Provide the necessary funds to increase wages. How to justify a salary increase. Estimation of the minimum wage rate

Before answering this question, let’s look at what we mean by a salary increase. It could be:

  • mandatory indexation of wages (in cases established by law, for example, when the minimum wage is increased);
  • voluntary salary increase by decision of the manager.

In the first situation, salaries must be indexed to employees whose payments for labor are below the level required by law. Moreover, under these circumstances, salary indexation is an obligation, not a right of the organization (Article 130 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, letter of Rostrud dated April 19, 2010 No. 1073-6-1). This is also confirmed by another norm - Art. 134 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which states that employee salaries are subject to mandatory indexation due to rising consumer prices.

In the second case, the employer has the right to increase salaries at his discretion, both for all employees and selectively. As for the size of salaries, the legislation does not set any restrictions on voluntary salary increases.

IMPORTANT! Despite the fact that both procedures are aimed at increasing purchasing power, indexation and salary increases should be clearly separated: increasing salaries actually increases it, and indexation is only a way to protect the employee’s income from inflation.

Justification for a mandatory salary increase - sample order

Document the salary increase with administrative documentation. Let's look at how to do this using an example.

From January 1, 2019, the minimum wage is 11,280 rubles. If we have employees whose wages are below the minimum wage, then we are obliged to increase it.

You can do this in two ways:

  • establishing a new monthly salary amount;
  • establishing an additional payment up to the minimum wage.

To set a new salary amount, issue an order to increase it. The order is drawn up in any form indicating the reasons for the salary increase and new payment amounts.

You can download the order to increase the salary to the minimum wage using the link below.

Based on the order, make changes to staffing table, and also conclude additional agreements to employment contracts with employees, since the condition on remuneration is essential point employment contract (part 2 of article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

However, it is not at all necessary to increase the salary each time in connection with an increase in the minimum wage. You can include in the wage regulations a condition for additional payment up to the minimum wage, specifying the conditions for its appointment and the procedure for calculation.

IMPORTANT! By choosing this method, you will have to make sure every month that the total amount of payments to the employee is not lower than the minimum wage.

How to justify a voluntary salary increase and is an employee’s application necessary?

The document providing the basis for a salary increase here will also be an order or instruction from management. And the reason for its publication may be:

  • Regulations on remuneration, which sets out the procedure and frequency of salary increases.
  • A memo in which you need to provide facts justifying the need for a salary increase, as well as the amounts proposed for approval.

You can download a sample of such a service here.

  • An employee’s statement, which must contain arguments confirming that this employee really deserves a salary increase. In the same statement, the employee’s immediate supervisor provides a resolution of his agreement with the salary increase.

See what applying for a promotion might look like wages.

IMPORTANT! When increasing the salaries of individual employees, do not forget about Art. 3 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, prohibiting any discrimination in the field labor rights. Offended employees holding a similar position have the right to appeal to the State Labor Inspectorate or to court in order to achieve equal pay with more “lucky” colleagues.

A sample order to increase wages by decision of the employer can be found here.

And if the increase in the employee’s salary is associated with a promotion, use the unified form T-5.


An increase in employee salaries can be either mandatory or voluntary. The rationale for increasing wages and the very content of the order directly depend on this.


A memo is a document through the creation of which a connection is established between the employee and the employer.

The first one can reflect a request for .

In addition to the request, it may contain a comment or suggestion.

There are certain rules that must be followed during the documentation process.

Examples of justifications for writing

Every employee has the right to write a memo. The need to increase the salary may be associated with the onset of certain factors.

Examples of justifications for an increase salary amount:

  • achieving distinctive results in the performance of official duties;
  • increasing the volume of work;
  • inflation, rising prices for consumer goods and services;
  • recalculating the salaries of all employees ();
  • employee certification. Including hiring a citizen based on the results of successful completion probationary period;
  • expansion of official powers, increase in responsibilities;
  • the employee undergoes accreditation, during which his professional classification has increased.

A memo should be drawn up in cases where the employer independently decided to increase the employee’s salary.

Basically, such a desire appears among managers after the employee achieves certain success in the process of implementing his labor activity at a specific enterprise.

Important - the arguments given in the note must be adequate and justified. You should not try to over-praise yourself - your bosses will not appreciate such an act.

Before drawing up the memo, you need to think again whether success in your work has really been achieved or not. ?

The memo can be replaced or, which are drawn up according to the same rules.

How to write a memo for a salary increase?

The technology of drawing up a memo is largely depends on the reason, due to which there was a need to increase the employee’s salary.

When writing a service letter, it is important to be guided by this factor.

The circumstance that prompted the employee to draw up the paper must be set out in detail in it.

Below are the features of writing for various reasons.

When making a positive decision regarding a salary increase an order is issued By .

Sample in connection with an increase in the volume of work of an employee

Drawing up a notice to increase wages due to an increase in the volume of work performed does not have clear rules and unified form for filling.

In most cases, the technology and rules for drawing up such papers are fixed by an internal local act.

A memo can be compiled in several ways - by handwriting and printing.

When writing, you must use a blank sheet of A4 paper.

In the process of document preparation, generally accepted standards should be followed.

They mean it reflects the following type of information:

  • information about the organization - exact name;
  • Full name and position of the addressee;
  • Full name and position of the employee who compiled the document;
  • name of paper;
  • main part. It reflects the direct request of the employee. The reason why the need to increase the salary arose is described in as much detail as possible, and the justification for the request for an increase is given;
  • date of writing;
  • signature of the person who compiled the document, its transcript.

In addition, the memo can indicate the salary amount in effect at the time of drawing up the memo.

If desired, indicate desired salary.

If the document is drawn up in connection with an increase in the volume of work, it is important to prove the existence of this circumstance.

Subject to supporting documentation it must be issued in the form of attachments.

They, in turn, should be numbered and described in a note.

For example, such a document may be an agreement to service an additional enterprise.

It is important to prove that the employee not only successfully copes with his or her job, but also takes on additional work.

Should be reasoned indicate that the specialist’s work has become more expensive.

Due to inflation and rising prices

One of the reasons for the need to increase wages is the rise in prices for services and goods of general consumption, as well as inflation.

When drawing up a note, the design of which is due to the specified reasons, it is necessary to refer to official sources.

The inflation rate is set at the state level.

Price increases may not be observed throughout the country, but in individual regions.

If the memo is drawn up for this reason, you should try to prove that the salary increase will ensure the employee’s proper standard of living.

After the probationary period

In many enterprises, in order to approve a specialist for a position, the latter is assigned a probationary period.

The salary paid to an employee in a given period of time is in most cases less than what he will receive after the internship.

An increase in salary in this case is a financial incentive for the employee.

If the company’s internal documentation defines the procedure for carrying out this action, at the end of the probationary period the employee must provide the manager with a memo requesting an increase in his salary.

Useful video

How to write a memo correctly, depending on the situation, is described in detail in this video:


Any employee can fill out a service letter that will reflect a request for a salary increase. To receive a positive answer, it is important to support the document with reasoned reasons, the occurrence of which provoked the need to perform this action.

You can apply for a salary increase after successfully completing an internship, achieving professional merit, advanced training, etc.

If there are documents confirming the occurrence of the listed circumstances, they should be drawn up as an appendix to the note.

Neither employees nor management particularly like to talk about salary increases. And even if an employee decides to raise this issue, often he does not even believe in a positive outcome. After all, bosses tend to come up with various excuses about a difficult period or make promises to think about it next week, next month, etc. But in the end everything remains in its usual place. So, in order for the dialogue about a salary increase to be useful, it is important to know how to justify the reasons for the increase.

To begin with, it is worth understanding that you will be the one who initiates the conversation about raising your salary. Because if your manager wanted, he would have already discussed this issue with you. Find out, for example, from your colleagues in the accounting department about the practice of increasing salaries in the company, how this happens and what you should expect. In other words, test the waters.

If discussion of this topic is possible, then it is worth preparing for the negotiations by making a plan and choosing the right time. Don't start serious conversations on Monday morning or at the end of the week. The bosses are getting tired too.

So, about the reasons

The reasons for increasing wages may be different. This includes a long period of work in one company, and the significant benefits that you bring, as well as an increase in the volume of work and expansion of responsibilities. And first, you need to identify your reasons for arguing and understand how much you value your work. However, remember that asking for a salary increase should reflect the idea of ​​how much you love the company, how hard you work and put your heart into, and how a raise will be a great motivation for you to perform even better.

Advice: The most winning arguments for increasing your salary are expanding your area of ​​responsibility and increasing the volume of work.

Please note the responsibilities listed in job description and to the conditions specified in your employment contract. Any changes or additions are made only with the consent of the employee. According to labor legislation For violation of these rules, the employer may face administrative liability.

Also remember that the minimum wage cannot be lower than the subsistence level for the working population.

What to do if your salary is below the market level?

Before you start talking about raising your salary, it is always worth studying what offers for your profession and type of activity are on the labor market and how much other employers are willing to pay. However, we do not recommend using this as a key argument in the dialogue with the employer. After all, when you got this job, you agreed with this salary. And there is a high probability that this argument will offend the employer and you will have to look for new job. As an example of the difference between your salary and the market one, you can use it if you have been working in a company for a long time, and salaries for specialists in your category have increased, while yours has remained at the old level.

And always remember that when talking about a salary increase, you should not push for pity, even if you are sure that the truth is on your side. Only facts, they are your main allies.

Personal problems are not the best argument

A mortgage, a car loan, an addition to the family - all these are reasons that are unlikely to touch your employer, if only because these are not his problems. And you must independently calculate your strength and plan your life. Your arguments should be based on your work merits and achievements, but not personal circumstances.

If in the company is coming budget cuts, what to do?

When a company falls on hard times, it is almost impossible to get a raise. However, this is possible if you are a valuable employee. There are cases where companies have cut positions in order to retain key employees. And if you decide to ask for an increase at a difficult time for the company, you need to prepare “iron” arguments. What results have you achieved, what specific benefits have you brought to the company and why you cannot be replaced.

If you are denied a promotion

Do not be upset if you are refused and fall into despair. You run the risk of making rash actions that will not work to your advantage. Listen carefully to management's arguments and find out under what circumstances you can reach an agreement that suits both parties. Find out what needs to change to achieve better results and be sure to clarify when you can return to this conversation. And then think about whether it’s worth continuing to work in this company or whether it’s worth looking for a new place.


One of the most enjoyable moments for working citizens is the implementation professional activity is a salary increase.

An increase in wages is considered an effective means of motivating employees, the implementation and execution technology of which has a number of features.

How is an increase processed and carried out, and how does it differ from indexation?

In what cases does it increase in Russia?

Salary is considered to be a sum of money, the amount of which is indicated in the employment contract. When paying by piece, the document reflects the hourly or other type of rate, as well as the procedure for calculating the total value of the monthly money paid.

Depending on this, an increase in wages can be done in several ways:

  • By increasing the tariff rate.
  • By increasing the fixed salary.

When changing the wages of employees on their own initiative, the employer draws up a number of accompanying papers, which reflect the rationale and data on the reason why there is a need to increase earnings.

Among the most valid reasons, it is necessary to highlight the main:

  • successful completion of certification or advanced training of the employee;
  • acquisition by a working citizen professional knowledge received during studies at a university;
  • promotion of an employee;
  • personal initiative of the head of the enterprise. Its emergence is facilitated by long-term cooperation, thanks to which the employee has gained rich work experience.

In addition, the salary may be increased due to rising prices in a particular region for general consumer goods.

When such circumstances occur the employer has the right not to notify the employee about a salary increase. You are allowed to make adjustments yourself collective agreement.

In addition, an increase can be carried out on the basis of what is submitted by the employee, where he substantiates the reasons for requesting an increase. Instead of an application, you can also issue or

How is it different from indexing?

A salary increase is often confused with.

It is important to note that the latter is increase in employee salaries by a certain percentage, the value of which is determined government agencies authorized to take this action.

The main reason why is inflation, characterized by rising prices for goods and services.

A change in wages is necessary so that working citizens can ensure an adequate standard of living.

IN general outline salary increase process differs from indexing in the following ways:

  • reaching the affected audience. You can increase your salary for one or several employees. During indexation, the salaries of all employees working at a particular enterprise change. The percentage by which the monthly accrued amount increases is the same for everyone;
  • the need for. The employer independently decides who and under what circumstances will increase wages. Indexation is carried out in a mandatory manner, which is established by the relevant authorities, taking into account what is established.

It is important to take into account that companies whose activities are financed by the state are subject to mandatory indexation. Commercial enterprises have the right to make their own decisions on this issue. Often the indexing order is prescribed in a special .

Is it necessary to increase employees' salaries annually?

The current legislation of the Russian Federation determines that the head of an enterprise has the right to change the amount of wages of employees in positive side with any frequency. State employees are considered the exception.

The conclusion follows from this - It is not necessary to increase employee salaries annually.

Salaries can change either every year or every few years. The specific course of events depends on the surrounding circumstances.

If the company has established a certain frequency of salary increases, this question must be reflected in a collective agreement or contract concluded upon employment.

If there are compelling, well-reasoned reasons, the employee may himself turn to the employer with a request for a salary increase. The management makes the final decision independently.

How to apply correctly?

Changing the salary amount is an action that must be accompanied by the preparation of appropriate documentation.

In this case these are a number of papers:

  • Order. It must contain information about the employee - his position, initials, passport details and name structural unit where he works. In addition, the document indicates the reason for the salary increase and its size. When the salaries of several people change, data about each of them is presented in the form of a table.
  • Internal documentation. This includes a collective agreement, a specialist’s personal card, and a staffing table. When a position changes, adjustments are made to the work book.

There is no need to provide notice of upcoming changes.. It is enough that the employee familiarizes himself with the information added to the relevant agreement. The presence of a signature indicates that the employee agrees with the salary increase.

Employee salary increase schedule

Schedule according to which employee salaries are increased budgetary institutions, compiled by the Government of the Russian Federation. The minimum wage and inflation play an important role in this.

When developing documentation of this nature working conditions and the minimum wage are taken into account, installed in a specific region.

Employees' wages cannot be lower than the subsistence minimum. Violation of this rule threatens the employer with a fine.

In the process of drawing up a schedule for increasing wages, the Government of the Russian Federation is guided by current indicators.

After studying them, a decision is made on how much the salaries should be increased.

The document is drawn up in the form of a graph that shows the dynamics of changes. Mostly salary increases are carried out several times a year.

Who will be affected by the changes in 2018?

The Russian government planned a wage increase in January 2019.

Thanks to the improvement of economic indicators in the country, it became possible to do this earlier - in May 2018, who will receive a salary increase?

In March of this year, the current President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin adopted Federal Law No. 41, according to which in May 2018 the minimum wage will be equal to the subsistence level.

The amount of this amount is 11163 RUR.

In this regard, it happened that the salary was lower than the minimum wage.

  • employees budgetary sphere activities at different levels;
  • civil servants;
  • police officers;
  • doctors;
  • teachers.

The specific percentage increase is established in each case individually, depending on the financial capabilities of the employer.

The rule must be followed - salary cannot be lower than the subsistence minimum. It, in turn, will increase by 17.6%.

Is it possible to carry out the law retroactively?

When carrying out labor activities on an official basis, citizens deduct a certain amount income to tax and insurance authorities.

In most cases, this is done by the employer - money is withheld even when salaries are calculated.

When applying for a retroactive salary increase the process of deducting these amounts may be disrupted.

Based on this, committing of this action prohibited and considered illegal.

Fine for the employer if earnings do not change for several years

The procedure for increasing wages in the case of employees of the public sector is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

On commercial enterprise rules of this nature are established by collective agreement.

If an employer, in violation of the law, does not increase wages for several years (if such is provided for by the relevant regulations), he may be held accountable.

To the management large companies will have to pay a fine of from 30,000 to 50,000 rub. Individual entrepreneurs will be limited to a fine of 1000 to 5000 RUR.

Useful video

How much will wages increase in 2018? and who these changes will affect is described in this video:


A salary increase is a procedure that requires appropriate documentation. In this case, it is not necessary to notify the employee about the salary change.

A measure of this nature is considered effective method employee motivation and therefore has a beneficial effect on the company's performance.

It's fast and free!

The Russians talked to their bosses about raising their salaries. And almost half of them received an increase. Therefore, the easiest way to get a salary increase is to ask. But you need to act wisely.

Pick a moment

For the operation to be successful, you need to contact your boss about a salary increase when several factors come into play:

  1. The company has the resources to increase salaries: sales have not fallen, the budget has not been cut, and funding has come from the center.
  2. IN Lately you didn't have . Otherwise, it will be difficult to explain why you should pay more.
  3. The manager is not busy. During an emergency, he has to deal with many issues at the same time, and your attempts to distract him will only anger him.
  4. At the boss's good mood. Of course, the ideal boss is always fair and impartial, but most of us are still led by people, not robots.

Prepare your arguments

Put yourself in the boss's shoes and think about which arguments will work in your favor and which will worsen the situation.

Successful Arguments

1. You have more responsibilities

You joined the company under certain conditions, but since then the workload has increased. During the day you manage to work for yourself and a little for that guy, but you are not paid a salary for both.

Explain to the employer that thanks to you, he is saving salary at another working rate, so you deserve a raise.

However, you shouldn’t be impudent: if you don’t have a time machine, you won’t be able to do a high-quality job for two people, so no one will double your salary. 20–30% is the amount you can count on.

2. Your colleagues in similar positions earn more

You have been working in the company for a long time and came for a certain salary. But the market has not stood still, and newcomers in similar positions are initially offered more.

This is definitely a reason to appeal to management and restore justice. But you need to be honest with yourself. Perhaps new employees do a little more. Before talking to your boss, you should mobilize all your strength and become a truly valuable person.

3. You bring tangible profit to the company

For any organization, the measure of your success is the amount of money you bring in. Not every specialization allows you to directly influence the company's income. Your task is to find connections between the company's commercial success and your work and show them. Don't be unfounded: numbers, graphs and statistics work most convincingly.

4. You are willing to work more to increase your income.

With experience, you have learned to complete your main work faster, and you have freed up some working time for new tasks. Ask your boss to expand your responsibilities and support this.

Ask what you must do to get the amount you need. The answer will make it clear whether you should, in principle, count on a salary increase or whether it is better to direct your energy to finding a new job.

If a manager is willing to consider options, this is a good sign. Show that you have a good understanding of the processes that take place within the company and are not afraid of responsibility. Take the initiative, and you can count on an increase not only in income, but also in your position.

Controversial Arguments

In theory, any of these arguments could work. But they can easily be turned against you.

1. You learned a lot during your work

At first glance, this phrase characterizes you positively, but there are nuances. For most specialties, continuous development - required condition. You must catch trends in the field, otherwise you will simply be forced out of the market.

The argument about new knowledge is more likely a reason not to lay you off than to raise your salary.

To make this argument work, you need to jump over your head and add something to your competencies that will show your high motivation, and not just logical growth in the profession.

2. If you get a salary increase, you will move mountains.

This is an attempt to conclude an agreement that is not supported by anything on your part, because promises are just words. At the same time, by law, an employer, having raised wages, cannot simply lower it back. Not the best deal for him.

When going to your boss for a serious conversation, you need to move a mountain and confirm it with evidence: reports, figures, facts. At a minimum, it is worth installing levers to crush the mountain. You are trying to sell your work for more money, so demonstrate the product to the buyer as best as possible.

3. You have difficult personal circumstances.

The employer must pay you the amount specified in the employment contract and comply with the provisions Labor Code RF. And he doesn’t have to think for you, like, for example, living with three children in a one-room apartment.

And then, you have at least a one-room apartment, and your colleague (perhaps no less talented) generally rents a corner in a communal apartment. So it will be difficult to prove why exactly you need to pay extra for demographic feats or a mortgage for half your life.

4. You have been working for the company for a very long time.

Your loyalty is commendable. But the manager may wonder why you didn’t advance, but stagnate in the same position. It is better to attach an explanation to the argument about experience about what the company has done for you all these years and, most importantly, what you have done for it.

5. Either your salary is raised or you leave.

This is an all-in move, and you should only put your cards on the table when you have an offer from another company or are ready to go nowhere. If you are denied a salary increase, you will have to quit. Otherwise, you will be remembered as a blackmailer who lies and does not keep his word. By the way, a lot depends on how you structure the conversation.

If you issue an ultimatum, there is a high chance that your boss will react negatively simply out of principle. But try talking to him as an ally, not as an enemy.

You love the company, you see yourself in it and the benefit you could bring. But someone offered more money, and you are forced to leave - not by the call of your heart, but by necessity. In this case, the chances of staying in the company with an increased salary are much greater.

Ask for a specific increase

Voice a specific figure as a percentage or the currency in which you are paid. Of course, calculations should be based on objective factors (amount of work, skills and abilities), and not on the amount that you lack for complete happiness. Statistics also support specificity in the requirements.

To requests for a salary increase without specific wishes 61% If you want a raise, ask for more Russians were refused. Those who voiced a specific number were told “no” much less often.

To understand how much your work is worth, study relevant vacancies. At the same time, add suitable suggestions to your “Favorites” in case of an unsuccessful conversation with your boss.

Think about your escape routes. If you didn’t become impudent, didn’t raise your voice, didn’t threaten or blackmail your manager, most likely you can just return to your workplace.

However, if the prospects career growth and there is no increase in income, perhaps it’s time to look at the “Favorites” folder where you saved vacancies and think about it.