How to be one step ahead of your competitors. How to beat your competitors? How to beat your competitors in the eyewear trade

How to differentiate yourself from competitors if you sell the same product - in this article.

How to make sure they choose you

There is one simple way to differentiate yourself from competitors - to find your narrow niche. For example, not just a photographer, but a wedding photographer. Not just software for marketers, but software for SEO specialists. And so on. The principle of positioning a product or service for a specific audience group.

An unfortunate example is the provision of a bunch of services by a person with various talents: here is gardening, logo design, learning to play the oboe/recorder, nanny services, photography, cleaning of premises. “If you need help,” please contact:

Why does this approach fail, even if the specialist is really “both a reaper and a Swiss”? Potential clients will 100% have doubts about the professionalism and quality of each specific service.

Nothing personal, banal psychology - we trust when we see a clear hit in our need. Because from the “wants” list, each of us feels the need for one thing, here and now.

Here's how it works:

1) Niche product = customer need. It’s as if he’s saying, “I understand what you need.” This kind of product is hard to miss.

2) Niche products are more highly valued. Let's say that a surgeon who specializes in a rare type of gastric surgery deserves more trust. Specialized professionals are usually more competent, since they focus their efforts on solving one problem.

3) Focusing on one niche allows you to become the best. No tourist will ask: “What is your second most popular Chinese restaurant here?”

Marketing guru Seth Godin says consumers want the coolest things in the world. At the same time, “the coolest” depends on what the target segment wants (Chinese food, for example), and the concept of “in the world” can be limited (food places within walking distance from the hotel).

4) Infringe on the interests of others as little as possible.

Online marketing services company HubSpot refused to provide consulting services and instead created an affiliate program for agencies. As a result, consulting firms idolize HubSpot. Otherwise, they would be a direct competitor for them.

A niche helps it coexist with other types of business. Companies close to your niche become allies. If you provide too wide a range of services, then you enter someone else’s territory and make rivals.

Choosing a Niche

An example from life. was once the only dating site in the United States. Then niche resources appeared for:

  • People looking only for serious relationships (eHarmony);
  • Those who are very busy at work (Lovestruck);
  • Those who do not want to pay money for using the service (PlentyOfFish);
  • Adherents of a particular religion (ChristianMingle);
  • Country folk music lovers (MuddyMatches);
  • Lovers of fleeting connections (Tinder).

Of course, the capacity of the niche (in terms of the number of potential customers) should be such that your business can not just survive, but prosper and develop.

Obstructive psychological distortions

If choosing a niche is good for business, why doesn't everyone do it?

Cause of Concern #1: Focusing is Neglecting

Steve Jobs once said, “When you focus on one thing, you have to say no to hundreds of other good ideas.” This approach does not always give strength; sometimes it upsets and frightens.

How to overcome this feeling? Remind yourself that lack of attention to other areas is temporary. In the future, you will be able to expand your business reach. This happened with Amazon: once this site sold only books, these days you can buy almost everything there.

Concern #2: Having to Ignore Social Proof

Let's imagine that you saw people running out of a building. It would be logical to do the same, what if the building is on fire? People believe social proof. And yet sometimes they work against you. Whenever a new opportunity appears in the market and no one takes advantage of it, remember that the desire to find social proof stands in the way of success.

Cause of Concern #3: You're Out of the Normal

People compare their behavior with the characteristics of their environment because they want to be liked. The conformist instinct leads to the fact that marketers feel discomfort every time they have to go beyond the norm.

Choosing and maintaining your niche means that you will be doing something that others are not doing. Don't be afraid to stick your neck out and be eccentric when standing in a crowd.

The best way to get ahead of your competitors is to reinvent yourself so that their number simply decreases.

P.S. Prepare for war, but choose your battles wisely.

Steady demand for a particular product leads to market saturation. However, most companies prefer to operate in an existing and steadily growing market, even a saturated one, rather than risk even more by trying to create a new one and take their place in it. Stable demand attracts more and more players, which increases competition, promotes market development and ultimately turns it into a buyer's market. How to position yourself in such a situation? Let's talk!

Roman Tkachev,

project manager for promoting the MDV brand, AYAK group of companies

In this article you will read:

    How to beat your competitors in a saturated market

    How to position your product in a highly competitive environment

    How to build relationships with competitors

Get around and get ahead of your competitors, even if there are a lot of them, it is a completely doable task for a competent businessman. The main job of a seller working in a saturated market, in my opinion, should be, firstly, to help the buyer clearly understand what he needs and formulate his need, and secondly, to offer an appropriate solution and satisfy the need for 110%. That is, exceed the client’s expectations whenever possible in order to turn him into a regular customer. In other words, work according to a new type of positioning, building relationships with competitors on the principle not “from competitors”, as when entering the market, but “towards the consumer”.

1. Offer a solution to a problem, not a product.

The dialogue between the seller and the buyer should not be based on the principle “dear client, look what we have: perhaps this is exactly what you need!”, but on the principle “dear buyer, what is the task facing you? To effectively solve this particular problem, we have the following solution...” By the way, this “consulting” method can be used not only in the b2b segment, as it may seem at first glance, but also in b2c sales.

For example, the well-known classic picture from chewing gum commercials about bad breath, plaque from cigarettes and coffee, caries, etc. reminds the buyer of problems that he may already have. A solution is immediately proposed - and here is the result: beautiful healthy teeth, fresh breath, the ability to easily communicate with others, and in addition it is also delicious! Here it is - the solution, and for a reasonable price!

The same laws apply in the climate business. For example, a client comes to us who says that he feels stuffy to sleep at night. In addition to this, his wife is allergic to pollen in late spring and the windows cannot be opened, and he also has chronic tonsillitis and is afraid of air conditioners because he catches a cold. Once you understand his problem, you can offer a solution. For example, an inverter air conditioner, which operates very quietly and does not interfere with sleep. Tell us about the principles of operation of various filters and ionizers, select the correct power based on the size of the room and the amount of heat inflow, so as not to make mistakes and provide a person with a comfortable stay in the room without the risk of catching a cold.

Remember that same 110% and add that in addition to this, an air conditioner can become a decorative item and fit organically into the interior, and an inverter air conditioner, for example, allows you to save energy. And at the same time, you are not selling - you are taking care of the buyer!

2. Don't make your segment too narrow

Of course, in the modern market there is a tendency towards segmentation into narrower consumer niches. Do you need to rebuild your sales strategy to make money in such conditions? Yes, of course, although the degree of segmentation depends on the specific market, which needs to be taken into account when choosing a strategy. Thus, in the climate market of the Russian Federation, where our company operates, all consumers can be divided into at least two segments: retail client (apartments, private households) and corporate customer (offices, shops, cafes, restaurants, shopping centers, transport and social infrastructure facilities ).

They enter the market with different needs, pose tasks of varying complexity, and require different approaches to organizing sales. In particular, technical solutions will be different for the two categories of clients. A retail buyer will find a household split system suitable for maintaining a comfortable temperature in the room, taking into account a number of possible wishes, which are mostly standard.

  • How to attract customers to your website: effective ways

A corporate customer will likely need more powerful and sophisticated equipment; It will be necessary to take into account a much larger number of factors influencing the choice in favor of a particular solution and its configuration; accordingly, the services of more qualified technical specialists and sales specialists who are able to discuss the customer’s needs at a fundamentally different level and in professional language will be required.

In addition, clients, as in other market sectors, are divided into categories based on wealth, and this determines how complex or simple solutions can be offered. As you can see, there are many consumer niches. We see no point in leaving any of them.

Look for vacant consumer niches

In general, in a saturated market this needs to be done constantly. Often the search for new niches is associated with the introduction of a new product or service to the market. Who, say, heard about tablet computers 5 years ago? If we move away from the textbook example of the tablet, every day many new products try to break into the market, but in the end most of them turn out to be unclaimed, incomprehensible or simply untimely and recede, remaining a concept, an unclaimed idea. But... those who don’t take risks don’t drink champagne!

For example, since 2012, our company has been supplying the market with a solar-powered air conditioner - a kind of hybrid that turns a house into an external resemblance to a space station. Yes, today the cost of solar panels is certainly high, and the payback period for the equipment is significant. Therefore, let's be honest, the demand is small. However, this is a completely new niche that needs to be prepared and take its place in it. Well, the price of the latest developments will sooner or later decrease, while in my lifetime I don’t remember a decrease in electricity prices in our country.

3. Create and develop different projects at the same time

Their combination will ensure the strength and stability of the company in the market. For example, if your goal is a corporate customer, you should not limit yourself to just one segment of equipment and offer, say, only semi-industrial freon systems for small offices, shops, consumer service facilities, etc.

To get ahead and bypass your competitor, your arsenal should also include multi-zone air conditioning systems with alternating current refrigerant VRF (systems with much greater capabilities and a wider scope of application; suitable, for example, for air conditioning several floors at once), and more attractive in cost chiller-fan coil systems (installed on large commercial real estate facilities), monoblock air conditioners, precision air conditioners (maintain the temperature and humidity in the room as accurately as possible, designed to work at telecommunications facilities: data centers, data centers), ventilation equipment, accessories, etc. And at the same time there must be a team that skillfully uses this entire arsenal. There are many projects, but the result should be one - customer satisfaction and loyalty.

4. Position yourself within your business vision

Lately there has been a lot of talk about what positioning should be in the face of heavy competition - broad or narrow? Or maybe flexible? In fact, the question is rhetorical. It all depends on your goals and understanding of where you are taking your brand and company. Do you serve a mass segment, what is the planned rate of profit, ambitions?

If your goal is to gain a foothold in the market, take your share and grow with it, feel free to choose a narrow positioning. It is characteristic of brands or companies that have the opportunity to promote their products and services under different brands at the same time. For example, this beer is drunk by “real men,” but these are those who “catch the rhythm of the city at night.” Thus, the company's products are present in different niches. The coverage is wide, and the degree of local impact on the target audience is enhanced.

If you work in the mass segment and you have a unique selling proposition that is associated with an unconditional competitive advantage, but can only interest a part of your customers, feel free to bring such an offer to the market. After all, there is a high probability that you will gradually attract the attention of a wider consumer niche thanks to word of mouth. For example, our company offers products in the mid-price segment. The price is reasonably higher than that of other “made in China” brands, but still lower than that of well-known Japanese brands. The consumer, in the form of a dealer network working with the end customer, is accustomed to the fact that the Chinese do not supply inverter semi-industrial products (powerful split systems) 1 .

The inverter semi-industry was the prerogative of the Japanese, since the “Chinese” huddled in the low price segment. We decided to break this tradition and bring to the market energy-efficient inverters, the price of which, with similar characteristics, is 30% lower than that of their Japanese counterparts, but approximately the same amount higher than that of their Chinese non-inverter counterparts 2 . It would seem that consumers of “cheap cold” should not be interested in this product, but it finds its client. This is a corporate customer who is not ready to overpay for a well-promoted Japanese brand, but is simply forced to supply an inverter due to the weak load capacity of the electrical network, the re-coordination and replacement of which undoubtedly costs a lot of money. He becomes the most loyal consumer, which allows him to achieve the desired result - to gain a foothold in the segment and systematically develop it.

  • Fighting competitors: how to beat everyone with explosive creativity

But for more universal mass products, narrow positioning is often not suitable: you depend on the target audience and may lose the flexibility so necessary to promote a product that is aimed at the widest possible range of consumers. As an example, we can cite the same inverter semi-industrial air conditioner, because if in the middle price segment you focus only on it, you will undoubtedly not be able to occupy a large share of the market for semi-industrial air conditioners, since the market share provided by consumers of these products is still very small

So practice shows that broad positioning is more typical for players in the middle and low price segments, which are able to occupy a significant market share. However, I would not recommend playing with price and practicing dumping. However, if you have the resources for it, this approach can work because cost is still a strong selling point for consumers.

Choosing the right target audience will help you at least maintain your position in a saturated market, although when achieving this goal you should not forget about other tactical decisions (figure).

5. Competitors go to customers. Keep up with them!

The marketing strategy must take into account not only the needs of customers, but also the strategy of competitors. Getting ahead of them is one of your main tasks. If the client is intercepted, it means that you have failed in some way. The main thing is to learn from this situation. The determining factor of customer loyalty is service. As a rule, the client is willing to pay for it and even overpay. When entering into a battle with a competitor, try to focus not only on price, but also on simply being attentive to the client. After all, any little thing can ruin a deal.

For example, your technical specialists developed an excellent project and were able to achieve optimization (reducing energy consumption, saving capital costs by changing equipment configuration, etc.), you provided competitive prices, made presentations - in general, everything was excellent. It further turns out that the deal fell through “due to the inability to ensure an acceptable delivery time.” Yes, it happens that force majeure arises with carriers or the delivery plan was drawn up irrationally. But even more often, failure occurs due to unreliable information about deadlines, which may be the result of your negligence in this matter. If you are careless, it means you don't care about the client, and he won't forgive you for it.

If it seems to you that a competitor is stronger than you, remember that employees of large companies also make mistakes and even there system failures occur. I’m not a fan of standing next to you and shouting in the client’s ear: “Akela missed!” - the client will feel it himself and maybe even share it with you. Use this chance, give the client exactly what the competitor did not give.

Market segmentation is an evolutionary process

Andrey Seleznev, Director of Business Development at Marussia Motors:

A saturated market requires special sales methods and is therefore seriously different from a relatively free and growing market. At this stage, it is important for sellers to focus on the beneficial features of their brand and practice primarily consultative selling, which, however, depends on the specific product or service. High competition forces us to find non-trivial ways to attract new and retain existing customers, therefore, at the saturation stage, it is wiser to concentrate on a narrower positioning of the brand and direct the efforts of marketers and salespeople to solving the most important tasks of such positioning.

At a certain stage of market maturity, deepening segmentation becomes natural for it, which allows many directly competing sellers to provide the required sales volumes in specialized niches. All countries with developed market economies go through this natural evolutionary process, and it proceeds faster where government regulation of the economy is minimal.

With a highly segmented market, each segment, because it serves consumers with different needs, allows competitors to gain a number of advantages. For example, differentiated pricing, as well as many varieties of the same product. This is attractive both for large companies that can operate in several segments, and for small ones that have chosen one niche.

1 Inverter air conditioners operate at variable power. This allows you to automatically select the compressor operating mode depending on the room temperature. Unlike conventional air conditioners, inverter split systems do not turn off, but constantly operate with variable power.

2 Non-inventory air conditioners are ordinary, traditional models of such devices that operate at constant power. They turn on and off only under the control of the operator (human).

Roman Tkachev Graduated from Altai State University, received additional education at Yanshan University (PRC). Developed a supply planning system, as well as a system for recording and analyzing commercial proposals for the MDV brand at the AYAK Group of Companies.

"AYAK" founded in 1996. Distributor of world famous manufacturers of air conditioning equipment. It has about 40 regional representative offices, more than 2000 dealer companies in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. Official website -

City Express- a courier company that delivers any items worldwide. Founded in 1993 in Moscow. It has more than 60 branches in Russia and Ukraine. The company's services are used by representatives of small and medium-sized businesses, Russian and international organizations, embassies and consulates, and individuals. Official website

Marussia Motors founded in 2007. Specializes in the production of sports cars, based in Moscow. In 2.5 years, I implemented four automotive projects. Official website

If you are suddenly faced with a situation in which things are not going well for you, and your competitors’ trade has skyrocketed, most likely magic rituals have been directed against you. To remove magical negativity from yourself, you can resort to protective rituals in trade. By the way, don’t forget to also use the ones we published earlier.

In this ritual, any item that you can always carry with you, for example a bracelet or a cufflink, can act as a talisman. Ideally, the item should be made from natural materials, such as leather or stone, native to the area where you live. It is over this amulet-amulet that the following words are spoken:

“Lord Almighty, Savior, send down your angel for my help, salvation and preservation - My angel, holy guardian, take care of my body and soul, protect my work from untruthful people, their dark thoughts, failures and hard times. Let me get down to business with the Lord - I will never be ashamed, and I will not give in to the enemy. The Holy Trinity is with me."

Such a ritual is more likely not a conspiracy, but a prayerful appeal to the Higher powers, light and divine, which will help you in conducting business and trade. You can also take into account one more prayer, which is also used to enchant the amulet - amulet:

“I protect myself and deny you Satan, both your pride and your service - I unite with Christ God, the Son and the Holy Spirit.”

The main thing is to believe in the power of the amulet and the help of higher powers.

How to spoil your competitors

If you are sure that your comrades-in-arms in one case have damaged you, you can perform a retaliatory ritual on your enemies. To carry it out you will need a sewing needle and a black spool of thread, salt.

You thread a needle and tie a knot - with it you go to the office or workplace where your competitors are “working” and stick it in a secluded corner near the door. The main thing is to stick it in so that it is not visible, and say three times:

"Anger - Ruglus - Gaburhas"

After this, throw some salt under the threshold. It is important to remember - the longer the needle is stuck in the doorframe, the less dirty tricks your competitors will do to you and everything they do will come back like a boomerang.

Prayer for protection against competitors

To avoid competitors in your environment, you can perform a strong ritual with candles during the New Moon. You buy 13 candles in the temple in advance and immediately return home with them - as you leave the temple, say:

“When my opponent starts to spoil me, the conspiracy will immediately take everything for itself.”

At home, light all 13 candles and mentally imagine how your enemies are leaving you and then say:

“As soon as my enemy wants to harm me, he will immediately become disgusted with the conspiracy, but don’t start enmity with him - I will wait patiently for a full moon day. The evil done to me - let him immediately run to him, I put up a strong defense and forever and ever - the man will not harm me now.”

Then let the candles burn down to cinders, and then sweep them into the trash can and throw them in the trash. You perform such a ritual every month on the full moon - this will allow you to provide strong protection from rivals who will not be able to harm you and your trade.

You can also perform the ritual on a broom - with it you seem to “sweep” all competitors out of your way, clearing your path to success and profit. They carry out the ritual in the morning - open the window, or if it is a private house, go out into the yard and waving a broom away from you, as if sweeping, say the following words:

“As I walk across an open field, 7 spirits and 7 winds run towards me. All the spirits are white and strong, brave and strong - go to the dashing people and keep them on a strong leash, so that I am safe and sound. On the way and on the road, in the lands of relatives and strangers, on land and on water, at a feast and at work - whoever thinks dashingly about me, the spirits will help me, from now on until the end of the world.”

Such a ritual is aimed at any enemy and unkind people who wish you harm, and will help in a variety of matters - at home and at work.

Ritual to beat your competitors

You can beat your own competitors and simply take away their own luck in business and success with the help of the following ritual, performed on garbage. In order for your competitors to “give” you their own luck, come to the office or store of your more successful opponent and carefully collect garbage in it or around it. After at least a little dirt and dust, garbage has been collected, they say:

“It’s not dust and dirt – it’s good luck and money. As I gathered this dirt into my hands and took it, I took a good share strewn with gold for myself and took it for life. Just as I will walk the path with my feet to home, so will luck and good fortune follow me and follow me.”

After this, pour out this garbage at your place of work or at home, leaving it for 7 days, be sure to under the threshold and at the same time say:

“Luck came to your doorstep - it wrapped itself in a circle, it was outside my threshold - now it is in my house, not for a day, but forever - eternal.”

After a week, collect the garbage in a cloth and keep it at work, this will be your kind of amulet.

Rituals to get rid of competitors in trade

To get rid of competitors in the trading business, you can perform a salt ritual, which is considered the most effective and efficient among practicing magicians. Such a conspiracy will not save you from competitors in the physical sense of the word, but their problems and troubles in business will help you pave your own path to success in business.

The charmed salt is simply thrown into the office or a competitor’s store - it is carried out on the waning moon, preferably after midnight, at 1-2 am. Take a pinch of salt in your right palm and say:

“Gshai - Help me, take away the luck from the one who crossed my path - he should suffer over every little thing, but not move forward, he should suffer and suffer in vain, let him lose everything that he has. Through this salt may you find him.”

It is enough to just say the words of the spell three times and wake her up in the morning in a competitor’s office or store. The main thing is that not a grain of salt is left in your home.

Amulets against competitors for the workplace

Such amulets are kept in the office at the workplace - the main thing is to hide them from prying eyes. Any thing from your table can be such a talisman - the following words are spoken to it:

“Lord, grant me good times and your mercy; according to your great mercy and your generosity, deliver me from my enemies, visible and invisible. Forgive all who envy and curse me, according to your commandment, Lord. Reward them with abundance - I won’t envy them, and don’t cross my path, don’t spoil my business and don’t steal my luck. Just as my enemies fled from King David, let my enemies also flee from me. As King Solomon was famous for his wisdom - Lord, share your wisdom with me. Just as a river flows and the stones wash the yellow roots, so let all the evil and sadness dissolve, go away and never return.”

After such a slander on the amulet, attacks and intrigues from competitors will stop against you. You can be calm about your luck and your own financial income, successful trading, and your business will flourish.

How to fight off a buyer's conspiracy from a competitor

Among many market sellers and entrepreneurs who are faced with the problem of a decrease in the flow of buyers, they are wondering how to win away a buyer from a competitor and thereby increase their own income. If you have strong suspicions that such a period of stagnation and decline is provoked by trade damage and to prevent unwanted bankruptcy, a ritual is performed on 9 graves.

Practicing magicians classify such a ritual as a ritual of black magic - strong and effective, when in an active cemetery it is worth finding 9 graves with crosses installed on them, but not monuments or obelisks. Before each grave, you read the words of the spell on a vessel with spring water, holding it with both hands and looking exactly at the center of the Orthodox cross:

“You dead man, dead head - drink some clean and spring water, drive away from my business... my own name... black corruption and epileptic cramps, witchcraft and conspiracy and evil human slander, every tract. You are a man's evil eye, an envious woman's eye, take it away from the floor and ceiling, from the hinges and from the door, from things and from the purse, from my gold and your silver. Just as they buried you peacefully, and put earth in the cheese under the cross - so you will take from me and my deeds all that is bad and spoiled.”

After this, leave a boiled egg and a large coin or banknote at each grave as a ransom. Upon completion of the conspiracy, sprinkle your workplace with this water, wash the floor in the store and your business will definitely go up.

Viewed and read 268

"This is impossible!" - you say.

“Perhaps if you are the best,” I will answer.

Yes, social networks are simply an inexhaustible source of clients. They constantly view the feed and are ready to accept tempting offers. But there are also your competitors on social networks. They will do everything to ensure that customers order from them and do not pay attention to you.

But high competition is not a reason to stop working on social networks. It’s just important to know effective ways that will allow you to beat your competitors and take even a small handicraft business to a whole new level.

The main secret is quality content. And not only does it provide value to your target audience, but you constantly improve it. Potential clients have no choice but to tirelessly follow your news, eagerly read every word and peer into every frame. And then buy, buy, buy.

This is how a great content strategy works. But not only you have it, but also your competitors. If you stop or sell in quality, other sellers will quickly pass you by. Then your efforts to create great content will come to nothing.

Step 1: Explore

You need to know exactly what is happening in your niche on social media. That is, you need not only to understand and track the desires of the audience. But also figure out what your competitors are doing and posting. Analyze:

  • How do other handicraft artists attract clients?
  • What do their followers like and what don’t they like?
  • What kind of posts do they post?
  • How often are publications published?
  • How are they positioning?

This will help you clarify the situation. Yes, you won’t know your competitors’ clear goals and what results their content strategy brings. But you will understand how the competitor operates.

Next, compare the moves of other sellers with your tactics. There will probably be things that you do better, but there will also be things that you are clearly lagging behind. Consider how to use this information to your advantage.

Step 2: Figure out your niche

It would seem that everything is clear here - this is your type of needlework. You know what you are selling and to whom. But now it’s important for you to figure out how to get around your competitors at the same time.

One way is to stand out. That is, narrow the niche so much that there is literally only you in it. Find that exclusive feature that no one else has. Or offer your customers special conditions that will make them understand that they only need to buy from you.

In marketing, these features are called USP - a unique selling proposition. If you want me to tell you more about how to formulate it correctly, put “+” in the comments.

This feature should be clear to your audience. And relevant and useful content helps convey such information.

When you analyze your niche, you will definitely discover your unique features that no one has noticed yet and will be able to attract the attention of your audience to them.

Step 3: Adapt what works

Now determine what features your competitors use. Choose what your audience likes. Please note these points:

  • What content is actively liked, commented on and reposted?
  • What do other salespeople do to gain the trust of potential customers?
  • How quickly and how fully do they respond to comments and messages?

These observations will help you adjust your tactics for building relationships with clients.

But don’t copy “word for word” everything your competitors do. Otherwise, you will not stand out, but will simply create similar sentences that will get lost in the “crowd” of similar ones. This won't lead to anything good.

Therefore, better understand why the chosen strategies work, and apply the conclusions drawn in your work. For example, are competitors gaining attention and new customers through educational videos? Maybe you could do something similar about your products?

Step 4: Be Different and Be Better

These are the 2 most effective ways to beat your competitors. When you are the only one unique, your brand carries total value and you work completely differently from other market participants. Only in this way will you be able to rise above the competition. In such a situation, you have only one thing left to do - become better and constantly raise the bar.

Another option is to do the same as others, but an order of magnitude better. For example, if a competitor published a 5,000 word article, publish an even cooler 10,000 word article. And so - in everything.

Raise the bar higher: provide more details, provide more entertainment, provide more usefulness.

Step 5: Provide Value

Now focus on your ideal clients. Up to this point, you have thought through a strategy. Perhaps it is somewhat similar to the competitors' strategy. But at the same time, you found ways to make it better.

All that remains is to determine what your ideal client would like to receive:

  1. What topics are he most interested in?
  2. What posting frequency is comfortable for him?
  3. How to talk to him so that he gets involved in the discussion?

Understanding these features, give your audience exactly the kind of content that will encourage them to follow you.

Step 6: Learn and Improve

When you are constantly growing and improving, this is the best way to become a market leader. Your strategy won't be perfect right away. Over time, you will begin to notice errors and will correct them during the “break-in” process. Gradually you will hone it to shine.

IN You will have to repeat all the steps described regularly. After all, your competitors do not stand still and try to overtake you. Track the posts that get the most response. Monitor publications that do not “enter” at all. Analyze statistics.

If you feel like your chosen tactic isn't working, don't spend too much time on it. But if you see that some step gives a great result, be sure to repeat it.


Now you are probably thinking: “Is this all it takes to beat your competitors on social networks?” Yes, it's simple. But it is important to take every step and not miss anything. The more thoroughly you work through everything, the clearer your strategy will be. And the more correct the strategy, the greater your chances of becoming a leader in your niche. What does it mean? That you are at a point where competitors cannot reach you.

This will not happen overnight - after all, you need to figure everything out, learn a lot and just do a lot. But rest assured that the effort will be worth it.

Take action! With unshakable faith in you,

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