An example of an automation scheme according to GOST 21.208. Symbols of devices and automation equipment in diagrams

Everyone knows that maximum relaxation can be achieved by contemplating flowing water and the quiet crackling of wood in an open fire. Therefore, many people living in country houses dream of having a fireplace in their room, creating an atmosphere of serenity and tranquility. It is worth noting that the presence of a fireplace insert indicates the well-being and high social status of the owner of the house.

Today, many companies offer various fireplaces that differ from each other in design and functionality. However, purchasing a finished structure is considered a rather expensive service, so many people begin to think about how to build a fireplace with their own hands. If you decide to build a fireplace insert yourself, this procedure will be less expensive, and this article will help you understand the construction procedure in detail.

Subtleties of design choice

If you have not built fireplaces before, you might think that it will be impossible to build a fireplace in your home yourself, but this opinion is wrong. However, when laying a furnace, you need to be extremely attentive to every detail and carefully study the theoretical material.

The fireplace is a regular stove with an open firebox. The design heats the room using the heat generated by the combustion of fuel. At the same time, the fireplaces have a simple design, in which there is only a firebox and a chimney.

The chimney must have a curved shape so that sparks and smoke from the flame do not enter the room, and rain or snow from the street does not enter the house.

In past centuries, European countries used portals as the main source of heating in the house, but at the moment it has more of a decorative function, or is used as auxiliary heating.

It is unprofitable to operate the portal as the main source of heating because it has a low heat capacity. The unit releases only 20% of the heat into the room, and all remaining heat evaporates through the chimney with air currents. Another disadvantage of a fireplace insert is uneven heating of the room.

This happens because a significant portion of the heat enters the room from the firebox, and the side walls practically do not heat the room. To increase the performance of fireplaces, it is recommended to build fireplace inserts of sufficient width and shallow depth.

Similar structures can be built in a house from ordinary bricks, paying special attention to the decorative component of the unit. Before you begin construction, you should develop a design for the unit. You will need to find a fireplace diagram that will show the location of the fireplace insert.

As a rule, the fireplace is installed opposite the entrance doors. However, if you wish, you can build a corner-type portal, or install it separately. There are a large number of models of fireboxes, which you can choose based on the size of the room and the taste of the residents of the house. You should not build a fireplace insert opposite windows to avoid drafts.

Before starting construction, calculate the cross-section of the chimney pipe. You should carefully calculate so that the diameter is selected correctly.

Care must be taken to ensure that there is a constant supply of fresh air in the room and that the base for the stove is reliable. Therefore, before construction, you should prepare an order, which is a detailed diagram of each brickwork in the fireplace. You can use ready-made diagrams. Each type of fireplace has its own order. With the help of drawings you can understand the rules of masonry.

Hearth type

Before installing a fireplace, you will need to select a fireplace type. There are opening and closing types of fireplaces.

Closed fireplaces have a cast iron base, which is lined with brick or stone on the outside. When using a door with fire-resistant glass, you can observe the open flame without interfering with the combustion process. A cast iron cassette is cheaper than brick and its operation will cost less. You can make an open and closed fireplace with your own hands.

Fireplace foundation

The future portal must stand on a foundation. If you are planning to build in a one-story house, then the laying depth should be at least 0.5 meters. For two-story houses, the depth should be increased to 0.8-1 meters. The most affordable option is reinforced concrete.

Foundation laying rules:

  • the foundation hole must be dug around the entire perimeter of the fireplace. Use a level to measure the bottom;
  • Broken bricks or large stones should be placed in the pit and compacted well;
  • After this, a layer of cement is poured into the hole. Level the layer and repeat the procedure;
  • the internal walls of the foundation are also filled with liquid concrete mortar, and the outer part must be laid out on a dense, thick mortar;
  • layers are poured until approximately 30 cm remains to the top of the pit. Make sure that each layer is even;
  • Then, on the waterproofing, which is made from two sheets of roofing felt and clay mortar, lay two rows of bricks.

Thus, there should be about 7 cm left to the clean floor. This recess will be the basis for a home fireplace.

How is masonry done?

Fireplace masonry is practically no different from stove masonry. It must have similar quality in order to end up with a high-quality monolithic structure. To ensure reliability, dressings of the longitudinal and transverse seam are responsible. For these purposes, you can use a partial-size type of brick or use the method of alternating tongue and groove pieces of brick in the corners of the fireplace.

Make sure that the seams have a strictly specified width:

  • for a simple brick 0.5 cm;
  • for fireproof: 0.3 cm.

If this condition is not met, the masonry loses its strength and when heated, the seams undergo deformation. To ensure uniformity, use a smooth plastic solution.

Before laying red brick, it should be placed in water for a few minutes so that it does not absorb liquid. If you choose refractory brick, you can use it immediately.

To ensure good adhesion of the solution, dust should be washed off from it. It is unacceptable to use ceramic and refractory bricks for dressing joints at the same time, because they have different performance data, as well as expansion coefficients. You should not lay chipped bricks inside the smoke channel, because this will interfere with the normal circulation of gases.

Features of masonry

After you have completed preparatory stage, you can build your own fireplace. The laying process itself occurs in this way: with one hand you need to place the brick on a wooden strip and press it, then the mortar is applied to the material and with a light tap it is nailed. The bricks are laid in layers. Do not allow the clay mortar to push the lath and cause clay to come out of the cracks.

When laying the bottom row, the bricks should lie on edge. Check each layer with a building level and a square. The angle should be 90 degrees. Don't forget to check the diagonals.

When you start laying vertical layers, use a trowel and trowel. The solution should be checked by hand to ensure that small stones and other debris do not get into it.

Each row must be checked against the drawn drawing and the laid out layers must be shaded with a pencil.

The fireplace should not be allowed to come into contact with external walls to prevent temperature changes and cause the masonry to collapse.

After you have completed laying several rows, you should remove the framing slats. After the third row, you will need to lay two pins for the fireplace grate. Pay attention Special attention protrusions. They should be laid out using half bricks. Grouting of joints is carried out using colored decorative mortar.

After you finish building the structure, you need to remove excess mortar from the internal walls of the chimney and firebox. There is no need to plaster the interior of the fireplace.

When you lay the firebox, pay special attention to the position of the pipe; it should be strictly vertical. Cement and sand are used to lay the chimney pipe, which is located on the roof.

Cover the roofing carpet using an overlap, thus protecting the wooden ceiling from the fireplace flames.

To increase the heat output of the fireplace, the wall of the fuel part should be at an angle, and the side walls should be turned outward, while tilting the back wall at a slight inclination forward.

How to calculate the size

If you decide to build a fireplace with your own hands, you can order a personal project, or download a ready-made stove laying diagram from the Internet. Calculating the size of the future fireplace yourself is very easy and this procedure will not take much time. When drawing up drawings, remember that when carrying out work you will use not only solid bricks, but also halves.

How to correctly calculate the size of the fireplace:

  • Initially, you should measure the room in which the fireplace will be located.
  • Then, observing the scale, you need to draw a diagram.
  • Calculate the dimensions of the firebox. It is worth considering that its dimensions cannot be less than 1/50 of the size of the room.
  • The fireplace portal should be equipped in a ratio of 2:3 or 1:2 (this is the proportion between depth and height). Pay careful attention to the calculation of these parameters, because they affect the smoke in the room and proper heat transfer.
  • The size of the chimney opening will depend on the area of ​​the firebox. The hole should be eight times smaller. Make sure that the diameter of the pipe is not less than 10 centimeters. The length of the chimney pipe is usually 5 meters.

Construction of an outdoor fireplace

Many people dream of installing an outdoor fireplace with barbecue in their yard. Similar structures can be built from iron, bricks or stones. It all depends on your preferences. Stone portals are in demand because they are characterized by increased strength and durability. At the same time, making such a fireplace in the yard yourself will be very difficult if you have decided to take such a step for the first time.

Brick is most in demand for these purposes. The construction of such a structure is an easier process than the construction of a stone stove. When choosing a brick, focus on its quality. Materials Low quality reduce the service life of units several times.

Many of us dream of sitting in the winter cold near a warm
fireplace, read alone or talk with loved ones in a cozy
atmosphere. But not everyone knows how to make a fireplace on their own. In fact, when
If you wish, you can do anything, including building a simple fireplace.

Planning and calculation

Before you start building a fireplace in a private house or cottage, you need to design it correctly, as well as calculate all the costs associated with its construction, i.e. make an estimate.

The cost of work depends on the type of fireplace and its finish various materials and from many other components. It is necessary to take into account not only its location, ceiling height, number of floors of the building, but also the features of the foundation, the material of the floor and facade walls, as well as the need for insulation,

Some experts suggest that you will need at least 50 thousand rubles if you are building a brick fireplace, lined with natural stone, in a two-story small house (pipe diameter from 200 to 260 cm).
Let's look at the main stages of building such a fireplace.

Fireplace design

The main components of a fireplace are the firebox and chimney, but other elements are no less important for its effective functioning:

  • smoke collector
  • heating
  • ash pan
  • grate
  • valve (bottom
    firebox under the grate where the ash gets)
  • lining
    (internal thermal insulation layer of the fireplace lining)
  • fire cutter
  • system
    forced convection
  • safety doors

Types of fireplaces and their main parameters

The location of the fireplace determines its appearance.

  • Wall fireplace

The most common. It usually happens large sizes and is located against the wall.
It is erected even in a house built a long time ago. The wall to which the chimney is attached
must be fire resistant.

  • Built-in fireplace

The smallest one. Built into some wall niche. It should be erected during the construction phase of the house.

  • Corner fireplace

The most beautiful and effective. Located in the corner of the room. Its chimney is attached to
one adjacent wall.

  • Freestanding fireplace

Ostrovny. It looks like a flat platform that rises above the floor surface.

How to choose a place for a fireplace

You should not place the fireplace in a draft, in the hallway or near the stairs, or in rooms smaller than 20 m2. It is necessary to analyze the bearing capacity of the foundation and ceiling, and provide free space in front of the fireplace.

In a wooden house, events should be held for
safety: the floor is made of fire-resistant material, the distance from
firebox to flammable elements and materials must be at least 800 mm.

How to make a fireplace with your own hands

Materials for building a fireplace

To build a brick fireplace you will need the following materials:

  • Red (stove) brick for the fireplace

It is advisable to purchase stove bricks specifically designed for
such goals. Moreover, it must be of very good quality (no flaws,
homogeneous structure, bright color, correct form). Tap each one with a hammer
brick, should produce a special clear sound. Poor quality brick emits
clunk. A bluish-black or dark gray color indicates that the brick
burned out. White spots indicate that the technology was not followed
drying. An average fireplace requires 250 - 300 bricks (without chimney).
Fireclay bricks (or increased fire resistance) are used for
firebox linings.

  • Clay, sand and cement

It is better to use red clay (0.5 cubic meters depending on
fat content), but regular is also possible. If fire bricks are used,
then you will need fireproof clay. The need for as clean sand as possible (preferably
so that it has a fraction of no more than 1.5 mm) is about 0.6-0.8 m3.
The need for ordinary cement (grade 200 or 300) is 100 kg (together with
foundation works).

How to properly place a fireplace in your home

So, you have decided that for complete happiness you need in the house fireplace? Before choosing a specific type of fireplace, its model and design, you should decide where this device will be located.

Photo: How to position a fireplace

C specialists attach great importance correct location fireplace, weighing the pros and cons for a long time.
Firstly, it should be taken into account that the device will take up a certain place in the house and will take away square meters near the premises. The fireplace can be attached(5) to the wall of the room in which it is located. can be frontal (3) or, depending on the location in relation to the corners of the room. There are also central fireplaces (4), located in the center of the room, without touching its walls. In such a fireplace, the firebox may be one-sided, that is, the door faces one way (two parallel walls are equipped with glass doors), or there may be no firebox at all. There are open fireplaces that do not have a combustion chamber at all, but only a stone hearth, above which a smoke collector hangs. You can freely approach such a fireplace from any side. the main problem an open hearth is like hiding or decorating a chimney, because a huge chimney in the middle of the room will not add beauty to it. WITH fire safety Industrially manufactured fireplaces have no problems.
There are also fireplaces that are “recessed” into the wall (1), such a fireplace will take up space in the next room, but the undoubted advantage of this arrangement is that the fireplace can heat two rooms at the same time.

VIDEO: Important Details, which must be observed when laying out a fireplace.

Secondly, it is not recommended to place the fireplace opposite the entrance to the room, as well as to the side of the entrance in close proximity to it. The fact is that an open flame “does not like” sharp gusts of wind, which are inevitable with such an arrangement.
In foreign magazines Lately They often publish designs of houses where the fireplace is, as it were, attached to the external wall of the house. In this case, only the portal with a decorative frame remains in the room, and the rest is located on the street, without taking away space from the room and without spoiling its design with elements that are not the most aesthetic (chimney). However, what is good from the point of view of aesthetics and saving living space is completely unsuitable for Russian weather conditions, since the issue of insulating the chimney, condensation in the chimney, and, consequently, soot and smoke from the fireplace in the room immediately arises. In addition, despite all the insulation measures, a significant part of the thermal energy generated by such a fireplace will still be spent on “heating” the street. So, for Russian climatic conditions, it is still optimal to install a fireplace next to the inner wall of the house.

Photo: Location of pipe and chimney

“We lay out the fireplace with our own hands. Advice from the experts"

As a rule, fireplaces are installed near the load-bearing wall of the house. The fireplace should not be overcooled.
It is not recommended to install a fireplace in places where there is a draft, also near steps and in rooms up to 20 square meters. meters. It is advisable to arrange a resting place near the fireplace.

When designing a fireplace, analyze the maximum load that the house's floors and its foundation can withstand. It is also necessary to correctly calculate the location of the chimney with rafters and floor beams.

Fireplace parameters

When starting to build a fireplace, you must strictly adhere to the rules of masonry. A fireplace is much easier to make than a stove - since the design of the chimney is not so complicated. However, this has its drawbacks - the heat transfer of the fireplace is small, about 20%.


1-smoke collector; 2 - mantel; 3 - fireplace portal; 4 - firebox; 5 - under the fireplace; 6 - pre-furnace platform; 7 - pre-furnace sheet; A is the width of the portal; B - height of the portal; B is the depth of the firebox; G - neck height; a is the depth of the pipe section; b - pipe section width


Room area m2




A lot depends on the shape of the smoke chamber. Its bottom serves to protect the firebox from the flow of cold air that penetrates through the pipes. Wood in a fireplace can be burned either on the floor of the firebox, on a grate, or in a metal basket. If firewood is burned on a grate or in a basket, the ash pan space is used as an additional air supply. Very often, special thermal chambers are constructed in fireplaces, due to which the air in the room is heated from the heated walls of the firebox.
The fireplace is made of brick, and the masonry of the body is made of solid red brick made of clay or fireclay. It is better to lay the pipe using slotted bricks. Used bricks should not be used to make the part of the fireplace that heats up, especially if they were laid with lime mortar.


The amine is prepared in the following sequence. First, we lay out the bricks - first the first row, after that we lay out the chimney row. Then we lower plumb lines to the corners of the pipe so that the distance between the floor beams and the pipe is at least 12 cm - so that a horizontal fireproof groove can be installed. You must then use a cord to check that the corners are laid correctly. To do this, measure the distance diagonally between opposite corners - it should not be more than 5 cm.

The ash pan is a rigid box that makes cleaning the fireplace easier. For manufacturing, it is necessary to lay out brick walls no more than 50 cm high. And then lay 2 steel T-profiles and a corner.
Please note that the bottom of the firebox must be fireproof. A grate is made in the center to collect ash. In order for there to be more heat radiation, the inner walls of the firebox must be beveled.

Photo: Gate valve

The fireplace is made in such a way that it is possible to regulate the inflows and outflows of air - for this purpose a valve made of sheet steel is installed on the smoke chamber. The valve must be closed and opened using a rod. Access to the damper must be provided from any part of the fireplace.
The fireplace can be finished with red bricks, it can be plastered and tiled.

Described step-by-step instruction DIY fireplace construction

First, you need to draw the future fireplace. For this, it is best to use graph paper. Each brick row should be marked on the drawing. This is necessary to simplify further work.

I repeat, it is important, in addition to the design, to think about the location of the future hearth. It is best to mount the fireplace near the main wall of the house. The room must be more than 20 square meters. m. without stairs or drafts.
The base of the fireplace must be made of non-combustible materials. This is especially important if Vacation home made of wood. When calculating the size of the fireplace, you must take into account the parameters of the room in which it will be installed. Thus, the portal area is usually 0.02 units. from the area of ​​the room.

A properly rebuilt fireplace will work for you for many years, and, conversely, a fireplace that is faulty can bring a lot of trouble, even leading to a fire. Therefore, the construction of a fireplace must be taken very seriously, starting with the choice of materials.

Materials for construction: brick, clay, sand, cement, special binding mortar for masonry. The bricks used for fireplaces are fireproof and red. Each brick should be inspected separately before purchase. If you need to tap everything with a hammer. Bricks without cracks, chips or chips are selected for the fireplace. To build a medium-sized fireplace, you usually need about 280-300 pieces.


Construction begins with the foundation. The fireplace is usually placed on a concrete base from 0.8 to 1.4 m - this depends on the size and location. It also needs to be protected from soil moisture. It should not be connected to the main foundation of the building. You need to dig a deep pit under the foundation. Pour crushed stone into its bottom and compact it. The foundation can be poured (liquid concrete is used) or brick (bricks are installed on edge and held together with high-strength cement).

Laying the fireplace should begin with corner bricks. Then the outer row is laid, followed by the middle. The joints between the bricks should be thin, but completely filled with concrete. The walls inside the firebox and channels cannot be plastered. Therefore, during the construction process, you need to wipe them with a wet rag to remove excess mortar. When building a chimney, the inside must be wiped with a rag soaked in a clay solution. The pipe will be smooth and the smoke will come out freely.

Soil freezing depth

Interactive table for calculating the depth of soil freezing in the following cities: Omsk, Novosibirsk, Tobolsk, Petropavlovsk, Kurgan, Kustanai, Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk, Perm, Syktyvkar, Ufa, Aktyubinsk, Orenburg, Kirov, Izhevsk, Kazan, Ulyanovsk, Samara, Uralsk, Vologda , Kostroma, Penza, Saratov, Tver, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Voronezh, Volgograd, Guryev, Pskov, Smolensk, Kursk, Tallinn, Kharkov, Astrakhan, Riga, Minsk, Kyiv, Rostov-on-Don, Dnepropetrovsk, Frunze, Almaty , Kaliningrad, Lvov, Nikolaev, Chisinau, Odessa, Simferopol, Sevastopol.

Soil freezing calculator!

Who doesn't dream of their own fireplace? After all, with its help you can make almost any room stylish and comfortable. And despite the complexity of the design, as well as the high price of materials, it can be assembled with your own efforts. It is in this article that you will find many answers to questions about how to make a fireplace, as well as step by step instructions its construction.

Materials estimation and overall cost calculation

As I already said right away, a fireplace is quite an expensive pleasure, despite the fact that you will assemble it with your own hands. This factor is influenced not only by the materials, but also by its location and the type of house.

  1. Ceiling footage and number of floors of the house. This point plays a very important role, whether you have an apartment or a house. The higher the ceiling, the more money you will spend. And if you are the owner of a two-story house, then get ready for additional expenses on wiring a long chimney.
  2. Type of fireplace and its finish. At this point it all depends on the room and desires. Small corner fireplaces are suitable for small rooms, while large ones open up wide possibilities for design. It can also be either built into the wall or outdoor fireplaces with a wide variety of finishes.

  1. Features of the foundation. The foundation for a fireplace directly depends on the type of fireplace chosen.
  2. Flooring. Naturally, we will need something that is heat-resistant and of the highest quality.

  1. Insulation and materials for facade walls. One of the key points, since heat transfer, as well as smoke entering the room, depends on insulation.
  2. Weather conditions and climate. The fireplace serves not only for decorative purposes, but also for heating, so climate zones must also be taken into account.

These six points will play a key role in pricing your fireplace.

You can save money on some of them, but I recommend that you choose the highest quality materials, since making a fireplace with your own hands is a very difficult task, especially if you do not have any experience in this field.

Beginners who have not encountered such work may make a number of such mistakes:

  1. Incorrect location for the fireplace.
  2. Omission of important elements such as ash pan and internal insulation.
  3. Uneven masonry without the use of refractory bricks.
  4. Poor foundation, as well as crooked layers.

All of this will become fatal mistakes that will simply lead to the impossibility of using the fireplace, and you will be forced to dismantle it. But high-quality materials will help you avoid certain mistakes and risks.

Components of a fireplace

Before you start assembling the fireplace, I will show you what main parts it consists of.

Of course, many people know that its main components are the firebox and chimney, but there are also many other elements:

  1. Ash pit.
  2. Collection of smoke.
  3. Convection system.
  4. Heating device.
  5. Gate valve for ash collection.
  6. Grate.
  7. Lining (Internal protective facing layer).
  8. Flame cutter.
  9. Doors for protection.

Each of these elements ensures comfortable and safe operation of the fireplace, while the main process falls on the firebox and ensures stable air circulation inside the fireplace system. Don’t forget about the “portal” - it is this part of the fireplace that falls under the decor.

Choosing the best location for the fireplace

Basically, they prefer to install fireplaces near main walls. It is very important to take into account the fact that they cannot be overcooled, so try not to display the structures in drafts, in the corridor, near stairs and in very small rooms. And before designing the fireplace, compare the placement of the pipes with the beams and with the roof rafters.

I remind you once again that the floor covering must be fireproof! Therefore, before building a fireplace, try to consult with specialists who will help you take into account all safety requirements. Also, furniture should not be placed close to the fireplace - the minimum distance from the fireplace to any interior items should be 800 mm.

In general, all fireplaces, according to their location, can be divided into the following categories:

  1. Angular. The chimney of this fireplace is diverted into one of the adjacent walls. Before assembling such a fireplace, it is necessary to obtain all the information about the condition of the foundation and adjacent walls.
  2. Wall-mounted. Most popular type fireplaces, since it is very easy to assemble and is the most versatile.
  3. Built-in. It is best to design at the stage of building a house, since the main part of the fireplace is hidden inside the wall.
  4. Separate. These fireplaces act as a separate area that protrudes above the floor level.

When calculating any of these fireplaces, you need to consider the total area of ​​the room. Approximately, the area of ​​the fireplace portal should be about 2% of the area of ​​the room. But it is worth considering the fact that even a large fireplace will not be able to cope with open drafts, and a small one will not be able to cope with a large room. Therefore, answering the question “how to make fireplaces with your own hands,” first of all you need to talk about the materials used and, after them, about the step-by-step construction method.

Materials for building a fireplace

You've probably already guessed that the most popular material for building a fireplace is brick. This popularity is due to more in a simple way laying a brick fireplace, as well as the low cost of the brick itself.

To build an average fireplace, you will need the following materials:

  1. Clay.
  2. Cement.
  3. Red brick.
  4. Sand.
  5. Crushed stone.
  6. Rubble stone.

This is not the entire list of components, but they are the most necessary. Also, the materials depend only on your financial capabilities and the type of fireplace. Please note that the brick must be the most best quality, including uniform structure and straight shape. It is best if you check each brick for damage when purchasing.

It is advisable to avoid purchasing light-colored bricks, since bricks that have not undergone good heat treatment have a lighter shade and a non-uniform structure. Therefore, it is better to take only red ones. Their number is determined by the type and design of the chosen structure.

Step-by-step construction of a fireplace

Finally we begin the process of laying the fireplace. I'll tell you and show you specific example construction of a budget fireplace for a summer residence. This step-by-step instruction may also apply to other types of fireplaces, but you need to take their features into account.

Stage 1 – Material preparation

To lay a small economy class fireplace, you need about 500 M-150 bricks. You also need to take 50 pieces of refractory bricks, which will serve as reliable protection for other components.

Next, we take about 5 bags of mixture for stove masonry and a glass-magnesium sheet 12 mm thick. Now, as I said above, we buy the main components: a stove band for fittings, a fireplace door, a sandwich chimney (I was guided by a height of about 3 meters), a chimney view and 8 iron corners measuring 50 mm. All this will cost about 100-200 dollars.

Stage 2 - Preparatory work

We are preparing the upcoming work site. Cover everything around with protective film. Also try to lay it on the floor where all the work will take place.

Stage 3 – Preparing the base

At this stage we organize the foundation for the fireplace. Since I designed it in an old house, I was unable to dig a deep foundation. Instead, I reinforced it with iron corners.

Having placed the corners, we begin to place bricks between them. Be sure to leave gaps between the bricks - the cement mixture will get into them.

As soon as the bricks are laid, we begin to fill them with mortar, spreading it evenly with a trowel over the entire foundation.

The corners should be laid out in such a direction that the bricks form a strong base. To prevent them from moving, the corners can be welded together.

Try not to make a liquid solution, since in the future excess water will negatively affect the foundation. Therefore, the ideal quintessence of cement is a sour cream mixture. The unfolded base will act as the frame of the fireplace, so its unevenness can be smoothed out using mortar. After all these operations with the foundation, we leave it to dry for 2 days.

Stage 4 – First rows

Laying a fireplace includes several stages, and the first of them is called the “hearth”. It is the beginning of the future fireplace, so it should be treated with the utmost care. It must be measured in a precise manner so that the base forms a rectangle with even diagonals.

We will place further rows on this basis. IN in this case, the fireplace will not have long-lasting ductwork. It will include such elements as: an exhaust pipe, a chimney casing, a ash pan and a combustion chamber.

According to the design, this fireplace is hollow, so an air pocket is formed between the outer wall and the combustion chamber. That is why my choice fell on 150-M brand brick, since it will not be in direct contact.

Having laid the starting row of the base, we proceed to the second row, on which the ash pan will be placed. To do this, we begin to place ordinary bricks at the edges, and closer to the middle we place refractory bricks, also known as fireclay bricks, on which we place the grate. Thus we got a blower and an ash pan.

The solution must be poured into each row only after you have verified their accuracy by measuring with a level.

When the next row of brickwork is laid, it is necessary to leave a hole in it for the future door. In the photo you can see an example of how the next row of bricks is not laid out to the end - leaving a gap the size of 2 bricks under the door.

Stage – 5 Preparing the firebox and installing the door

Using twists, we attach 4 pieces of oven tape to the door itself. We lay the lower oven strips in the rows themselves, securing them to the seams with self-tapping screws. It is best to line the sides of the door with basal cardboard to form a sealed contact between the metal and the brick.

Inside the fireplace we make a V-shape of refractory bricks, only we “blunt” its sharp end. There must be a distance between the outer walls of the fireplace and the fireproof inner liner for air circulation.

Once you have everything exactly laid out, start pouring mortar into the cracks between the bricks. Make sure that the bricks match each other proportionately and finally meet the door.

Now we proceed to the glass-magnesium sheet, marking it with the air pockets of the fireplace, with an overlap of 2 cm on each side. We install it on the masonry, and as a result we get a flat surface for the stove mortar.

This sheet can withstand temperatures of 1000°C and in the photo you can see an example of it.

We fill the pockets themselves with broken bricks. We lightly tighten the upper edge with the solution, and then lay down the glass-magnesium sheet and apply the solution. And behind the front part of the door we put a corner in which we will hide the upper oven strips located on the door.

Step 6 – Laying the chimney casing At this stage, everything falls under your imagination, since in addition to the idea of ​​​​hiding the chimney itself, you get the opportunity to create an interesting decor. There is nothing complicated about this, just follow the standard pattern with which the brick was laid when assembling the entire fireplace

All we need is a hole in the floor and roof, along which we will lay out a chimney of bricks layer by layer, gradually applying cement mortar. Make sure that it is completely sealed on all sides.

The final stage of the brickwork is the assembly of the back wall, or rather its further construction after installing the fireplace.

  1. Rubble stone.
  2. Also now it is necessary to deal with external insulation, as well as decorative elements. After all, you want your own brick fireplace to bring not only warmth, but also comfort and aesthetics?
  3. Decorative brick.
  4. Ceramic tile.

Porcelain tiles.

Each of them has its own structure, so they have different specifics of fastening. In this regard, before working with them, consult with the seller about the method of fastening. All I can say is that they use special adhesive mixtures that can withstand high temperatures, and the resulting seams are simply filled with a standard putty solution.

Summing up As you can see, making a home fireplace is not so easy, but it is quite possible. The main thing is to adhere to maximum precision and accuracy at each stage. If you make a mistake at any point, you can seriously spoil further layers. But if you follow the instructions above, you can avoid many problems. And the video in this article will help you get even more useful information