Gpon how to increase wifi speed. We increase the coverage area of ​​the MGTS wifi router. Problems with the MGTS network

Having received the MGTS Gpon router at your disposal, setting up network access should be the next step.

And after the operation of the device is configured, the user will have access to the Internet at speeds of up to 2500 Mbit/s.

Such characteristics and the ability to provide coverage over a large area provide quite good popularity for this reason.

Moreover, the provider itself offers fairly high-speed tariffs at competitive prices.

Operating principle of a GPON router

The term GPON refers to the modern version optical networks, allowing you to develop enormous speed - even more than is required by one ordinary user.

For any modern application, games and even 4K video, even 100 MB/s is more than enough.

However, with the help of GPON routers, you can provide high-speed Internet to not just one, but dozens of users at once.

And the number of people wishing to receive the same fast and high-quality access is constantly growing - although problems may arise when using routers.

The maximum data transfer speed for most routers reaches 300 Mbit/s.

Features of the services of the MGTS provider (MGTC)

MGTS has been offering its services as an Internet provider in the Russian Federation for almost 15 years.

And the project to create a high-speed fiber optic network MGTS GPON was started in 2013.

The company provides high-speed access to its subscribers - the minimum package includes communication with data transfer speeds of up to 30 Mbit/s, the maximum package is above 200 Mbit/s.

Rice. 2. Home page MGTS company.

At the same time, MGTS is a monopolist in the capital’s market, also providing regular wired telephone communications.

In addition to access to the network, subscribers can connect to digital television with more than 200 channels.

And now, when the data transmission speed of the provider has increased noticeably, the need for GPON routers is gradually disappearing.

Setting up a router for MGTS

By concluding a contract with MGTS, the user receives a GPON router at his disposal.

The device is already configured to work with a specific operator and does not require additional actions on the part of the subscriber - just connect home (office) computers and mobile gadgets to it.

While the wireless connection is not configured (or not reconfigured if it is lost due to a power surge, failure software or someone’s actions), this method is the only possible one.

After this, the user is required to open any browser and enter the corresponding address value in the address bar.

It can be found in the contract from the router’s operating instructions, from a sticker on the device itself, or found on the Internet by the name of the router. This is usually or

You should know: You can configure the router even in the absence of the Internet. Although, if you have access to the network, the result of correct configuration will be clearer.

When you go to the settings menu, you need to enter your password and login. By default, on most routers they are the same - admin.

Sometimes the MGTS operator sets its own values ​​- for example, mgts/mtsoao.

It is advisable to change these values ​​to prevent others from accessing your network - although this can usually only be done with a password.

The connection type does not need to be set - it is already included in the router firmware. Now you only need to configure the wireless network.

Setting up wireless networks

Before setting up a wireless connection, the user must check the availability of , which can be configured on the tab (main parameters section).

This option is required for the correct distribution of IP addresses to devices connected to the router.

After this, you can proceed directly to setting up the wireless access point:

  1. Go to the wireless network menu;
  2. Go to its main parameters;
  3. Enable the network by checking the box next to the appropriate item;
  4. Assign an SSID name (you can find it out from the sticker on the router itself);
  5. Leave other settings unchanged.

Rice. 3. Setting up a wireless network on the MGTS GPON router.

You should know: If there are other Wi-Fi routers nearby that operate on the same frequencies as the already configured router, you may need to change its frequency. In addition, depending on the distance of the device to mobile and desktop computers, smartphones and tablets connected to it via a wireless network, you can set the signal level to high or low.

Configuring ports and wireless security

This can lead to unauthorized people and even intruders gaining access to your network.

Therefore, one of the first steps when setting up wireless connection is to set a secret combination of symbols.

You can avoid this situation, and not reduce the speed of your Internet due to strangers connecting to it, by following these steps:

  1. Go to the “Security” tab;
  2. Select the name of the newly created wireless point;
  3. Change password value. All other parameters do not need to be changed - the wireless network will work without it;
  4. Save the installed configuration and exit the settings menu.

Rice. 4. Go to the security settings on the GPON router.

As a method for encrypting data, it is worth using a technology that reliably protects the wireless connection.

And when choosing a password, you should come up with a combination that is both quite complex and at the same time memorable.

It is advisable to use for this purpose words and numbers that are meaningful only to the user, but exclude dates of birth and names.

Problems with the MGTS network

If you have problems accessing the network using MGTS router GPON and it is impossible to configure this device so that the Internet works again, you should contact the operator’s technical support.

It is possible that the causes of the problems do not depend on the user.

Although in Lately, with the transition from ADSL routers to GPON routers, the number of subscriber requests regarding access problems has decreased.

MGTS gPON quality review

MGTS installation quality. Quality PON technology. Review of GPON. Is it worth switching to gPON? Optical provider. Optics for the apartment. How does it work optical internet. Why do you need ONT? When will MGTS turn off ADSL?


MGTS Gpon Wi-Fi router settings

With this step by step instructions you can change the settings of your Wi-Fi access point on your router in the MGTS network.

As you know, they wait three years for what was promised. So I’ve been waiting for almost three weeks for the wonderful installers from MGTS to call me and come to replace the GPON router with a new model. I, because the coverage area of ​​the MGTS wifi router is simply terrible, because the signal reaches rooms with great losses.

But yesterday I got a little tired of this wait and decided to look at what the Internet could offer to increase the wifi range at home. More precisely, I already knew roughly what I was looking for, because I understood that I had no desire to take an additional access point or wifi router, since all this equipment would have to be hung somewhere in the hallway. So, as a first approximation, I was looking for wi-fi replicators that would allow me to expand the coverage area of ​​my wireless network.

Here it should be noted that a wifi extender usually reduces the speed of the native network by about one and a half to two times, because it uses the same chip for reception and transmission.

Initially, I was looking for a Xiaomi Mi Wi-Fi Range Extender, which I read about not long ago that it practically does not reduce the speed of my native Wi-Fi. It costs from 500 rubles on Market@Yandex, but the main catch is that it runs on batteries, which last for two days, after which it needs to be refueled. Moreover, it has internal antennas, so its coverage area raised strong doubts.

Therefore, having licked the cheap Xiaomi wi-fi repeater, I began to look for what else was tasty on the market in the same vein.

And I discovered a very sophisticated model TP-LINK RE200 operating at both 2.4 GHz and 5. Which was extremely interesting, because problems with Wi-Fi are not only due to walls, which 5GHz penetrates even worse than 2.4, but also due to neighboring Wi-Fi devices seeing on the same frequency. Moreover, if the repeater receives the mother’s WiFi at frequency 2.4, then at 5 it gives it out with minimal losses. One of the conveniences is that it is miniature and integrated with the plug, so it takes up minimal space. But, unfortunately, the available Ethernet port is intended only for setup and a wired client. Whereas at first I was thinking that it could be attached to the router using a cord.

But it costs 2600+ rubles and has only internal antennas, which, as it seemed to me, was not very suitable for my walls. Therefore, I decided to postpone its purchase until I replaced the router, because the losses on my wi-fi disappear only right under the router and I was looking for something that could connect through the walls right from the corridor.

So, after searching the Internet a little more, I found a younger model TL-WA860RE, which had, firstly, two external antennas, and secondly, a built-in electrical outlet, which made it possible to connect a GPON router through it. So just what the doctor ordered.

And it cost about 1,800 rubles, that is, almost a mower’s price.

So today I went to JUST.RU and when I arrived, I immediately started connecting. The TL-WA860RE is configured in two clicks - the WPS button on the main router and the Range Extender button on the repeater, after which it thinks for a minute and picks up the SSID of the main network, immediately boosts the wifi signal in the same SSID and with the same passwords. Whereas the aforementioned Xiaomi uses its own SSID, which you need to switch to manually. Moreover, the signal without an amplifier on a desktop computer was always at the level of 2-3 bars, whereas after turning on the repeater, the icon was stable at 4 bars.

Near the router, however, the network LED was orange, which indicated that the repeater was located too close to the main router, but after fumbling around with different sockets for an hour, I left it there, because in the position next to the router the number of packet losses over wifi dropped from the standard 5-6% to 0, while in other places the number of losses, at a minimum, was around 2%. Moreover, it should be noted that the antenna horns worked normally only in a horizontal position, because if they are transferred to a vertical position, the number of losses increases again to 5%.

The transmission speed, of course, leaves much to be desired, because with a declared bandwidth of 150 megabits, Wi-Fi accelerates to a maximum of 18 in the nearest room, but at least there are no more lossy plugs when the network simply gets stuck for a few seconds. There is a suspicion that the craftsmen from MGTS generally somehow reduce the Wi-Fi speed at the router level, because even right next to it, the speed test does not show a speed above 40 megabits, while the cord shows the limits of the capabilities of the old ZTE router: 95-97 MB/s.

In general, the device is excellent, especially since it is suitable for expanding the coverage area of ​​any wifi router: MGTS, Rostelecom or any other. The main thing is that the carrier is wireless WiFi. It is clear that in direct line of sight and with a more or less normal router, the wifi speed will be much higher, but even in difficult conditions of load-bearing reinforced concrete walls, the reception is noticeably improved.

During the search, I found another one that is perfect for increasing WiFi coverage even in rooms where the signal does not penetrate the walls. This is achieved due to the fact that the grid uses the electrical network for physics and is distributed at the output via Wi-Fi through an adapter plugged into the outlet. Moreover, it connects to the router via a cord, that is, the wired speed of the Internet is supplied to the room, and not the cut-off Wi-Fi. It really costs around 3k rubles, but to my I'm very sorry, is not suitable in the version with a socket from MGTS, because they output it to a common panel, and not inside the apartment. Therefore, apparently, the signal is sent to an external power circuit and cannot get into the rooms in any way. But the thing is very interesting, so I guess there’s a thread to try it.

In addition to the above information:

When connecting to the Internet with speed characteristics over 100 Mbit/s based on PON technology, your computer must have a network card that supports this technology installed (if the PC is old, where the network card is 100 Mbit/s, the data transfer speed will be no more than 100 Mbit/s With).

Connecting the Internet and Home TV services using ADSL technology:

The ADSL router for providing Internet and Home TV services is configured in such a way that the data flow for digital television is considered a priority

For example, when using the Internet service and watching TV at the same time:
if the line capacity is 6 Mbit/s, then when the TV decoder is operating (the minimum required for the Home TV service is about 4.5 Mbit/s), the speed of the Internet flow will decrease and amount to approximately 1.5 Mbit/s.

If you turn off the TV decoder, the Internet connection speed will be restored in full.

Connecting to Internet service via GPON technology:

The speed reduction may be due to installation additional programs that create a load on the computer or viral activity.

1. Insufficient memory on the PC, the speed of everything decreases, incl. browser.

2. Firewalls installed on PC ( special programs, which may completely or partially block access to the Internet or place restrictions on it, depending on the settings).

3. Simultaneous use of the Internet (for example, one user via a WI-FI network, the second with a wired connection).

Wired connection:

It is necessary to make sure that there is no damage to the cable, that there is no damage to the places where the connectors are installed at the ends of the cable ( poor contact of the cable connecting toONT/modem or PC).

Connecting Internet/TV services via Wi-Fi:

Wi-Fi connection has technical limitations. The actual connection speed is usually significantly lower (up to 2 times) than the theoretical one**.

The operation of Wi-Fi is significantly influenced by other Wi-Fi networks installed, for example, at your neighbors. Speed ​​may also vary due to availability:

  • thick load-bearing walls;
  • reinforced concrete floors;
  • mirror or other reflective surfaces;
  • household appliances that emit electromagnetic waves in the 2.4 GHz range (for example, a working microwave oven).

** - Theoretical speeds of Wi-Fi standards: IEEE 802.11b - theoretical data transfer speed UP TO 11 Mbit/s; IEEE 802.11g - theoretical data transfer speed UP TO 54 Mbit/s; IEEE 802.11n - theoretical speed UP TO 600 Mbit/s, rarely achievable, depends on the standards supported by the connected subscriber devices.

Connecting to Internet service using ADSL technology:

A decrease in speed may be due to the installation of additional programs that create a load on the computer or virus activity. Also, if you use the Internet simultaneously from several devices, the speed on each may be lower.

Another article on this popular topic. Probably everyone who checked the connection speed through their Wi-Fi network was interested in why it is so low, why the router slows down the speed, and how to increase the speed of the Internet connection. I have already answered almost all these questions in the article: . And in this article we will talk about how to increase Internet speed over a Wi-Fi network. And as far as possible.

The whole problem is that when connecting the cable (from the Internet provider, or even from the router) directly to the computer, we usually get a speed of 80-100 Mbit/s (if you have a 100 Mbit/s tariff), but when connecting via Wi-Fi, it depends. Maybe even 20 Mbps, or even less. If your router is not the cheapest, then the speed will be approximately 50-60 Mbit/s. But it all depends on the specific case. And in general, the speed that a router provides over a wireless network depends not only on the router itself. There are many different factors, which I will write about later in this article.

Separately, I would like to write a few words about the maximum speed of the wireless network, which is indicated on the box of your router, or in the specifications. Many people are interested in this question. 150 Mbit/s, 300 Mbit/s, this is the maximum theoretically possible speed that the router can produce. Of course, under normal conditions such speeds will never be achieved. And this is normal, it does not mean that you have a bad router.

Why is the Internet speed slower over Wi-Fi?

I think you will agree that a wireless connection is not as stable as a wired one. And no matter how it is, a cable connection has always been and will be the most stable and reliable.

Directly, when you connect the Internet cable directly to the computer, there is a direct connection to the provider’s equipment. When we install the router, it already manages this connection. The router controls the flow, distributes the Internet to other devices, etc. This is precisely why the speed drops when connecting through a router. And especially when connected via Wi-Fi network.

How much a router will cut speed mainly depends on the power of that router. The more powerful the router, the faster it can process information, and it has a higher maximum speed flow. And the more powerful the router, the more expensive it is. And believe me, there is a difference between a device for 20 dollars and 200. Otherwise, there would simply be no expensive routers. No one would buy them or make them.

We found out why the router slows down the speed, and now we’ll take a closer look at some of the ways you can increase the speed over a Wi-Fi network. At least you can try.

Before doing anything, it would be good to connect the Internet directly to the computer and check the speed. You can check it on the website There is a separate article on this topic that you can view.

If your tariff speed is, say, up to 20 Mbit/s, then you won’t be able to squeeze out any more. Therefore, we measure the speed with a direct connection, then over a Wi-Fi network. We will find out how slow our router is. And yet, you can check from different devices that you connect via Wi-Fi. Since the speed also depends on the device we connect.

1 Let's probably start with the most working method (in my opinion). Search for a free Wi-Fi network channel and replace it in the router settings. When your devices see many other Wi-Fi networks, all of these networks can interfere with your wireless network. And because of this, connection speed often suffers.

Therefore, you can try to determine the freest channel and set it in the settings of your router. There is a very detailed article on this topic:. It also shows how to change the channel in the settings of different routers. Here, for example on TP-LINK:

Here you need to experiment, try different options. And if you already have a static channel, then set it to Auto.

2 Wi-Fi 5 GHz. If you have a lot of neighboring networks and a lot of interference that affects the speed, then the best option, is to switch to Wi-Fi 5 GHz. Buy a router that supports broadcasting a Wi-Fi network at a frequency of 5 GHz. The speed will definitely be higher there. I recently wrote about one such router: . But there is one caveat: not all devices.

New phones, tablets, laptops that are already going on sale, they most likely already have support for Wi-Fi networks at the new frequency. But older devices do not support it. This can be easily found out from the characteristics. But this is not a problem, since all dual-band routers broadcast a wireless network at a frequency of 2.4 GHz. So older clients will be able to connect to it.

Not only is the 5GHz network now almost completely free of interference, but also according to the 802.11ac standard, the speed is higher than 802.11n. If at 2.4 GHz maximum speed 300 Mbps, then at 5 GHz there are already 433 Mbps (for Tp-Link Archer C20i).

3 Wireless adapter drivers. This method is only suitable for computers and laptops. As I wrote above, the speed also depends on the Wi-Fi receiver installed in your computer. In a wireless network, the speed is always matched to the slowest device. No matter what powerful router you have, but if you have an old one on your laptop Wi-Fi adapter, which does not even support 802.11n mode, then no high speed we won't see.

Replacing a laptop's Wi-Fi adapter is of course problematic. But, you can try updating the driver for this adapter. Perhaps it's already out a new version with various improvements, and after the update we will get an increase in speed.

4 Set the 802.11n operating mode and channel width. If you do not have very old devices that do not support 802.11n, then you can try setting this operating mode in the router settings. As a rule, the default is automatic selection of the operating mode. For greater compatibility with different devices.

You can do this again in the settings of your router, which you can access according to the instructions. As a rule, these settings can always be found on the tab where the Wi-Fi network is configured. This settings item is usually called " Mode", or " Network mode". You need to select " 11n Only" (N Only), and save the settings. This is what it looks like on TP-LINK routers:

On the same page you can also change the channel width (Channel Width). You can try to put 40MHz.

Save the settings and reboot the router.

If after these settings you have problems connecting to Wi-Fi with some devices, then return everything back.

5 It is possible that your router settings have old WPA encryption method. Not only is it unsafe for protecting a wireless network in our time and is already very outdated, but it also tends to limit the speed.

You need to install WPA2-PSK encryption (you most likely already have it installed). You can install correct settings safety according to the instructions. Using D-Link, Tp-Link, ASUS as an example. And in the “Setting up a router” section on our website there are instructions for other devices.

6 The closer to the router, the stronger the signal and the higher the speed. Therefore, try to install the router like this (I will enter the location) so that there is a good signal throughout your home.

And if you have a large house and the router cannot penetrate the signal to distant rooms, then you can install. Or buy a more powerful router.

7 You can try again update router firmware. In new versions of the software, things are improved and finalized. Therefore, after the update, the speed on the Wi-Fi network may increase. We have instructions on our website for all popular manufacturers. I give a link to the instructions, and instructions.

8 Also, do not forget that the more devices are connected to the router, the lower the speed will be. Firstly, the router will simply divide the initial connection speed between all devices, and secondly, from the load that the devices will create on the router, it will reduce the speed even more.


Most The best way The solution to this problem is to buy a more powerful and expensive router. And even better, dual-band, so you can use Wi-Fi network at 5 GHz and get good speed.

Well, if buying a new router is not part of your plans, then be sure to try the tips that I wrote about above. I think there will definitely be some result. Don't forget to share your results on increasing Wi-Fi speed in the comments.