Interesting presentations for September 1st. Presentations "September 1". I mean the picture

Slide 2

September has arrived, summer has ended, the holiday of knowledge, study, and grades has arrived. Children, parents, teachers! Happy holiday, friends!

Slide 3

The Day of Knowledge is a holiday of books, Flowers, friends, smiles, light! Study diligently, student - The most important thing today is this!!!

Slide 4

It was not in vain that the whole country waited for this morning of September. Petya, Sasha, Vovochka combed their bangs. Vali, Katya, Lenochka Ironed out their ribbons. Blonde, black, red-haired. Millions of kids picked up tons of books and a carload of pencils. They patronize school with flowers... The bell will ring in the country, and the guys will read millions of new words.

Slide 5

I can’t sit at home. I don’t want to play. I want to study quickly and become a first-grader. I won’t get in the way, I’ll keep up with everything. I want to learn to read, write, count. I also ran, skipping, I was afraid to be late. Mom barely managed to give me the briefcase under my arm.

Slide 6

Telegrams Advice desks Rules of behavior at school What do we take with us to school? A game

Slide 7

I sincerely wish you good health, kids! So that you are not afraid of vaccinations. Temper yourself every day, So that bronchitis does not torment you. Good doctor...

Slide 8

I wish you as a gift to receive a huge cake, chocolate and cookies, marmalade and jam, become fatter, taller, I am waiting for an answer from you on the roof.

Slide 9

I want to wish you only to get straight A's. To love good books, to be friends with mathematics. On behalf of Pierrot, Malvina, your friend...

Slide 10

May the school year only bring you nasty things! Get only D's, Very rarely get C's, Break windows and shop windows, Don't go to stores, Have more fights. Hello, Old Woman...

Slide 11

There is a wonderful bench, You and I sat on it. The bench leads both of us From year to year, from class to class.

Slide 12

Wake up early in the morning, wash yourself well, so as not to yawn at school, and not to nod off at your desk. Dress neatly, So that it is pleasant to look at, Stroke your uniform yourself, check it, You are already big now. Accustom yourself to order, Don’t play hide and seek with things, Treasure every book, Keep your briefcase clean.

Slide 13

Don’t tease, don’t be arrogant, Try to help everyone at school, Don’t frown in vain, be bolder and you’ll find friends. That’s all my advice. They are wiser and simpler, You, my friend, don’t forget them! You are on your way to the Land of Knowledge! Don’t giggle in class, don’t move your chair back and forth, respect your teacher, and don’t disturb your neighbor.

Slide 14

Slide 15

The kids know they go to school, they go to school early in the morning.

And they wanted it - they didn’t want it, You need to quickly get out of bed.

Don't be late for class, have time to learn everything.

You need to learn, brothers, to wake up with a smile.

A new day has come again - Let it carry not “2”, but “5”!

Slide 16

We also ask you to take into account: There is a mat in front of the door. Wash your shoes, friends. You can't bring dirt to school.

Slide 17

Children eat fruits and candies together and have fun, but all the bits and pieces fly to the floor like garbage! There is a trash bin at school, okay? Garbage must be placed in it carefully.

Slide 18

Guys, this is not good for school: Screaming and running and rushing around.

Don't jump along the corridors, take care of your noses.

Slide 19

If there is a quarrel. What a shame! We don’t need to offend our friends, We don’t need angry quarrels, Tears, arguments and discord. In a dispute, fists get in the way: They don’t solve problems! It’s simple if you look at it: You don’t need to fight with your friends! After all, it’s interesting with friends - Everyone knows this!

Slide 20

What does it mean to be neat? It means clean, neat, So that the pants don’t have holes - These are pants, not cheese. Everyone should always try to dress strictly for school. And don’t think, don’t guess, observe business style.

Slide 21

In conclusion, we note: Rudeness is clearly unnecessary. Be polite, children, Don't be rude to anyone!

Slide 22

I’m in my school bag (I’m always in my briefcase), And I’ll tell you how you study.

Slide 23

He confessed to the knife: “I’m lying without work, whittle me, my friend, so that I can work.”

Slide 24

Multi-colored brothers huddle together in a narrow house. As soon as you release them into the wild - Where there was emptiness, There, you see, there is beauty!

Slide 25

Without fear, She dips her pigtail in paint. Then she drags the dyed braid across the page in the album.

Slide 26

My briefcase is neither big nor small, but I have never been without this little thing.

Slide 27

I’m carrying a new house in my hand, The door of the house is locked, The residents here are made of paper, Everyone is terribly important.

Slide 28

Either in a checkered pattern, or in a line, write on me!

Slide 29

Mathematics Russian language The world around us Literature Music

Slide 30

Nine rowan trees and one more in a festive row. How many rowan trees lined up for the parade?

Slide 31

Five puppies played football, one was called home. He looks out the window and counts. How many of them are playing now?

Slide 32

The hen went for a walk, gathered her chicks, six ran ahead, three remained behind. Their mother is worried and cannot count.

He can play both “forte” and “piano”, For this they named him...

Slide 36

Carved in the forest, Smoothly hewn, Sings and sings. What is it called?

Slide 37

Wooden girlfriends dance on the top of his head, beat him, and he thunders - orders everyone to keep pace.

Slide 38

On the page of the ABC book Thirty-three heroes. Every literate person knows the sages-heroes.

Extracurricular activity

"Hello, school!"

  1. Introduction.
  • Children enter their classroom to the music and sit at their desks.(Song “First-graders”)


Hello guys!
Hello, friends!
On an autumn day I'm glad
I can see you!

Elegant, ceremonial, so beloved
The girls, combed with bows, are sitting.
And the boys are great, so cute,
They look at us so neatly now.

Today we have a big holiday - Knowledge Day. You are getting ready for your first school lesson. Let's try to start every day at school with a smile.

Today you have crossed the threshold of school and are setting off on an exciting, although sometimes difficult, journey through a magical land.

You will not find this country on any globe or map. You have to discover this country with the help of wizards - teachers. They will teach you to count, write, draw, read.

Only schoolchildren can travel through this magical land. So, the journey to a magical land begins!

2. Main part.

  • Presentation "First time - in first grade."

Slide 1.

Today you all came to first grade for the first time. It will depend on you who you become at school: know-it-all or know-nothing.

Do you want to know everything in the world?

Do you want to gain knowledge?

Do you want to live honestly with goodness?

Take care of the planet like your home?

Then go ahead, the bell is ringing!

Slide 2.

The magic doors are about to open,

Tomorrow school days will begin.

Well, today is a festive hour!

Happy holiday, I congratulate you all!

Now we will go on a journey through a magical land.

Slide 3.

But what is it? The path to the magical land is closed. To open the castle and find out the name of this magical country, we need to guess 3 riddles.

  • Long unknown to many,

He became everyone's friend,

An interesting fairy tale for everyone

The onion boy is familiar.

Very simple and short

He's called...(Chippolino). Slide 4 (1).

  • He is a friend to animals and birds

He is a living being

But there are no such people in this world

There is no one else.

Because he's not a bird

Not a kitten, not a puppy,

Not a wolf cub, not a marmot.

Very cute face

And it’s called... (Cheburashka). Slide 4 (2).

  • The grandmother loved the girl very much,

I gave her a red cap.

The girl forgot her name.

Well, guess what her name was. (Little Red Riding Hood). Slide 4 (3).

Well done! All the riddles were guessed correctly.

Slide 5 (1).

Oh, but the lock didn’t open. What do we do? Maybe some of you know some magic spell that will help open the lock? (The guys say any magic spell in unison)

Slide 5 (2).

Let's read the name of this magical country in unison. (LAND OF KNOWLEDGE.)

What will we do in this country? Why is it called that? (Children's statements)

Slide 6 (1).

How to understand this word? What is a telegram?

Interesting to know. Who received this telegram today?

Slide 6 (2).

(Children read the address: village Afipsip school No. 4, 1 A class)

Slide 6 (3).

Let's read what is written in the telegram. (I’m on my way. Meet me.)

No signature. Who is coming to us? I’ll tell you a riddle now, and you try to guess who this telegram is from.

  • Carpenter Giuseppe – Blue Nose

Somehow he brought a log into the house.

He started making something

The log began to speak.

Who spoke in that log?

Who did Giuseppe make? (Pinocchio) Slide 7 (1).

  • The song "Pinocchio" is playing.

(During the first verse of the song, a fifth-grader runs into the classroom dressed as Pinocchio and with a key in his hand. Buratino has a school backpack behind his shoulders. Pinocchio runs between the rows, shaking hands with some first-graders).

Pinocchio (against the background of the song): - Hello, kids, girls and boys! I think you've been sitting too long. Come on, everyone stand up and repeat my movements after me.



Brought a magic key,

Look, it's golden!

Take the key, children.

My humble gift.

It is customary to come to the holiday with gifts. I also brought you a gift. Try to guess where it is?

I carry a new house in my hand,

The doors of the house are locked,

And they live in that house:

Books, pens and album. (Briefcase). Slide 7 (2)

Pinocchio tries to open the briefcase containing gifts. (The briefcase does not open)

The briefcase turned out to contain a secret. To open it, you need to complete various tasks.


Now you and I will go to the Mathematical station to complete Pinocchio’s tasks.

Slide 8.

Count it out.

  • Count examples in pictures: 2 + 1

5 - 1

Slide 9.

Solve problems. (Pinocchio reads the problems, and the teacher changes the slides)

  • Under the bushes by the river

May beetles lived:

Daughter, son, father and mother -

Slide 10.

  • Seryozha fell into the snow,

And behind him is Alyosha,

And behind him Irinka,

And behind her is Marinka,

And then Ignat fell.

How many guys are there in the snow?

Slide 11.


And now Pinocchio will write examples for us on his magic board. You and I will have to solve them. If we solve the example correctly, then a star will light up in the sky. (Pinocchio reads the example that appears on the slide, and the students say the answer. When all the examples are solved, the word “Well done” and the big five light up in the sky)


Well done! You did a good job on these tasks. Let's applaud each other. (Applause)

Slide 12.


Read what is written on the next slide. (Let's play) Pinocchio invites you and me to play the game “What will you take to school.” (Clap your hands if it’s a school thing, sit down if it’s not).

Fizminutka (Pinocchio names the words):

Primer, doll, car, notebook, pillow, pencil case, spoon, pencil , chewing gum, briefcase, pen, toothpaste.

Teacher: You are just great! You cope with all tasks. What is the name of the next station?

Slide 13 (1).



  • Is everyone ready to guess the riddles that Pinocchio has prepared for us?

There is a cheerful bright house,

There are a lot of agile guys in it,

They write and count there, Draw and read. (School)

  • Slide 13 (2).

Now I'm in a cage, now I'm in a line,

Be able to write on them,

You can also draw. I call myself... (notebook).

  • Slide 13 (3).

I love directness

I'm straight myself.

Make a straight line I call myself... (notebook).

  • I help everyone. (Ruler)

Doesn't look human

But he has a heart.

And he gives his heart to work all year round.

He writes when dictated,

He draws and draws,

And this evening He will color the album for me. (Pencil)


Slide 13 (4). You must be very tired doing such difficult tasks. Let's take a break with you.

Fizminutka Slide 14.

(conducted by Buratino):

Pinocchio stretched,

Once - bent over,

Two - bent over.

He spread his arms to the sides,

Apparently I couldn't find the key.

To get us the key,


You need to stand on your toes. Today another fairy-tale hero came to visit us. He didn't want to learn and that's why he always confused everything. Can you guess who it is? (Dunno).

  • Slide 15.

Song of Dunno.

(A fifth-grader runs into the classroom dressed as Dunno. He walks between the desks, dances to the music, bothers the kids, pats them on the shoulder, and shakes hands).


Children, I left the house,

Heading to this school.

I walked into class today

For the very – very first time.

Everyone scared me at school,

Always saved from her,

But you can't live without knowledge,

I understood this, friends.

I have also prepared an assignment for you, dear first graders. Now you will go with me to the station “In the Animal World”

(A fifth-grader runs into the classroom dressed as Dunno. He walks between the desks, dances to the music, bothers the kids, pats them on the shoulder, and shakes hands).

  • Competition "Animal Connoisseurs"

I won’t let a stranger into a stranger’s house,

I'm sad without my owner.

  • I wake everyone up on time

At least I don’t wind the clock.

(rooster) Slide 16 (2).

  • Who alone has a horn?

Guess it! …..

(rhinoceros) Slide 16 (3).

  • Lives in the rivers of Africa

Evil green ship!

Whoever swam towards me,

Will swallow everyone...

(crocodile) Slide 16 (4).

  • He's tall and spotted

With a long, long neck,

And he eats leaves -

Tree leaves.

(giraffe) Slide 16 (5).

Teacher: Well done guys, you solved all the riddles of Dunno. Let's applaud both ourselves and our fairy-tale hero.

Today at our holiday you completed the tasks of Pinocchio and Dunno!

Well done boys! You have completed all the tasks.

Slide 17 (1).

Now it's time to open our magical briefcase and find out what's in there.

Slide 17 (2)

(Pinocchio opens his briefcase and takes out gifts)

Music (music by I. Nikolaev, lyrics by I. Reznik “Little Country”)

(Pinocchio and Dunno give gifts to students).

(A fifth-grader runs into the classroom dressed as Dunno. He walks between the desks, dances to the music, bothers the kids, pats them on the shoulder, and shakes hands). - Dear guys, Pinocchio and I have prepared parting words.

The desired hour has come:

You are enrolled in first grade.

You, my friend, listen to us,

We give you an order.

Wake up early in the morning

Wash yourself well

So as not to yawn at school,

Don't peck your nose at the desk.

Train yourself to order

Don't play hide and seek with things

Treasure every book,

Keep your briefcase clean.

Dress neatly

To make it pleasant to watch,

Don't giggle in class.

Don't move the chair back and forth.

Don't be teasing, don't be arrogant,

Try to help everyone at school.

Don't frown in vain, be bolder

And you will find friends.

Tell everyone about the school

Cherish the honor of the school,

To get a "five" mark.

That's all our advice,

They are wiser and simpler.

You, my friend, don’t forget them,

Goodbye! Good luck.

Your efforts will never go unnoticed by those closest to you, your wonderful parents. Dear parents, today I have prepared the following parting words for you:

It's hard to raise your children,

There is a lot you need to know for this.

I would like to wish my parents:

Always help children with everything,

Get the child ready for school in the morning,

Give good parting words on time,

And don’t forget to take a walk on your day off,

To avoid everyone's illnesses,

We still need to toughen up the children,

Everyone also attends meetings,

Help the school as much as possible.

And most importantly - without a doubt -

I wish you patience!

3. Conclusion.


Well done everyone today!

We completed the tasks.

And we will end our holiday with a cheerful dance.

(Pinocchio and Dunno take the children out like a train to the music into the playroom and form a circle.

"Dance of little ducks" .

Our journey has come to an end. It's time for us to say goodbye to you and meet again tomorrow.

Slide captions:


telegram I'm on my way. Meet me. Secondary school No. 4 1 A class

3 4 Count it out

Under the bushes by the river, May beetles lived: Daughter, son, father and mother - Who managed to count them? 4

Seryozha fell into the snow, And behind him Alyoshka, And behind him Irinka, And behind her Marinka, And then Ignat fell. How many guys are there in the snow? 5

5 + 1 4 - 2 2 + 3 8 - 1 2 + 2 6 - 3 1 + 0 m o d u c l 5

High-quality original scripts for lessons and events, presentations and classroom hours dedicated to the important holiday of September 1 for teachers and students. Spend Knowledge Day in your class in an exciting, bright and interesting way.

At the event on September 1, the fruit of memories will be “A Brief Encyclopedia of School Life.” After all, who, if not high school students, knows what school life is like!

The presentation is intended for an extracurricular event on September 1, dedicated to Knowledge Day.

The notes and presentation were compiled for a class hour on Knowledge Day.

The proposed scenario for the first lesson in children's lives is made in the form of a travel lesson. It allows students to enter the school world without fear, get to know the students in the class, the rules of behavior at school and on the way to school.

The Day of Knowledge lesson is designed in the form of a journey with the Wise Owl through mathematics lessons, the Russian language, the world around us, and literary reading.

Lesson summary with presentation for 1st grade. The lesson includes a crossword puzzle, a game, and a quiz.

The first day of school, the first lesson, the first teacher, new friends - all this is exciting for a child. The presentation will help create a festive mood, a warm and friendly atmosphere.

This holiday “Knowledge Day” will help children engage in learning activities in a playful way. The kids will love the journey with the train from Romashkov.

This lesson is taught in 1st grade during the first lesson of the surrounding world. The lesson takes place in a fun, relaxed atmosphere. To receive the title of first-grader, children will have to go through seven exciting tests.

Class hour accompanied by a presentation for 2nd grade students. Students will play the game and repeat the educational material and relax. They will enter the new school year in a good mood.

The event on the theme “Journey through the Ocean of Knowledge” is held on September 1 and is dedicated to the Day of Knowledge. This event is held in 3rd grade.

Every year on September 1st, school doors open in our country. The first day is very important for children, parents and teachers. A lot depends on how it goes.

This resource is very well suited for conducting a Knowledge Lesson in 4th grade. A bright, high-quality interactive presentation is designed in the form of a journey through school subjects.

Development of the first lesson in 1st grade, dedicated to the holiday of September 1, and a computer presentation for it.

September 1 is a holiday for everyone: teachers, children and their parents. Therefore, I want to make the lessons on this day especially interesting. I offer a game called Scrabble, where students answer fun questions from different areas of knowledge.

Summary of the event with a presentation dedicated to the celebration of Knowledge Day. I recommend using it in 2nd grade.

This class is the first of the school year. After the summer vacation, the class guys meet again and decide what the coming year will be like?

I bring to your attention the development of a class hour on the topic “Knowledge Day in 2nd grade.”

Class hour for 2nd grade is aimed at creating a festive atmosphere, creating educational motivation and a desire to learn.

This development is a summary of the class lesson on September 1 for grade 1 with an accompanying presentation.

The development contains wonderful poems and riddles on a school theme. Fairy-tale characters Malvina and Buratino also come to the lesson. At the end of the lesson, the children are presented with first-grader certificates.

Every teacher wants to conduct his first lesson in the new school year in a colorful and attractive way. The presentation provided does not require premature rehearsal.

This presentation contains entertaining material for 4th grade teachers. On the first day of school, children will "travel" through the core subjects studied in primary school.

The purpose of this event is to help the child achieve student status. The abstract contains detailed text material. The presentation is a good illustrative addition to the holiday.

Development of a class hour for the Day of Knowledge “Come to 3rd grade”, accompanied by a presentation. The structure of the class hour is three mini-lessons. The main topic in class is a conversation about world peace.

September 1 is a special day; I want it to be memorable and festive not only for first-graders, but also for all students, teachers, and parents. I bring to your attention a universal presentation for Knowledge Day.

This material represents the development of a scenario for a class hour “Day of Knowledge” for 5th grade students. In addition to the script itself, there is an accompanying presentation, as well as an example of a booklet given to students at the end of the lesson.

The material is intended for the first lesson in 1st grade. With the help of entertaining material, it helps to instill interest in learning.

This development is carried out on September 1 in the 4th grade with the aim of introducing children and parents to the main provisions of the Convention.

The event was developed for 1st grade teachers to celebrate the “Initiation into First Graders” holiday. This development contains a selection of poems, exciting competitions and a presentation for the holiday.

Knowledge Day is important in the life of every person. I really want the child to enjoy school and to maintain an upbeat, festive mood.

This development can be used in the first lesson in first grade, during the “school of the future first-grader,” or as the beginning of a thematic lesson in elementary school.

The game is designed for 2nd grade students. Parents of students take part in the event.

Congratulating children on the first day of school, introducing the teacher to the children and each other, summarizing ideas about school.

Video "Hello, school!" performed on the familiar song “What They Teach at School.” Can be used by primary school teachers to celebrate the 1st September holiday.

The event is a game test in school subjects. It develops attention, memory, creativity of students and makes this day fun and memorable.

Templates for creating PowerPoint presentations. The archive contains 3 templates.

This resource can be used to create presentations for lessons and extracurricular activities by September 1.

As soon as autumn arrives, school doors open for millions of schoolchildren on September 1 after the holidays. Their teachers greet them with joy and excitement. The presentation “September 1 - Knowledge Day” is a decoration of this special holiday in every class. The easiest, most beautiful, brightest and most memorable presentation should be the presentation on the topic of September 1 for the lesson for 1st grade students. They worry more than others, so music and beautiful slides will attract their attention. Why not download a presentation about September 1 for class time for a teacher who met with his eleventh graders after the summer? They understand that this is their last first bell within the walls of their favorite school, so the teacher can download a small presentation about September 1 on 3-4 slides and add cool pictures there that tell about the main milestones in the life of the class.

A beautiful presentation for a lesson on the topic “Day of Knowledge” will remind you that the vacation is over. Now the children can expect books and lessons. It's time for them to go for a new portion of knowledge. And the proof of this is the first lesson on September 1st. You can download a free presentation about Knowledge Day to show it in your class from our website without prior registration. It is customary to give gifts on September 1st. Children bring bouquets to teachers, and a first-grader will receive a gift from adult graduates. A selection of presentations for a lesson on the topic “September 1 - Knowledge Day” will be a gift for every creative teacher.



On the first day of fall, schools open their doors to millions of students. This is not just the day the holidays end, but a real holiday called the Day of Knowledge.

is the school year starting?

is the school year starting?

In 325, Constantine the Great, the Roman emperor, convened the first Ecumenical Council, at which it was decided to begin the new calendar year on September 1.

In Rus' they celebrated the New Year

in March-April!

Constantine the Great,

Roman Emperor

272 – 337 AD

is the school year starting?

Only at the end of the 15th century did Orthodox Rus' begin to celebrate the beginning of the new year on September 1. The first year that began in Rus' on September 1 was 1492 -Ouch. And this happened by decree of John III.

Ivan III Vasilievich,

Grand Duke of Moscow

from 1462 to 1505

The shortest year in Rus'

In 1699, Peter the Great issued a decree moving the New Year to January 1. It so happened that the year 1699 lasted only 4 months - from September 1 to January 1, when the new year 1700 began.

Peter the Great

1672 - 1725

Public Holiday

Knowledge Day (September 1) is a public holiday in the USSR and the Russian Federation from 1984 year, introduced by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council

in other countries of the world.


Knowledge Day: end of August – beginning of September, schoolchildren study 180 days a year. The primary school includes grades 1-7, where all subjects are taught by one teacher.

in other countries of the world.

Germany In Germany, in each Federal State (and there are 16 of them), the school year and holidays begin at different times. For example, in Bavaria the beginning of the school year is September 11, and the duration of the school year is 270 days.

in other countries of the world.

Japan In Japan, the school year begins at an unusual time, namely April 1st. The academic year ends on March 31st. They are entitled to short holidays in winter, spring and for 1 month in summer.

in other countries of the world.


in other countries of the world.

India The school year for Indian schoolchildren begins in April. In this country, children start going to school very early - at 4 years old.

The word "school" is of Greek origin.

Its original meaning...

  • Book.
  • Library.
  • Meeting.
  • Leisure, rest, idleness, inaction.

The word school

(from Greek σχολή [scholi]) – leisure

The word "teacher" is of Greek origin. Who did the ancient Greeks call teachers?

  • Home teacher.
  • A slave serving the master's children.
  • A slave who accompanied the boy to school and back.
  • A whipping boy.

The word teacher

(from παιδαγωγός [pedagogόs]) – teacher

This school subject appeared about a hundred years ago. It was created by the famous ophthalmologist and hygienist Fyodor Fedorovich Erisman. And it got its name from the Latin word, which means “standing to the side.” What is this item?

  • Board.
  • Teacher's desk.
  • Desk.
  • Hanger.

The word desk (from the Latin “part”) means “part” or “group”

The word "cheat sheet" comes from the Greek "spargan". What does this word mean?

  • Small letters.
  • Crumpled papers.
  • Dirty diapers.
  • Secret recordings.

The word cheat sheet

(from sparganom - rags, rags)

In 1790, the French mechanic and painter N. Conte invented something that all schoolchildren still use today.

  • Pencil case.
  • Wooden pencil.
  • Eraser.
  • Chewing gum.

The first book addressed to young minds was “An Honest Mirror of Youth.” The first rule of the “Mirror” says: “First of all, a young man must sacredly honor ...”

  • God and the church.
  • The sovereign and the law.
  • Parents.
  • Women.

“We all learned a little something, somehow”?

  • Pushkin A.S.
  • Lermontov M.Yu.
  • Nekrasov N.A.
  • Krylov I.A.

Quote from the novel “Eugene Onegin” We all learned a little Something and somehow, So thanks to God’s upbringing, It’s no wonder for us to shine.

What do they say about a good, understanding student?

  • Jumps up while walking.
  • Grabs it on the fly.
  • Slashes at a gallop.
  • Swallows while running.

Name the 18th century English industrialist after whom drawing and drawing paper is named.

What happens to labor, financial, military and school?

What barely crawls in class,

and during recess he flies like an arrow?




What is the name of a “deck of cards” for a geography lesson?

What is the name of the “crooked” ruler?

Name a card game whose rules are taught in schools in Sweden, Italy and Israel.




Why was the student kicked out of class?

What kind of hard rock are they forced to chew on in school?

What can you cook?

but you can't eat it?

Out the door.

Granite of science.



What needs to be done with a school geographical atlas so that you can eat it with appetite?

A tract is a very large homework assignment or part of an area distinct from the surrounding environment.

Swap letters in a word:

satin - salad.

Say the favorite saying of Famusov, the hero of Griboedov’s comedy “Woe from Wit,” beloved by all poor students.

What school mark “lives” in the Tretyakov Art Gallery?

“Learning is a plague.”


I mean the picture

F.P. Reshetnikov “A deuce again.”

Let's remember proverbs and sayings.

  • Don’t say I can’t, but say…..
  • Great patience comes with...
  • Don't learn to destroy, but learn...
  • A stupid person will judge, but a smart person...
  • Without patience there is no...
  • Teaching is the way to...
  • Without flour there is no...

(I'll learn)



(will judge)




Congratulations to everyone on the start of the school year!

We wish everyone excellent grades and

deep knowledge!

Materials used

  • http://
  • http://
  • http://