Repair and maintenance definition by GOST. Legislative framework of the Russian Federation. To the term “Seasonal maintenance”

GOST 18322-78




Date of introduction 01.01.80

This standard establishes the terms and definitions of basic concepts used in science, technology and production in the field of types, methods and indicators of maintenance and repair of products.

The terms established by this standard are mandatory for use in all types of documentation, scientific, technical, educational and reference literature.

This standard corresponds to ST SEV 5151-85 in the part given in Appendix 3.

There is one standardized term for each concept. The use of terms that are synonyms of a standardized term is prohibited. Synonyms that are unacceptable for use are given in the standard as a reference and are designated “NDP”.

For individual standardized terms, short forms are provided as a reference, which are permitted to be used in cases that exclude the possibility of their different interpretation. Established definitions can, if necessary, be changed in the form of presentation, without violating the boundaries of concepts.

In cases where the necessary and sufficient characteristics of a concept are contained in the literal meaning of the term, the definition is not given, and, accordingly, a dash is placed in the “Definition” column.

The standard provides an alphabetical index of the terms it contains.

Appendix 1 provides explanations for some established terms; Appendix 2 provides a classification of types and methods of maintenance and repairs.

Standardized terms are printed in bold, their short form in light, and invalid synonyms in italics.



1 . Maintenance

A set of operations or an operation to maintain the functionality or serviceability of a product when used for its intended purpose, waiting, storage and transportation

NDP. Preventive Maintenance

Technical Care

2. Repair

A set of operations to restore the serviceability or performance of products and restore the resources of products or their components

3. Equipment maintenance and repair system

A set of interconnected means, documentation of maintenance and repair and performers necessary to maintain and restore the quality of products included in this system

4. Maintenance (repair) method

A set of technological and organizational rules for performing maintenance (repair) operations


5. Maintenance (repair) frequency

The time interval or operating time between a given type of maintenance (repair) and the next one of the same type or another of greater complexity.

Note. The type of maintenance (repair) is understood as Maintenance(repair), allocated (allocated) according to one of the characteristics: stage of existence, frequency, volume of work, operating conditions, regulation, etc.

6 . Maintenance cycle

The smallest repeating time interval or operating time of a product, during which all established types of periodic maintenance are performed in a certain sequence in accordance with the requirements of regulatory, technical or operational documentation

7. Repair cycle

The smallest repeating time interval or operating time of a product, during which all established types of repairs are performed in a certain sequence in accordance with the requirements of regulatory, technical or operational documentation

8 . Replacement part

A component of a product intended to replace a similar part that was in use in order to maintain or restore the serviceability or performance of the product

9 . Spare parts kit

Spare parts, tools, accessories and materials necessary for maintenance and repair of products and assembled depending on the purpose and features of use.

Note. Accessories may include controls, fixtures, covers, tow ropes, etc.

10 . Maintenance (repair) equipment

Technological equipment and structures intended for maintenance (repair)

11 . Technical condition

According to GOST 19919

12 . Duration of maintenance (repair)

Calendar time for one maintenance (repair) of this type

13 . Labor intensity of maintenance (repair)

Labor costs for one maintenance (repair) of this type


14 . Cost of maintenance (repair)

The cost of one maintenance (repair) of this type

15 . Total duration of maintenance (repairs)

Calendar time of all technical maintenance (repairs) of the product for a given operating time or time interval

16 . Total labor intensity of technical maintenance (repairs)

Labor costs for carrying out all technical maintenance (repairs) of a product for a given operating time or time interval

17 . Total cost of technical maintenance (repairs)

The cost of all technical maintenance (repairs) for a given operating time or time interval


18 . Maintenance during use

Maintenance during preparation for intended use, intended use, and immediately after its completion

19 . Maintenance while waiting

20 . Storage Maintenance

Maintenance during preparation for storage, storage, and immediately after its completion

21 . Transport Maintenance

Maintenance during preparation for transportation, transportation, as well as immediately after its completion

22 . Periodic Maintenance

Maintenance performed at operating hours or time intervals established in the operational documentation

23 . Seasonal Maintenance

Maintenance performed to prepare the product for use in autumn-winter or spring-summer conditions

24 . Maintenance under special conditions

Note. Examples of special conditions are natural or other conditions specified in industry documentation, characterized by extreme values ​​of parameters

25. Scheduled Maintenance

Maintenance provided for in the regulatory, technical or operational documentation and performed at the frequency and to the extent established therein, regardless of the technical condition of the product at the time of the start of maintenance

26 . Maintenance with periodic inspection

Maintenance, in which technical condition monitoring is carried out with the frequency and volume established in the regulatory, technical or operational documentation, and the volume of other operations is determined technical condition products at the start of maintenance

27 . Maintenance with continuous monitoring

Maintenance provided for in regulatory technical or operational documentation and performed based on the results of continuous monitoring of the technical condition of the product

27a. Numbered maintenance

Maintenance in which a certain amount of work is assigned a specific serial number

27b. Scheduled Maintenance

Maintenance, which is carried out in accordance with the requirements of regulatory, technical or operational documentation


27v. Unscheduled Maintenance

Maintenance, which is carried out without prior assignment due to technical condition

Note. Terms of types of maintenance based on the characteristics of the methods used should be formed in accordance with the terms of maintenance methods, for example, “In-line maintenance”, “Centralized maintenance”, etc.

28 . In-line maintenance method

A method of performing maintenance at specialized workstations with specific technological sequence and rhythm

29 . Centralized maintenance method

A method of performing maintenance by personnel and resources of one unit of an organization or enterprise

30 . Decentralized maintenance method

A method of performing maintenance by personnel and resources of several departments of an organization or enterprise

31 .

Method of performing maintenance by personnel operating this product when it is being used for its intended purpose.

32 .

Method of performing maintenance by personnel specialized in performing maintenance operations

33 .

34 .

Method of performing maintenance by an organization specialized in maintenance operations

35 . Proprietary Maintenance Method

Manufacturer's method of performing maintenance

Branded service


Types of repairs

36. Major renovation

Repairs performed to restore serviceability and complete or close to full restoration of the life of the product with the replacement or restoration of any of its parts, including basic ones

Note. The value of close to full resource is established in the regulatory and technical documentation

37 . Medium renovation

Repairs performed to restore serviceability and partially restore the service life of products with the replacement or restoration of components of a limited range and monitoring the technical condition of the components, carried out to the extent established in the regulatory and technical documentation.

Note. The value of a partially renewable resource is established in the regulatory and technical documentation

38 . Maintenance

Repairs performed to ensure or restore the functionality of a product and consisting of replacement and (or) restoration of individual parts

NDP. Small repairs

Minor repairs

39 . Scheduled repairs

Repairs, which are carried out in accordance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation


40 . Unscheduled repairs

Repair and delivery of products for which is carried out without prior appointment

41 . Regulated repairs

Planned repairs performed at intervals and to the extent established in the operational documentation, regardless of the technical condition of the product at the time of the start of repairs

42 .

Repair in which technical condition monitoring is carried out at intervals and to the extent established in the regulatory and technical documentation, and the volume and time of repair is determined by the technical condition of the product

Note. Terms of types of repairs based on the characteristics of the methods used should be formed in accordance with the terms of repair methods, for example, “In-line repair”, “Impersonal repair”, etc.

Repair methods

43 . Impersonal repair method

A repair method that does not preserve the belonging of the restored components to a specific instance of the product

Impersonal repair

44 . Non-personal repair method

A repair method that preserves the belonging of the restored components to a specific instance of the product

45 . Aggregate repair method

An impersonal repair method in which faulty units are replaced with new or pre-repaired ones

Note. An assembly is understood as an assembly unit that has the properties of complete interchangeability, independent assembly and independent performance of a certain function in products for various purposes, for example, an electric motor, gearbox, pump, etc.

46 . In-line repair method

A repair method performed at specialized workplaces with a certain technological sequence and rhythm

47 . Operator's repair method

48 . Repair method by a specialized organization

Method of performing repairs by an organization specialized in repair operations

49 . Proprietary repair method

Manufacturer's repair method

Branded repairs


50 . Average duration maintenance (repair)

Mathematical expectation of the duration of one maintenance (repair) of a given type for a certain period of operation or operating time

51 . Average labor intensity of maintenance (repair)

Mathematical expectation of the complexity of one maintenance (repair) of a given fork for a certain period of operation or operating time

52 . Average cost of maintenance (repair)

Mathematical expectation of the cost of one maintenance (repair) of a given fork for a certain period of operation or operating time

53 . Average total duration of maintenance (repairs)

Mathematical expectation of the total duration of maintenance (repairs) for a certain period of operation or operating time


54. Average total labor intensity of technical maintenance (repairs)

Mathematical expectation of the total labor intensity of technical maintenance (repairs) for a certain period of operation or operating time

55 . Average total cost of technical maintenance (repairs)

Mathematical expectation of the total cost of maintenance (repairs) for a certain period of operation or operating time

56 . Specific total duration of technical maintenance (repairs)

The ratio of the average total duration of technical maintenance (repairs) to the specified operating time

57 . Specific total labor intensity of technical maintenance (repairs)

The ratio of the average total labor intensity of technical maintenance (repairs) to the specified operating time

58 . Specific total cost of technical maintenance (repairs)

The ratio of the average total cost of technical maintenance (repairs) to a given operating time

59. Availability factor

The probability that a product will be in working condition at any point in time, except for planned periods during which the product is not intended to be used for its intended purpose

60 . Technical utilization rate

The ratio of the mathematical expectation of the total time a product is in working condition for a certain period to the mathematical expectation of the total time the product is in working condition and downtime due to maintenance and repairs for the same period

61 . Ready to solder products

The ratio of the number of functional products to the total number of products in the fleet at a given point in time

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 2).


Product fleet readiness

Spare parts kit

Availability factor

Technical utilization rate

Aggregate repair method

Non-impersonal repair method

Repair method is impersonal

In-line repair method

Repair method by a specialized organization

Proprietary repair method

Operator's repair method

Decentralized maintenance method

In-line maintenance method

Maintenance (repair) method

Method of maintenance by a specialized organization

Maintenance method by specialized personnel

Maintenance method (proprietary)

Centralized maintenance method

Maintenance method by operating personnel

Operator's maintenance method

Maintenance under special technical conditions

Technical maintenance and use

Waiting technical service

Technical maintenance during transportation

Technical maintenance during storage

Preventative maintenance

Maintenance with continuous technical monitoring

Maintenance with periodic technical control

Technical service

Unscheduled technical maintenance

Technical number service

Periodic technical maintenance

Scheduled technical maintenance

Maintenance during use

Regulated technical maintenance

Seasonal technical maintenance

Branded service

Maintenance (repair) frequency

Duration of maintenance (repair)

Total duration of technical maintenance (repairs)

Total average duration of technical maintenance (repairs)

Total specific duration of technical maintenance (repairs)

Duration of maintenance (repair) average

Major repairs

Small repairs

Minor repairs

Unscheduled repairs

Impersonal repair

Planned repairs

Repair according to technical condition

Regulated repairs

Repair is average

Current repairs

Branded repairs

Equipment maintenance and repair system

Technical condition

Maintenance (repair) method

Maintenance (repair) equipment

Total cost of technical maintenance (repairs)

Total average cost of technical maintenance (repairs)

Total specific cost of technical maintenance (repairs)

Cost of technical maintenance (repairs) per unit

Cost of maintenance (repair)

Cost of maintenance (repairs) average

Total labor intensity of technical maintenance (repairs)

Total average labor intensity of technical maintenance (repairs)

Total specific labor intensity of technical maintenance (repairs)

Specific labor intensity of technical maintenance (repairs)

Labor intensity of maintenance (repair)

Technical care

Repair cycle

Maintenance cycle

Spare part

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 2).



To the term "Maintenance"

Maintenance contains operations regulated in the design documentation to maintain the functionality or serviceability of the product during its service life.

In accordance with GOST 3.1109, a maintenance operation is understood as the completed part of the maintenance of a component of a product, performed at one workplace by a performer of a certain specialty.

Transportation is understood as the operation of moving cargo along a specific route from the place of loading to the place of unloading or reloading. Transportation of self-propelled products does not include moving them under their own power.

Waiting means that the product is in a state of readiness for its intended use.

Maintenance may include washing the product, monitoring its technical condition, cleaning, lubrication, fastening bolted connections, replacement of some components of the product (for example, filter elements), adjustment, etc.

To the term "repair"

In accordance with GOST 3.1109, a repair operation is understood as a completed part of a repair performed at one workplace by performers of a certain specialty.

Repair may include disassembly, troubleshooting, monitoring the technical condition of the product, restoration of parts, assembly, etc. The content of some repair operations may coincide with the content of some maintenance operations.

Repair of products can be carried out by replacing or restoring individual parts and assembly units.

Repairs of any kind, as a rule, must be accompanied by the issuance of certain guarantees for the subsequent service life or operating time of the product.

To the term “Equipment maintenance and repair system”

In a particular case, the system for maintenance and repair of equipment may include materials, workpieces, spare parts, etc., i.e. it is characterized by logistics, which can be defined as the ability of the service organization to provide the necessary resources for maintenance and repair of an object under a given strategy and under given conditions. The specified conditions apply both to the object itself and to the conditions of its operation, maintenance and repair.

To the terms “Maintenance cycle” and “Repair cycle”

In a particular case, the start of the maintenance cycle (repair cycle) may be the beginning of use of the product.

To the term “Periodic maintenance”

Periodic maintenance may differ in the content of the operations. In this case, maintenance is numbered in ascending order, for example, shift maintenance, TO-1, TO-2, TO-3, etc.

To the term “Seasonal maintenance”

Seasonal maintenance includes operations of replacing seasonal grades of operating materials with flushing of the corresponding systems, installation and removal of insulation and engine preheating devices, etc.

Seasonal maintenance is carried out only for products used in the same significant changes state environment during a year.

To the term “Scheduled maintenance”

Maintenance schedules can be strict and tolerant. The type of regulation must be established in the operational documentation.

To the term “Method of maintenance by specialized personnel”

Maintenance personnel may be specialized by asset type, asset brand, operation type, and maintenance type.

To the terms “Major repairs”, “Medium repairs”, “Current repairs”

Capital, medium and current repairs may be planned or unplanned. The base part is understood as the main part of the product, intended for its assembly and installation of other components.

To the term “Unscheduled repairs”

Unscheduled repairs are carried out to eliminate the consequences of failures or incidents.

To the term “Aggregation repair”

Replacement of units can be carried out after a product failure or according to a plan. The list of units to be replaced, the procedure for replacement and instructions for organizing unit repairs are established in industry normative and technical documents.

The opposite of the aggregate method is the detailed method, in which individual parts that have failed are replaced or restored.

To the indicators of the maintenance and repair system

Indicators of the maintenance and repair system allow you to estimate the costs of time, labor and money for maintenance and repairs and contain costs due to the design and technical condition of the product (operational costs), and costs due to the organization, technology for performing maintenance and repairs, material and technical provision, personnel qualifications, environmental conditions, etc.

Indicators of the maintenance and repair system pp. 57-65 estimate total costs time, labor and funds for maintenance and repairs and contain costs due to the design and technical condition of the product (operating costs), and costs due to the organization, technology for performing maintenance and repairs, logistics, personnel qualifications, environmental conditions and etc.

The calculation of indicators for the system of technical maintenance and repair of equipment is similar to the calculation of the corresponding maintainability indicators according to GOST 21623. In this case, instead of operating costs, the total costs of time, labor and money are taken into account.

ANNEX 1. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).



Classification sign

Types of maintenance

Operation phase

Maintenance during use

Storage Maintenance

Moving Maintenance

Maintenance while waiting

Frequency of execution

Periodic Maintenance

Seasonal Maintenance

terms of Use

Maintenance under special conditions

Regulation of implementation

Scheduled Maintenance

Maintenance with periodic inspection

Maintenance with continuous monitoring

Organization of execution

Inline Maintenance

Centralized maintenance

Decentralized maintenance

Maintenance by operating personnel

Maintenance by specialized personnel

Maintenance by the operator

Maintenance by a specialized organization

Factory maintenance

Maintenance Methods

Organization of execution

In-line maintenance method

Centralized maintenance method

Decentralized maintenance method

Maintenance method by operating personnel

Maintenance method by specialized personnel

Operator's maintenance method

Method of maintenance by a specialized organization

Manufacturer's maintenance method

Types of repairs

Degree of resource recovery

Major renovation

Medium renovation



Scheduled repairs

Unscheduled repairs

Regulation of implementation

Regulated repairs

Repair according to technical condition

Maintaining belonging

Impersonal repair

parts to be repaired

Not impersonal repair

Organization of execution

Unit repair

In-line repair

Repair by the operating organization

Repair by a specialized organization

Repair by manufacturer

Repair methods

Preservation of ownership of repaired parts

Impersonal repair method

Not an impersonal repair method


Positions 1, 2, 5-8, 10, 37, 38, 42 of this standard correspond to positions 2, 3, 7-9, 16, 6, 14, 15, 12 ST SEV 5151-85 with the term “product” replaced by the term "an object".

APPENDIX 3. (Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 1).


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the USSR State Committee for Standards

2. APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by the Resolution State Committee USSR according to standards dated November 15, 1978 No. 2986

3. INSTEAD GOST 18322-73


5. EDITION (December 2007) with Amendments No. 1, 2, approved in April 1986, December 1988 (IUS 7-86, 4-89)

1. This standard establishes the purpose and composition of the set of standards “System for technical maintenance and repair of equipment” (STOIRT) and the rules for designating related state standards.

2. The STOIRT set of standards is intended for regulatory support of the system of technical maintenance and repair of equipment.

3. Determination of the system for maintenance and repair of equipment - according to GOST 18322-78.

4. The requirements established by the STOIRT standards should be aimed at:

Ensuring a given level of readiness of products for intended use and their performance during use;

Reducing the cost of time, labor and money for performing maintenance and repair of products.

5. In development of the STOIR set of standards, sets of standards are being developed for types of equipment, taking into account the characteristics of industries and productions, for example, the system of maintenance and repair (STOIR) of technological equipment of machine-building enterprises, STOIR cars, STOIR construction machines, STORAGE of agricultural machinery, etc.

6. The composition of the classification groups of standards is given in the table.

7. Structure of complexes of STOIR standards for specific types of equipment in general case must comply with the structure of the STOIRT standards complex.

8. The designation of STOIRT standards is based on classification criteria. The number is composed of: two digits assigned to the standard class (28); one digit (after the dot) indicating the classification group of standards in accordance with clause 6; a two-digit number defining the serial number of the standard in a given group, and a two-digit number (after a dash) indicating the year of registration of the standard.

An example of the designation of the standard “STOOIRT. Basic provisions"

GOST finishing of premises - state standard, which defines the rules and permissible deviations and errors during finishing works.

The standards are used when carrying out various repair and finishing works in apartments and can relate to both the rough finishing of the apartment and the final finishing.

SanPiN - sanitary rules and regulations

GOST - state standard

Example of control values ​​and deviations

Floor screed

Based on SNiP 3.04.01-87, clause 4.24 and clause 4.43 clause 4.43:.

Based on SNiP 3.04.01-87, clause 4.24 and clause 4.43 the coating surfaces should not have potholes, cracks, waves, swelling, or raised edges. The color of the coating must match the design.

Gaps and cracks between skirting boards and floor coverings or walls (partitions), between adjacent edges of linoleum panels, carpets, rolled materials and tiles are not allowed


Based on SNiP 3.04.01-87 (clause 3.62, clause 4.43), SNiP 3.04.01-88 (clause 4.43)

Parquet laying

Based on SNiP 3.04.01-87, clause 4.38, clause 4.43

Simple plaster

Improved plaster

Based on SNiP 3.04.01-87, clause 3.12

Improved plaster

High quality plaster

Painting works

Based on SNiP 3.04.01-87, clauses 3.22 - 3.28 clause 3.28:.

the surface of each layer of paint coating with improved and high-quality interior painting with anhydrous compositions must be smooth, without paint drips, not have a jagged structure, etc.


Wallpapering based on SNiP 3.04.01-87, clause 3.12, clause 3.67 clause 3.12:.

Wallpapering based on SNiP 3.04.01-87, clause 3.12, clause 3.67 surfaces... must be smooth, without roughness;.

When the surfaces were covered with wallpaper, the ceilings were painted and other painting work was completed. When priming the surface under wallpaper, the adhesive composition must be applied in a continuous, uniform layer, without gaps or drips, and left until thickening begins. An additional layer of adhesive layer should be applied along the perimeter of window and door openings, along the contour and in the corners of the surface to be finished in a strip 75-80 mm wide at the moment the base layer begins to thicken.

clause 3.36: when gluing bases with paper in separate strips or sheets, the distance between them should be 10-12 mm.

clause 3.37: gluing of panels of paper wallpaper should be done after they are swollen and impregnated with adhesive.

clause 3.38: wallpaper surface density up to 100 g/m2 must be glued overlapping, 100-120 g/m2 and more - end-to-end.

clause 3.39: When joining panels with an overlap, pasting surfaces with wallpaper must be done in the direction from the light openings without making joints of vertical rows of panels at the intersections of planes.

clause 3.40: When gluing surfaces with synthetic wallpaper on a paper or fabric basis, the corners of the walls must be covered with a whole panel. Glue stains on their surface must be removed immediately.

When gluing, the vertical edges of adjacent textvinite panels and fabric-based films should overlap in width the previous panel with an overlap of 3-4 mm. Trimming overlapping edges should be done after the adhesive layer has completely dried, and after removing the edge, additionally apply glue in the places where the edges of adjacent panels are glued.

clause 3.41: when gluing pile wallpaper, the panels should be smoothed in one direction when gluing.

clause 3.42: When pasting surfaces with wallpaper, the formation of air bubbles, stains and other contaminants, as well as additional adhesion and peeling, is not allowed..

clause 3.43: When doing wallpaper work, the premises must be protected from drafts and direct impact sunlight with the establishment of a constant humidity regime. The air temperature when drying pasted wallpaper should not exceed 23 ° C.

clause 3.67: air bubbles, stains, omissions, additional gluing and peeling, and in places where openings adjoin the slopes, distortions, wrinkles, wallpapering of baseboards, trim, sockets, switches, etc. not allowed.

Door frame

Wallpapering based on SNiP 3.04.01-87, clause 3.12, clause 3.67 When installing blocks, it is necessary to create gaps between the frame and the wall. The width of the gaps should be set taking into account the possibility of compensating for temperature deformations and filling the joints with heat-insulating and sealing materials.

Some values ​​may change over time as standards and regulations are constantly updated, as is the entire market of construction and finishing materials.


Repair work in an apartment represents a whole range of technically complex measures for rough and fine finishing of premises, installation engineering systems, as well as power supply. Regardless of the type of work - be it comprehensive renovation turnkey or, for example, or partial restoration of the operational properties of individual elements - any manipulation by the master is subject to technical standards and standards if (1) such activity affects the safety of buildings and structures (and then in mandatory) or (2) it is based on voluntary the parties' application of building codes or standards. The most important standards are presented in this section. They set rules regarding the decoration of premises ( SNiP for finishing work 3.04.01-87), devices sanitary systems (SNiP 3.05.01-85), as well as systems power supply(SNiP 3.05.06-85). Separately it is necessary to mention GOST R 52059-2003, which defines the standard in the provision of repair services for individual orders.

Currently, it is mandatory to apply technical regulations. In the field of construction, this is the Law of the Russian Federation No. 384-FZ of December 30, 2009, “Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures.” Codes of practice and standards are applied on a voluntary basis, except as required by law. Yes, on a mandatory basis except technical regulations the codes of rules and standards specified in the List approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1047-r dated June 21, 2010 are also applied (in more detail below on this page). In connection with the work to update the sets of rules, this List is subject to change. In addition, Rostekhregulirovanie publishes a List of codes of rules and standards, as a result of the application of which on a voluntary basis compliance with technical regulations on the safety of buildings and structures is ensured (the list was approved by order of Rostechregulirovanie dated 06/01/2010 No. 2079; current edition dated 05/18/2011).

Please note that SNiP 3.04.01-87 (interior decoration), 3.05.01-85 (san.- engineering works) and GOST R 52059-2003 (provision of services in the field of apartment renovation) are not included in the List of codes of rules and standards, the application of which is mandatory basis ensures compliance with technical regulations on the safety of buildings and structures, i.e. such SNiPs and standards are recommendatory nature - the parties have the right to use these documents only for on a voluntary basis by fixing an appropriate clause, for example, like: “The quality of work under this contract is determined in accordance with GOST R 52059-2003.” This standard, among other things, contains a reference to the SNiPs listed in this section.

Standards - summary information in tables

This page brings together and presents in the form of tables the main indicators of permissible deviations for repair work on the surface of the floor, walls and ceiling.
see also → .

European-quality renovation is not only a modern finish, but also adherence to the standards and technical rules in force in European countries. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the main standards and tolerances. For the first time in Russian!

The table presentation sets out the requirements of current Russian and European standards, which determine possible tolerances during plastering work, and also delimit the content of such permissible deviations depending on the type of plaster.

Published on our website great multitude various tables and reference materials. To make it easier for you to search for such tables, we have collected information about them on a special page.

GOSTs and SNiPs for apartment renovation.

Approved and put into effect by Resolution of the State Standard of Russia dated May 28, 2003 No. 162-st. Valid from 01/01/2004
This document unifies the procedure for placing an order, its execution by the contractor, as well as the subsequent acceptance of the results of the work. The documents contain references to current standards and standards according to the type of work. The customer and the contractor may provide in the contract, in particular, a provision according to which repairs in the apartment will be carried out in accordance with the requirements of this GOST. Format - PDF.

Approved by the resolution of the State Construction Committee of Russia dated September 27, 2003 No. 170. Registration with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation: October 15, 2003 under No. 5176. Valid from: November 3, 2003.
Sections 4 and 5 of these Rules adopted by the State Construction Committee of Russia also establish requirements, the content of which must be taken into account when carrying out redevelopment work (Section 4) and reconstruction (Section 5) of an apartment. Published in full. See also: what is reconstruction and redevelopment, as well as information about. Format - PDF.

Approved by Decree of the USSR State Construction Committee dated December 11, 1985 No. 215. Entered into force on July 1, 1986.
This set of rules regulates electrical installation work in the apartment, various stages and procedures related to laying cables, their switching, installation and connection of various types of electrical products. This set of rules covers the entire range of measures for installing power supply in an apartment according to the project. Format - PDF.

Approved by Decree of the USSR State Construction Committee dated December 13, 1985 No. 224. Entered into force on July 1, 1986.
This SNiP, as its name implies, determines the procedure for constructing and distributing water supply and sewerage systems in an apartment, installing and connecting sanitary fixtures (see also:).

Project updated set of rules“SNiP 3.05.01-85 via the link in DOC format.

ATTENTION! 01/01/2013 comes into force updated SNiP 3.05.01-85. The new set of rules was approved by order of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia dated December 29, 2011 N 635/17. It was named “SP 73.13330.2012. Set of rules. Internal sanitary systems of buildings. Updated version of SNiP 3.05.01-85.” See PDF.

On the specifics of using updated SPs during transition period— see box below.

Format - PDF.

Approved by Decree of the USSR State Construction Committee dated December 4, 1987 No. 280. Put into effect on July 1, 1988.
One of the main documents regulating apartment renovation work in terms of production as rough and fine finishing. This standard prescribes the procedure for carrying out work, as well as tolerances regarding the installation of plaster and putty layers, gluing or painting the surface of walls; devices of screeds, soundproofing layers; waterproofing the floor surface; repair work on the ceiling surface; facing works various types. Format - PDF.

Approved by Decree of the State Construction Committee of the USSR dated May 16, 1988 No. 82. Currently on mandatory
Currently on mandatory Sections 1, 2 (paragraphs 2.1-2.5, 2.6-2.9), 3-7 apply.

By order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation dated December 27, 2010 No. 785, it came into force on May 20, 2011 updated set of rules 29.13330.2011 “Floors. SNiP 2.03.13-88". Updated text of the set of rules.

As of 08/01/2011, the list approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 06/21/2010 No. 1047-r (application of sets of rules on a mandatory basis) contains an indication of the old text of SNiP and the table of contents system adopted in it.

The list of Rostekhregudirovaniya (approved by order No. 2079 dated June 1, 2010, as amended on May 18, 2011; application of codes of rules on a voluntary basis), although it contains an indication of new edition of the specified set of rules, however, uses references to the numbering of sections and paragraphs that were provided for the previous edition of SNiP.

Please note that the updated version of the set of rules provides for the manufacture of floors (construction and installation work) in accordance with SNiP 3.04.01. IN currently the specified clause 1.4 does not apply on a mandatory basis.

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SNiPs applied on a mandatory basis

Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 21, 2010 No. 1047-r established that the following previously adopted standards and codes of practice or parts thereof are currently used on mandatory basis (extracted from list):

  • GOST 27751-88 “Reliability of building structures and foundations.”
  • GOST 30494-96 “Residential and public buildings. Indoor microclimate parameters”, section 3.
  • SNiP II-25-80 “Wooden structures”.
  • SNiP 2.01.07-85 “Loads and impacts. General provisions", sections 1-4, appendices 1-11.
  • SNiP 2.04.01-85 “Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings”, sections 2, 7-9, 10 (clauses 10.4-10.10, 10.12-10.20), 12 (clauses 12.1-12.20, 12.24-12.27), 13 (clauses 13.2- 13.10, 13.12-13.19), 14.
  • SNiP 2.03.13-88 "", sections 1, 2 (clauses 2.1-2.5, 2.6-2.9), 3-7.
  • SNiP 23-05-95 “Natural and artificial lighting,” sections 4-6, 7 (clauses 7.1-7.51, 7.53-7.73, 7.76, 7.79-7.81), 8-13; Appendix K.
  • SNiP 23-03-2003 “Protection from noise”, section 4-13.
  • SNiP 23-02-2003 “Thermal protection of buildings”, sections 4-12, appendices B, D, E.
  • SNiP 31-01-2003 “Residential multi-apartment buildings”, sections 4. (clauses 4.1, 4.4-4.9, 4.16, 4.17), 5, 6, 8 (clauses 8.1-8.11, 8.13, 8.14), 9-11.
  • SNiP 41-01-2003 “Heating, ventilation, air conditioning”, sections 4-6 (clauses 6.1.1-6.4.4, 6.4.6, 6.4.7, 6.5.4, 6.5.5, 6.5.7-6.5 .14, 6.6.2-6.6.26), 7 (clauses 7.1.1-7.1.5, 7.1.8-7.1.13, 7.2.1-7.2.4, paragraphs one and two of clause 7.2.10, clauses 7.2 .13, 7.2.14, 7.2.17, 7.3.1, 7.3.2, 7.4.1, 7.4.2, 7.4.5, 7.5.1, 7.5.3-7.5.11, 7.6.4, 7.6.5 , 7.7.1-7.7.3, 7.8.2, 7.8.6, 7.8.7, 7.9.13, 7.9.15, 7.9.16, 7.10.7, 7.10.8, 7.11.18), 9-11, 12 (clauses 12.7-12.9, 12.11-12.21), 13 (clauses 13.1, 13.3-13.5, 13.8, 13.9) → updated; see box.
  • SNiP 52-01-2003 “Concrete and reinforced concrete structures”, sections 3-8.

The situation when existing sets of rules are updated and replaced by updated editions is usually called transition period , during which old SNiPs and SPs included in the lists of mandatory or voluntary application continue to be valid until changes are made to these lists (see).

Interpretation of some terms

Quality of repair work: The Law “On Technical Regulation” limits the effect of previously adopted SNiPs. To replace the previous ones building regulations New technical regulations (mandatory for use), as well as standards and codes of practice (applied on a voluntary basis) must come.

Everything in the apartment represents a complex of technically complex works on, and. Regardless of the complexity of the work - whether it is a partial restoration of the operational properties of the premises - all this is subject to technical norms and standards, if such activities affect the safety of buildings and structures, then this is mandatory! There are also exceptions to the rules when standards and regulations are based on the voluntary application by the parties of codes of construction rules or standards in.

The most important standards establish rules regarding the finishing of premises ( SNiP for finishing work 3.04.01-87), devices sanitary systems ( SNiP 3.05.01-85), as well as systems power supply(SNiP 3.05.06-85). Separately it is necessary to mention GOST R 52059-2003, which defines the standard in the provision of repair services for individual orders.

Currently, it is mandatory to apply technical regulations, in construction it is Law of the Russian Federation No. 384-FZ of December 30, 2009 “Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures”. Codes of practice and standards are applied voluntarily, except as required by law. Thus, on a mandatory basis, in addition to the technical regulations, the sets of rules and standards specified in the List approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1047-r dated June 21, 2010 are also applied. In connection with the work to update the sets of rules, the specified List is subject to change. In addition, Rostekhregulirovanie publishes a List of codes of rules and standards, as a result of the application of which on a voluntary basis compliance with technical regulations on the safety of buildings and structures is ensured (the list was approved by order of Rostechregulirovanie dated 06/01/2010 No. 2079; current edition dated 05/18/2011).

note that SNiP 3.04.01-87 (interior decoration), 3.05.01-85 (sanitary technical work) And GOST R 52059-2003 (provision of services in the field of apartment renovation) are not included in the List of Codes of Practice and Standards, the application of which in mandatory basis ensures compliance with technical regulations on the safety of buildings and structures, i.e. such SNiPs and standards are advisory nature- the parties have the right to use these documents only for on a voluntary basis by fixing an appropriate clause, for example, like: “The quality of work under this contract is determined in accordance with GOST R 52059-2003.”

Permissible deviations for finishing works SNiP 3.04.01-87

"Floors" SNiP 3.04.01-87 clause 4.24 clause 4.43

SNiP 3.04.01-87 clause 4.43
Deviation of thickness from design - no more 10 %
SNiP 3.04.01-87 clause 4.24; SP 29.13330.2011 "Floors" clause 8. 13
Screed for parquet, laminate, linoleum (as well as according to SP 29.13330.2011 “Floors” - coatings on a cement-based adhesive layer): clearance when checked with a 2-meter lath 2 mm
Screed for waterproofing: clearance when checked with a 2-meter strip - no more 4 mm
Screed for other surfaces: clearance when checked with a 2-meter strip - no more 6 mm
Screed: deviations from the specified horizontal level no more than the size of the room (in total no more than 50 mm) 0.20 %
The screed should not have potholes, bulges or cracks. Hairline cracks are acceptable.
If there is no adhesion between the screed or ceramic tiles and the underlying base (determined by tapping), such areas must be re-laid.
SNiP 3.04.01-87 clause 4.38
Piece parquet: strip gluing area - no less 80 %
SNiP 3.04.01-87 clause 4.43
Block parquet: deviation from a given slope is no more than the size of the room (in general no more than 50 mm) 0.20 %
Piece parquet: deviation from plane by 2 m - no more 2 mm
Piece parquet: gaps between adjacent piece planks - no more 0.3 mm
Block parquet: when laying piece parquet, the ledges between adjacent planks do not break.
05/20/2011 - The updated set of rules SP 29.13330.2011 “Floors” was put into effect. This set of rules, clause 1.4, contains an indication that construction and installation work on the manufacture of floors must be carried out in accordance with SNiP 3.04.01.

"Plastering works" - SNiP 3.04.01-87 clause 3.12

SNiP 3.04.01-87 clause 3.12


Real current standards imply three types of plaster - simple, improved and high-quality.

Simple plaster
Permissible deviation from the vertical per 1 m length (no more than 15 mm per floor height) 3 mm
Permissible deviation from the horizontal per 1 m length (no more than 15 mm per floor height) 3 mm
Improved plaster- see: plastering walls using beacons
Permissible deviation from the vertical per 1 m length (no more than 10 mm per floor height) 2 mm
Permissible deviation from the horizontal per 1 m length (no more than 10 mm per floor height 2 mm
The number of irregularities of a smooth outline per 4 m2 with a depth of up to 3 mm - no more 2
Humidity of the underlying foundation (stone, brick) - no more than 8%
Slopes (doors, windows) - discrepancy in width from project indicators with improved plaster - no more 3 mm
High quality plaster
Permissible deviation from the vertical per 1 m length (no more than 5 mm per floor height) 1 mm
Permissible deviation from the horizontal per 1 m length (no more than 5 mm per floor height) 1 mm

"Painting works" - SNiP 3.04.01-87 clause 3.22 - 3.28

SNiP 3.04.01-87 clause 3.12
Painting work: humidity of the plastered or puttied base - no more 8%

Surfaces should be smooth without roughness.

When wallpapering surfaces, painting of the ceilings and other painting work must be completed.

SNiP 3.04.01-87 clause 3.28
Painting work: coating thickness - not less than 25 µm
The surface of each layer of paint coating with improved and high-quality interior painting with anhydrous compounds should be smooth, without paint smudges, and not have a jagged structure.

Based on the results of the work, ensure uniformity and uniformity of painted surfaces: without stains, splashes, smudges, wrinkles.

Do not allow underlying layers of paint to show through.

"Wallpaper" SNiP 3.04.01-87 clause 3.35 - clause 3.67

SNiP 3.04.01-87 clause 3.12 - clause 3.67
Permissible residual moisture content of the base - no more than 8%
0.5 mm
SNiP 3.04.01-87 clause 3.35
When priming the surface under wallpaper, the adhesive composition must be applied in a continuous, uniform layer, without gaps or drips, and left until thickening begins. An additional layer of adhesive layer should be applied along the perimeter of window and door openings, along the contour and in the corners of the surface to be finished in a strip 75 - 80 mm wide at the moment the base layer begins to thicken.
SNiP 3.04.01-87 clause 3.36
When gluing bases with paper in separate strips or sheets, the distance between them should be 10 - 12 mm.
SNiP 3.04.01-87 clause 3.37
Gluing panels of paper wallpaper should be done after they have swollen and been impregnated with adhesive.
SNiP 3.04.01-87 clause 3.38
Wallpaper with a surface density of up to 100 g/m2 must be glued overlapping, 100 - 120 g/m2 or more end-to-end.
SNiP 3.04.01-87 clause 3.39
When joining panels with an overlap, pasting surfaces with wallpaper must be done in the direction from the light openings without making joints of vertical rows of panels at the intersections of planes.
SNiP 3.04.01-87 clause 3.40
When gluing surfaces with synthetic wallpaper on a paper or fabric basis, the corners of the walls must be covered with a whole panel. Glue stains on their surface must be removed immediately.
When gluing, the vertical edges of adjacent textile panels and fabric-based films should overlap the width of the previous panel with an overlap of 3 - 4 mm. Trimming overlapping edges should be done after the adhesive layer has completely dried and, after removing the edge, additionally apply glue in the places where the edges of adjacent panels are glued.
SNiP 3.04.01-87 clause 3.41
When gluing pile wallpaper, the panels should be smoothed in one direction when gluing.
SNiP 3.04.01-87 clause 3.42
When pasting surfaces with wallpaper, the formation of air bubbles, stains and other contaminants, as well as additional adhesion and peeling, is not allowed.
SNiP 3.04.01-87 clause 3.43
When wallpapering, the premises must be protected from drafts and direct exposure to sunlight until the wallpaper is completely dry and a constant humidity regime must be established. The air temperature when drying pasted wallpaper should not exceed 23 degrees C.
SNiP 3.04.01-87 clause 3.67
Permissible deviation of wallpaper edges (not noticeable from a distance of 3 m) 0.5 mm
The distance between wallpaper joints should not exceed 0.5 mm

The presence of air bubbles, stains, omissions, additional gluing and peeling, as well as wallpapering baseboards, switches and sockets is not allowed.

Ensure precise fit of the pattern.
Horizontal and vertical seams must be of the same type, single row and uniform in width.

"Doors and other things" SNiP 3.03.01-87

Based on TR 105-00 (technical recommendations for the installation of window and door units) clause 3.10
SNiP 3.03.01-87 clause 3.10
Permissible vertical and horizontal deviation per 1 m length, but not more than 3 mm per door height 1.5 mm

Interior door distance from floor

5 mm
Door to the bathroom (bathroom) distance from the floor 12 mm
SNiP 3.03.01-87 clause 3.12
When installing blocks, it is necessary to create gaps between the frame and the wall. The width of the gaps should be set taking into account the possibility of compensating for temperature deformations and filling the joints with heat-insulating and sealing materials.
Window sill installation: slope of the upper surface is not less than 1 %

"Ceramic tile cladding" SNiP 3.04.01-87, 88

SNiP 3.04.01-87 clause 3.62
Permissible deviations from the vertical per 1 m length (maximum per floor 4 mm) 1.5 mm
Permissible plane irregularities at 2 m 2 mm
Permissible deviations of seams from vertical and horizontal per 1 m length 1.5 mm
Permissible deviation of the seam width from that specified in the project +/- 0.5mm
SNiP 3.04.01-87 clause 3.67
Horizontal and vertical seams must be of the same type, single row and uniform in width
Acceptable chips in seams - no more 0.5 mm
SNiP 3.04.01-87 clause 4.24
Permissible deviation in covering thickness from the design one is no more than 10 %
SNiP 3.04.01-87 clause 4.43
When checking with a 2-meter rod, the clearance is no more 4 mm
The ledges between the rows of laid tiles are no more than 1 mm
Deviations from the horizontal are no more than the specified value from the size of the room (but not more than 50 mm) 20 %
Seam width - no more 6 mm

When compiling this table of standards and tolerances, we used regulatory documents for the production of apartment decoration, household repairs and interior decoration of premises in an apartment: