A simple baby soap recipe. Master class on making moisturizing soap. Making soap at home: what you need

The article will be useful for those who like everything homemade, as well as for those who have hands, as they say, “not for boredom.” There have already been several articles about homemade soap options. I have already written about both (my own, homemade) and the option for making soap. Today we will again return to the “soap” topic and learn how to make our own simple and safe product from children’s soap. After all, it is not called “children’s” for nothing, it is the safest and does not contain as many different additives as other varieties of this detergent.

We make soap with our own hands from baby soap. Several variants

It is clear that recipes, no matter what area they belong to (cooking or, like ours, soap making), are always somewhat different from each other. But very often they are based on certain general proportions, and by changing and supplementing them with some other ingredients, you can get a completely different product. This is exactly what can be safely said about this based on baby product. There is a universal recipe for its preparation, and, of course, there are some variations on the same theme.

Universal recipe and basic cooking technology

So, here the entire calculation will be based on 100 grams of the main product, that is, baby soap. It is from this weight that the total amount of all main ingredients will be calculated. About a hundred gram piece baby soap we already said. In addition to this, you will also need a tablespoon of some tasty (in terms of smell) base oil. Next, you can add 100 grams of liquid ingredients. It could be milk, for example. In addition to this, any decoctions and other liquid components are suitable for this role. Essential oils usually add 6 or 7 drops. In addition to such oils, you can add (4 or 5 drops) if the color of the product does not suit you and you want to change it. And the last component in this recipe is other additives. They can be different, for example, sugar. In addition to it, you can take chocolate (often this is what they take), honey, and others to your taste. In this case, again, you need to proceed only from the proportions that need to be adhered to. For 100 grams of our main component, that is, baby soap, you can put 50 grams of such additional ingredients.

Melt baby soap. What's the best way to do this?

In order to quickly dissolve it, the piece must be crushed. It is best to use a grater here. It is this that will allow you to make a kind of shavings from your bar of baby soap. Next, these shavings can already be melted, and it is better to use a water bath for this. Your task is to first put the resulting shavings into a plate and place this very plate in. We already pour water there so that it reaches the very edges of the plate with the shavings. So, when water boils, it will constantly “supply” the plate inside the pan with heat.

The process of melting the chips can be accelerated, which is done simply. To do this, add a little water to it. A better option is to replace the water with milk, for example. This is much better, because the milk will eventually make the soap much softer. In addition, melters can also be used here. This can be sugar (regular or vanilla), chocolate is also suitable for this. Any of these components can significantly speed up the melting process of soap shavings.

Another option is to add a decoction of some useful and aromatic herbs. They will also not be superfluous in such homemade soap. But this broth will need to be diluted again with milk before adding. All these components need to be added only to the soap, which is placed in a water bath. This way the result will be much better. The melting process itself is not that long. Usually it’s 15 minutes, sometimes up to 30. The main thing is that the soap mass does not start to boil, as this may cause bubbles that are completely unnecessary for us to appear in the future.

Wait until the soap melts well. At the same time, it becomes quite viscous, and there will no longer be any large or small lumps in it. It is at this stage that various beneficial oils can be added to this soap concentrate. I think you remember the concentration - a tablespoon here is taken for the same 100 grams. When you remove the soap from the bathhouse, you can add oils and essential oils to it, and in addition to them, dyes and other components you need. It's best to do this at the very end, as many of these components are quite volatile.

When you have completely prepared the mixture with the desired composition, you will need to mix it thoroughly again, and therefore it will be possible to pour it into any mixture. You can put some components directly into the molds themselves.

The soap, after it has cooled, is sent to the refrigerator for final formation. There its consistency will already be closer to the one in which we are accustomed to seeing it. Afterwards, let your soap sit in the air for a while. This is how excess moisture will come out of it, and this may even cause the piece itself to dry out a little.

With jojoba oil

This type of oil (take just a tablespoon) is added to 100 grams of soap, which again needs to be melted. All this is simply mixed so that the oil itself does not come to the surface in the future. This simple variation of your homemade soap is ideal for softening your skin. It is quite suitable for both dry and more sensitive skin. But for “softness” you don’t need to add even a little more oil than normal, otherwise your soap won’t foam as well.

With the addition of white or dark chocolate

It is quite possible to enhance the already prepared version with jojoba oil with chocolate. If you decide to try this chocolate soap, then the chocolate itself must be added during melting, as it can speed up this process. Again, you don’t need to take a lot of chocolate, still the same 50 grams per 100 soap. You can go even further, that is, add components that will add properties to this product. This is done simply by adding, for example, ground coffee. You don’t need to put a lot of it, a teaspoon is enough. Soap in this design can easily cleanse your skin of dead cells. And to enhance its aroma, you can add essential oil to it. Such a fragrant piece of soap is quite appropriate as a New Year's gift.

With oatmeal

The latest variety of homemade soap for today. We will prepare it again using soap with jojoba oil. That is, you melt a piece, add it, and then add a tablespoon of whole oatmeal (you can grind it) to this base (based on the same 100 grams). Next, you will need to stir all this. Your task is to stir this whole mass very well, that is, so that the flakes themselves no longer settle to the bottom of the molds. It is best to stir with a spoon. This way there will be no extra bubbles in the soap. After finishing the mixing process, the soap will need to be crushed with the same spoon and put it to cool in

Let's also watch this video, where they will show you the process of making such homemade soap from children's soap.

Here's another option. Let's watch this video too.

How to make soap from baby soap at home

I took regular baby soap, colorless and odorless, a grater, any dish into which you can grate soap, olive oil (I prefer it), cupcake pans, essential oil (if anyone likes it)...

Put " water bath" For those who don’t know what this is, I’ll tell you: take two pans of different sizes, first fill one of them (the larger one) with water and put it on gas. Place the second pan inside the first one. Our bathhouse is ready

The prepared baby soap should be grated on a fine grater. The smaller our soap shavings come out, the faster it will melt and become suitable for soap making.

When our “water bath” is well heated, pour 2 tablespoons of oil into it. Yes, by the way, I make the recipe based on 100 g. soap If you like softer soap, add more oil.

Let's wait a little so that our oil heats up well and pour the prepared soap shavings into it...

Mix the resulting substance thoroughly and for a long time...

After the soap begins to melt, add about 0.2 liters to it. hot water. I recommend adding only hot water. This will significantly speed up the process of making soap at home.

Again, mix everything well and thoroughly. If you see that the consistency is very thick, add a little more water. But don't overdo it.

Slowly but surely we continue to stir our homemade soap.

In order for our homemade soap to steam well, you need to cover the pan with a lid.

After 20-30 minutes, see what comes out. Add water again if the soap becomes thick again. The consistency of the soap should be like pancakes. If you added water, you need to stir the soap again for about 5 minutes. Again, let our mixture steam under the closed lid.

The result should be a homogeneous viscous mass, as shown in the figure. At this stage, you can add any herb (if desired or needed) that you have at home to our soap decoction. To make the soap look beautiful, we first grind this herb.

The resulting soap color in my case leaves much to be desired. But it is useful without chemicals.

At the final stage I add a little sea buckthorn. This will give our homemade soap a more aesthetic color and smell.

And now our handmade homemade soap is basically ready. All that remains is to pour it into the prepared molds. To ensure that we don’t have problems in the future with removing soap from the molds, we lubricate them with aromatic oil (for example, essential oil). If there is no aroma oil in the apartment, it doesn’t matter. We use regular sunflower oil.

Dear readers, fireworks! Today's master class will be about homemade soap made from baby soap. Moreover, it is not at all difficult to prepare, but it will be much more nutritious than any luxury soap. We take a saucepan, a whisk and a grater, stock up on the necessary ingredients and begin the exciting creative process - soap making! =)

When the question of switching to natural cosmetics arises, it comes to soap. What can replace regular soap? The ideal option is flour (rye, oatmeal, chickpeas, with the addition of various herbs) or clay. But it is not always possible to immediately switch to such washing methods, so homemade soap can serve as a good tool for the transition period.

What can you make soap from? You can make soap from scratch, from base or from baby soap. In my opinion, cooking from scratch is a dreary, long and tedious task (I in no way want to offend soap makers who love this activity!). But if you (like me) don’t have time to breed at home chemical laboratory, then either soap base or baby soap will do just fine as a raw material. Baby soap, unlike soap base, can be bought anywhere, so we will choose this one.

The soap will be nourishing due to the fact that we enrich it with natural vegetable oils and other useful additives that make the skin moisturized and prevent the soap from drying it out.

Important note: when choosing baby soap, look at the composition. IN Lately SLS is even added to baby soap as a foaming agent - I don’t recommend using this kind of soap.

What you need to make homemade nourishing soap:

  1. baby soap, 100 grams
  2. 100 ml milk, cream or water
  3. 1 tablespoon of any or a mixture of them. Coconut oil is best - it will hardly reduce foaming.
  4. any essential oils, 4 drops. For example: orange - against cellulite, tea tree will fight pimples, lavender will help eliminate age spots and improve skin color, ylang-ylang is a real aphrodisiac)
  5. natural dyes (and at the same time flavors) to suit your taste =)

For example, dyes can be used:

  • To obtain dark shades - coffee, cocoa powder, cinnamon, oak bark infusion;
  • For light shades - chamomile flowers or an infusion of them, turmeric (yellow);
  • Carrot juice and sea buckthorn oil will make the soap orange;
  • Blue and white clay will give the soap an interesting grayish tint;
  • Of course, you can also use food colorings used to color confectionery products.

And to make the soap no longer just soap, but a scrub soap, you can add a little oatmeal - then one of the sides of the soap will have a mild scrubbing effect).

You can also add dried herbs or flowers ground in a coffee grinder (you can buy them at the pharmacy). Dandelion root is very beneficial for the body. And for the aroma, it’s good to add ground petals of various flowers, whichever you like best!

Now about how to make soap from baby soap:

We grate the bar of soap, trying not to breathe in the soap dust - to do this, you can open the window or put a protective bandage on your face =). I usually just open the window.

Melt our grated soap in a water bath and add milk. Soap should not boil! Milk, of course, can be replaced with water, but with milk it will be more nutritious. By the way, soap with milk does not spoil and does not turn sour for about the same time as soap with water.

Add base oils (do not add essential oils yet - the mass is still very hot, the esters will quickly evaporate). For 100 grams of soap, 1 tablespoon of oils is enough. If you add more, the soap will most likely not lather well. At this stage you can add honey, herbs and dyes.

Now remove the soap from the heat, cool slightly and beat the resulting mass - either with a whisk or with a mixer. The soap will be light and airy! You don’t have to beat the soap - then it will turn out denser and will be consumed a little slower.

Now you can add essential oils to your soap.

Mix our soap, pour into pre-greased molds vegetable oil. I use ordinary children's sand molds, bought in the children's section of the nearest supermarket. Silicone muffin tins work great!

And if you prepare a lot of soap at once, you can pour it into an empty juice or milk carton, and when the soap hardens, take it out and cut it into even bars with a knife.

Soap self made Now it is simply extremely popular. And it has already become considered an exclusive cosmetic product. And in regular stores the cost of such a product is significantly higher than the cost of ordinary soap. That is why it has become quite popular. This is a great hobby and also brings benefits.

Handicraft stores can offer you a huge amount of soap bases, dyes, and fragrances. But it has already been proven that it is best to make homemade soap from baby soap.

What is the difference between baby soap

Noticeably different from the adult versions of this product.

  1. This soap has a pH of 7-8. It is closer to the neutral value. Adult soap has a pH of 10.
  2. Contains a minimum amount of chemicals. And this is its main advantage and main advantage.
  3. During production, it undergoes more serious technological testing and sanitary control.
  4. It contains many useful components. These are plant extracts, softening additives. Chamomile and calendula are often added.
  5. Baby soap does not contain dyes.
  6. It contains salts of animal fats, as well as water and glycerin.

As you can see, it has a more gentle effect on the skin. And the absence of chemicals and dyes is also good news. That is why in soap making it is better to use baby soap instead of soap base.

Soap making technology from baby soap

So, let's start making soap. We will need a piece of baby soap. It can be purchased at any store. Just be sure to read its ingredients before purchasing. The less variety of additives it contains, the better it will be. And be sure to pay attention to its aroma. It should not be very strong, because it will then need to be interrupted with essential oils.

Essential oils

You need to purchase aromatic oils at the pharmacy. For soap making the following are most often used:

  • orange
  • mandarin
  • lemon
  • rosemary
  • fir

Base oils

In addition to essential oils, you also need to purchase base oils. You can take:

  • olive
  • sesame
  • wheat germ oil
  • apricot kernel oil


A little about additives. Here everything depends on your desire and imagination.

There is a mandatory additive - a melter. It is used as chocolate, honey or granulated sugar.

And there are health supplements. Oatmeal, ground coffee, citrus fruits, and flower petals are often used.

You also need to choose a liquid that will prevent the soap from spreading after drying. You can use plain water, but it will be better if you replace it with a herbal decoction.


Ready-made dyes can be purchased at a craft store. But as natural ones we use the following:

  • Turmeric, curry, and saffron will color the soap yellow.
  • in orange: red palm oil and carrots.
  • in green: dried herbs, henna powder, and chlorophyllipt tincture. It can be bought at any pharmacy.

Soap making process

The soap making process is quite simple. It won't even take you much time. First you need to take a piece of baby soap. Its weight should be 100 grams.

1. It should be grated. It’s better to use a shallow setting so that the soap dissolves faster and better

2. Pour the shavings into a deep container. Add 150 ml of herbal decoction and a tablespoon of the selected base oil to it.

3. Place the resulting mixture in a water bath. Wait a couple of minutes until the mixture begins to melt a little.

4. Then add melting agent - a teaspoon of honey. Now you need to constantly stir the soap mixture. This may take a maximum of 20 minutes. You need to wait until the mixture becomes viscous and thick. The finished soap will have a consistency similar to sour cream or condensed milk. It is important to remember that homemade soap cannot be boiled!If you see that the soap has not dissolved well, and the composition is already sticking strongly to the walls of the container, add another tablespoon of water (or herbal decoction)

5. If the desired consistency has been achieved, then you can begin adding other ingredients. First, drop a few drops of the selected essential oil, and then add what was indicated in the recipe: ground coffee, oatmeal, dried herbs. The weight of dry filler per 100 grams of baby soap is no more than 50 grams. Remove the container from the water bath.

6. If you want to add color to the soap, you can do it now. But it is important to remember that if you use a special dye, then the maximum you can add is only 5 drops. And if you prefer natural dyes, then them maximum amount is 2 teaspoons.

7. After adding all the components, you need to pour the mixture into the selected molds. Nowadays it is very often used Silicone forms for baking. Before pouring the soap mixture into them, be sure to lubricate them with vegetable oil. This will help you extract the finished soap without any problems in the future. Place the filled molds in the refrigerator. This way the soap will harden much faster. That's all! Wonderful and fragrant handmade soap is ready!

soap making from baby soap - process

There are several interesting recipes that will allow you to make homemade soap. Here are the most interesting ones.

Oatmeal soap

It has a simply unique effect on the skin. Perfectly softens and cleanses it. To prepare it, you need to take the following components:

  1. baby soap – 200 grams
  2. water - 300 ml
  3. glycerin – 2 teaspoon
  4. olive oil – 4 teaspoons
  5. honey - 2 teaspoons
  6. milk powder - 2 teaspoons (10 grams)
  7. ground oatmeal - 1/3 cup (35-40 grams)
  8. vitamin A – 5 drops
  9. vitamin E – 5 drops
  10. favorite essential oil - 3-5 drops

Homemade soap “Vanilla chocolate”

This soap has exfoliating properties because it contains ground coffee and oatmeal. And its aroma is simply mesmerizing! So, the composition:

  1. baby soap – 100 grams
  2. almond oil – 1 teaspoon
  3. olive oil - 2 teaspoons
  4. honey – 1 teaspoon
  5. cocoa powder – 2 teaspoon
  6. ground oat flakes – 2 tablespoons
  7. ground coffee – 1 teaspoon
  8. vitamin E – 3 drops
  9. ylang-ylang essential oil – 4 drops

"Five Cereals"

  1. baby soap – 100 grams.
  2. water or herbal decoction - 150 ml
  3. olive oil – 1 teaspoon
  4. rosehip oil – 1 teaspoon
  5. sea ​​buckthorn oil – 1 teaspoon
  6. honey – 1 teaspoon
  7. white cosmetic clay – 1 tbsp.
  8. “Five grains” cereal mixture (ground) - 2 tbsp.
  9. grapefruit essential oil – 5 drops

Gentle soap “Goat's milk”

  1. baby soap – 200 grams
  2. goat milk – 300 ml
  3. grape seed oil – 1 tbsp
  4. baby cream – 1 teaspoon
  5. Panthenol (cream) – 2 teaspoons
  6. oatmeal (ground) – 3 tablespoons
  7. Vanilla essential oil – 5 drops.

These are good and simple recipes that even a novice soap maker can handle. Preparing them is very simple, just follow the instructions described above.

Video tutorial on making homemade soap from baby soap...simple and clear

Until that moment, I had never even heard of the fact that you can make soap with your own hands. When my friend showed me her gift, I was amazed - incredibly beautiful, made with love with my own hands and no chemicals, only natural materials. And I decided to start making soap! I read that it is better to start making your own soap from baby soap. I bring to your attention my selection of homemade baby soap recipes. Maybe it will be useful to someone.

Homemade soap making technology:

One bar of baby soap needs to be grated. You can heat it slightly on a radiator or in the sun so that it rubs better and does not crumble. Instead of a grater, you can use a food processor.

Then pour the soap crumbs with water, milk or herbal decoction. It is best to use milk, which must be taken at a ratio of 1:1 to the weight of soap (for 100 g of soap you will need 100 g of milk). Instead of milk, you can use a decoction of herbs suitable for your skin: chamomile or string - for delicate, sensitive skin; calendula, celandine, bird cherry, oak bark - for oily and inflamed skin.

Place the soap in a water bath. You can grate the soap and fill it with liquid in advance - then it will melt easier. Soap melts from 10 to 30 minutes, depending on the type of soap. If the process goes really badly, you can add half a teaspoon of honey or sugar to the melting soap. The mass can be quickly melted in the microwave - three heating times of 30 seconds each with thorough stirring.

When the soap completely melts, you will get a homogeneous mass without lumps, the consistency of sour cream.

Now you can add all the ingredients (except essential oils) and mix thoroughly. Then you need to remove the soap from the heat and now you can add essential oils. Now mix thoroughly again and pour into molds previously greased with sunflower oil, Vaseline or the base oil used to make soap. Soap molds can be soap dishes, plastic lunch boxes, yogurt cups, and silicone baking molds. If the mass has frozen before it gets into the molds, you can slightly heat it in a water bath.

Usually, soap made from baby soap dries in one day. Then you can take it out of the molds and use it. If you added too much milk, honey or sugar, the soap may remain soft even after a day. To remedy the situation, place the molds with soap in the freezer for a couple of hours. After removing the soap from the molds, you need to spread it out on paper towels to dry. Soap should be stored wrapped in cling film.

Homemade baby soap recipes.

Fragrant homemade soap

2 pieces of baby soap
200-300 g water
fragrance (essential oils),
Rub the soap on a fine grater.

For 100 grams of soap, add 100-150 grams of water and place in a water bath. Stir lightly so that there are no lumps. When the mass melts, beat with a mixer or whisk until it becomes very thick sour cream. Remove from the water bath, cool slightly and add caring oils - peach and almond (you can use grape seed oil), and then essential oils - tangerine, cypress, lemon. Leave in form for 10 days.

Facial scrub soap.

100 gr. three baby soaps on a grater and place in a water bath.
0.5 cups milk diluted in half with water
1 teaspoon honey

Mix milk with honey and pour into soap shavings standing in a water bath. Stir lightly constantly to prevent lumps from forming. When the soap melts, turn the heat to very low and cover the pan with a lid.
Mix 1 tablespoon of almond oil and 0.5 tablespoon of olive oil, add 15 drops of oil solutions of vitamins A and E. Remove the soap from heat, let stand for 5 minutes and add the prepared oil solution. Finally, add 2 tablespoons of natural ground coffee.

Whipped soap “Peach dessert”

200 g baby soap,
2 tsp peach oil,
a few drops of rose oil,
2-3 drops of pink and yellow dye,
dry inflorescences.

We divide the finished soap mass into two unequal parts: add pink dye to the larger one, and yellow dye to the smaller one. Beat each part separately with a mixer. Quickly place the first pink layer in the mold, followed immediately by the yellow one. And spread another pink layer on top with a spoon, forming a semblance of waves on the surface. Decorate with dried flowers, lightly pressing them into uncured soap.

Scrub soap with tea tree oil.

100g baby soap
50ml milk
30 ml sesame and olive oil
1 tsp vitamin E
1 tsp red clay (or other)
1 tsp ground oatmeal
a few drops of tea tree essential oil

Turpentine soap (opens capillaries and removes toxins)

100g baby soap
60ml milk
1-2 tbsp sesame oil (or other)
2 tsp bonfire oil
1 tsp vitamin E
2 tsp aloe juice
2 tsp lemon juice
1-2 tbsp turpentine emulsion

Milk-honey soap

100 g baby soap,
2/3 cup milk,
2 tsp honey,
1 tbsp. sea ​​buckthorn oil,
1 tsp glycerin,
up to 15 drops of any herbal or citrus essential oil,
for beauty – chamomile flowers.

Coffee soap-scrub (can be used as an anti-cellulite product for massaging problem areas).

100 g baby soap,
100 g milk,
1 tsp freshly ground coffee,
2 tsp cocoa butter,
7 drops chocolate or vanilla flavoring,
a couple of drops of brown dye for beauty.

Creamy soap with cinnamon scent

100 g baby soap,
1 tbsp. olive oil,
half a teaspoon of moisturizer,
contents of 1 capsule of vitamin E,
a few drops of cinnamon essential oil,
caramel dye for beauty.

Cucumber Basil Soap

100 g baby soap,
60-80 ml cucumber juice,
2 tsp olive oil,
one or two teaspoons of dry and crushed basil,
a few drops of patchouli essential oil.