Organization of cultural events work. Our vacancies. Numbers and marketing

What are event organizers needed for?
If you do not have certain experience and knowledge, then organizing mass events on your own is a very labor-intensive and time-consuming process, and it is almost impossible to prepare a full-fledged event alone. Event organizer required. There is no way to do this without involving professionals. An organizer of cultural events with extensive experience will conduct any celebration with high quality. The customer can significantly save not only money, but also his nerves. This does not mean at all that there is no need to decide some business matters. The customer must do this constantly, otherwise holding the event is impossible in principle. Before holding events, all nuances must be taken into account.

The organizer of sporting events, for example, must coordinate a lot of issues with the customer. Any, even the most insignificant little thing can significantly affect the quality of the event. There are many agencies that provide services for event organizers in Moscow and the capital region.

When selecting an agency, it is necessary to pay attention to its reputation. Read reviews from clients who have used the services of a particular agency. Moreover, it should also be understood that the organizer of incentive events, his actions and scenario, differ in many respects from the actions and scenario of the organizer of corporate events. Much depends on how complex the mass event is. The capabilities of an agency largely depend on its versatility.

The company decided to carry out a serious corporate event. At the same time, often the manager does not fully know whether his subordinates will be able to carry out the event on their own or not? The opportunity to save money sometimes defies common sense. The problem is that if an event is planned at the highest level and if the future and reputation of the company depends on how it goes, then everything must be thought out. Even the most economical manager will not allow his company’s reputation to suffer. It is needed here more than ever event organizer. If the manager wants to control the process, then he can select a team in which a professional organizer will play the main role, and home-grown event specialists will work with him. If company specialists participate together with the event organizer, this will only be beneficial. We should also not forget that any reputable company has its own traditions developed over the years, which must be taken into account when holding the event. Without the participation of employees, it is impossible to fully reflect these traditions.

An event manager is a person who organizes entertainment, business and sporting events. Let's consider what responsibilities are assigned to him, where he can get the education necessary for work and how to make a career.

Average wage: 45,000 rubles per month




Entry barrier


Organizing festive corporate events, themed work parties, various conferences, and educational trainings is an impressive expense item in the company’s budget. You cannot refuse them, because their goal is business development. In some cases, the fate of the enterprise depends on how successful the event was. An event manager (read as an event or event manager) is involved in organizing all of the above. Let's tell you who he is and what he does.


The origin of the entertainment event industry is usually attributed to the 19th century and is associated with the beginning of the sale of tickets to competitions of professional athletes. Although, if you think about it, the Olympic Games of the ancient Greeks and various kinds of mysteries of their Roman contemporaries also belong to the event category. Thus, it can be argued that the roots of the profession go back to the period BC.

Joe Goldblatt (cult event manager) has a different point of view. He is convinced that the date of the emergence of the profession of entertainment organizer is 1955. And it is connected with the opening of the world's most famous park, Disneyland.

He also owned an event management company for a long time. His track record includes hundreds of different events of the highest level. He was ordered to organize the inauguration of Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush, the 40th and 41st American presidents.

In Russia, event management gradually took root. In the USSR, event services were provided by the state. Any large-scale holiday or major event (for example, the Olympics) - all this fell on the shoulders of representatives of the highest authorities.

Event companies, roughly as we know them today, were legalized only in the 1990s. The surge in their popularity and demand was due to a very successful combination of mass production and mass consumption.

Description of the profession

An event manager is a specialist who organizes business and entertainment events for companies and individuals. It is difficult to name what is not the responsibility of an event manager: he is a reaper, a Swiss, and a trumpet player.

One of his primary tasks is to determine the concept of the future action. This requires creativity, the ability to understand the audience, realize the wishes of the customer and achieve the goal of the event. It is very difficult to take all this into account at the same time in your work.

The holiday can be based on the craziest idea. But if the set objectives are achieved, the end justifies the means. A real event manager must remember how to maintain the right balance and not get too carried away.

Despite the fact that this profession requires creativity (and, according to a common misconception, even being a bohemian), organizing events requires a cool head. After all, actions will need to be calculated several moves ahead. The task of the event manager is to make sure that the event takes place at all costs.

Where to study

Despite the demand for the profession, event organization as such is not yet taught in any university. The event industry employs people with a wide variety of education, but more often with a humanities background - psychologists, journalists, philologists.

This profession intersects with marketing, PR, and sales. Therefore, it makes sense to choose economic universities and faculties with a specialization in marketing. Such programs today exist in many higher educational institutions.

Another option is to master the specialty of a producer or director of theatrical performances. If you don’t dream of making a big movie, but would be happy to organize corporate and private events (there is also room to expand there, if only there was a budget), this is a completely suitable option.

Here are a few examples of higher educational institutions Russia, where anyone who wants to work as an event manager can apply:

  1. Moscow Finance and Law University. Specialty "Management".
  2. St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. Specialty "Management".
  3. Siberian Institute of Business and information technologies. Specialty "Management".
  4. Magnitogorsk Technical State University named after. G. Nosova. Specialty "Management".
  5. Moscow State University of Culture (MGUKI). Theater and Directing Faculty.
  6. Russian Institute of Theater Arts (GITIS). Acting department.

To be admitted, an applicant must pass the Unified State Exam in Russian language, literature, social studies and mathematics - not all universities require the last exam.

Basic knowledge can be supplemented with specialized courses and master classes. The main thing is that they are conducted not by desk teachers, but by event industry practitioners.

List of responsibilities

The main tasks of an event manager come down to planning, directly organizing and conducting various events. But an event manager has a lot of responsibilities. In particular, a representative of this profession must:

  1. Develop concepts, programs, and event scenarios.
  2. Prepare event presentations and defend your ideas to the customer.
  3. Prepare estimates and control the budget allocated for the event.
  4. Search, negotiate and supervise the work of subcontractors (usually a designer, florist, artists, presenters and others).
  5. Search, invite and negotiate with VIP guests, experts and speakers.
  6. Write texts about planned and already completed events.
  7. Promote events in every possible way, closely interacting with various media - offline and online.
  8. Coordinate events.

Interaction with partners

An event manager not only comes up with events, but also manages them. Any event, even the smallest one, is the fruit of the labor of several people. The task of the event manager is to find these people and organize their interaction.

Hotels, business centers, restaurants, concert agencies, travel agencies, airlines, artists, printing houses, designers - this is an incomplete list of potential partners with whom you have to work. Find the right person it can be difficult. Therefore, professional event organizers usually have their own contact base, which is worth its weight in gold.

In addition, you need to find a common language with each partner. Accordingly, communication skills and the ability to work in a team are essential. You must be able to talk to everyone - both with a capricious pop star and with a stern financial director, and with an unsociable website developer. You have to change your vocabulary several times a day.

Numbers and marketing

In addition to the ability to get along with people, an event manager must be good with numbers and be able to correctly draw up a budget. A report with full documentation may be required after the event is completed. The event manager himself often has to deal with paperwork.

Often, fees for the opportunity to attend an event bring substantial income. Thus, the organizer’s tasks include attracting guests, and this is sales and marketing.

Large events usually have large budgets and are supported by sponsors. The formation and sale of sponsorship packages is also the responsibility of the event manager.

In addition, many events require press coverage. Therefore, an event manager can also serve as a public relations specialist and engage in attracting media sponsors, inviting journalists and monitoring publications.

Skills and personal qualities

Not everyone can work in event management. The organizer's everyday life is full of deadlines, overtime, as well as unexpected conflict and stressful situations (the leader's illness, the electricity in the building went out, the technical equipment settings were not completed), which must be eliminated as soon as possible.

Taking into account all of the above, an event manager needs to be:

  • active;
  • creative;
  • highly mobile;
  • sociable;
  • stress-resistant.

In addition, for such work it is extremely important:

  • have excellent leadership abilities;
  • be able to work in multitasking mode;
  • be able to solve extraordinary problems.

Preparedness for force majeure

An event manager is not a mass entertainer, as many people think. Artists and presenters are invited to implement most projects. However, the event organizer must be prepared for the fact that at any moment something can go wrong. Then he will need to work for himself and for that guy.

Even directors of large event agencies may find themselves in such a situation that they themselves have to flip through presentation slides for a famous speaker or lay cables for equipment. Ambitions are ambitions, but you must always remember that the success of the event is more important than high-profile positions.

Stress resistance, the ability to quickly make decisions and act non-standard situations. The key speaker was late for the plane, the presenter did not show up, there is no electricity in the building - force majeure situations are countless, and responsibility for everything often falls on the shoulders of the event manager.

Multitasking and accessibility

Modern events require a lot of accompanying details - brochures, souvenirs, electronic materials. Sometimes an event organizer has to be a designer, a computer engineer, and a sound engineer.

Of course, an event manager will not always do everything with his own hands. But to avoid mishaps and loss of control over the situation, he needs to at least understand the basics. Then he will be able to correctly assign the task to the providers of the required services.

An event manager must know:

  • how does the jpeg format differ from gif;
  • what does 4+0 printing mean?
  • how to set up a projector;
  • how to send by e-mail volumetric layout.

Another feature of the profession: a modern event manager is always in touch. If you dream of turning off your phone on weekends and not thinking about work, organizing events is unlikely to be best choice as your life's work.

The event manager is ready to answer any question and resolve any problem 24/7, regardless of where he is and what he is doing. On the other hand, organizing a business summit in Switzerland, a trip to the Cannes Film Festival or a wedding for a VIP client on a tropical island is worth it.

Who is the profession suitable for?

You are known as an excellent organizer among your friends, you know how to gather everyone, and your birthday does not come down to a banal feast and will be remembered for a long time original idea? Then the world of event management is waiting for you!

But those who do not like to communicate with people and will not agree to travel hundreds of kilometers on a weekend to make sure that the speaker gives the necessary presentation, and that Santa Claus invited for the little girl has arrived at the address, will not achieve success in organizing events.

However, this does not mean that event management is only open to incorrigible workaholics who have no life outside of work. Not at all like that! This is a profession for active people, passionate about their work, who like to solve non-standard problems.

By the way, this industry provides excellent opportunities to establish contacts with people from the most different areas. So you won’t be bored, and you definitely won’t be left alone.

Income level

The demand for event managers today is quite high. The level of their salary depends almost entirely on the quality of work and the number of orders accepted. For example, for a beginner its size is about 25-30 thousand rubles. As you gain experience, the quality of your work improves and your list of clients increases. As a result, wages increase. An event manager with good experience can earn from 80 to 100 thousand rubles per month.

On average in Russia, event managers earn from 19 thousand to 100 thousand rubles. In Moscow, this figure ranges from 32 thousand to 70 thousand rubles. Organizers of events in St. Petersburg receive from 40 thousand to 62 thousand rubles.

Career ladder

Do you understand that event management is your thing? Then the variety of events held by the agency will help you decide what kind of “events” you would like to organize in the future.

Some people feel at home in a purely business environment and love planning conferences with respectable speakers and serious topics. Another cannot live without the drive and creativity of the holidays. The third is interested in theater festivals or photo exhibitions. Having gained experience, the assistant can advance to more responsible tasks and become an event manager. Then everything depends on desire.

Some people get tired of the frantic pace of an event agency and prefer calmer corporate work. Someone receives a tempting offer to become a producer of a prestigious event (for example, a film festival). And some go on a free voyage and open their own event agency.

Work in an event agency

The most interesting job and the most opportunities for event management specialists are in event agencies. The range here is unlimited - from children's birthdays to large business forums, from a wedding in an exotic location to a master class from a foreign guru.

Some companies narrow their specialization (for example, only business conferences or only holidays). Major players The market usually has departments responsible for a certain type of event.

Often, large training companies open subsidiaries or divisions that organize events. Most often - corporate conferences.

Event agencies are the most The best way get acquainted with the “kitchen” of organizing events and gain experience. Event managers will be happy to hire as an assistant a young, active and responsible person who can be entrusted with part of the work.

Of course, you won’t be tasked with developing the concept of the event right away. There will be many not-so-exciting tasks - for example, sending out invitations. But such experience is simply priceless. In addition, you will understand how interested you are in this industry and whether you are ready to devote yourself to such hard work.

The future of the profession

Corporate culture today has significantly increased its importance. In this regard, the demand for so-called event marketing and, accordingly, for experienced, highly qualified event managers is steadily growing.

The market has no shortage of event agencies. Moreover, new ones are appearing and existing ones are expanding. Such companies have entire teams professional managers and are fully staffed to organize any event.

In the future, events will retain their status as the main means of communication between people to unite them in the name of a certain idea or goals. Therefore, the profession of event manager will remain in demand.

☆ Sales manager and organization of events (adults and children)

Our agency “PrazdnikON” is a rapidly growing and proven company since 2012, providing quality services in the field of organizing events, due to the expansion of its staff, it is inviting a bright-eyed event organizer with ambitions to become a professional in the event industry.

For those who do not have real experience in this field of 1 year or more, you have the opportunity to become part of our team (!) ONLY BY COMPLETING OUR TRAINING (!)

If you are from a completely different field (you worked in a bank, as a teacher, etc. and you understand that you really want to change your career) and you doubt whether organizing holidays is right for you (and there are very, very many nuances in this activity that are not visible at first glance), we have monthly takes a full-fledged one-day course with practical tasks and their analysis, in which we reveal in detail all stages of the activity: preparing a proposal, drawing up an estimate, negotiations with the client, searching for venues and artists, what to do at the holiday itself, talking about our mistakes and successful cases. For more detailed information (the nearest course date, cost, conditions of the participation draw, etc.), write to Anna on WatsApp / email / Instagram direct (this information is indicated in the vacancy contacts) with the subject “Training”.
The purpose of our training is to show you the REALITY of the profession of an event organizer, and also so that after this course you can firmly understand whether this activity is suitable for you or not. Those who excel in the course will be offered an internship at our agency with possible subsequent employment. Let me emphasize once again that the purpose of our training is to show you the field from the inside; there are no guarantees of employment because our ideas about the candidate’s qualities are quite high.

Your desire to develop for us (as well as for other employers) is a significant indicator that you are really ready to fully go into this area by investing your time and money. Personal development always leads to financial and professional growth.


For those with at least 1 year of experience (full cycle of “sales-customer-management-event-organization”):
To respond to a vacancy, click “RESPOND” and fill out the QUESTIONNAIRE that opens. Stages of an invitation to an interview: 1. Questionnaire – 2. Telephone interview – 3. Interview


Vacancy description:


✓ Constant growth and development

✓ We are moving towards a common goal - to become the #1 holiday agency for creativity and service

✓ Each project is different from the previous one and captivates with its originality

✓ In our team, employees are not happy about the weekend because it separates them from their favorite job for two days

✓ We benefit the world around us by creating high-quality and bright holidays


For those who love holidays!

In our agency, this vacancy implies, first of all, the SALE (!) of holidays on incoming and outgoing (“(!) in_cold(!)”) call flows and then the direct organization of holidays

Scheme of interaction with the client:

1. make a deal

2. prepare for the holiday (look for contractors, negotiate with them)

3. coordinate the entire holiday: timely arrival of all contractors, compliance with timings, resolution of emerging issues during the celebration)

If you love communicating with people, know how to take care of clients, anticipate their expectations and, most importantly, if you enjoy organizing a holiday, then this is the job for you!


Ability to build relationships with clients, find an approach to different types clients, be able to handle objections

Ability to be responsible for other people (artists/contractors)

Ability to resolve conflict situations

The ability to set and achieve goals, i.e. don’t give up, follow through, don’t take “no” as a final answer.

Skill to work in team

Preparing presentations in Power Point

Work in a CRM system (daily setting of tasks and daily report on work done) It’s great that you carefully read the job description! Write the word “Dedication” in the answer to the 1st question of the questionnaire in addition to your full name so that we can evaluate your attentiveness.


● Opportunity career growth in the company and increase personal income.

● Organizer's work

● Getting to know interesting people(clients, famous artists)

● The exciting process of preparing and creating a holiday

● Growth and development of personal qualities


Healthy eating

Constant growth and development

Mutual assistance and support

Cultural speech


Monday - Friday from 10:00 to 19:00 in the office

Saturday, Sunday - closed

on weekends (as well as on weekdays) it is possible to go on holidays

lunch 1 hour

Office location: m. Rechnoy Vokzal, st. Flotskaya 5k2 (15 minutes walk through the picturesque park)


The average salary of a manager in our agency is 70,000-120,000 rubles, you can earn more, without restrictions.

Your earnings add up:

● 30,000 rub. salary (for probation(1 month) salary 25,000 rub.)

●% of the profit of sold and implemented holidays

● bonuses for achieving the sales plan

● coordination* (+4000 rub. adult party | +2000 rub. children’s party)

● tips from the client (depending on the quality of services provided and relationships built)

event organizer
event manager
event manager
organization of events
account Manager
organization of holidays
event manager
Sales Manager
services for organizing holidays

☆ Assistant to an event organizer with the ambitions and potential of a manager (possible WITHOUT EXPERIENCE) -

Our agency has been operating on the market since 2012 and has already established itself as a responsible company providing quality services in the field of organizing holidays. Holidays that we organize: 80% CHILDREN'S, 20% ADULTS (anniversaries, birthdays and! corporate parties)

We are looking for a person who wants to gain experience in the field of event organization, with the goal of becoming an event organizer in the future


IMPORTANT INFORMATION for those who are not deeply familiar with this area:

The work of the event organizer and his assistant means spending 95% of the time in the office and only 5% of the time being at the event.


We are looking for a fan of our business to join our team!

If you like to create a holiday “from scratch”, come up with an interesting concept, find everything you need to implement it, and most importantly, if you like (!)to communicate with people (!)

If your eyes light up when you need to organize a party! If you feel that this is the work of your whole life and it is supported real experience(Have you organized any holidays for friends or relatives), we are waiting for you to join our team!


▻Lots and lots of communication (by phone)

▻Creative implementation

▻Meeting interesting people (artists, contractors)

▻Fascinating process of preparing and creating a holiday

▻Growth and development of personal qualities


What you have to DO:

☆ Participation in the preparation of the holiday concept

☆Search for restaurants (including calling, clarifying details, concluding agreements)

☆ Search for artists/contractors (including calling, clarifying details, concluding agreements)

☆ Collection of props for animators + control of brought props

☆ Working with graphic editors


Let us emphasize once again that you will have a lot of communication on the phone, it is important to be able to negotiate, be a negotiator, negotiate discounts with contractors, be able to maneuver and communicate competently. clearly convey information and receive feedback from your opponent

Constantly building relationships with people: with the team, with artists, with contractors



Monday - Friday from 10:00 to 19:00 in the office

Saturday, Sunday - days off

on weekends (as well as on weekdays) it is possible to go on holidays

Office address: Moscow, Pulkovskaya street, 4k1, metro station Vodny Stadion (7 minutes walk)


Salary: 30,000 rub.

Probationary period: 1 month (salary for the probationary period - 25,000 rubles)

Additional charges:

2000 rub - coordination children's party

4000 rubles - coordination of an adult holiday


TO SCHEDULE AN INTERVIEW you need to fill out this form (located below on this page)

and send it by email:

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If you need services for organizing events, take advantage of the offers of private specialists registered on the website. Qualified craftsmen have extensive experience, so they can successfully implement even the most unusual ideas for your holiday.

To order the services of an event organizer, leave a request in any convenient way (on this page, by phone, via mobile app). Free specialists will contact you shortly to clarify the details of the order.

Professional approach of Yudu performers

Event organizers always take into account individual requirements clients. Depending on the specifics of the event, the performers will select the necessary specialists:

  • dancers and actors
  • professional presenters
  • interior decorators
  • cooks and waiters

Before the event, the contractor will prepare an estimate, so you will know exactly all the cost items. The cost and all stages of the work are usually specified in the contract.

Bright holidays for children

On the website you will quickly find qualified organizers of children's events. They have extensive experience collaborating with various theater studios and private actors. Experts are developing holiday scenarios with the participation of the following characters:

  • puppets
  • living statues
  • clowns
  • animal trainers, etc.

The event room will be decorated in accordance with the theme of the evening and your wishes. Before placing an order for organizing a children's party, look at customer reviews about the quality of work of the selected specialist.