List and amount of payments to military personnel and military pensioners. Military pensioners for Russia and its armed forces Salaries of contract military personnel

Recently, the Russian Federation has made a large number of changes in the military sphere. Multiple reforms were carried out that contributed to increasing the efficiency of the Russian Army. At the same time, equipment was modernized, but military salaries remained the same

For several years now, the Russian government has been trying to increase the salaries of its military personnel. The authorities also promised to provide housing and a special social package to everyone who serves. But during the 2016 crisis, all promised privileges and guarantees were curtailed. In turn, they said that all their salaries would be indexed, and that there was no point in thinking about increasing military salaries in the near future.

So far, there is no reliable information that the government is going to review and adjust military salaries this year. Although if you look back a few years ago, salaries did increase, but not by much. The economic crisis is interfering with the decisions of the authorities of the Russian Federation.

Many sources are now very actively luring people to sign up for military service in the Russian Federation. At the same time, there are statements that at the moment the Russian army pays consistently high salaries, provides a full social package, provides housing, insures your life and many other privileges. Many military personnel do not see these same gifts from the state. And they are just wondering what will happen to their salaries this year. This question arises not only among those who are already serving, but also among those who are just about to join the ranks.

It became known that at the moment the average salary of military personnel fluctuates around 30 thousand rubles. This amount was collected thanks to the active actions of the authorities, who reformed the army at one time and the previous salary increased three times. Six years ago all the reforms ended, and at that time it was very good money. But now this is not the same money as it was before. Since 2013, everything has been left unchanged.

This year there were no increases, all salaries remained the same. The Russian authorities explained this by saying that no one will be able to do anything in the near future due to the fact that the country is experiencing unfavorable economic conditions. So, there is a very minimal probability that there will still be a salary increase this year.

The laws of the Russian Federation stipulate that wages should be indexed every year. Not only basic salaries are subject to indexation, but also all other additional types of salary in the form of various compensations and bonuses. Although the Russian Duma has long ago received the budget for the next three years for consideration, no comments have been received from it regarding salaries, the site has learned. The budget includes huge sums to increase national defense. Nobody disclosed the exact indexation figures and new salaries.

They only reported that in February 2018, wages, including military wages, would be indexed based on 2016 inflation rates.

Various media are now actively advertising the benefits and advantages of military service. It is especially emphasized that the army has stable wages and the presence of a full social package, which includes a military mortgage for your own housing, the provision of official housing, guaranteed life and health insurance, decent contributions to the Pension Fund, as well as other preferences, for example , in the form of providing sanitary and resort treatment. Many people are wondering what the military salary will be in 2017; the latest news on this matter is of significant interest not only among career military personnel, but also among those who are thinking about concluding a military contract.

There are no denials in the news feed yet with references to government offices that the revision of military salaries planned for February next year will be revised or adjusted towards a significant increase. However, looking back at the negative experience of the previous few years about the unfulfilled increases in military salaries, many are trying not to talk about whether there will be an increase in salaries for military personnel in 2017, so as not to jinx it, as they say. Moreover, everyone can hear and see the consequences of the economic crisis.

Military salaries in 2017

The average salary of an Armed Forces contract soldier is currently within the range of 32 thousand rubles. This indicator of military personnel's income is the result of the implementation of army reform, when military salaries increased threefold. But in 2011, at the time of the completion of the reform, this was a completely competitive salary. However, since 2013, the government, due to the crisis in the economy, has not increased military salaries.

This year, the salaries of military personnel were also not increased, along with maternity capital, all types of benefits, or the amount of savings contributions of military personnel under mortgage programs. The country's leadership explains this as a forced measure due to the deteriorating situation in the economy, which required unpopular measures to reduce budget expenditures.

Therefore, the appearance of such news as military salaries in 2017 is quite expected and, moreover, expected exclusively in the positive sense of its increase.

Indexation of military salaries 2017

Federal legislation establishes the norm for annual indexation of wages. Both basic salaries and additional types of salary in the form of bonuses and various compensations are subject to indexation. And although the budget for the next three years was recently submitted to the State Duma for consideration, which includes funding for a significant increase in national defense measures, specific figures on wage indexation or data reflecting the increase in military salaries in 2017 have not yet been announced.

The only thing that is known for sure is that in February next year it is planned to index wages, including for the military, based on the actual inflation rate for 2016.

Increase in military salaries in 2017

Changes in salaries for military personnel in 2017, in terms of their increase, have become an urgent need. And this will also have to be done because the Russian military, in the light of negative global trends, which are caused by the tense situation both in the Middle East and in neighboring Ukraine, is becoming a stabilizing force that prevents the development of Islamic terrorism and Ukrainian nationalism. Without reliable and decent financial support, it is impossible to imagine a strong and strong Russian army. After all, Russia, as you know, has only two reliable and ready-to-do-anything allies - its Army and Navy.

What the salary of military personnel will be in 2017 is worth thinking logically and figuring out. As already noted, on average, military personnel receive a little more than 30 thousand rubles every month. According to experts, and the central authorities agree with them, the salary of military personnel in 2017 should consist of a military salary of at least fifty thousand rubles, in addition, there should be all kinds of allowances, bonuses and other material incentives.

In Russia, military personnel are paid a monthly salary under a contract. Workers in this area are also entitled to additional payments. One of them is a percentage bonus for length of service for military personnel. They also have many benefits that are not provided to people in other professions.

What does the salary consist of?

The salary consists of 2 parts. The first includes salary, which depends on the position and rank. Even a private cannot receive less than 15,000 rubles. Officers' pay is much higher, but it all depends on length of service, the level of danger of the job and other factors.

The salary of military personnel has a second part - additional payments. Their peculiarity is that they are paid only to certain categories of workers. Usually some conditions must be met. The calculation of additional payments is set as a percentage, but sometimes it is calculated in salaries.

Types of allowances

The second part of the salary may consist of the following types of allowances:

  • percentage bonus for length of service for military personnel: if military service lasts more than 24 months, then these types of payments begin and increase over time;
  • for qualifications: confirmation of professionalism is required, and this requires passing tests;
  • activities with state secrets: it is paid to an officer who has passed the FSB check and also received the required level of access;
  • for special merits: the law on military personnel includes information about the categories of employees who are entitled to additional payments;
  • for dangerous activities associated with risks to life and health: diving, exercises, parachute jumping;
  • achievements in service: the relevant ministers themselves set the conditions, amount and rules for providing bonuses; it is also called “personal bonus”;
  • conscientious service: equal to 3 salaries per year;
  • financial assistance: provided once a year in the form of salary.

Officers are also provided with incentives when receiving state awards, when serving in difficult climates, in the Far North, and in other countries. Each salary increase serves to motivate employees to work efficiently.

Length of service

The allowance of military personnel includes an allowance, which is calculated as a percentage of the salary. Its size is influenced by the service life in a particular structure, as well as in their totality. The size of the entire salary depends on this.

Thus, the percentage is added to the salary, and the regional coefficient of the region of the Russian Federation may be added to the final amount, for example, due to service in the Far Eastern District. The surcharge is considered to be a bonus, and then income tax is calculated.

Calculation of allowance

The percentage bonus for length of service for military personnel is the same as for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. But it differs from what is required for civilian personnel. The Law on Military Personnel states that the bonus is calculated based on length of service:

  • if the work lasts 2-5 years, then 10% is added;
  • 5-10 years – 15%;
  • 10-15 years – 20%;
  • 15-20 years – 25%;
  • 20-25 years – 30%;
  • from 25 years – 40%.

The percentage bonus for length of service for military personnel is determined by duties and location of service. For employees of flight organizations included in the crew of helicopters, if they take part in tests, 1 month is counted as 2.

Other military personnel receive a special bonus. For example, if the work involves skydiving, then 1 month is 1.5. The same applies to the military, who are associated with warships and boats. Based on these rules, the salaries of military personnel are calculated.

Features of military pensions

Supplements are provided not only to working military personnel, but also to retirees. When calculating benefits, length of service as well as injuries sustained are taken into account. Based on the legislation, the age at which you are entitled to receive a pension is determined:

  • 45 years – women;
  • 50 – rank and file;
  • 55 – captains;
  • 60 – middle generals;
  • 65 – senior command staff.

To retire, you need to work for 20 years. The benefit is determined in the following amounts:

  • if the length of service is 25 years, then 50% of the salary;
  • for each year over 25 years, 3% is charged;
  • the total amount cannot be more than 85%.

The calculation of military pensions based on legislation can be established in other ways:

  • if there is civil experience, then 1% per year is added to 50%;
  • in case of disability, 85% of the salary is accrued;
  • if disability occurs due to illness, then the pension will be 75% of the salary;
  • to the families of military personnel, if they died during hostilities - 40%, and when the death is not related to these events, then 30%.

The calculation takes into account annual indexation, which is approved by the president of the country. It turns out that the military pension is quite high compared to civilian personnel.

Other benefits for military personnel

In Russia, military personnel are considered a special category of citizens, since they are provided with many additional benefits:

  • Housing: housing is provided for the period of military service, as well as for permanent residence;
  • education: during military service, as well as after it, there are advantages of enrolling in educational institutions;
  • medical services: military personnel, as well as family members, are offered free medical and rehabilitation services in sanatoriums;
  • food and things: certain categories of employees are given food rations, and clothing provision involves the issuance of field uniforms;
  • free travel: military personnel can go on vacation every year, as well as on a business trip to a new place of work, without paying for it;
  • pension: compared to civilians, military personnel can retire at the age of 45 if they have 20 years of service;
  • life and health insurance: in the event of death while performing military work, the family is given 3 million rubles.

With dismissal, if the employee is found unfit for work or injured, 2 million rubles are issued. Thanks to so many benefits, many choose military service.

Advantages and disadvantages of working as a contract soldier

If you want to enlist in the military, you need to familiarize yourself with the pros and cons of the job. This will allow you to make the right choice:

  • this employment is profitable, especially if there is no prestigious work in towns and villages;
  • a social package, benefits, stable wages are provided, which is not offered in all jobs;
  • Service in the RF Armed Forces is comparable to regular service, and therefore differs from urgent service, where there are many restrictions.

The disadvantages include:

  • health risk;
  • life according to the rules;
  • psychologically difficult work;
  • business trips, life in the field.

As can be seen from the calculations, the military receives a high income, as well as a pension. The work is promising, because no other profession provides so many privileges.

At the end of November 2017 for the purpose of regular monitoring of salaries in the IT industry. Salaries are left by the specialists themselves, we collect them and provide them in an aggregated and anonymous form for everyone to access.

During December, we collected about 7,500 salaries, and today we can show what salaries looked like at the end of 2017. Let's go through all the main IT specialties and take a deeper look at the salaries of software developers. Let's see how salaries in this field of activity differ by city, qualification and programming language. In conclusion, we will show the salaries of ten companies for which users have left enough data.

There will be many diagrams, all of them prepared using the service. In the publication, the diagrams will be pictures; if you wish, you can display them interactively. Anyone can obtain more detailed information on salaries directly from the My Circle salary service by playing with its filter.

A few more words about how to read diagrams correctly. All salaries are indicated in rubles. The dots indicate specific salaries. That is, the more points, the more such salaries were indicated. A group of points for each sample is visualized using a box-and-whiskers, or box plot. The box shows the median salary (median; half of the salaries are above and half below this point, we can consider this the average salary for the sample), the lower and upper quartiles (q1 and q3; dividing the upper half and the lower half of salaries in half, resulting in half of all salaries lie between them).

Summary of the report:

Part 1. Salaries for basic IT specialties

Software developer salaries

Salaries of maintenance specialists

Salaries of quality assurance specialists

Designer salaries

Analyst salaries

Salaries for content, marketing and HR specialists

Executive salaries

Part 2. Developer salaries by city

In general, if we compare the medians, the salaries of Moscow developers are 10-50% higher than the salaries of St. Petersburg developers and 50-200% higher than the salaries of developers in other cities.

Mobile developer salaries

Backend developer salaries

Salaries of full stack developers

Frontend developer salaries

Desktop developer salaries

Part 3. Developer salaries by programming language and qualifications

Overall, when comparing medians, the maximum gap between the highest and lowest salaries in programming languages ​​for each relevant qualification is 35-40%. With the exception of Junior qualifications, the gap here reaches 60%. On average, the highest paying language is Go, the lowest paying is PHP.

Regardless of the programming language, the salary for the middle qualification is approximately 200% higher than the salary for the junior qualification. In terms of qualifications, senior compared to middle - by 60-70%. In terms of qualifications, lead compared to senior - by 10-30%.

All programming languages

Go Developer Salaries

Objective-C and Swift developer salaries

Kotlin developer salaries

Ruby developer salaries

C++ developer salaries

Java developer salaries

Python Developer Salaries

JavaScript Developer Salaries

Salaries of C#, .NET developers

PHP developer salaries

Part 4. Salaries by company

At the moment, enough salaries have been collected for the following companies. If you want to find out what the salaries are in the company where you work, leave your salary on the service and call your colleagues.

Thank you for your attention, we plan to release the next report in six months, at the end of June. Then we can look at salaries over time. If you think that the report is missing any data that you think is interesting, write in the comments, we will be very grateful to you.

As you know, in Russia over the past five years there has been no indexation of military salaries. A considerable part of the budget is spent on the salaries of the Russian military, similar security officials and other categories of citizens, so it is not surprising that against the backdrop of the economic crisis there is no money for indexation. However, this year the long-awaited indexation may still take place. How the salaries of military personnel will change in 2018 will be discussed in the article.

When will the long-awaited increase happen and by what amount?

From January 1, 2018, the salaries of military personnel will be indexed by 4% in the Russian Federation. This increase has already been included in the Russian budget for 2018, and the percentage was planned for inflation in the past 2017. This will seem surprising to many, but, indeed, official statistics indicate that inflation was low, and when summing up the results of the year it will be even lower, it is even possible that this figure will drop to 3%.

However, despite such positive statistics, one should not expect that real military salaries, taking into account inflation, will remain the same.

In general, the State Duma Defense Committee, when developing the draft budget for 2018, insisted on even greater indexation, justifying its demands by freezing salaries in previous, rather difficult years. And if inflation was high before 2017, only last year it decreased. But still, over the past period, prices have increased by almost 50%, and the cost of a minimum food package has increased by as much as 60%. Yes, of course, the Russian military cannot be called poor, but this hardly means that they are ready for a decrease in their standard of living.

In addition, it should be noted that in the Russian army, as in society as a whole, there is quite a significant stratification. And if for an army general inflation is not of particular importance, then the non-commissioned officers will immediately feel the changes that have occurred. There are still certain difficulties with personnel in the army, and if the standard of living deteriorates, there will be no people willing to serve under a contract at all.

And yet, despite quite weighty arguments, the budget does not allow increasing the salaries of military personnel by a larger percentage. Thus, the military and their families will have to forget about prosperity for some time and get used to the current standard of living. The maximum that the state is ready to do now is to support today's life.

How will the indexation of military salaries affect the budget?

Increasing military salaries will cost the Russian budget no less, an additional 67 billion rubles. In total, 2.27 trillion rubles will be spent on indexing monetary allowances for military personnel and categories equivalent to them. This amount will be about 14% of all budget expenses.

The statistics presented are from open budget items. It is worth noting that the budget also has a closed part, all information about which is strictly classified. It is likely that it also includes the costs of indexing monetary allowances for certain categories of citizens associated with the defense of the state. But since this information has not been officially confirmed anywhere, the data is more of an assumption and cannot be considered significant.

In general, over 2.7 million military personnel and about 1 million civilians will receive a salary increase. In particular, the following will be indexed:

  • employees of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - just over 1 million people;
  • police officers - 904 thousand people;
  • employees of the federal penitentiary service – 225 thousand people;
  • employees of the Russian Guard - over 340 thousand people;
  • fire service employees – slightly above 250 thousand people.

To date, there is no information about the current average salary in the army, but it is known that in 2015 this amount was 62 thousand rubles and more.

It is unlikely that the salaries of military personnel have undergone significant changes since then, since there have been no increases or decreases, and the number of military personnel has remained virtually unchanged. But still, statistical data should be treated with a certain degree of skepticism. Do not forget that the statistics take into account both senior officers and warrant officers and sergeants, who receive very little monetary allowance.

What are your plans for 2019-2020?

Since the budget is based on economic development over the past three years, it is already known what exactly the state plans to increase the salaries of military personnel in 2018. Specifically, we can say that if this year the financing of indexation cost 67 billion rubles, then next year this amount increases by almost one-fourth and already reaches 84 billion rubles, and by 2020 it will almost double and become over 148 billion rubles . As a result, increasing salaries for the military and security forces over three years will cost more than 300 billion rubles. And although this amount seems impressive, in reality it is not at all a guarantor of the financial well-being of the Russian military.