customary to call “managers” almost any person who is engaged in or manages something. So let's get started.

Write your last name, first name and patronymic. You should also write all your personal information here. For example:

    Full name: Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich.

    City of residence: Moscow.

    Address: Moscow, st. Ivan Susanina 32b apt. 64.

    Date of birth: 10/12/1992.

    Gender: male.

    Marital status: Not maried.


    So today we have seen examples of the best resumes you can imagine. True, in parts. And only the resume of a sales manager was analyzed using a clear example. To be honest, it is worth drawing up this document for any vacancies according to this scheme. Only personal data changes, as well as work experience and education. Otherwise, it’s better to leave everything in the “template” version.

    Remember that your resume plays an important role when applying for a job. And therefore he should pay special attention. Try to set aside a few hours to complete it. Don't forget to also attach your photo to the "Personal Information" section. Appearance also sometimes plays a rather big role. That's all. Now all you have to do is select a vacancy, and then edit a visual example of a resume. You can get a job. So you know how to make a good resume for a job, an example of which can only please you.

    The most common question is “How to write a resume?” visits newcomers who have just graduated from educational institutions. Young job seekers do not always know what they want, so it is even more difficult to imagine what a potential employer expects from them. As for professionals and those who are in a creative search for their path, they tend to be more confident in themselves, despite the fact that they make no fewer mistakes in writing a resume than former students. Today we will learn how to write a resume so that it is guaranteed to be your ticket to an interview.

    There are different ways to write a resume. It has no set form. But there is a list of recommended columns. A good resume always contains:
    1. Personal information: full name, age, address, marital status, contact information of the compiler.
    2. Goal: what position are you applying for and why.
    3. Work experience: in chronological order, starting from the last job, years of work, company names, position, responsibilities and achievements are recorded.
    4. Education: years of study, name of educational institution, specialty.
    5. Additional information: all your additional knowledge, skills, talents and character traits that will make you stand out from other candidates and help you in your new job.
    6. Recommendations: an indication of the possibility of providing them.

    You shouldn’t be creative in this regard and omit one of the points; the recruiter is unlikely to appreciate it.

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    Remember: your resume should be short, specific, and honest. Write using active voice. Try to be as specific as possible. For example, write not “trained,” but “trained 20 new employees.” As for volume, 1 A4 sheet is considered ideal. It’s not worth writing less, but it’s not worth writing more either. Anything else that needs to be said, you will say at the interview. In the “Work Experience” section, indicate only information that relates to the future position. For example, if you worked as a camp counselor and are applying for a secretary position, then you can keep silent about such a fact in your work history. This is especially true for those who have rich and varied work experience. If you list your entire career path, your resume may turn out to be too “motley” and lacking a common focus. This creates a negative impression, and the resume risks ending up in the trash.

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    As for the “Training” column, it should be filled out as fully as possible for those who have just received a diploma, and briefly specified for those who have solid work experience. Writing a resume for a former student can be difficult; there is a great temptation to list all the “crusts” received in order to increase the volume of the resume. But, if you are planning to take the position of sales manager, do not write that you have completed floristry courses; it is better to indicate that you completed an internship at a company where you had similar responsibilities for a month.

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    Another mistake that job seekers often make is to write a resume and send it to all vacancies. For each case, a resume must be compiled separately! Especially if you are just starting your career and trying yourself in different professions. It cannot be the same as a web designer's resume, even if you are well versed in both topics. The resume should have a purpose, where everything below will be subordinate to it. Everything that is described should flow logically to the main goal and relate to one professional area. This way you will create the impression of an integral person who knows what she wants.

    Before you sit down and write a resume, imagine yourself in the shoes of the person who will receive this resume. Find out more about the company you are going to work for, about the specifics of its work, think about what they can expect from a future employee, and what exactly will interest them in you. Believe in your strength, prepare carefully - and you will definitely succeed!