Instructions on labor protection for mechanics engaged in the repair and maintenance of machinery and equipment. Repairman. Model job description. Sample text download Standard mechanic's instructions for equipment repair

1. General safety requirements

1.1. Persons at least 18 years of age who have passed a medical examination, been trained in an appropriate program, and have undergone introductory and on-the-job instruction in labor safety are allowed to perform the duties of a mechanic in the repair and maintenance of lifting machines.

1.2. Permission to work as a mechanic in the repair and maintenance of lifting machines is issued by order of the enterprise after the issuance of a certificate and these instructions.

1.3. Repeated testing of the mechanic's knowledge is carried out by the commission:

periodically, at least once every 12 months;

when moving from one enterprise to another;

at the request of the person responsible for supervision or the inspector of Gosgortekhnadzor.

A mechanic authorized to independently work on the repair and maintenance of lifting machines must know:

  • production instructions;
  • labor protection instructions;
  • the purpose, structure and principle of operation of all mechanisms of the equipment being serviced and instructions for maintenance and repair;
  • know the main sources of hazards, including mechanical, electrical, hydraulic, and also apply in practice methods of protection against them;
  • know and be able to identify by visual measurement inspection the main defects and damage to metal structures, mechanisms, limiters, indicators, recorders and substation control systems;
  • know and be able to perform adjustment work on the substation;
  • be able to apply in practice technologies for repair and restoration of subassemblies and parts of substations;
  • know and be able to use rigging and mounting devices, lifting mechanisms, slings that correspond in terms of load-carrying capacity to the masses of the elements being mounted (dismantled) for installation (dismantling) of substations;
  • be able to apply the established procedure for the exchange of conventional signals between the employee supervising the installation (dismantling) and the rest of the personnel involved in the installation (dismantling) of the substation. Observe the practical requirement that all signals during installation (dismantling) are given by only one employee (the installation team foreman, team leader, rigger-slinger), except for the “Stop” signal, which can be given by any employee who notices the danger;
  • have documents confirming completion, in the prescribed manner, of vocational training in the relevant types of activities of working specialties;
  • know the basic schemes for slinging loads (when performing the duties of a slinger) and methods for testing PS;
  • know and comply with the requirements of operational documents;
  • the main causes of malfunctions and accidents in mechanisms, be able to find and eliminate them;
  • technological process of repair, assembly and installation of mechanical equipment;
  • methods and techniques for performing plumbing and installation work;
  • purpose, structure, design, rules for the selection and use of working, measuring and plumbing tools, their handling and storage rules;
  • range and purpose of lubricants used for lubrication of mechanical equipment;
  • methods of providing first aid to victims, location of the first aid kit;
  • fire warning signals, locations of fire extinguishing equipment and how to use them.

1.5. When using lifting machines controlled from the floor for repair purposes, the repairman must undergo special instruction, followed by testing of skills in operating the machine and tying (hooking) loads in the prescribed manner.

1.6. All accidents and incidents must be reported to the person responsible for the work.

1.7. When receiving a new (unfamiliar) job, the mechanic must require additional instruction from the foreman.

1.8. While working, you must be attentive, not be distracted by extraneous matters and conversations, and not distract others.

1.9. During work, you should follow a work and rest schedule. Relaxing and smoking are allowed in specially designated areas.

1.10. When carrying out work, a mechanic may be exposed to the following dangerous and harmful production factors: industrial microclimate, noise and vibration from operating mechanisms, vapors of fuels and lubricants.

1.11. Mechanics must be provided with special clothing: a cotton suit and canvas mittens. For outdoor work in winter, additionally: a cotton jacket with an insulated lining.

1.12. It is not allowed to turn on or stop (except in emergency cases) machines, machines, mechanisms and electrical appliances that you have not been authorized to operate by the administration.

1.13. It is not allowed to touch the general lighting fixtures, broken electrical wires, terminals and other live parts, open the doors of electrical distribution cabinets and remove fences and protective covers from live parts of the equipment.

1.14. If the electrical equipment is faulty, call an electrician. You are not allowed to troubleshoot problems yourself.

1.15. In the event of an electric shock to a person, it is necessary to quickly turn off the part of the equipment that the victim touches. If the victim may fall from a height, his fall should be prevented or secured. If it is impossible to quickly turn off the equipment, it is necessary to separate the victim from live parts.

1.16. At voltages up to 1000 V, to separate the victim from live parts, use a dry rag, board, rope, clothing or other dry, non-conducting material. The use of metal or wet objects is not permitted. If necessary, chop or cut the wires (each separately) with an ax with a dry wooden handle or a tool with insulated handles.

1.17. Persons who do not comply with the requirements of these Instructions are subject to administrative or criminal liability.

Manufacturing instructions for a mechanic

2. Safety requirements before starting work

2.1. Before starting work, you need to put your work clothes in order: fasten the sleeve cuffs, tuck in the clothes so that there are no loose ends, tuck your hair under a tight-fitting headdress. It is not allowed to work in light shoes (slippers, sandals, sandals).

2.2. Carefully inspect the work area, put it in order, remove all foreign objects that interfere with the work.

2.3. Check the availability and serviceability of tools and accessories. When working, use only serviceable tools:

wrenches must match the dimensions of the nuts and bolt heads and must not have cracks or nicks; the jaws of the keys must be strictly parallel and not rolled up, the sliding keys must not be loosened in the moving parts; placing pads between the jaws of the keys and the head of the bolt, as well as extending the handles of the keys using pipes and bolts or other objects is not allowed;

metalworking hammers and sledgehammers must have a slightly convex, not oblique or knocked down, crack-free striker surface, must be securely fastened to the handle by wedging with jagged wedges, and must not have work hardening;

the handles of hammers and sledgehammers must have a smooth surface and be made of hardwood (dogwood, beech, young oak, etc.);

impact tools (chisels, crosscutters, bits, notches, punches, etc.) must not have cracks, burrs, or hardening. Chisels must have a length of at least 150 mm.

2.4. It is allowed to carry the tool to the workplace only in a special bag or box.

2.5. Check the lighting of the workplace to ensure that it is sufficient and does not dazzle the eyes. When working, use local lighting with a voltage not exceeding 36 V.

2.6. When using an electric lamp, you should check the presence of a protective mesh on the lamp, the serviceability of the cord and the insulating rubber tube. The voltage of a portable lamp is allowed no higher than 12 V.

2.7. If it is necessary to work with lifting machines controlled from the floor, check the serviceability of the main parts and components of the load lifting mechanism, namely:

the condition of the hook, the absence of wear in its mouth over 10% of the original cross-section, the absence of cracks, straightening, jamming in the hook cage and the presence of a cotter pin or locking of the hook fastening nut in the cage;

condition of the cargo rope (the number of broken wires at one laying step of the rope should not exceed the established standards);

operation of the brake of the load lifting mechanism (checked with a load whose weight is equal to or close to the rated load capacity of this machine when lifting it to a height of 200-300 mm; when stopping at the specified height, the brake must reliably hold the load; if the load slips or sag, the brake must be adjusted or replaced) ;

operation of the hook lift height limiter (when the hook is lifted up, it should stop after pressing the limit switch);

operation of push-button control (all movements must correspond to the inscriptions above the buttons), absence of buttons jamming in the sockets and the state of visible protective grounding (cable).

Note: To work with a manual hoist, you must obtain permission from the person responsible for the good condition of lifting machines.

2.8. Cleaning, repairs, and inspection of a crane and its parts in operation should be carried out only after it has been stopped and disconnected from the power supply.

2.9. Work near moving parts of machines and mechanisms is permitted after fencing off dangerous places.

Manufacturing instructions for a mechanic

3. Safety requirements during operation

3.1. Only the work assigned by the administration should be performed.

3.2. Wiping material used during work should be collected in specially installed metal boxes with lids.

3.3. It is not allowed to store flammable materials and oily cleaning materials in the workplace.

3.4. When pressing or unpressing parts using a sledgehammer and a drift, the latter should be held with pliers or a special grip. The punch should be made of soft material.

3.5. When cutting metal with a chisel, you must use safety glasses with safety glasses or mesh. Safety guards should be installed to protect others.

3.6. When working as a stacker, the second end should be covered with a special case or handle.

3.7. When working with a blowtorch it is not allowed:

use flammable liquid not intended for this lamp;

pour fuel into a burning lamp;

pour fuel near an open fire;

pump more air into the lamp than the permissible pressure;

Fill more than 3/4 of the lamp capacity with fuel.

If a malfunction is detected (fuel leakage, gas leakage through the burner thread, etc.), immediately stop work and replace the blowtorch.

3.8. When operating a power tool, the following requirements must be observed:

work in rubber gloves and dielectric galoshes or on a dielectric mat;

do not connect power tools to distribution devices unless there is a reliable plug connection;

protect the wire supplying the power tool from mechanical damage;

Do not carry the power tool by the cord, use the handle for this;

do not replace the cutting tool until it stops completely;

during interruptions in work or power failure, turn off the tool;

Do not operate portable power tools at a height of more than 2.5 m on ladders.

3.9. When conducting periodic inspections of lifting machines, a thorough check of the condition of all mechanisms, load ropes, hook suspension, and metal structures should be carried out. The inspection results and defects identified during the inspection should be entered into the periodic inspection log of lifting machines.

3.10. When inspecting the crane mechanisms you should:

check the corkscrew fastening of couplings connecting the shafts of electric motors, gearboxes, etc.; If any play is detected, eliminate it; if the keys are worn out, replace them;

if a loosening of the bolted connection of the coupling halves is detected, tighten the loose nuts; if the leather or rubber rings at the fingers of the elastic couplings are worn out, install new rings;

do not allow longitudinal movement of the worm in the thrust bearing, which causes shocks when starting and stopping the electric motor;

do not allow the outer rings of ball bearings to rotate into the bearing housing and ensure that the inner pins fit tightly on the shaft journal;

if you detect a broken tooth of any gear of the lifting mechanism, a crack in the rotating parts of the crane mechanisms (gears, blocks, brake pulley, clutch, etc.), stop operating the crane until the defective part is replaced and inform the foreman about this;

when trying the electric brake, make sure that there is at least a slight reserve of the electromagnet thrust remaining, and also whether the counterweights are firmly attached to the brake levers (if necessary, they should be strengthened with a chain); when the brake rods are weakened, periodically, depending on the wear of the linings, tighten the rods;

If even small cracks or tears are detected in the brake band, stop operating the crane and notify the foreman;

if there is significant wear on the lining of the brake pads, replace the worn linings;

periodically, at least once a quarter, check the fastening of the equalizing stationary block, as well as the condition of its axis;

ensure that all accessible rotating parts of the lifting machine mechanisms, such as gears, shafts, ratchets, sprockets, keys, etc., are covered with guards of the appropriate design;

monitor the timely lubrication of all crane mechanisms and the absence of lubricant leaks from bearings and gearboxes;

regularly inspect the crane truss and trolley frame.

3.11. Repairs to the crane may only be undertaken with the permission of the person in charge.

3.12. Repairs to the crane should only be carried out at repair sites. Before starting work, the crane must be de-energized by turning off the switch of the main trolley wires and supplying short circuits. In addition, turn off the switch in the crane cabin. Prohibiting posters should be hung on switches: “Do not turn on! People are working.”

3.13. Test runs of the crane during repairs and after completion are permitted only with the permission and in the presence of the person responsible for the repairs.

3.14. Upon completion of repairs or maintenance, an appropriate entry must be made in the periodic inspection log of the crane.

3.15. Before installing a grinding wheel on a machine, you must make sure that it has a factory mark on it, which should indicate the maximum permissible speed. It is not permitted to exceed the maximum permissible speed. It is not allowed to work on grinding wheels that have cracks or other defects.

3.16. When installing and securing the grinding wheel to the spindle, the following precautions should be observed:

do not allow blows in a circle;

use clamping discs (flanges) of the same size;

install special gaskets with a thickness of at least 1 mm between the clamping discs and the stone;

make sure that the diameter of the hole in the stone is 0.51 mm larger than the diameter of the spindle.

3.17. After installing the grinding wheel you must:

check the operation of the grinding wheel at idle speed for 2-3 minutes and make sure that there is no beating of the stone and that the grinding wheel is properly balanced;

strengthen protective covers;

check that the circle begins to rotate smoothly, without jerking.

3.18. The gap between the grinding wheel and the tool rest should be no more than 3 mm.

3.19. When working on sharpening machines it is not permitted:

clean the circle, touch it with your hands;

open the protective covers of the shaft, spindle, pulley, stone;

putting on, removing and repositioning the belt;

work without a protective screen or glasses;

work with the end surfaces of the circle if it is not intended for this type of work.

3.20. When working, you must ensure that the circle is worked evenly. If potholes and ledges form, the wheel should be replaced.

Manufacturing instructions for a mechanic

4. Safety requirements in emergency situations

4.1. If a faulty operation of an electrified, pneumatic or other tool is detected, it is necessary to disconnect it from the power supply and report this to the foreman or mechanic.

4.2. In case of accidents, provide first aid to the victim and, if necessary, send the victim to a medical facility.

If injured, immediately stop working, notify the administration and seek medical help.

4.3. When caught by rotating parts of machines, slings, traverses, hooks, etc. parts of the body or clothing must be immediately signaled to stop working. You should not try to free yourself from the grip if it is possible to attract others.

4.4. In the event of a fire, you must:

stop working;

turn off electrical equipment;

inform management and call the fire department;

begin to extinguish the fire using available fire extinguishing equipment.

5. Safety requirements after completion of work

5.1. Tidy up the workplace, put tools and equipment in the tool box.

5.2. Inform the shift worker, foreman or foreman about the work performed, any problems with the work, the measures taken and their elimination, and make an appropriate entry in the shift mechanics’ log.

5.3. Wash your hands and face with warm water and soap, and take a shower if possible.

5.4. Hang the overalls in a locker specially designed for this purpose.

6. Responsibility.

A mechanic for the repair and maintenance of load-lifting cranes, trained and certified in the prescribed manner, who has production instructions in hand, is responsible for violating the requirements of these instructions in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

Last name I.O. ________________
"________"_____________ ____ G.

1. General Provisions

1.1. A repairman belongs to the category of workers.
1.2. A repairman is appointed to the position and dismissed from it by order of the General Director on the recommendation of the chief engineer / site manager.
1.3. The repairman reports directly to the chief engineer/site manager.
1.4. During the absence of a repairman, his rights and responsibilities are transferred to another official, as announced in the organization order.
1.5. A person who meets the following requirements is appointed to the position of repairman: primary vocational or secondary vocational education, work experience in the relevant field for at least a year.
1.6. A repairman must know:
- technological processes for manufacturing products;
- kinematic and electrical diagrams of serviced machines;
- design and rules for using complex instrumentation and instruments;
- design features of universal, special devices and other equipment;
- ways to install the tool;
- enterprise standards and methodological instructions for quality as they relate to its activities.
1.7. A repairman is guided in his activities by:
- legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
- Charter of the organization, Internal Labor Regulations, other regulations of the company;
- orders and instructions from management;
- this job description.

2. Job responsibilities of a repairman

A repairman performs the following job duties:
2.1. Performs timely repairs of production site equipment.
2.2. Conducts scheduled preventive maintenance (PPR) of equipment according to the PPR schedule.
2.3. Identifies the causes of premature wear of equipment, takes measures to prevent and eliminate them.
2.4. Repairs technical equipment and carries out minor repairs to components and mechanisms of machine tools.
2.5. Keeps records of existing equipment (mandrels, fixtures, etc.) and orders spare parts in a timely manner.
2.6. Performs operations related to setting up machines.
2.7. Treats equipment and accessories with care and maintains them in working condition and cleanliness, does not leave operating equipment unattended.

3. Rights of a repairman

A repairman has the right:
3.1. Require the administration to ensure labor protection, safety and fire safety rules.
3.2. Require the provision of protective clothing in accordance with current standards.
3.3. Submit proposals for improvement of work related to the responsibilities provided for in these instructions for consideration by management.

4. Responsibility of the repairman

The repairman is responsible for:
4.1. For failure to perform and/or untimely, negligent performance of one’s official duties.
4.2. For failure to comply with current instructions, orders and regulations on maintaining trade secrets and confidential information.
4.3. For violation of internal labor regulations, labor discipline, safety and fire safety rules.

If after reading this article you do not receive a definite answer, seek quick help:
Instructions for the position " Repairman 4th category", presented on the website, meets the requirements of the document - "DIRECTORY OF Qualification Characteristics of Workers' Professions. Issue 69. Automobile transport", which was approved by order of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Ukraine dated 02/14/2006 N 136. As amended by order of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Ukraine dated 09/04/2008 N 1097.
The document status is "valid".

Preface to the job description

0.1. The document comes into force from the moment of approval.

0.2. Document developer: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

0.3. The document has been approved: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

0.4. Periodic verification of this document is carried out at intervals not exceeding 3 years.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The position "4th category repairman" belongs to the "Workers" category.

1.2. Qualification requirements: vocational and technical education. Advanced training and work experience as a 3rd category repairman - at least 1 year.

1.3. Knows and applies in practice:
- structure of equipment and machines being repaired;
- rules for adjusting machines;
- methods for eliminating defects in the process of repair, assembly, testing of equipment, units and machines;
- design, purpose and rules of use of the control and measuring instruments used;
- design of universal and special devices;
- methods of marking and processing various simple parts;
- system of tolerances and landings, qualities and roughness parameters;
- properties of acid-resistant and other alloys;
- basic provisions for scheduled preventive maintenance of equipment.

1.4. A 4th category repairman is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position by order of the organization (enterprise/institution).

1.5. A 4th category repairman reports directly to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

1.6. A 4th grade repairman supervises the work of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

1.7. A repairman of the 4th category during his absence is replaced by a person appointed in accordance with the established procedure, who acquires the appropriate rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.

2. Characteristics of work, tasks and job responsibilities

2.1. Disassembles, repairs, assembles and tests complex and particularly complex components and equipment mechanisms.

2.2. Performs repairs, installation, dismantling, testing, adjustment, adjustment of complex equipment, units and machines and hands them over after repair.

2.3. Performs metalworking of parts and components according to 7-10 qualifications.

2.4. Offers sophisticated tools for repair and installation.

2.5. Prepares defect reports for repairs.

2.6. Performs rigging work using lifting and transport mechanisms and special devices.

2.7. Knows, understands and applies current regulations relating to his activities.

2.8. Knows and complies with the requirements of regulations on labor protection and environmental protection, complies with the norms, methods and techniques for the safe performance of work.

3. Rights

3.1. A 4th grade repairman has the right to take action to prevent and eliminate cases of any violations or inconsistencies.

3.2. A 4th category repairman has the right to receive all social guarantees provided for by law.

3.3. A 4th category repairman has the right to demand assistance in the performance of his duties and the exercise of his rights.

3.4. A 4th category repairman has the right to demand the creation of organizational and technical conditions necessary for the performance of official duties and the provision of the necessary equipment and inventory.

3.5. A 4th category repairman has the right to get acquainted with draft documents relating to his activities.

3.6. A 4th category repairman has the right to request and receive documents, materials and information necessary to perform his job duties and management orders.

3.7. A 4th category repairman has the right to improve his professional qualifications.

3.8. A 4th category repairman has the right to report all violations and inconsistencies identified in the course of his activities and make proposals for their elimination.

3.9. A 4th category repairman has the right to familiarize himself with documents defining the rights and responsibilities of his position, and criteria for assessing the quality of performance of job duties.

4. Responsibility

4.1. A 4th category repairman is responsible for failure to perform or untimely fulfillment of the duties assigned by this job description and (or) failure to use the granted rights.

4.2. A 4th category repairman is responsible for failure to comply with internal labor regulations, labor protection, safety precautions, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

4.3. A 4th category repairman is responsible for disclosing information about an organization (enterprise/institution) that is a trade secret.

4.4. A 4th category repairman is responsible for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the requirements of internal regulatory documents of the organization (enterprise/institution) and legal orders of management.

4.5. A 4th category repairman is responsible for offenses committed in the course of his activities, within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation.

4.6. A 4th category repairman is responsible for causing material damage to an organization (enterprise/institution) within the limits established by current administrative, criminal and civil legislation.

4.7. A 4th category repairman is responsible for the unlawful use of granted official powers, as well as their use for personal purposes.

5. Examples of work

5.1. Woodworking and metal-cutting machines - major repairs, adjustment.

5.2. Speed ​​and feed boxes of metalworking machines - assembly and adjustment.

These labor safety instructions have been developed specifically for repairmen in food production.


1.1. This instruction provides requirements for the safe performance of work related to the maintenance, installation and repair of equipment and pipelines in process shops.
1.2. Persons who are at least 18 years old, recognized as fit for health reasons, who have undergone introductory and initial workplace safety briefings, who have been trained in the safe conduct of work, who have passed exams at the qualification commission for permission to work independently, and who have received a certificate, are allowed to carry out repair work in technological shops. established form.
1.3. Repeated (regular) testing of knowledge of labor protection instructions is carried out by the workshop commission at least every 12 months.
1.4. Initial briefing at the workplace, repeated, unscheduled and targeted briefings are carried out by the immediate supervisor of the work (foreman, mechanic, site manager, installation manager, etc.), who has undergone occupational safety training in the prescribed manner and tested knowledge of occupational safety requirements.
1.5. Repeated instruction on safe techniques and work methods is carried out at least once every six months according to programs developed for conducting initial instruction in the workplace.
1.6. Unscheduled briefings are carried out:
— upon the introduction of new or amended legislative and other regulatory legal acts containing labor protection requirements, as well as labor protection instructions;
— when changing technological processes, replacing or upgrading equipment, devices, tools and other factors affecting labor safety;
— if employees violate labor safety requirements, if these violations create a real threat of serious consequences (industrial accident, accident, etc.);
— at the request of officials of state supervision and control bodies;
- during breaks in work (for work with harmful and (or) dangerous conditions - more than 30 calendar days, and for other work - no more than two months);
- by decision of the employer (or a person authorized by him).
1.7. Targeted briefing is carried out when performing one-time work, during liquidation of the consequences of accidents, natural disasters and work for which a work permit, permit or other special documents are issued, as well as when holding mass events in the organization.
1.8. The repairman is obliged to comply with the requirements of the “Internal Labor Regulations for Workers and Employees of the Enterprise.”
1.9. The process of performing work associated with the installation and repair of equipment and pipelines is characterized by the following hazardous factors:
— injury as a result of a fall from a height, bruises and cuts on equipment and metal;
— contact with harmful substances in maximum permissible concentrations for the corresponding product processed in technological installations;
— receiving chemical burns as a result of contact with the body or eyes with sulfuric acid, alkali and other production products;
— receiving thermal burns when touching equipment and pipelines with damaged thermal insulation that are in operation, as well as when performing work related to cutting and welding metal;
- damage to the eyes by electric arc rays when participating in electric welding work;
— electric shock as a result of touching live parts with damaged insulation that are energized.
1.10. According to the approved standards for the free issuance of protective clothing and personal protective equipment, the repairman is provided with:
— cotton or acid-resistant suit – 2 times a year;
- cloth suit (depending on the unit) - 2 times a year;
— underwear – 2 times a year;
— leather boots (depending on the department) – 2 times a year;
— combined mittens – 12 pairs per year;
— cloth mittens – 4 pairs per year;
- safety glasses - until worn out;
- helmet - until worn out;
— individual filter gas mask – once every 5 years;
- jacket and trousers with insulated lining - 1 set for 2 years;
- felt boots or insulated boots - once every 2.5 years.
1.11. The repairman must correctly use workwear and personal protective equipment (PPE), know and comply with the requirements of these instructions.
1.12. A repairman must know fire safety rules. If signs of fire are detected in production workshops, you must immediately turn off the equipment used during work, report the fire to the gas rescue service by calling 101 and take measures to eliminate the fire using primary extinguishing agents, if there is no threat to life.
1.13. The victim or an eyewitness to the accident immediately notifies the workshop management and the medical staff of the health center about each accident at work by calling 103. Before the arrival of the medical personnel, the eyewitness provides first aid to the victim in case of accidents.
1.14. The repairman must observe the rules of personal hygiene:
- Wash your hands thoroughly with soap before eating. It is prohibited to use gasoline, diesel fuel and industrial products (isopropyl alcohol, diisopropyl ether) for these purposes;
- eat food in the dining room or in the dining room (buffet), wash dishes after eating.
1.15. Persons who violate the requirements of the instructions are held accountable in accordance with the internal regulations of the organization, with the exception of cases where violation of the requirements includes criminal liability.


2.1. Before performing work, a repairman must put on a hat, overalls and safety shoes, and carefully tuck them in so that there are no hanging ends that could be caught by rotating parts of the equipment. In this case, the cuffs of the sleeves and trousers of the overalls must be buttoned, and the hair must be tucked under the headdress.
2.2. Receive from your immediate supervisor the assignment of the upcoming work, a list and characteristics of the necessary equipment, tools and devices.
2.3. Check the serviceability and compliance of the work performed with special clothing, personal protective equipment (goggles, helmet, respirator, filter or hose gas mask, safety or rescue belt and rope), equipment, devices and tools. Report any detected malfunctions to your immediate supervisor.
2.4. Check the serviceability of the tools required for work:
— hammers must be mounted on handles of oval cross-section, wedged with metal wedges made of hard and tough wood;
— wrenches must be in good working order and correspond to the sizes of bolts and nuts; it is prohibited to extend wrenches with other objects;
- hammers, chisels, bits, cores, etc. should not have knocked down beveled strikers or burrs.
2.5. When starting to work with a power tool, make sure it is in good working order:
— the wire insulation must not be damaged;
— the wire with the plug must have a special contact of the ground wire connected to the body of the power tool;
— the wire connection terminals must be securely closed.
2.6. Before the start of repair, dismantling and installation of equipment, in each individual case, workers must be instructed on safe work methods. During the briefing, find out the presence and location of communications equipment, primary fire extinguishing equipment, fountains and water baths at the installation where the work will be carried out.
2.7. When carrying out complex work on repair, installation and dismantling of equipment, the work site must be fenced.
2.8. Repair work on the equipment should be carried out only after it has come to a complete stop, the voltage has been turned off and the start button has been set to the “STOP” position, the drive belts have been removed and the necessary explosion and fire safety measures have been taken.
2.9. During repair work, a poster is hung at the equipment start-up site, in the distribution point and at the control point: “Do not turn on! People are working!” from the beginning of the renovation to its end.
2.10. During installation work, it is not allowed to use equipment and pipelines, as well as building and technological structures to secure technological and installation equipment, without the consent of the persons responsible for the correct operation of these structures.
2.11. Work at a height of 1.3 m or more must be carried out from a scaffold fenced with railings, a height of at least 1 m with cladding at the bottom of at least 0.15 m.
2.12. Extension ladders can only be used to perform work that does not require the performer to rest on the structure of the building or structure.
2.13. Cutting, bending and processing of pipes and other metal products should be carried out outside of installation scaffolds and ladders.
2.14. To perform external work at height for repair, installation and dismantling of equipment and pipelines, safety belts or safety harnesses must be used. Without the use of safety belts, safety harnesses, safety ropes and helmets, a repairman is not allowed to perform the specified work. The place of fastening of safety belts, leashes and ropes must be indicated in advance by the supervisor of the repair work.
2.15. The design and operation of mechanisms and devices for working at height (winches, cables, belts, etc.) must meet the requirements of current standards. Each time before starting work, a thorough inspection of the lifting mechanisms, braking devices and safety devices must be carried out, and the correctness and strength of the insurance must be checked.
2.16. When repairing, dismantling and installing equipment in explosive areas, it is prohibited to use open fire, mechanisms, tools and devices that can cause sparking, without issuing the appropriate permit.


3.1. When working in production shops for the repair and installation of equipment, a repairman is obliged to:
— monitor the presence of fencing of hazardous areas at workplaces;
— do not stand on the equipment when moving and lifting it;
— do not leave plumbing tools on the equipment.
3.2. When using small-scale mechanization equipment, ensure that they are in good working order, properly installed and fastened.
3.3. The axes of lifting blocks must be firmly and motionlessly secured in the “cheeks” using nuts and cotter pins. The axles, rollers, hook, suspension and cheeks must not have cracks or other defects.
3.4. It is prohibited to carry out large-scale assembly of parts and equipment and related work (thread cutting, fitting joints, bending, cutting metal products) on portable ladders or stepladders.
3.5. When putting on the drive belts or checking the rotation of the mechanisms, make sure that your fingers do not get caught between the pulley and the drive belts.
3.6. When using an electrified tool, you must follow electrical safety rules and do not make electrical wiring corrections yourself. Only the electrician on duty should connect the welding machine to the electrical network. The housing of the power tool and welding machine must be grounded.
3.7. Repair work performed by the repair staff of the workshop directly in the same workshop is carried out without issuing a work permit for repair work. The basis for this is an order for the workshop to repair equipment, indicating the persons responsible for preparing and carrying out repair work.
3.8. Repair work carried out on separate installations, workshops with complete release of equipment and communications from the working environment, followed by steaming, purging and stunning from existing intra-shop and inter-shop communications, are carried out without issuing a work permit on the basis of an acceptance certificate, with the exception of special types works (fire, gas hazardous and earthworks).


4.1. In case of fire or fire:
— take measures to extinguish the fire using available fire extinguishing means;
— call the fire department by calling 101;
— notify management;
- provide first aid to victims.
4.2. In case of an accident at work you must:
- quickly take measures to prevent the impact of traumatic factors on the victim, provide first aid to the victim, call emergency medical services to the scene by calling 103;
- report the incident to management, ensure the safety of the situation before the investigation begins, if this does not pose a danger to the life and health of people.


5.1. At the end of the work, the repairman must turn off the power tool, remove the devices and put the workplace in order. Collect protective equipment, wipe the workplace and equipment being repaired with a rag from residual oil, lithol and other lubricants.
5.2. Place unused materials and their waste in designated areas. Place oily rags in special boxes, and sprinkle lubricants spilled on the floor with sand or sawdust, collect them and take them out to the designated boxes.
5.3. Report all noticed malfunctions of equipment, tools and devices to your immediate supervisor.
5.4. After finishing work, wash your hands thoroughly and take a shower.

Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Professions of Workers (UTKS), 2019
Issue No. 4 ETKS
The issue was approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated August 12, 2003 N 61

Equipment maintenance and repair mechanic

§ 81. Mechanic for maintenance and repair of equipment of the 3rd category

Characteristics of work. Installation, dismantling, repair, testing and maintenance of the mechanical parts of simple machines, components and mechanisms, distribution devices. Electrical and gas welding work in the repair and manufacture of fences, casings for serviced machines and mechanisms. Painting, lettering, lubrication of serviced equipment. Oil sampling and replacement. Disassembly, assembly, washing, testing, lubrication, receiving, issuing, preventive repair of pneumatic tools. Performing rigging and slinging works. Metalworking and production of simple parts for 12th - 13th qualifications.

Must know: purpose, technical characteristics of the maintained machines, mechanisms, standards and volumes of their maintenance; basics of plumbing and installation; simple kinematic diagrams of machines; technical requirements for the operation of serviced machines and mechanisms; methods and techniques for processing metals and parts; installation procedure for simple metal structures and mechanisms; purpose and rules of use of the instrumentation and instruments used; rules for performing rigging and slinging work; name and location of mine workings and rules of movement through them; systems and rules for the operation of light, sound and aroma alarms in the workshop; rules for receiving and giving sound and visible signals; rules of the tag system.

Work examples.

1. Steam-water fittings - stuffing of oil seals; replacement of bushings, sealing rings; tightening connecting bolts on flanges and joints.

2. Mine trolleys and for transporting people through mine workings - replacement of slopes, bearings, couplings, buffers; body editing.

3. Valves of all diameters - valve grinding.

4. Fans - repair and installation.

5. Inserts - fitting and filing along parallel lines.

6. Screens - replacement of sieves.

7. Crushers, car dumpers (underground) - routine repairs and maintenance.

8. Conveyors - replacement of rollers, roller supports, gearboxes, drive and tension station drums, deflection drums; regulation of belt and chain tension.

9. Scraper conveyors - installation, dismantling, repair.

10. Loading machines - replacement of pulleys, pins; fastening of ropes.

11. Loading and delivery vehicles - dismantling of drive axles; adjustment of clearances of the main gear and block gearbox; removal and washing of hydraulic, neutralization and fuel tanks.

12. Mills - current repairs and maintenance.

13. Pumps - replacement of bushings, connecting pins of couplings; stuffing of oil seals; installation and fastening of coupling guards; connection of pipelines; Maintenance.

14. Tippers, feeders, pushers, station drainage units, jackhammers, hammer drills, hydraulic monitors - dismantling, repair, installation, maintenance.

15. Samplers - replacement of chain and bucket.

16. Vessels operating under pressure (pneumatic chamber pumps) - dismantling, repair, installation, maintenance.

17. Cable car stations - maintenance; installation of rollers and pulleys to guide the traction rope.

18. Pipelines with a diameter of up to 6 inches - laying, manufacturing and installation of supports, replacement of individual sections and shut-off valves.

19. Pipelines for backfilling work - dismantling, repair, installation.

20. Pipelines for transporting sludge - dismantling, repair, installation.

21. First class drilling rigs for drilling geological exploration wells for solid minerals - repair, maintenance.

When performing work under the guidance of a mechanic for the maintenance and repair of equipment of higher qualifications - 2nd category.

§ 82. Mechanic for maintenance and repair of equipment of the 4th category

Characteristics of work. Installation, dismantling, repair, testing and maintenance of the mechanical parts of machines, components and mechanisms. Replacement of traction rope, connecting couplings of overhead road ropes. Inspection and repair of automated lamp equipment. Observation and control of the condition of pipelines, the operation of conveyors, the condition of the interfaces of metal structures, cables and blocks, determining the degree of wear and repairing them with the replacement of individual elements. Metalworking and production of simple units and parts for 8 - 11 qualifications. Maintenance of the brine network and freezing columns during soil freezing.

Must know: methods and rules for installation, dismantling, repair, testing and adjustment of serviced mechanical equipment; ventilation system and direction of outgoing jet; purpose of individual components and elements of metal structures, cables, hangers; components lubrication system; basic information about the parameters of surface treatment of the part; methods of rigging and lowering mining machines and mechanisms into the mine; technology of metal processing and production of electric and gas welding works; instructions for performing electric welding work in underground workings and above-mine buildings.

Work examples.

1. Drying drums, drying pipes - checking and eliminating leaks in the drying tract; repair of mixers and feeders.

2. Inertial and self-balancing screens - replacement of vibrators, springs, box housing, regulation.

3. Small and steam dredges - repair.

4. Roller, cone, jaw crushers - replacement of segments and rolls assemblies, crushing cone assembly, eccentric, drive shaft assembly, replacement of crushing jaw, regulation of crushing size.

5. Belt conveyors with a belt width of up to 1400 mm - replacement and repair of belts with cutting of ends, splicing and vulcanization.

6. Compressors - replacement of piston rings, metal seals, connecting rod bolts, valves.

7. Oxygen, pneumatic compressors - current and average repairs.

8. Overhead cranes controlled from the floor, beam cranes, electric hoists, hoists, automobile cranes, mine electric locomotives with a coupling weight of up to 25 tons - dismantling, repair, assembly, testing and adjustment of units of medium complexity; Maintenance; repair of engines, self-propelled carriages.

9. Self-propelled mining machines, drilling rigs and installations, self-propelled cars, lifting machines (winches) - disassembly, repair, assembly, testing and adjustment of units of medium complexity; Maintenance; repair of engines, self-propelled carriages.

10. Ball, self-grinding, hammer mills - replacement of the main shaft, repair, maintenance, revision of the gearbox and gears.

11. Pneumatic pumps, smoke exhausters, exhausters - disassembly, repair, assembly.

12. Loading and delivery vehicles, underground diesel dump trucks - disassembly, assembly and installation of hydraulic systems, cylinders, steering; repair of the main frame, boom, bucket, driver's cabin, metal casings, drive shafts.

13. Briquette presses - replacement of sets of molding tools.

14. Gearboxes for rotary kilns, ball mills, conveyors, plate conveyors, feeders - disassembly, repair, assembly.

15. Pipelines with a diameter over 6 inches - laying; production and installation of supports; replacement of individual sections of pipelines and shut-off valves.

16. Drilling rigs of the second to fifth classes for drilling geological exploration wells for solid minerals, rigs for drilling hydrogeological and geophysical wells - repair and maintenance.

17. Ventilation units - maintenance and repair; replacing guide vanes.

18. Stationary degassing and aspiration installations - installation, repair, dismantling.

19. Excavators, spreaders, transport-dump bridges - installation, dismantling, repair, maintenance; hydraulic system repair: replacement and repair of hydraulic jacks, hydraulic cylinders, oil lines, shut-off valves and instruments.

20. Dewatering centrifuges - replacement of the cone shield, scrapers, auger, pump.

21. Dewatering elevators - replacement of the bucket chain.

§ 83. Mechanic for maintenance and repair of equipment of the 5th category

Characteristics of work. Installation, dismantling, repair, adjustment, testing and maintenance of the mechanical parts of complex machines, components and mechanisms, equipment. Maintenance, repair and testing of pressure vessels. Replacement of head and tail ropes of lifting vessels. Checking trailers and lifting vessels; checking and adjusting the length of ropes and parachute devices, loading and unloading devices of skip hoists.

Must know: methods and rules for installation, dismantling, repair, testing and adjustment of serviced complex mechanical equipment; design features of self-propelled mining equipment; kinematic diagrams of the equipment being serviced; methods for restoring complex parts and assemblies; permissible loads on working parts, assemblies, mechanisms; preventive measures to prevent breakdowns and accidents; technical conditions for repair, testing and delivery of complex equipment, assemblies and components; rules for operation and inspection of pressure vessels and lifting machines; rules for completing and delivering mining equipment to rental bases, drawing up documentation for repaired equipment; rules for drawing up drawings, sketches, kinematic diagrams; plumbing to the extent necessary for the work performed.

Work examples.

1. Apparatuses, high-pressure gas pipelines - inspection, repair, testing.

2. Oxygen and argon equipment - inspection, repair, testing.

3. Heavy-duty technological (quarry) dump trucks - repair and maintenance.

4. Hydraulic distributors, valve blocks of machines and mechanisms, centralized lubrication systems - repair and adjustment.

5. Cone crushers - repair of base units with repressing of bushings, adjustment of adjacent floating rings of eccentric units, suspension units, bevel gears.

6. Belt conveyors with a belt width of over 1400 mm - replacement and repair of belts with cutting, splicing and vulcanization; repair of ratchet stops and brakes with their adjustment.

7. Self-propelled mining machines, drilling rigs and installations, self-propelled cars, lifting machines (winches) - disassembly, repair, assembly, testing and regulation of complex units and components; repair and adjustment of pneumatic hydraulic systems.

8. Lifting machines - repair, regulation and leveling of crane tracks.

9. Loading and delivery vehicles, underground diesel dump trucks - regulation of the hydraulic system; assembly and disassembly of a hydromechanical gearbox; repair of the lever mechanism, steering gear, automatic boom control.

10. Equipment and control equipment for lifts and drive stations of conveyors - installation and commissioning.

11. Gearboxes of heavy conveyors with a belt width of 2000 mm or more, pelletizers, sintering and roasting machines, batchers of batch materials, heavy feeders - repair, adjustment of gaps of cylindrical, bevel and worm gears.

12. Separators, jigging machines, thickeners, vacuum filters, vacuum pumps, flotation machines, elevators for lifting goods and people, boilers and steam engines, resonant and roller screens with steam heating, smoke exhausters, slurry pumps - installation, repair, adjustment.

13. Sixth - eighth class installations for drilling exploration wells for solid minerals - repair and maintenance.

14. Cylinders, bearings - installation and final fastening of all connections.

15. Excavators, spreaders, transport-dump bridges - alignment of engines and gearboxes, their balancing; hydraulic repair, regulation of the entire system; repair and adjustment of compressors.

16. Mine electric locomotives with a coupling weight of 25 tons or more - installation, repair, maintenance.

§ 84. Mechanic for maintenance and repair of equipment of the 6th category

Characteristics of work. Installation, dismantling, repair, adjustment, testing, maintenance of the mechanical parts of complex machines, components and mechanisms, apparatus, instrumentation. Repair, installation and adjustment of equipment using pneumatics and logic elements.

Must know: design features of particularly complex systems of units and components of self-propelled mining machines; the principle of establishing operating modes for particularly complex systems of self-propelled mining machines; rules for drawing up drawings, sketches, diagrams; fundamentals of theoretical mechanics, pneumonics.

Work examples.

1. Automatic control of diesel locomotive refrigerators - checking, regulation.

2. Car dumpers equipped with hydraulic drives and an automatic weighing device - adjustment.

3. Sintering and roasting machines - regulation of machine movement and thermal gap, alignment of the drive and head radius.

4. Self-propelled mining machines, drilling rigs and installations, lifting machines (winches) - repair, adjustment, regulation and comprehensive testing of particularly complex systems of units and components, hydropneumatic automation systems; checking the operation of devices; repair of fuel equipment.

5. Jigging machines, wheeled separators - setting up automatic systems.

6. Loading and delivery vehicles, underground diesel dump trucks - assembly and regulation of transmission and torque converter; testing of components and assemblies.

7. Skip and cage mine lifting machines, passenger and freight elevators - repair, testing, commissioning.

8. Flotation machines - impeller balancing.

9. Vertical transmissions of diesel locomotives - repair, installation with regulation.

10. Centrifuges, blowers - dynamic balancing of rotors.

11. Refrigerators, high-pressure units, separators, compressors - repair, adjustment, regulation.

§ 85. Mechanic for maintenance and repair of equipment of the 7th category

Characteristics of work. Installation, dismantling, repair, adjustment, testing, maintenance of particularly complex kinematic control systems of machines and assemblies, components and mechanisms, apparatus, instrumentation. Diagnostics and prevention of particularly complex machines. Making changes to simple kinematic diagrams of equipment operation in order to improve the parameters and reliability of its operation. Inspection, repair, testing and regulation of the pneumatic and mechanical system of the mechanism for unloading and securing cargo of hopper-type cars. Installation, dismantling, adjustment, testing of hydraulic valves and pneumatic valves of particularly complex excavators with different bucket capacities.

Must know: design features of particularly complex machines and units; techniques for performing work on diagnosing and repairing faults in machine systems and mechanisms; the procedure for drawing up simple kinematic diagrams; fundamentals of theoretical mechanics, metal technology, strength of materials.

Secondary vocational education required.