Entertainment for corporate parties for the New Year. New Year's games at the table. Distribution of gifts at the New Year's table "Win-win lottery"

There are many different competitions that are perfect for the ceremonial part of New Year's Eve 2016. But when choosing one or the other, one cannot ignore the age or weight category, and gender plays an important role. As a result, the list of prepared competitions may sharply decrease. Well, there are competitions in which the more diverse the audience, the more fun.

In practice, funny competitions that are held at corporate events are not just a charge of positivity and energy, they are also a lot of pleasant memories, since such remarks begin to live their own lives, they are often remembered after some time and involuntarily return to pleasant and fun moments.

Funny competitions for the New Year's corporate party - “The Tricky Doctor”


  • Doctor
  • Nurse


  • Minimum 3 people, maximum unlimited.

The essence of this have a fun competition is as follows: the nurse takes turns taking the “patients” to the doctor for examination. The doctor, wielding medical instruments (the latter can be very diverse, from a tonometer or hammer to gynecological devices), conducts an examination. The doctor asks absolutely every patient to reach the left shoulder blade with his left hand. In response, a wide variety of remarks are heard, for example: “It’s easy!”, “Oh, my God!”, “I can’t get it.”, “Well, I got it, so what?” Not paying attention special attention, The doctor completes the examination and gives “helpful” advice that will emphasize this person as a person and will in no way offend him.

Active Assistant The nurse, throughout all examinations, carefully notes the patient's name and remarks that they say. Although for everyone, she writes down the diagnosis given to the “patient”. The competition will be even funnier when the audience is diverse in all respects. The more diverse people who take part in the competition, the more diverse remarks we will hear.

Celebrating the New Year brings together many people on this planet. We all have great hopes for the future with this holiday. No matter what the past year was like, almost everyone is sure in their hearts that the next one will be luckier and happier. People have not forgotten how to dream, which means that a small miracle must happen if you believe in it. From early childhood we remember how we celebrated New Year with my parents, then with my friends and my own family. We carefully preserve in our memory the sweet little things associated with this fabulous winter time, which gives us an unforgettable rest and strength for further victories. But in order for the New Year's celebration to be remembered for a long time, it is necessary to take care of its preparation in advance. According to a long-established tradition, we celebrate the New Year with our dearest and closest people, so we certainly need to make sure that the holiday brings a lot of impressions and pleasure to each of them.

The main rule is not to let New Year's entertainment on its own.

In addition to the traditional preparation for the New Year, into the cycle of which we plunge headlong long before its onset, it makes sense to think themed party. Let the mischievous Fire Monkey, who will reign in 2016, inspire the idea of ​​the holiday. You can tell the invited guests the motto of the party. Any of them will be able to choose their role and costume image, and become an active participant in the festive action. This is a great opportunity to express yourself and get satisfaction from what is happening. Such parties, as a rule, are remembered for a long time. Every little detail is important here, because it is from them that the emotional mood is formed. Advance creative preparation of the celebration program, multiplied by the demonstrated imagination of all involved, is the key to maximum success of any holiday.

Video joke: A monkey rode a goat, and as you know, the outgoing year 2015 passed under the sign of the goat.

Fun competitions for the New Year 2016 for an adult party or corporate event.

If a company with people of different interests has gathered to celebrate the New Year, then funny competitions will unite them and entertain the playful, silly Monkey. She will enjoy any active fun, and she will happily share the fun of people. What New Year's entertainment and funny Games can be suggested for meeting 2016, the year of the Fire Monkey:

1. Monkey pantomime

The Queen of the Year herself inspires the creation of parodies and mimic competitions. After the guests have sat at the festive table, you can warm up a little and try your hand at this art. The guests are divided into two teams, each of which comes up with any simple sentence in three words, for example: “The Snow Maiden broke the champagne.” Someone from the opposing squad should try to silently depict each word individually with movements and gestures. The result is an exciting and funny performance, because the team still has to guess what their partner is portraying. Children especially unexpectedly show themselves in this field, and how adults laugh! Hints are strictly prohibited here.

2. Who will dance who?

A traditional competition that is more relevant than ever in the year of the monkey. It will “ignite” active and mobile youth. You can use music at any tempo and style. The players dance on a piece of Whatman paper, which is certain time folds in half, then four, and so on. The most persistent dancer who can dance on a piece of paper the size of a shoe is solemnly awarded a festive prize.

3. Funny competition “Unexpected chimes”

When meeting guests, you can give some of them colorful envelopes with different tasks that need to be completed at a specified time.

An unexpected tap dance on the table during a toast or a dog barking when the Christmas tree lights are lit will greatly amuse everyone around.

4. “A pea for a real princess”

The task can be offered to lovely ladies. All participants are lined up in a row blindfolded. Objects wrapped in paper are placed on chairs behind. Sitting on a chair, using only the “fifth point”, the lady must determine which object she got. Then she can take it home as a gift from the Monkey.

Variation on a theme - a cool competition with a monkey:

5. New Year's “Wall of Wishes”

6. Game “Night of Questions and Answers”

The facilitator makes a list of questions with obvious answers. Usually, when answering such questions, people do not make mistakes and do not think for a long time. This time they are asked to answer them incorrectly. The pace of the game is quite fast, there is little time to think. As a rule, many people quickly make mistakes and drop out of the competition because they offer the correct answer.

7. Funny game “Transporting the ball”

A cool competition that will especially appeal to a perky youth group. It will take two teams, in which women and men stand next to each other. You need to prepare inflatable long balloons in advance. It is necessary to move the ball with the help of your feet through the entire column without dropping or bursting it accidentally. You can't do this with your hands.

1. New Year's competition "Monkey Lunokhod 2016"

A new competition for those who are already slightly drunk will give them the opportunity to fool around in the guise of a New Year's hostess. The guests stand in a circle. The children's counting rhyme selects one participant, who wanders around on his haunches inside the circle and says in a serious tone that he is Lunokhod -1. Whoever laughs first joins him, imitating Lunokhod-2 by analogy. Whoever laughs next becomes Lunokhod-3. Thus, the cheerful chain continues. The most serious person is offered a drink as a prize.

2. “Checkers-shots” competition

Guests are invited to play a game of checkers. But instead of checkers, there are glasses of white and red wine on a regular board (you can have stronger ones: vodka and cognac). He “ate” the enemy’s checker, said a toast and drank a glass. The “auditorium” for such a game will never be empty.

3. Competition “Snowman’s Nose”

This will amuse anyone. On a large sheet of whatman paper they draw a funny snowman, but without a nose. The nose is issued separately. Fairly tipsy players are given the task of attaching the “carrot” to its proper place. It will be especially fun if the participant is well promoted beforehand.

It’s hard to imagine any celebration without good music, be it corporate party, youth party or children's party. Music creates a festive and warm atmosphere, so necessary to celebrate the New Year. The choice of musical decoration for a party should be taken very carefully, taking into account the preferences of the gathered guests. In addition to traditional karaoke singing, you can invite those gathered to take part in musical entertainment. Here are examples of some of them:

1. Theatrical and musical entertainment “Song by Role”

A simple children's song is chosen. Everyone who wants to test themselves is given words and nouns from this song in random order. When the guests begin to perform it in chorus, you can watch an interesting mono performance. This competition will appeal to both adults and children.

2. Competition “Own Song”

Each participant, at the command of the leader (one clap), begins to mentally perform his own song, which is well known to him. On the next command (two claps) everyone sings out loud. Then clap one at a time again - to yourself. The winner is the one who sings the entire song without missing a beat. The one who mixes up the words, messes up the rhythm or distorts the melody leaves the game.

3. Competition “Chorus in Chorus”

The players begin to sing in chorus a song that is very familiar to everyone. The presenter commands: “Silence!”, everyone switches to mental execution. Next, on the command “Sing!” the participants continue to sing, but out loud. As a rule, many people lose their pace, and at the end of the game people laugh genuinely.

4. Competition “Song Chain”

Two teams play. The first team sings a verse of a song, for example: “Why are you standing, swaying, thin rowan tree.” Another team of participants chose the word “rowan” and sings a verse in which this word is mentioned: “Oh, curly rowan...”. The chain of songs continues until it breaks. The last team to sing the song wins.

5. “Music Ticket” competition

The guests form two circles: men - outer, women - inner. Men should have one more person. Beautiful music sounds, two round dances move in opposite directions. When the music stops, the male player must hug the female player. The “hare”, who did not have enough of a “lucky ticket”, performs some New Year’s task.

6. Competition “Songs on a given topic”

Very simple, but always successful musical competition. Any topic is asked, for example about snow. Anyone can remember a song in which they are mentioned. In this marathon, each version must be rewarded with candy. It doesn’t matter in what order the participants performed, the one with the largest number of sweet prizes will win.

Let's tell fortunes, dream and wish on New Year's Eve

Even those who never believed in Santa Claus and always considered all this festive tinsel useless dream and make cherished wishes for the New Year. We associate the end of the year with a certain summing up and make plans for the next year. Well, how can we do without a dream? We sincerely want to wish our loved ones a lot of good things on New Year's Eve. We also traditionally wonder what the coming year promises us. This habit has taken root not only among us. For example, according to Catholic tradition, people write their wishes for the New Year on a tiny note that is hidden inside a tin toy. When it is melted in a ladle over a fire and then lowered into water, a shadow remains on the wall. They try to recognize their destiny by it. A beautiful custom. But instead of tin, you can use any candles; they also freeze strangely when they fall into water. They say that if the resulting figure has a lot of small holes and scale, then the year will be profitable.

You can put your congratulations and wishes for the New Year in any form; your imagination in this area is limitless. Any New Year and modern attributes are suitable for this: Christmas decorations, candies, tangerines, champagne and glasses, musical instruments and electronic gadgets (the list is endless). Let inspiration run wild to surprise and delight your friends and family.

How you celebrate the New Year is how it will turn out

You can believe or not believe in miracles - this is everyone’s personal choice. But the holiday will turn out to be unforgettable if it is “conducted by magic hand director”, if each invitee is involved in what is happening. The most talented and creative people. Of course, all wishes will not come true, but let the most important ones come true. We all want this so much on New Year's Eve.

An entertainment program for the New Year at a corporate party will create a festive atmosphere. Interesting competitions between departments and funny competitions will give your colleagues great mood and a charge of positivity. Active and table games will bring the team together and make the New Year corporate event bright and memorable.

    All guests participate in the competition. To carry it out you will need a jar placed in a bag or taped over. The host approaches each guest in turn with a jar and offers to make a contribution. Every person should throw at least a few pennies into the jar in order to live debt-free in the new year. Then each guest in turn names the amount that has been collected in the bank.

    The person whose answer is completely correct or closest to the correct amount wins. The winner takes the jar of money for himself.

    Game "Understand Me"

    Anyone can play. Participants are divided equally into 2 teams. The team calls a player from the opposing group and speaks into his ear the object that needs to be depicted (the word must be monosyllabic). The participant must, using gestures and ingenuity, show his team the hidden word. Talking and pointing at surrounding objects during pantomime is prohibited. If the team guesses correctly, it is awarded 1 point. The other team then does the same to the opposing team. The game continues until one of the teams scores 5 points. She is declared the winner.

    Auction game "Intuition"

    All guests participate in the game. To carry it out you will need small souvenirs and prizes. All lots are wrapped in such a way that players cannot guess what is inside. The presenter gives a hint that characterizes the lot. After this, bidding begins. It is proposed to start trading with a small denomination. The participant who offers the highest price takes the lot.

    Examples of lots and tips:

    • Not a single feast is complete without it (Salt)
    • He is an essential attribute of everyone business man(Notebook)
    • This lot is for those who want to leave their mark (Chalk Set)
    • Volatile fuel (Champagne)
    • Guarantee Have a good mood(Chocolate)
  • Any number of male-female couples can participate in the competition. To carry it out you will need newspapers (according to the number of pairs). A newspaper is placed in front of each couple - this is their ice floe. The participants' task is to dance without stepping over the edges of the newspaper. Every minute the ice floe begins to melt, and the newspaper folds in half. Music is constantly changing. You cannot stand; the couple must dance. Participants who step outside the boundaries of the newspaper are eliminated from the game. The last pair remaining wins.

    3-5 men participate in the competition. To carry it out, you will need large-sized carrots (according to the number of participants) and the same number of boxes and ropes.

    A rope is tied to the belt of each contestant, to which a carrot is attached. It should not touch the floor. The participants' task is to use a carrot, without hands, to push their box to the designated place without leaving their path. It is prohibited to touch the box with your feet. The player who reaches the finish line first wins.

    Any number of male-female couples can participate in the competition. To carry it out you will need inflatable balls (according to the number of pairs) and the same amount of average length of ropes.

    Each man ties a ball to his partner's leg with a rope. The music turns on and the couples begin to dance. The goal of the competition is to protect the ball so that it does not burst during the dance. The music and rhythm of the dances should change periodically. The couple whose balloon bursts is eliminated from the competition. The last pair remaining wins.

    Game "New Wave"

    The game involves 3 people. To carry it out, you will need the lyrics of popular songs, printed in large font (so that it is convenient for a person to read). Only the performers should know the title of the song. The task of each participant is to sing their song with vowels alone, without musical accompaniment. The winner is the performer whose song the guests guess.

    Song options:

    • A million scarlet roses (Pugacheva)
    • The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree
    • Three white horses
    • Madonna (Serov)
  • Mission Impossible game

    Everyone present at the festival can play. To play the game, you need to prepare tasks in advance (based on a certain number of guests) and put them in a hat or bag.

    Players take turns starting to pull the task at random and fulfill the mission assigned to them.

    Examples of tasks:

    • Sing a song or recite a poem
    • Kiss the person sitting opposite you
    • Belly dance
    • Ride around the hall astride a chair
    • Portray a famous singer or singer
    • Crow loudly three times
    • Dance a lambada.
  • Two men participate in the competition. To carry it out you will need 2 binoculars, 2 paper caps with an elastic band and 2 inflatable or foam swords. Participants put on caps (knight's helmets) and put binoculars to their eyes so that they can look through the lenses at a distance. Binoculars should not be kept out of sight.

2016 is coming - the year of the monkey. And for this occasion, we have prepared completely new competitions for the New Year 2016 for corporate parties with jokes. Each competition is not well-worn material, but something new that your colleagues have not yet played. Watch competitions, play them and have fun!

I'd like to start with a simple video contest. In it, your colleagues will have to guess the celebrities based on their glasses. Many famous people wear glasses. Therefore, first, part of the face with glasses is displayed on the screen, and the guests guess. When you guessed right or wrong, the full face is shown. And if you want, you can also “attach” glasses in Photoshop to someone who doesn’t wear them, to make it more difficult and more fun.
Here's an example video:

Next up is the banana competition.
We need teams of three people each. The first person will peel the bananas, cut them into pieces and top them with yogurt. That is. He will make a fruit (banana) salad. The second person will sit on a chair and hold their hands behind their back. And the third person, putting boxing gloves on his hands and taking a small spoon, will feed the salad to the one sitting on the chair. Whichever team manages to finish everything first wins.
Whoever is sitting on a chair, tie a bib on him so that he does not get dirty with the salad. After all, holding a small spoon in boxing gloves is not easy!

And again a competition with bananas and tangerines. Again we divide into teams of three people. You can even keep the same commands. Only the first one is blindfolded, the second one is sitting on a chair, and the third one is wearing boxing gloves.
Bananas and tangerines are laid out around the room. And the one who is blindfolded must look for them. The first team is looking for bananas, the second is looking for tangerines. Whoever has gloves on his hands can tell the first one in words so that he can quickly find all his fruits. When all the fruits have been found, the one wearing gloves feeds the one sitting on the chair. That is, he needs to peel the fruits with gloves and feed them.
Whichever team can do it faster wins.

Determining the Monkey King!
Are there men at the corporate party? Then the next competition is for them! They will compete for the title - King of the Monkeys!
The competition will take place in several stages.
Stage 1.
We must choose the strongest. To do this, men stand on the same line. Each man is given a match. And on command they throw it forward. Whoever throws his match the farthest is the strongest.
Stage 2.
We must choose the most accurate one. To do this, we hang a poster on the wall with a monkey that has no tail. We blindfold each man in turn. We put a dart with a monkey's tail in our hands and spin it. And so the men must attach the tail to the monkey. Whoever does this is the one who is most accurate.
Stage 3.
We need to choose the smartest one. All men stand in a line. One presenter has a banana in his hands. He throws a banana to each man in turn and says some words. And the man who caught the banana must immediately throw the banana back and say the opposite word. For example: water - earth, fish - bird, white - black, headphones - microphone, and so on. Which of the men could not say the opposite word is eliminated. This way there will be one winner.
And now we have candidates who won the qualifying stages. And they compete for the title of Monkey King. Everything is simple here - all the men stand on stage. The soundtrack of Tarzan's screams from a film or cartoon is played. And then the men also scream themselves. Whoever produces the best cry gets the title - King of the Monkeys!