State and municipal administration: which exams to take. Brief information about the specialty. Profession state and municipal administration State municipal administration what exams are needed

This specialty is one of the youngest in the Russian Federation. Currently, the country's main universities identify this area as one of the most promising and in demand in the near future. Since 2015, a new federal educational standard has been in force, which orients the training program in this specialty to the needs of the labor market.

The activities of future graduates will be related to work as representatives of the civil service in both municipal and commercial structures. But more on that later. Today there is also a great demand for competent specialists in the field of management in the research field. The specialty “State and Municipal Administration” can definitely become a good impetus for a decent career in the future.

Advice. Although no one has yet abolished patronage in the civil service, one should not “give up” ahead of time: over the past few years, a persistent trend has emerged towards an increase in the number of successful managers precisely due to the knowledge gained during their studies at a university.

Entrance exams and study program at universities

The standard course of study at a university to obtain a specialist diploma is four years. To enroll in this specialty, you must pass several entrance exams in the following disciplines:

  • social science;
  • Russian/foreign (at the discretion of the educational institution) language.

Students gain knowledge in the field of law, entrepreneurship, finance, office work, management and many other areas. In addition, future management professionals will learn:

  • organize the work of officials in the public service (preparation of documents, receiving electronic messages and calls, creating a calendar of meetings, etc.);
  • develop draft regulatory frameworks for the organization;
  • eliminate or prevent conflicts in the service;
  • be a full-fledged participant in budget planning;
  • competently conduct office work and document flow;
  • create and promote a high-quality positive image of an enterprise or government structure;
  • fully work with information databases to make competent decisions as a manager;
  • establish and strengthen relations with the public and the media in government bodies;
  • create effective development programs at the local and regional level in the social and economic spheres;
  • act as a consultant for various structures (both municipal and commercial);
  • direct the work of the enterprise in the external environment in the right direction;
  • make a competent analysis of the economic risks of the enterprise;
  • identify and correctly diagnose irregularities in the organization’s work;
  • communicate freely in a foreign language chosen during training.

Directions for future work

Having completed their studies, only a few understand where to start and “where to go.” Many people mistakenly believe that working as an accountant or economist is the ultimate dream for graduates. But in reality this is absolutely not the case. Having received a full higher education, you can count on 3 areas of career development:

  • In a government structure. If you choose this option, you must fully understand that in fact you are the link between the people and the government. Having only a diploma in hand, you can only count on a position as a specialist of the 2nd category. But this is normal, in principle, for a graduate with any other specialty.

Advice. At first, you will most likely receive job offers only as a clerk. But you shouldn’t “cut in the heat of the moment,” as most people do, motivating their refusal with a small salary, huge responsibility and lack of prospects. Nobody forces you to stay stuck in one place. It just might be a good start to your career.

  • In a commercial structure. Incredible, but true: having a specialty in public administration, you can work in a non-governmental structure. Every reputable company has its own department that deals with relations with government agencies. The salary in such organizations is very attractive for young professionals. But it is worth considering that the maximum in such a structure can only be the position of head of a department.
  • In an independent research structure. Working in such an organization does not promise you either a huge salary or power. But if you are interested in the forecast and everything connected with it, then with hard work and high-quality performance of your functions, you can quickly create a name for yourself in a certain environment and become a venerable specialist. Then we will talk about completely different money.

We have introduced you to basic information about the rather “young” specialty “State and Municipal Administration”. Now you know what you will need to enter a university and what you will be taught, as well as what you can gain in the future from the profession of public administration.

Specialty State and municipal administration: video

The bachelor's program "Public and Municipal Administration" is implemented at the Faculty of Social Sciences and offers applicants 75 budget, 55 paid and 5 paid places for foreigners.

For admission, you must submit the results of the Unified State Exam in the following subjects:

Composition of entrance tests

Applicants who, in addition to a sufficient Unified State Examination score, have additional advantages, such as a certificate with honors, a well-written final essay, the status of a winner or prize-winner of one of the key Olympiads, or others, have a better chance of getting into a budget place.

Special rights of winners and prize-winners of Olympiads

Admission to budget places

To be admitted to the program at a budget place based on the sum of competitive points (the sum of points for entrance examinations and individual achievements) in 2019, it was necessary to score 359 points or more out of 410 possible. In 2018 and 2017, the passing scores were 355 points out of 410 possible and 349 points out of 410, respectively. This information will help you roughly navigate the initial selection of programs that interest you and assess your chances.

Admission to paid places

Don't be afraid of getting paid places. More than half of HSE students who are admitted to places with paid fees enjoy significant discounts, the amount of which varies from 25 to 70%. For example, out of 55 students who enrolled in first-year paid places in 2019, 43 took advantage of the discount, and 22 of them are in the maximum volume.

Discount amount for admission to paid places in 2019:

Discounts on tuition fees are provided by the HSE to those who have scored at least a certain amount of points or won certain competitions, as well as to the best graduates of lyceum classes, basic schools and the HSE Faculty of Pre-University Training. In the second and subsequent courses, discounts are established based on the results of training.

Starting from July 2, the possibility of concluding an agreement for studying on a paid place opens up. Even before the start of the competition for budget places, applicants can reserve a paid place and be sure of their admission to the university. If the applicant is enrolled in the budget, the contract is terminated and the amount of payment for the first semester is returned in full.

Full information about admission and the progress of admission is posted on the page.

The specialty of the State Medical University - state and municipal administration - is only 25 years old, which is a very short period for such an important profession. The federal standard for it was updated by the leadership of our country only two years ago. There was a good reason for this: a professional official - a specialist who received a specialty in state and municipal administration - is one of the most in demand in the modern labor market.

The essence of the profile follows from its name: this is management of the highest category. Bachelor/master of the State Medical University - manager, organizer, representative of the state for the people and vice versa (guardian of the interests of the people in the structure of power).

Where and who to work?

The areas of work of a manager at this level are numerous.

  • Public sector. Heads of institutions, employees of departments of state self-government bodies, and employees of interstate authorities are in demand here.
  • Non-governmental sector: GR director, consultant, manager, company representative in the international field of activity.

A “Synergy” diploma in the GMU profile opens up unlimited prospects: the international market, a career ladder in civil society institutions, public organizations, departments, municipalities, city halls. There is also a huge layer of work in research institutes, research and expert companies.

Top 5 available positions in which an expert can realize his own potential:

  • department/department manager;
  • departmental representative;
  • assistant manager in self-government bodies, municipal authorities;
  • employee of a government agency (from those responsible for office work to the head of a working group or department);
  • specialist in foreign economic interstate activities.

Advantages of working in this field

Five advantages of working according to your profile.

  • Prestige. According to a study by VTsIOM, civil servant is the third most authoritative profession after lawyer and doctor.
  • Employee benefits.
  • Universal direction. GMU is management, economics, modern digital technologies, and an anti-crisis management system. A specialist with such training is in demand at all levels of business/government work.
  • The ability to move upward/horizontally determines ongoing professional development.
  • Interesting job. Service for the benefit of the state and its people is a noble, worthy, grateful deed.


Any profession requires different salary levels. GMU was no exception: the first steps promise earnings of 25–35 thousand rubles. Further growth is determined by the employee himself. Having chosen the main direction (authorities, government agencies), it grows progressively - income rises to 40–50 thousand rubles.

In the field of private international business, consulting, and expertise, the prospects are higher:

  • The company's GR director receives 80–90 thousand rubles;
  • the position of specialist in international affairs brings from 60–100 thousand;
  • consultant – 55–70+ thousand.

Features of the profession

The name of the GMU profile speaks for itself: there is no question here which department studies state and municipal administration. It is always the Faculty of Management, and management brings responsibility.

The more serious its level, the higher it is. GMU is the highest category of management. That is, it assumes a maximum load: every step must be verified and thought out. A specialist must be able to combine administrative and legal instruments of activity, deeply understand his goals, be able to work with the population (conduct dialogue with large groups of people, eliminating conflicts, achieving understanding).

Is it possible to work outside government agencies?

A graduate of the Faculty of Management “Synergy” is free to choose the direction of career/professional growth. The commercial market, like the state management structure, is open to him. Possible employment options:

  • work with government authorities in the system of a large non-resident company;
  • consulting for Russian companies;
  • government service manager projects/orders.

Choosing a training program

The future position, growth rate, and job features are largely determined by the manager’s qualifications. An employee of regional/all-Russian structures can limit himself to the first basic level of training - completing a bachelor's degree. Experience shows that this is enough for employment both in prestigious companies and in local governments.

  • conducting research activities;
  • participation in large government projects (still at the training stage);
  • occupying leadership positions.

Duration of preparation for the programs: 4–4.5 years for bachelors, masters – plus 2–2.5 years of study (can be combined with the first job).