Mts life social network. MTS group of companies. About the MTS Theater

The MTS Life social network, implemented on the Daoffice platform, is a multifunctional platform for collaboration within the company, within which branch employees retail network MTS throughout Russia share expert information, exchange documents, coordinate work project teams, generate and discuss ideas - they themselves form the content of the resource. The network is accessible through a web browser from a computer, tablet or smartphone, which allows you to always stay in touch with colleagues and get answers to your questions at any time. Our immediate plans include launching an application for managing ideas and projects and training staff through a game module.

The project to create a corporate “knowledge base” and provide constant access to it to every employee of the MTS Retail Network started in August 2011; today the social network is used by more than 10 thousand users in 2,600 MTS stores throughout Russia.

“For the corporate communication platform of MTS retail, we chose a social network format that corresponds to the social profile of our company’s personnel, where the average age of employees does not exceed 30 years. The innovative format allows us to quickly exchange current information on work projects and instantly receive feedback according to any management decisions. It is important to note that the social network has shown itself to be effective tool management of a large company - we have created a unique resource that allows us not only to accumulate and preserve the best practices and experience of all employees of the MTS retail network, but also to offer staff convenient and optimal opportunities to use the accumulated expertise of colleagues and select the best solution for existing and new projects. The recognition of MTS Life as the best social media confirms that the decision to be one of the first in Russia to introduce such a communication platform was correct,” noted CEO Retail network MTS Andrey Klenin.

More than 140 projects from companies such as Sanoma Independent Media, STS-Media, SAVAGE, Unilever Rus, Aeroflot - Russian Airlines, Uniastrum Bank, PEOPLE People and others.

The submitted projects were evaluated in various categories by an Expert Council, which included authoritative experts in the field of print and electronic media, publishing business and corporate PR: Karen Asoyan, head of the Corporate Communications Department of MegaFon, Alexey Goreslavsky, president of the communication agency Agency One, Degtyarenko Dzhemir, Executive Director of AKMR, General Director of MediaHays Publishing House, Irina Esipova, Advisor to the Minister, Press Secretary of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, Koshlyakov Lev, Member of the Board of AKMR, Advisor to the General Director of Aeroflot OJSC and other experts.

Corporate achievements of MTS Group in 2012

In March 2012, MTS became the winner of the “HR Brand 2011” award of the HeadHunter Group of Companies in the field of personnel management, which is awarded to the best employing companies in Russia at the end of the year. The highest award was received by the MTS program “On the crest of innovation”, dedicated to the search, selection and implementation innovative projects in the field of business development of MTS and the telecom industry as a whole.

In March 2012, MTS Group won in two categories of the annual international competition among call center operators in Russia and the CIS “Call-Center Awards – 2012” (“Crystal Headset”). The MTS contact center in Ukraine was recognized as “The best contact center for work” and “The best call center for customer service”.

In April 2012, the corporate magazine "MTS UP" was recognized as the winner All-Russian competition"Best Corporate Media 2012" The competition's expert council noted the interactivity corporate publication companies and “a loud call for dialogue permeating the MTS publication.”

Creates Information Systems

About fears and how they were not justified

This was my first job. It was scary, I didn’t know what awaited me, I started out as a student. But my fears were not justified, and the team and the atmosphere of the company turned out to be very pleasant. The company is huge, about 5 thousand people work in Moscow - this is an incredible number of new acquaintances. Every person at MTS is an individual. When you interact with these people, you become imbued with their goals, and your own goals are born. The company has an amazing corporate culture, it is constantly evolving. Over the 5 years that I have been working, I see how much it has changed.

About the MTS Theater

On the company's birthday, we performed a performance on the stage of the Et Cetera theater. I had one of the main roles. A professional director worked with us, who puts on plays on the big stage and makes films. For six months we were taught acting and choreography. They invested their soul and knowledge into us. Working in a theater is also work that requires the same effort as the work of a system architect. Just before the premiere at the theater, we stayed until late at night, worked on weekends, but it was all with great enthusiasm! When you work in a team where everyone is focused on high results, it is easier to overcome difficulties. I am confident that a person creates his own environment, and I am glad that I work in a strong team that allows me to develop not only as a technical specialist.

About non-material motivation

Over the 5 years in the company, I have met several people who are very infectious with their energy and ambition. I work in the same group with these high-quality professionals, it is very motivating. When you are around people who are several heads taller than you, you can learn skills from them and change your perception of events in the company. This is a tremendous experience. It seems to me that the most important thing that should be present in work is non-material motivation.

Monitors the provision of reliable financial statements

About how complicated and interesting everything is in telecom

It’s not just difficult in telecom, it’s very difficult to understand everything. Having come from another industry, I did not understand the mechanisms of message transmission, data processing, and roaming data. Now, not being a telecom specialist, I have learned to understand all the processes. Previously, when I called on my mobile as a simple subscriber, I didn’t understand how it worked. It's amazingly cool and incredibly difficult. Every day you learn something new from your colleagues. Our department communicates with absolutely all departments within the company. At the same time, you can study at a corporate university, where there are a huge number of courses and webinars. I think new employees should definitely sign up for them.

About on-site trainings

In our department, employees are advised to take certain courses and trainings; they even have their own plan. I took 3-4 of these courses: self-presentation, conducting business negotiations, I plan to attend one of the trainings on communication techniques. In July, our entire department traveled to Sochi for four days. Each macroregion sent its department employees to it internal control. We all finally got together and saw each other. There was also a discussion business issues, and informal communication: we went up to Krasnaya Polyana and walked together in the evenings. After that, we began to understand each other better in our work, and there was less friction.

About the advantages of working in a large company

The company employs thousands of people, and for me this is constant development. There is no such thing as coming to work and not knowing what to do. There is always something to do and you know how to do it. If you don't know, you can contact any person from any department. It does not happen that someone refuses to solve a problem. Our employees are very high degree involvement in problem solving. We can never “get enough” of our profession; there is always room to grow – both professionally and personally. Managers and heads of departments are very strong personalities and have a lot to learn from them. They are like mentors, if something happens you can always turn to them, there will never be a refusal.

Builds and modernizes base stations

About the character of colleagues

They work for us different people with different hobbies. Some people paint, paint in oils, others sing, participate in professional competitions. But differences in interests do not prevent us from being together, working together and achieving our goals. There is a stereotype that techies are “dry” people. This is wrong. We have a lot positive people, many participate in corporate events and show quite good results.

About development opportunities

The company has a lot of opportunities to develop. If you want to develop, you will develop. Water does not flow under a lying stone, as they say, but we have few such people. The company places an emphasis on employee development. I am currently participating in a corporate employee training program. She helps me look at the business processes of our company with different eyes and effectively apply the acquired knowledge in my work. My future plans are to be a group leader, a department head. The opportunity to study under such programs is provided to employees who want to develop.

About good deeds

Our company gives good to those in need. For example, MTS donated new benches to the Botanical Garden, which we painted in bright spring colors. Every citizen could join this event; they could bring their children and take part in master classes. When you see that a company is doing good deeds, and you are directly involved in this, you begin to get great pleasure. Plus for these useful things you get to know your colleagues better and meet new people.

About the most unusual gifts

One of the most interesting gifts that we gave to a colleague was the symbol of our company - a wooden egg on a stand. We all signed it, wrote our most sincere wishes and set a date. The birthday boy really liked the gift!

About work

The company recently turned 22 years old. There was activity on the radio all day, employees called hotline, sent SMS with congratulations and participated in quizzes. We also recently hosted a competition on the radio called Voices of MTS, in which more than 150 vocalists from all over the country took part. Five singers reached the final: from Belarus, Armenia, the corporate center and the Urals, who met with singer Tina Kuznetsova. In general, 70% of radio content is music, 30% is information. Employees can listen to the radio during the workday and at leisure on the way home. Our corporate portal is visited by more than 20 thousand people every day. At the same time, employees from the regions are the most active.

About who works at MTS

The MTS group of companies employs completely different people. For example, in a retail chain you will meet mostly young people 18-25 years old. It was even created especially for them social network MTS Life, because it’s hard to imagine modern youth without VKontakte, Twitter, Facebook. At MTS Life, employees communicate effectively. But MGTS is a company with history, it is more than 130 years old. People work at MGTS for 10, 20 and even 30 years. These employees are very dedicated to the company, many of them have received awards from the Ministry of Communications and mass communications for his contributions to the telecommunications industry.

About the most interesting activities

The company hosts countless corporate activities and events. What I remember most is “Sunny Friday”, which we held in June. At the entrance to the office, employees were given sunglasses and ice cream. So we decided to cheer up those who didn’t get to go on vacation and are looking at the Instagram of their colleagues who are vacationing at sea. There was also interesting event MTS Running. Employees across the country posted photos of their runs. We have selected the winners in the category " Best Newcomer", "The longest race." It turned out that the company has a lot of runners, and now we will support them in various marathons.