Scenario of an ecological fairy tale and Baba Yaga vs. Game program "in the thicket of the forest, at the devil's house with Baba Yaga." Game “Music Box”

Winter holiday at the preschool educational institution. Middle-senior group

Author Sayasova Valentina Vpalerievna, teacher of Krasnoborsky kindergarten, Shatkovsky district, Nizhny Novgorod region.
Description of the material. The material will be of interest to teachers of middle and senior groups, as well as teachers of extended day groups and physical instructors of kindergartens.
Integration educational areas: "Cognition", "Social-communicative", "Speech", "Physical"
Kind of activity: informative
Age group: middle group
Target. Develop cognitive interest in the world around us and sports games.
Educational: consolidate environmental knowledge related to the life activity of the animal world in winter period and properties of snow, water, ice; develop interest in the world around us, enrich children’s gaming experience, and update children’s knowledge on the topic “Winter.” Develop a desire to observe living and inanimate nature.
Developmental: develop gross motor skills of arms and legs, coordination of movements, dexterity, speed, logical thinking, coherent speech,
Speech: enrich and activate children's vocabulary on the topic "Animal life in winter"," New Year", "Properties of snow, water and ice", learn to answer the teacher's questions.
Educational: cultivate patience, friendly relations, the desire to take part in outdoor games, a caring attitude towards the world of plants and animals.
Preliminary work: conducting an educational activity to familiarize yourself with the surrounding world "Acquaintance with nature" in the first half of the year (program "From birth to school").
Means of implementation: skittles, balls, small gymnastic sticks, paper icicles, woven snowballs - according to the number of children, wooden spoons, Christmas trees, a high chair, feeders, balloons or medium balls, ropes - 2 pieces each, a bowl of snow, a bowl of water, a bowl of ice , recording of the voices of wintering birds, gifts from Baba Yaga.
Progress of the event.

Sports and environmental winter holiday with Baba Yaga
(for children of middle or older groups)

The teacher welcomes children in the hall (group) and invites them to remember what time of year it is now, what holiday was recently celebrated.

After the children answer, music sounds (from the cartoon “The Flying Ship” - music by Babok Yozhek).
Baba Yaga flies into the hall: Hello everyone, hello!

Educator. Baba Yaga, what wind brought you here?
Baba Yaga: Don't be afraid. (Addresses the children) Did I just arrive: Did you celebrate the New Year? (Yes) Did you have fun with Santa Claus? (Yes). But I’m bored and lonely in the forest. I want you to have fun with me too! Do you agree? (Yes)
Educator. Baba Yaga, won’t you deceive us?
Baba Yaga. No, of course I’m kind today, but I’m Baba Yaga, and I can’t live without dirty tricks, I’m not supposed to, that is. So be careful and smart. And whoever is timid or doesn’t keep up, I’ll eat him! I’m kidding, I won’t eat it right away, then...
Educator. Let `s start?
Baba Yaga. Just first, guys, guess my riddle:
I can't go anywhere without her
It is needed for flight and in everyday life.
Children. Broom.

Baba Yaga. Right! Divide into two teams and sit on brooms.
1. The children are given gymnastic sticks, they sit astride them and take turns, each player from the team runs around the Christmas trees in front. Whose team is faster wins
Baba Yaga. Well done! What is a broom made of?
Children. From tree branches (birch, for example)
Baba Yaga. I wish I could cut down all the trees and make more panicles! Let's fly! Yes?!

Educator. What are you talking about, Baba Yaga! Is it possible to do this to trees, guys?
Baba Yaga. Why is this not possible?
Children. No. You can’t cut down all the trees. (Children reason: they make our air clean; where will the animals and birds live? Etc.)
Baba Yaga. (scratching the back of his head). OK! I need birds, I also want to breathe for now... We won’t cut down all the trees and I don’t advise you to.
Let's move on solve riddles:
We made them out of snow (swings)
They hit Santa Claus (giggles)
Children. Snowballs!

Baba Yaga. Right! And I also love to eat them. Snowballs are so tasty, cold, healthy...
Educator. Baba Yaga, come on! Don't you know how dangerous it is to eat snow?! Help, guys, teach Baba Yaga some sense of reason.
Children tell that you can’t eat snow (it’s dirty, you can catch a cold).
Baba Yaga. Oh, I won't eat snow anymore! But I know what to do with it.
Play snowballs! I just don’t know if I’ll be able to make snowballs today or not?
Educator. Guys, in what weather can you roll snow into snowballs?
Children's answers (in warm winter weather when the snow melts)

Baba Yaga. Well, thank you. But I have magic snowballs, they always work out. Shall we play?
2. Snowballs are distributed to the teams and whoever knocks down the most pins wins.
Baba Yaga. They left well, even if not everyone got in! And now it's mine again
She grows upside down
It grows not in summer, but in winter.
But the sun will bake her -
She will cry and die.
Children. Icicle!

Baba Yaga. You all love to eat icicles, don't you?
Children. No.
Educator. Baba Yaga. Again you confuse our children and force them to eat ice.
Baba Yaga. Here's another! I just sometimes hear children shouting “Mom I want icicles!” They are so delicious!”
Educator b. Children, tell grandma what kind of icicles you ask your mothers for.
Children. Sweets that are sold in the store.

Baba Yaga. Where do these come from?
Educator b. Now, Baba Yaga, we will show and tell you everything.
The teacher puts three containers on the table: with snow, with water and with ice. Everyone stands around the table and the children tell how snow turns into ice (you can use an electronic board)

Baba Yaga. How well you know everything! But can you hang my icicles?
Educator. We'll try, right, guys?! (Yes)
3.Each player on the team, in turn, runs to the chair where the icicles lie, takes one at a time and hangs it on a string. The team that hangs it the fastest will win.
Baba Yaga.
We did it again! And this one riddle can you guess?
Soft, brown, menacing beast
Don't touch him, believe me
He's not a stupid rascal
This beast, of course...
Children. Bear. Bear.

Baba Yaga. A bear, of course! Only I don’t understand: I’m walking through the winter forest, I’m flying over the forest, but I don’t see a bear anywhere. Did they all become extinct, like mammoths?
Educator. Baba Yaga, what nonsense! Guys, why can’t you see a bear in the forest in winter?
Children's answers(he sleeps in a den in winter, waits for spring, etc.)

Educator. Baba Yaga, now play our game “Teddy Bear”
4. The child squeezes between the legs balloon or the middle ball and, waddling as the bear reaches the landmark, goes around it and returns to the team, passing the ball to the next team player. The team that does everything faster wins.
Baba Yaga. Well, okay, the bear is sleeping, let him sleep and not hear anything. And today I’m walking through the winter forest, and the birds are singing, nightingales, starlings, and finches...
Educator. Wait a minute, Baba Yaga, stop telling us fairy tales! Children, what does grandma tell us? What lies did she tell us?
Children. These birds are not here in winter, they have flown away warmer climes.
Baba Yaga. These birds are ugly. And what are they called after that?
Educator. And they are not ugly, grandma. And they are called...
Children. Migratory birds (children explain why birds fly to warm regions).

Baba Yaga. Wow! Have they all flown away? But I heard someone, so I even recorded their voices (takes out the phone and seems to turn it on, the children guess the chirping of a sparrow, the whistling of tits and the croaking of a crow)

Baba Yaga can be heard sobbing.
Educator. Grandma, what are you doing?
Baba Yaga. I feel sorry for the bird! The frost will pass through the forest and through the cities, it will let in the cold, and starve the birds to death.
Educator. Baba Yaga, but not only Santa Claus has magic. Our guys can be good wizards too!
Baba Yaga. How is that?
Educator. Children, how do we help the birds in winter, how do we help them survive the winter?
Children's answers about feeders, food.

Baba Yaga. This is why I respect you, well done! (shakes hands with the children, and then hands them wooden spoons and offers them a new game)
5. Children in teams take turns carrying small balls (food) in spoons to feeders at the other end of the hall. Whose team will fill the feeder faster?
Baba Yaga thanks everyone.
Thanks for everything! Amused the old lady! Apparently I won’t eat any of you today, or (rubbing my hands) eat someone?!

Educator. No, Baba Yaga. We played with you, we solved all your riddles, we taught you wisdom. It's time to know the honor.
Baba Yaga. Okay, okay, I'm flying away. Just you, my friends, don’t forget about me. Invite me for the holidays. Otherwise I’m going completely wild in the forest (takes out gifts for the children). And here, I bring gifts for you. Not only can I deliver gifts to Santa Claus, I can do a lot of things too...
Baba Yaga says goodbye to the children and flies away.
Educator. And now we guys will treat ourselves to some goodies and go for a walk. Just don’t forget to observe everything that we taught Baba Yaga yourself: we don’t take snow and icicles into our mouths, we don’t break trees, and we help the birds in winter (bring food for the birds - wheat).


Fairytale music sounds.
Leshy appears on the stage. There are several real branches attached to the top of his suit. He looks around, goes to the front of the stage and begins to count the trees near the stage.

Goblin: All trees are in place. (Threatens the audience) Look at me! Otherwise, I know you, if you turn away a little, you’ll chop down all the trees for bonfires! (He hears a sound from the side) Oh, mommies! Someone's coming! What if they are poachers? I'm afraid! (Looks around in fear, rushes to the middle of the stage and gets on all fours, masquerading as a stump or bush. Makes a gesture to the audience “Quiet!”) It's not me, it's a stump with ears. Got it? Do you understand exactly? I catch the word!
Baba Yaga runs onto the stage, dancing.

With all his might he plops down onto the “stump”. He jumps up screaming, but falls.
Baba Yaga, frightened by the scream, rushed in the other direction, but also fell.
They look at each other in fear.
Baba Yaga: Hey, you loud-mouthed stump, why did you jump out from under me? Maybe I was tired, I wanted to sit and rest, and here you are jumping around!
Goblin: What kind of stump am I to you?! I am the local goblin. My last name is Sosnovsky. Leshy Ivanovich.
Baba Yaga: Wow! And it looks like a stump! Just very talkative. Guys, is this a stump?
The children shout “yes”, the goblin shouts “no”. Who is louder?
Goblin: Don't listen to them! I was the one disguised. Who will you be?
Baba Yaga: Well, you're definitely a stump! Baba Yaga I am! Or didn't you find out?

How many tales have been folded?

It was about me, a tall tale.

Auction “In the world of fairy tales”

I'll hold it for the girls.

Who will remember more fairy tales about me?

I'll give him a log as a gift for winning.

Competition No. 1. “Auction “In the World of Fairy Tales”.

Goblin: What are you calling me names! Better get out of here—yoga women have nothing to do in the camp. There are plenty of yogis here - a whole squad of gymnasts!
Baba Yaga: Maybe I want to work here! A teacher, for example, or a doctor - I know a lot of medicinal herbs.
Goblin: So they took you! This is not just a camp for you, but “Sosenki” - they don’t hire the first people they meet to work here.
Baba Yaga: Don't be afraid, little stump - we'll break through! If we don’t persuade, we’ll bribe!
Goblin: I'm not a fool! Not a stump!
Baba Yaga: We'll break through anyway!
Baba Yaga approaches Elena Anatolyevna.
Baba Yaga: Honey, gild your pen, I’ll tell you everything! What, you don’t have any dellars with you? Well, okay, then I’ll tell you fortune for free - I really liked you! Your work is interesting, but difficult - you sing songs, shout chants, draw rulers... What kind of organism can withstand this? You're lucky - I have miraculous remedies. They act instantly - if you don’t die right away, you will live until old age.
This is jelly made from mold, haven’t you had tea before?

So have a drink and you’ll immediately forget about the merry-go-round of the world.
Eat hare droppings.

He is vigorous, he will get through.

And much healthier than honey,

Although it doesn't taste like honey.
Goblin: She doesn’t need these healing remedies of yours. But the guys definitely won’t give up on the exotic!

Baba Yaga:

I went into the forest on a dark night,

I picked and dried the herbs,

I found all the roots.

My potions Koschey

The villain mixed everything up.

Need to cook again

Witchcraft medicine

Where is the chamomile, where is the sage,

Take it apart quickly

Who will understand everything correctly,

He will take a log as a gift.

Competition No. 2. "Healing Potion."

Baba Yaga:(to the audience) It broke. No problem, let's try it differently.

Oh, they've prepared it, they've prepared it.

And now for the spell I will need 3 people.

(Drawing out words, mysteriously)

Using the art of witchcraft,

Create a magic spell

Let your imagination help you

Only 10 words should be there.

Competition No. 3. "Magic spell." Participants must come up with an original magic spell using 10 magic words.

Goblin: Two dellars! Three! Five! Ten! Twenty! No? Just think how many good things you can buy with that money! And they get that kind of money every day!
Baba Yaga: Look, how! That's what I want too! Let's try the last resort. Take me to the camp. Oh please! I've heard so many good things about him. They even say that this camp is the best on Earth. Please!
Goblin: Now this is a completely different matter. What can you do?
Baba Yaga: I, my dear, can do anything - I can work, but I can also not work.
Elena Anatolyevna: More specifically?
Baba Yaga: I can open a stylist club at the camp. With you, stump, for a couple.
Goblin: Well, I'm not a stump!!!
Baba Yaga: Come on. Even though it’s not a stump, it’s still good for something.
Berries, vegetables, fruits - they

Given by nature for makeup,

Who will turn Baba Yaga into a flower?

He will win the next competition.

Competition No. 4. "Defile of Babok-Yozhek." (1 girl and 2 assistants, you need to create Baba Yaga).

Goblin: Now this is interesting. The guys in our camp are active, creative - I think that there will be people who want to enroll in such a circle.
Baba Yaga: Only this... I won’t take anyone I meet into my circle! I'll organize a competition for the most, most hedgehog-hedgehog women!
Goblin: In “Zhemchuzhinka” we have the very best! Really, guys? And we can even organize a competition now.
Baba Yaga: Then let's begin. I declare myself the main zhura. No, not like that - the main jury! Not like that again! Zhurilkoy! No. In short, I'll be in charge, and the stump (notices Leshy’s protesting gesture and corrects himself), which is not a stump (The goblin is happy), will be my assistant. No matter what, he’s still a man!
Wonderland near Lukomorye,

Evil spirits are at liberty here,

Traces of unseen beasts

Draw quickly.

Koschey passed by with Grandma Ezhka,

Or old Leshy limped -

Draw such traces quickly,

The likes of which no one has ever seen.

Competition No. 5. "Traces of an unprecedented evil spirit." (3 people. Fantasize on the topic “Traces of evil spirits” and depict them on paper).

Goblin: Well, are you convinced that everyone at Zhemchuzhinka is the best?!
Baba Yaga: We're convinced! I really didn’t expect everyone to be so talented. I will not lead any circle!
Goblin: Why so?
Baba Yaga: It’s not me, but they who should teach me how to become the best Baba Yaga. I want to take pictures with all of them and will show them to my friends. Hey, guy with a camera, come here. Stump, oh, sorry, sorry, Leshy - make sure he doesn’t run away. It’s probably the first time in my life I’ve seen so many hedgehog grandmothers nearby. He'll get scared again! We captured our grandmother-hedgehog company as a souvenir! All? I’ll come to your camp again during this shift to take a photo card. And now, my dear friends, let’s dance our grandmother’s-hedgehog dance!

Goblin: Do we have the strongest and fastest dancers in our camp? Yes, there probably is. Let's check this out though.

Oh, it's hard to be Baba Yaga,

Sometimes it even happens

To scare the younger ones

Fly, scream, laugh.

And now I'll see how

You can do it.

Competition No. 6. "Dance with a Broom" Participants - 6 people. They fly on brooms from chair to chair, while dancing.

Baba Yaga: It's great here! I would have rested like that for the entire shift. And not just one! Really, stump?
Goblin: Yes, even a stump, just to be in this camp more often!
Baba Yaga: We had a blast

They didn’t skimp on imagination

Oh, guys, thank you for your kindness. I’ll go, otherwise you’ll become very kind to you here, you’ll forget all the dirty tricks. Goodbye!
Goblin: I'll go too. There are a lot of trees around – you need to keep an eye on them all. You guys are great - you take care of nature, but you can meet all sorts of people in the forest. You should bring them to “Zhemchuzhinka” - let them learn to love nature. Goodbye!
The characters leave.

Visiting Baba Yaga.

Leading Dear guys, today we will visit Baba Yaga.

Is it easy to live in forests these days, even fabulous ones? Is this our fault, and how can we find a way out of difficult situations? Look, listen, think, remember!

The tale is rich in wisdom,

Let's say to the fairy tale: “Come!”

This is a saying, guys.

The fairy tale will be ahead.

Baba Yaga Hello, my dear guests! I am very glad to see you in my home. Oh, life has become difficult! I need your advice -

How to get rid of troubles?!

Trouble has come to the forest, friends,

Help is needed urgently.

Hedgehog Guys, look what's going on in the forest!

Hedgehog The hedgehog puffs and winces:

What am I to you - a cleaning lady?

I can’t sweep the forest!

Keep clean!

Water I am a lonely merman

Nobody hangs out with me.

My friends, frogs,

They get sick like old ladies!

At the bottom of my apartment -

Bottles, rags, pitchforks.

Not a lake - a garbage dump!

Don't go, wait - wait!

There are cans lying around

Spare parts, bottles, jars –

Ugh, what disgusting!

And I want to live like that!

Baba Yaga If you do not throw garbage into the water, then gradually the water will clear itself, and if the lake is cleared of waste, then life will return to the reservoir.

Listen to what else happened in nature.

Forest fire.

Forgetful hunter at rest

He didn’t scatter or trample the fire.

He went into the forest, and the branches burned out

And they reluctantly smoked until the morning.

And in the morning the wind dispersed the fogs,

And the dying fire came to life.

And, showering sparks in front of the clearing,

He spread out his crimson rags.

He burned all the grass and flowers together,

He burned the bushes, green Forest let's go

Like a frightened flock of red squirrels,

He darted from trunk to trunk.

And the forest was buzzing with a fiery blizzard,

The trunks fell with a frosty crack,

And, like snowflakes, their sparks flew

Above the gray drifts of ash.

(The Lumberjack appears)

Lumberjack Now I'll cut down the trees.

Baba Yaga Oh, we need to save the forest.

Now I'll start doing magic.

(Baba Yaga makes the lumberjack sleepy.)

Lumberjack Oh, I think I'm tired.

I would have dozed off for an hour or two.

Ah, I hear a sweet ringing.

Where am I? Sleep takes me away...

(Dream. A thin, pale boy appears, he is breathing heavily, coughing - he does not have enough air.)

Lumberjack Who else is this?

Standing here in front of me?

Boy I am your great-great-grandson Ilya.

Lumberjack Why are you so frail?

Or were you born sick?

Boy Who cut down the forests?

Didn’t you know, grandpa?

Forests purify the air

Fill with oxygen.

You, grandfather, help me survive -

Save the planet for us.

Listen to how she hums

She's screaming for help!

Boy reads a poem by E. Shklavsky.

Look at the globe - the globe -

After all, he sighs as if alive.

And the continents whisper to us:

“Take care of us, take care of us!”

The groves and forests are in alarm,

Dew on the grass is like a tear.

And the springs quietly ask:

“Take care of us, take care of us!”

The deep river is sad

Losing our shores.

“Take care of us, take care of us!”

The deer stopped his run:

“Be a Man, man!

We believe in you - don't lie,

Take care of us, take care of us!”

Lumberjack (waking up).

What a lucid dream I had -

I won't forget him.

Here is the globe - the globe of the earth,

So beautiful and dear.

I stop cutting down forests

I plant new trees.

Let them bear fruit and bloom,

Let them grow to the joy of people.

Good tree.

Good tree, old branches.

Noisy winds are entangled in the leaves.

How many chicks are there under the thick foliage?

You provided shelter from the cold and heat!

The old branches did not sleep at night,

So that the chicks do not fall to the ground,

So that they from the tree, as if from the threshold,

A road opened into the blue sky.

Summer will fly by, and before winter

The tree will wave its leaves to the birds.

Then he will dream and dream,

How birds return in spring.

They are not afraid of dangerous cliffs,

White lightning, black clouds.

The birds are flying confidently towards their homeland,

Knowing that the good tree remembers them.

Baba Yaga All people, before entering the forest, must know the rules of conduct in my forest.

Children We want the birds to sing

So that the forests around make noise,

May the skies be blue.

So that the river turns silver,

For the butterfly to frolic

And there was dew on the berries.

We want the sun to warm

And the birch tree turned green,

And under the tree lived a funny prickly hedgehog.

For the squirrel to jump,

So that the rainbow sparkles,

So that it rains cheerfully in the summer.

Children Everything - everything - everything in the world,

The world needs it!

And midges

No less needed than elephants.

Can't get by

Without ridiculous monsters

And even without predators

Evil and ferocious!

We need everything in the world!

We need everything -

Who makes honey

And who makes the poison.

Bad things for a cat without a mouse,

A mouse without a cat

No better business.

Yes! If we are not very friendly with someone -

We still really need each other.

What if someone

It will seem superfluous

This, of course, will turn out to be a mistake...

Everything, everything, everything in the world,

The world needs them.

And all children should remember this!

Spider Many plants and animals that were once common have now become rare. Therefore, they are listed in the Red Book. This book is called that because the color red is a danger signal. The book contains information about mammals, birds, fish - about all plants and animals that urgently need human care and protection.

(Showing the Red Book)

Children If I pick a flower,

If you pick a flower,

If everything: both me and you,

If we pick flowers -

All the clearings will be empty

And there will be no beauty!

Baba Yaga Guys, I want to check if you know the inhabitants of the animal world listed in the Red Book. Now I will give you a quiz.



From branch to branch,

Fast as a ball

A red-haired circus performer gallops through the forest.

So on the fly he picked a cone,

Jumped on the trunk

And he ran into the hollow. (squirrel.)

There are workers in the river,

Not joiners, not carpenters,

And they will build a dam -

At least paint a picture. (beavers.)

All my life I have carried two humps,

I have two stomachs!

But every hump is not a hump!


There's enough food in them for seven days! (camel.)

He's tall and spotted

WITH long, long neck,

And he eats leaves -

Tree leaves. (giraffe.)

Without hearing the ocean waves,

Not knowing the expanse of the sea,

In the distant African steppe

The sea vest is frolicking. (zebra.)

The rope lies

The cheat hisses.

It's dangerous to take it -

It will bite. Clear? (snake.)

In rich clothes,

Yes, I'm a little blind,

Lives without a window

Haven't seen the sun. (mole.)

Less tiger, more cat

Above the ears there are brushes-horns.

Looks meek, but don't believe it:

This beast is terrible in anger! (lynx.)

There is a lot of power in him,

He is almost as tall as a house.

He has a huge nose

It’s as if the nose has been growing for a thousand years. (elephant.)

    MessagesWho is this?”

This animal is the largest representative of the couscous family.

Outwardly, it resembles a small bear. He has a stocky, muscular

body, large head with a smooth black nose and large ears, strong paws with sharp claws and rough pads. The hair is thick and soft. The color is predominantly gray, with white spots on the belly and lower back. It lives in the equalipt forests of eastern Austria. Leads an arboreal lifestyle. It feeds on the leaves of certain species of eucalyptus. Very slow. Active at night. Who is this? (Koala .)

I also learned that the koala marsupial is one of the many animals listed in the Red Book.

This bird is the largest among birds. Height can reach 2.5 m, weight – 135 kg. This is a common inhabitant of African savannas. The wings are small, but better developed than those of other ratites. Feathers are loose. The color of the male is black and white, the female is dark brown. The head and neck are covered with short down. The legs are two-toed and unusually strong. Herbivores, but from time to time they catch insects and even small vertebrates. The males of these birds make a kind of nest in the sand - a shallow hole, where several (4-6) females lay eggs at once, each with 6-9 eggs (egg weight - up to 1.4 kg). Who is this? (African ostrich.)

    Questions “About those who run, swim, jump, crawl…”

(Children are offered questions and answer options; they must choose one of them.)

    How do baboons (a species of monkey) drink water?

a) pour from the tap into a glass and drink

b) lean towards the water and drink

c) soak the tail in water and then suck it

    What animal was the symbol of the 1980 Olympics held in Moscow?

a) marten

b) bear

c) pelican

    This item is required for scuba diving. It was created in 1926 by inventor Louis de Corlay, based on the structural features of the frog's hind legs. What is it about?

a) about flippers

b) about the mask

c) about air cylinders

    B xIIn the 19th century, there was a special market in Paris, where French peasants and gardeners bought hundreds of... Who?

a) fish

b) frogs

c) toads

    Why did French peasants and gardeners buy them?

a) to cook and eat them

b) they destroy a huge number of insects and their larvae, helping people save their harvest

c) to organize toad races

    What sounds do crocodiles make??

a) resembling hissing

b) reminiscent of chirping

c) reminiscent of barking or roaring

    Which insect is the “champion” of jumping?

a) grasshopper

b) locusts

c) flea

    Which bird lays the largest eggs?

a) chicken

b) ostrich

c) quail

    What bird in Russia is called a feathered cat?

a) an owl

b) hawk

c) crow

Baba Yaga Well done guys, you completed the task. Listen to more poems.


The wounded bird was not given into the hands,

A wounded bird remained a bird.

I still dream about this long-standing dream -

A bird flinched on the bloody grass.

Birds, fish and animals

They look into people's souls.

Feel sorry for them, people!

Don't kill in vain!

After all, the sky without birds is not heaven!

And a sea without fish is not a sea!

And a land without animals is not a land!

People are giants, people are giants,

You have rifles, nets and traps.

You have fearlessness, you have strength forever,

And there must be a heart. Human heart!

People – people, countries and peoples.

We are now forever debtors to nature.

We need to pay off this debt somehow.

Let the wounded bird spread its wings!


What a beetle I met in the forest!

He stomped like a bull and shook his horns.

And he was very serious and formidable -

I even gave way to him.

I don't know his name yet,

But I won't forget the forest beetle.

I'm in school library I'll go

I can find my beetle based on the drawings.

I’ll find out where he lives, how he lives,

Why does he need wings and what does he chew?

And the pages will rustle like grass,

And the trams will ring like birds.

I'll tell everyone about my beetle,

How nice that I didn’t offend him!

(Song “Don't tease the dogs.”)

Children I love you big time

But please, listen to me:

Don't kill the last taimen,

Let him walk in the dark depths.

Don't destroy the last swamp,

Spare the hunted wolf

So that something remains on earth,

What makes my chest ache.

Let's be

Save the planet!

Throughout the Universe

There is nothing more beautiful.

Throughout the Universe

All alone!

What will it do

Is she without us?

Baba Yaga I hope that now you will help our nature. So that it is clean and beautiful. And nature is not only the forest, but also your garden, vegetable garden and schoolyard. Guys, I suggest you now walk through the school yard and collect all the garbage in a container.

(Children collecting trash in the school yard.)

Baba Yaga Well done, my iris!

And skillful hands do not know boredom. Those who worked from the heart - now have fun, dance! Come visit me again.

Goals and objectives:

1) development of cognitive interest in nature;

2) fostering a caring, humane attitude towards nature, a sense of responsibility for all life on Earth;

3) development of moral qualities of the individual: a sense of responsibility, a sense of camaraderie, readiness to help friends;

4) attracting attention to Russian folk art: proverbs, riddles, sayings.

Preparatory work:

1. drawing competition;

2. exhibition of books about nature;

3. making scenery for a fairy tale.

Leading: Dear Guys! Today we will watch a fairy tale. But, although this is a fairy tale, its theme is very serious - the relationship between man and the world around us. What is the world around us? Yes, this is everything that is around us: forest, air, water, animals, plants and, of course, people. And if we want to be healthy and have friends, then we ourselves must treat the world around us with care and respect. So, our fairy tale begins!

1 buffoon.

Get ready, good people!

The show will be here!

2 buffoons.

Hello, dear guests,

And you too, dear owners!

1 buffoon.

Good health and good luck to you,

Patience and joy to boot!

Would you like to listen to a fairy tale?

And where to listen, there to see.

And our fairy tale is not simple...

2 buffoons.

There is a hint in it, even though the fairy tale is a lie,

Look and you will understand.

Leading: So, let's go! So we arrived outside the city, into the forest.

Poems are heard in the background of music.

Hello forest,

Dense forest,

Full of fairy tales and miracles!

What are you making noise about?

On a dark, stormy night,

What are you whispering to us at dawn?

All in dew, like in silver?

Who is languishing in your wilderness?

What kind of animal? What bird?

Open everything, don’t hide:

You see we are ours.

The music sounds scary

Leading: This forest is unusual, mysterious. What can you not find here! And a swamp, and a dense thicket, and whole thickets of fly agarics. And it’s already getting dark. It's getting scary. But there are no cowards among us? Oh, what's that there?

(Music plays, Vodyanoy dances with frogs)

Water: So, are you turning your back on me? Are you afraid? But once upon a time I was an ordinary boy. Then all the inhabitants of this pond were afraid of me. I could scare the frog with the first pebble!

(frogs jump from Vodyanoy in different directions)

Water: And what a cool fish jammer he invented! Even the fry floated up! That's right, belly up. Well, the little forest creatures barely escaped from under the wheels of my moped. But one day it all ended. I rode my iron horse here to the pond, washed the moped, poured mud and gasoline into the water, as always... I looked, and it was no longer like a pond, but a real swamp, and I myself found myself at the bottom, turning green, membranes between my fingers grown, it’s scary to look at yourself. Now I’m freezing here in the dampness, scaring passers-by. Yearning. Maybe you guys can help me? I really want to turn back into a boy! (Frogs laugh)

Leading: How can I disenchant you? Tell me!

Water: Eh, I need to solve one riddle.

Leading: Well, guys, let's help Vodyanoy?

Water: Thank you! It's a really tricky riddle. Well, okay, there’s no other way out anyway... The rebus needs to be solved.

(2 boys guess the puzzle. The merman disappears behind the screen, then

another boy appears and says)

Thank you guys! Now I will remember for the rest of my life how to treat nature, and I advise you not to forget, so as not to end up in my place.

Leading: What other unusual encounters does the fairytale forest promise us? It’s so mysterious and quiet around...

(Music plays, Baba Yaga appears, dancing with frogs)

Leading: So that's the meeting! This is such a scary story!

Baba Yaga: I don’t understand what I did so bad?

Leading: What happened to you, grandma?

Baba Yaga: What kind of grandmother am I to you? I'm a girl, only enchanted. And it happened like this. Well, I loved it... slightly lying... in short, boasting. I’ll pick flowers in the forest, fill my room with them, and brag to the girls that it was my fans who sent them to me. Or, for example, our entire class was studying in a circle of young cosmonauts, and I announced that I had been accepted into the corps of real cosmonauts. And that I'm preparing to fly to the moon. So I still fly, but not in a rocket to the moon, but in a mortar. And I really want to go back home, and not rush through the deep forest at night. How I miss my soft bed!

Frogs: But how will you return? Even your mother won’t recognize you. Who do you look like?

Baba Yaga: I won’t pick any more flowers, or praise... I won’t deceive. Just break the spell.

Leading: Well, guys, let's try to help her? What is required of us?

Baba Yaga: I will tell you riddles, and you must guess them.

1. The reel is rolling,

Not a beast, not a bird,

Not stone, not water,

You'll never guess. (Moon)

2. The path less traveled

Sprinkled with peas. (Sky and stars)

3. The dress got lost

The buttons remain. (Rowan)

4. Soft, not fluffy,

Green, not grass. (Moss)

5. Not a beast, not a bird,

And the nose is like a knitting needle. (Mosquito)

6. A bull is sitting, he has six legs -

And all without hooves. (Bug)

(Baba Yaga disappears behind the screen, another girl appears and speaks)

Baba Yaga: Hooray! Finally the spell is broken and I can return home! Thank you, I will try not to get into horror movies anymore.

Leading: Uff, guys! Let's take a little rest. We've been traveling through the forest for a long time, learning from horror films how not to behave in the forest. But what do we know about the forest and its plants?

(Uncle Au appears)

Uncle Au: Oh oh oh! I was tormented by a cough, and I chafed my leg, and my head hurt, and my temperature rose.

Leading: So what should we do? Who will help us? A! Here is the Forest Pharmacy. What is it written here?

(reads riddles)

1) There is a little curl in the forest,

White shirt,

Golden in the middle

Who is she? (Chamomile)

2) Thin stem near the path

At the end of his earring.

There are leaves on the ground

Small bursts.

He is like a good friend to us,

Treats wounds of legs and arms. (Plantain)

3) It burns, not fire;

She's evil, but she heals people.

Who is this? (Nettle)

4) The top of the leaf is smooth,

But with a flannelette lining. (Coltsfoot)

5) Who lives in spring

With a yellow head?

The sun shines brightly

Head turns white

The wind is blowing

The fluff is tearing off her (Dandelion)

6) On a green cord

White bells. (Lily of the valley)

Leading: Medicinal herbs helped Uncle Au. Now that we’ve taken a break, we can hit the road. Maybe someone else needs our help.

(Pine cones fly from behind the screen, music sounds. Leshy appears)

Leading: Who else is this?

Goblin: I am Leshy Leshevich. True, not real, but enchanted. Now I will begin to lure you into the thicket, to confuse the tracks. Scary?

Leading: What are you doing, Leshy! The guys here are not shy, are they? Tell me what do you need from us?

Goblin: Here's the thing. I was once a tourist. He loved to go to the forest and organized picnics. But the forest didn’t like me. You see, the boogers didn’t like the fact that I scattered bottle jars everywhere, destroyed anthills and knocked over mushrooms. One day a forest fire almost started when I forgot to put out the fire. The animals ran away as fast as they could... So they bewitched me. Now I myself collect cans from tourists and put out forgotten fires. Do you think it's good to live in the dirt? Help me, guys, get out of the forest - break the spell. After all, I can’t appear in the city like this.

Leading: What needs to be done?

Goblin: Do the crossword puzzle. It is for the very attentive.

Leading: Well, we don’t need to be attentive. Which one of you guys wants to help Leshy?

(2 people complete the task, Leshy goes behind the screen, another boy comes and speaks)

Goblin: Hurray! I'm broken! Thank you! If only you knew how tired I am of everything: the skin in tatters, and the gossiping owls, and the garbage in the forest. And now I will protect nature. Without forests, we will all begin to suffocate... Bye, guys! Happy Stay!

Leading: Our journey through the fairytale forest has come to an end. What did its unusual inhabitants teach us?

(Children answer)

INriding: That's good. Let's always remember this.

(All participants in the fairy tale come out and read poetry)

If you came to the forest for a walk,

Breathe fresh air

Run, jump and play

Just don't forget,

That you can't make noise in the forest,

Even sing very loudly.

The animals will be scared

They will run away from the forest edge.

Don't break oak branches,

Never forget

Remove trash from the grass

There is no need to pick flowers in vain!

Do not shoot with a slingshot:

You didn't come to kill!

Let the butterflies fly

Well, who are they bothering?

There's no need to catch everyone here,

Stomp, clap, hit with a stick.

You are just a guest in the forest,

Here the owner is the oak and the elk.

Take care of their peace,

After all, they are not our enemies!

Help the forest animals

Prepare feeders for them.

And then any animal -

Whether it's a weasel or a ferret,

Forest hedgehog, river fish -

He will say: “You are my friend!

Thank you!".

1 Frog: We hope that none of you guys want to turn into Leshy, Vodyany or Baba Yaga.

2 Frog: We want to give you a goodbye song.

(Song plays)

To download material or!

Visiting Baba Yaga.

Leading Dear guys, today we will visit Baba Yaga.

Is it easy to live in forests these days, even fabulous ones? Is this our fault, and how can we find a way out of difficult situations? Look, listen, think, remember!

The tale is rich in wisdom,

Let's say to the fairy tale: “Come!”

This is a saying, guys.

The fairy tale will be ahead.

Baba Yaga Hello, my dear guests! I am very glad to see you in my home. Oh, life has become difficult! I need your advice -

How to get rid of troubles?!

Trouble has come to the forest, friends,

Help is needed urgently.

Hedgehog Guys, look what's going on in the forest!

Hedgehog The hedgehog puffs and winces:

What am I to you - a cleaning lady?

I can’t sweep the forest!

Keep clean!

Water I am a lonely merman

Nobody hangs out with me.

My friends, frogs,

They get sick like old ladies!

At the bottom of my apartment -

Bottles, rags, pitchforks.

Not a lake - a garbage dump!

Don't go, wait - wait!

There are cans lying around

Spare parts, bottles, jars –

Ugh, what disgusting!

And I want to live like that!

Baba Yaga If you do not throw garbage into the water, then gradually the water will clear itself, and if the lake is cleared of waste, then life will return to the reservoir.

Listen to what else happened in nature.

Forest fire.

Forgetful hunter at rest

He didn’t scatter or trample the fire.

He went into the forest, and the branches burned out

And they reluctantly smoked until the morning.

And in the morning the wind dispersed the fogs,

And the dying fire came to life.

And, showering sparks in front of the clearing,

He spread out his crimson rags.

He burned all the grass and flowers together,

He burned the bushes, went into the green forest,

Like a frightened flock of red squirrels,

He darted from trunk to trunk.

And the forest was buzzing with a fiery blizzard,

The trunks fell with a frosty crack,

And, like snowflakes, their sparks flew

Above the gray drifts of ash.

(The Lumberjack appears)

Lumberjack Now I'll cut down the trees.

Baba Yaga Oh, we need to save the forest.

Now I'll start doing magic.

(Baba Yaga makes the lumberjack sleepy.)

Lumberjack Oh, I think I'm tired.

I would have dozed off for an hour or two.

Ah, I hear a sweet ringing.

Where am I? Sleep takes me away...

(Dream. A thin, pale boy appears, he is breathing heavily, coughing - he does not have enough air.)

Lumberjack Who else is this?

Standing here in front of me?

Boy I am your great-great-grandson Ilya.

Lumberjack Why are you so frail?

Or were you born sick?

Boy Who cut down the forests?

Didn’t you know, grandpa?

Forests purify the air

Fill with oxygen.

You, grandfather, help me survive -

Save the planet for us.

Listen to how she hums

She's screaming for help!

Boy reads a poem by E. Shklavsky.

Look at the globe - the globe -

After all, he sighs as if alive.

And the continents whisper to us:

“Take care of us, take care of us!”

The groves and forests are in alarm,

Dew on the grass is like a tear.

And the springs quietly ask:

“Take care of us, take care of us!”

The deep river is sad

Losing our shores.

“Take care of us, take care of us!”

The deer stopped his run:

“Be a Man, man!

We believe in you - don't lie,

Take care of us, take care of us!”

Lumberjack (waking up).

What a lucid dream I had -

I won't forget him.

Here is the globe - the globe of the earth,

So beautiful and dear.

I stop cutting down forests

I plant new trees.

Let them bear fruit and bloom,

Let them grow to the joy of people.

Good tree.

Good tree, old branches.

Noisy winds are entangled in the leaves.

How many chicks are there under the thick foliage?

You provided shelter from the cold and heat!

The old branches did not sleep at night,

So that the chicks do not fall to the ground,

So that they from the tree, as if from the threshold,

A road opened into the blue sky.

Summer will fly by, and before winter

The tree will wave its leaves to the birds.

Then he will dream and dream,

How birds return in spring.

They are not afraid of dangerous cliffs,

White lightning, black clouds.

The birds are flying confidently towards their homeland,

Knowing that the good tree remembers them.

Baba Yaga All people, before entering the forest, must know the rules of conduct in my forest.

Children We want the birds to sing

So that the forests around make noise,

May the skies be blue.

So that the river turns silver,

For the butterfly to frolic

And there was dew on the berries.

We want the sun to warm

And the birch tree turned green,

And under the tree lived a funny prickly hedgehog.

For the squirrel to jump,

So that the rainbow sparkles,

So that it rains cheerfully in the summer.

Children Everything - everything - everything in the world,

The world needs it!

And midges

No less needed than elephants.

Can't get by

Without ridiculous monsters

And even without predators

Evil and ferocious!

We need everything in the world!

We need everything -

Who makes honey

And who makes the poison.

Bad things for a cat without a mouse,

A mouse without a cat

No better business.

Yes! If we are not very friendly with someone -

We still really need each other.

What if someone

It will seem superfluous

This, of course, will turn out to be a mistake...

Everything, everything, everything in the world,

The world needs them.

And all children should remember this!

Spider Many plants and animals that were once common have now become rare. Therefore, they are listed in the Red Book. This book is called that because the color red is a danger signal. The book contains information about mammals, birds, fish - about all plants and animals that urgently need human care and protection.

(Showing the Red Book)

Children If I pick a flower,

If you pick a flower,

If everything: both me and you,

If we pick flowers -

All the clearings will be empty

And there will be no beauty!

Baba Yaga Guys, I want to check if you know the inhabitants of the animal world listed in the Red Book. Now I will give you a quiz.



From branch to branch,

Fast as a ball

A red-haired circus performer gallops through the forest.

So on the fly he picked a cone,

Jumped on the trunk

And he ran into the hollow. (squirrel.)

There are workers in the river,

Not joiners, not carpenters,

And they will build a dam -

At least paint a picture. (beavers.)

All my life I have carried two humps,

I have two stomachs!

But every hump is not a hump!


There's enough food in them for seven days! (camel.)

He's tall and spotted

With a long, long neck,

And he eats leaves -

Tree leaves. (giraffe.)

Without hearing the ocean waves,

Not knowing the expanse of the sea,

In the distant African steppe

The sea vest is frolicking. (zebra.)

The rope lies

The cheat hisses.

It's dangerous to take it -

It will bite. Clear? (snake.)

In rich clothes,

Yes, I'm a little blind,

Lives without a window

Haven't seen the sun. (mole.)

Less tiger, more cat

Above the ears there are brushes-horns.

Looks meek, but don't believe it:

This beast is terrible in anger! (lynx.)

There is a lot of power in him,

He is almost as tall as a house.

He has a huge nose

It’s as if the nose has been growing for a thousand years. (elephant.)

    MessagesWho is this?”

This animal is the largest representative of the couscous family.

Outwardly, it resembles a small bear. He has a stocky, muscular

body, large head with a smooth black nose and large ears, strong paws with sharp claws and rough pads. The hair is thick and soft. The color is predominantly gray, with white spots on the belly and lower back. It lives in the equalipt forests of eastern Austria. Leads an arboreal lifestyle. It feeds on the leaves of certain species of eucalyptus. Very slow. Active at night. Who is this? (Koala .)

I also learned that the koala marsupial is one of the many animals listed in the Red Book.

This bird is the largest among birds. Height can reach 2.5 m, weight – 135 kg. This is a common inhabitant of African savannas. The wings are small, but better developed than those of other ratites. Feathers are loose. The color of the male is black and white, the female is dark brown. The head and neck are covered with short down. The legs are two-toed and unusually strong. Herbivores, but from time to time they catch insects and even small vertebrates. The males of these birds make a kind of nest in the sand - a shallow hole, where several (4-6) females lay eggs at once, each with 6-9 eggs (egg weight - up to 1.4 kg). Who is this? (African ostrich.)

    Questions “About those who run, swim, jump, crawl…”

(Children are offered questions and answer options; they must choose one of them.)

    How do baboons (a species of monkey) drink water?

a) pour from the tap into a glass and drink

b) lean towards the water and drink

c) soak the tail in water and then suck it

    What animal was the symbol of the 1980 Olympics held in Moscow?

a) marten

b) bear

c) pelican

    This item is required for scuba diving. It was created in 1926 by inventor Louis de Corlay, based on the structural features of the frog's hind legs. What is it about?

a) about flippers

b) about the mask

c) about air cylinders

    B xIIn the 19th century, there was a special market in Paris, where French peasants and gardeners bought hundreds of... Who?

a) fish

b) frogs

c) toads

    Why did French peasants and gardeners buy them?

a) to cook and eat them

b) they destroy a huge number of insects and their larvae, helping people save their harvest

c) to organize toad races

    What sounds do crocodiles make??

a) resembling hissing

b) reminiscent of chirping

c) reminiscent of barking or roaring

    Which insect is the “champion” of jumping?

a) grasshopper

b) locusts

c) flea

    Which bird lays the largest eggs?

a) chicken

b) ostrich

c) quail

    What bird in Russia is called a feathered cat?

a) an owl

b) hawk

c) crow

Baba Yaga Well done guys, you completed the task. Listen to more poems.


The wounded bird was not given into the hands,

A wounded bird remained a bird.

I still dream about this long-standing dream -

A bird flinched on the bloody grass.

Birds, fish and animals

They look into people's souls.

Feel sorry for them, people!

Don't kill in vain!

After all, the sky without birds is not heaven!

And a sea without fish is not a sea!

And a land without animals is not a land!

People are giants, people are giants,

You have rifles, nets and traps.

You have fearlessness, you have strength forever,

And there must be a heart. Human heart!

People – people, countries and peoples.

We are now forever debtors to nature.

We need to pay off this debt somehow.

Let the wounded bird spread its wings!


What a beetle I met in the forest!

He stomped like a bull and shook his horns.

And he was very serious and formidable -

I even gave way to him.

I don't know his name yet,

But I won't forget the forest beetle.

I'll go to the school library

I can find my beetle based on the drawings.

I’ll find out where he lives, how he lives,

Why does he need wings and what does he chew?

And the pages will rustle like grass,

And the trams will ring like birds.

I'll tell everyone about my beetle,

How nice that I didn’t offend him!

(Song “Don't tease the dogs.”)

Children I love you big time

But please, listen to me:

Don't kill the last taimen,

Let him walk in the dark depths.

Don't destroy the last swamp,

Spare the hunted wolf

So that something remains on earth,

What makes my chest ache.

Let's be

Save the planet!

Throughout the Universe

There is nothing more beautiful.

Throughout the Universe

All alone!

What will it do

Is she without us?

Baba Yaga I hope that now you will help our nature. So that it is clean and beautiful. And nature is not only the forest, but also your garden, vegetable garden and schoolyard. Guys, I suggest you now walk through the school yard and collect all the garbage in a container.

(Children collecting trash in the school yard.)

Baba Yaga Well done, my iris!

And skillful hands do not know boredom. Those who worked from the heart - now have fun, dance! Come visit me again.