Declaration of conformity form smp. Declaration of membership in the SMP: how to take part in public procurement. Determination of shares of a business company: nuances

Declaration is a document in which a person declares that he belongs to small businesses (SMB). And this gives him the right to participate in tenders with advantages (Article 30 of the Law on contract system). The customer has an obligation to purchase from SMP in accordance with 44-FZ. If you look at the statistics, you can see that the percentage of purchases from SMP under 44-FZ is at least 15% of the total annual purchase volume.

At the same time, since August 1, 2016, the Federal Tax Service has been maintaining the Unified Register of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. Accordingly, a participant has the right to confirm his membership with an extract from the register. It looks like this.

The possibility of providing a declaration instead of an extract is confirmed in the Resolution Arbitration Court Northwestern district dated January 23, 2018 in case No. A56-2602/2017. For example, if an organization is newly created and there is no information in the register, a participant can declare his affiliation with the SMP using a declaration. Some people, out of habit, send a declaration of affiliation with small businesses.

If the customer conducts tenders only among small businesses, this must be stated in the tender documentation in the form of advantages and restrictions. Then participants are required to declare their affiliation with such. In other cases, it is their right.

From July 1, 2018, there will be no need to draw up and submit a separate document. Belonging to small businesses will be confirmed automatically via electronic trading platform at the time of application.

Payment period

Separately, it should be noted that if such a restriction is established, the payment period for SMP under 44 Federal Laws is almost two times shorter than in other orders. In this case, the time for payment of SMP under 44 Federal Laws is 15 days (working days, not calendar days, please note this) from the moment of fulfillment of obligations under the contract. Whereas it is equal to 30 calendar days.

Who belongs to the SMP according to 44-FZ

These are registered in in the prescribed manner legal entities (business entities, partnerships, peasant farms) and individual entrepreneurs(Law No. 209). Criteria have been established for certain persons to belong to such entities (at least one of them must be present):

  • participation of state-owned companies in the authorized capital is not allowed, municipal authorities, public organizations, funds over 25%;
  • no more than 49% of shares belong to other companies (legal entities), including foreign ones;
  • the activity consists of applying the results of intellectual activity;
  • has the status of a participant in the Skolkovo project;
  • the founders are persons included in the list of those who provide state support innovation activity;
  • the average number of employees does not exceed: for medium-sized enterprises - from 101 to 250 people, for small enterprises - up to 100 employees, for micro-enterprises - up to 15 people;
  • income for the year should not exceed the following limit values: micro-enterprises - 120 million rubles, small enterprises - 800 million rubles, medium-sized enterprises - 2 billion rubles.

In this section we will try to show in detail and reveal all the issues that may arise when participating in tenders. This article will be of interest primarily to those who are just starting to think about participation in tenders. We will try to figure out together what steps need to be taken at the very beginning. And is it worth trying to participate in tenders at all?

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    So, you have decided to become a participant in commercial tenders or government procurement. What is needed for that?

    Let's consider two options. The first option is to participate in procurement without preliminary financial investments, or in other words, for free. The second option involves some cash costs.

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    Hello, dear readers. The topic of today's article is related to such a specialty as a tender specialist. There are various variations of the names of such a position, for example, tender manager, tender manager, auction manager, competition manager, but the essence remains the same. The main activity is preparing applications for various tender procedures on the part of the supplier. This specialty became popular and in demand relatively recently, after 94-FZ “On placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, and provision of services for state and municipal needs” came into force in 2005. This law created certain conditions under which tenders began to be used everywhere in procurement for state needs. In 2013, 8 years later, 94-FZ was replaced by 44-FZ “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs.”

  • Periodically various companies and organizations participate in auctions or tenders. The success of receiving an order depends on many factors, ranging from the scope of the company’s activities to its scale. Along with this, there is a document - a declaration of belonging to small businesses, which, under equal conditions, increases the chances of winning the tender.

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    The declaration is not the main document when appointing any company to order, but the document plays an important role. This is explained by the fact that if an organization belongs to small businesses, then this fact automatically characterizes it at a level higher than similar companies without a declaration.

    There are many subtleties and nuances of obtaining a declaration, so first of all it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with common features design, and only then move on to the details. In this case, compliance with the current criteria, which may change periodically, is considered an important point.

    Why is it needed?

    Since 2016, the Tax Service has maintained a unified record of small and medium-sized businesses. Along with this, you have to declare your affiliation with one type of activity or another separately. This is explained by the fact that when sending an application, the entrepreneur is required to indicate that his business belongs to a certain type, which is expressed by attaching to the documents a declaration of belonging to small businesses (provided that the business actually belongs to “small”, “medium” or “ microenterprise").

    The declaration contains information that confirms that the entrepreneur belongs to a certain type of activity. It is this document that allows you to submit applications for tenders and bidding.

    Statistics show that at least 15% of the total annual procurement volume is carried out on the basis of the document under discussion. This means that small businesses successfully participate in government tenders on an equal basis with large industry companies.

    Federal Laws No. 44 and No. 223 on procurement parameters, as well as their provisions, say that, on the basis of the declaration, purchases are carried out in the following ways:

    • competitions (with a varying number of stages, as well as restrictions on participation);
    • auctions, including electronic format;
    • requests for quotes;
    • bargaining.

    When holding a tender, the total number of participants is always announced, as well as how many of them have a declaration. If necessary, and most often - always, the document must be presented.

    Main participants and forms

    The indicators by which an enterprise can be classified as a small or medium-sized business change periodically. In 2019 the criteria are as follows:

    If an enterprise fits one of the categories, then it has the right to participate in the auction. It is important that the state constantly changes the criteria that businessmen must meet.

    Regardless of changing indicators, the state tries to maintain small and medium business, providing various benefits, developing special programs and providing subsidies.

    Central aspects

    In practice, you not only need to meet certain criteria, but also fill out the declaration correctly. This applies to both approved points and comments, as well as additional annexes and important aspects.

    The procurement participant’s SMP declaration contains the following points:

    1. Tender participant.
    2. Confirmation that the participant belongs to a certain type of activity (based on Article 4 of the Federal Law “On the Development of Entrepreneurship”).
    3. Legal address of the company.
    4. INN/KPP.
    5. OGRN.
    6. The fact of entering data into the register of business activities.
    7. Eligibility.

    The last paragraph provides a list of parameters that the organization must meet:

    • the share of state participation in the development of the enterprise is no more than 25%;
    • share of participation in the business of foreign persons – no more than 49%;
    • the share of participation of a third-party LLC in the authorized capital of the participant is no more than 49%;
    • ratio of the participant's shares that are offered on the market valuable papers, to the high-tech segment – ​​yes/no;
    • participation in the development of nanotechnologies and other innovative developments - yes/no;
    • participation in the Skolkovo project - yes/no;
    • the organizers of the enterprise are participants in the state program for the development of science (Federal Law No. 127) - yes/no;
    • availability of information about the participant as an unscrupulous supplier or manufacturer;
    • the presence or absence of a criminal record among the organizers of the enterprise;
    • the fact of fulfillment of previous orders and purchases - detailed information about the transaction is indicated;
    • experience in selling or manufacturing products related to innovative technologies.

    The compliance criteria, as well as the number of items in the declaration, change periodically, so when submitting an application you should check the current data.

    Filling procedure

    The legal entity indicates the full legal address along with payment details and information about the enterprise. Additionally, the actual address of the company is indicated if it differs from the legal address.

    An individual entrepreneur indicates information regarding the individual entrepreneur, including passport data, as well as the place of sale or production of products, if available.

    The application is submitted in PDF format with the signatures of the organizers, as well as in files that require editing - DOC or XLS.

    For the criteria, a special table is provided in which short answers “Yes” and “No” are entered, as well as clarifications, if justified.

    Existing Applications

    There are no appendices to the declaration as such. The organizers have the right to request additional documents. They should be submitted only on the basis of existing need and requirements.

    If you independently supplement the declaration with any documentation, there is a likely risk that the papers will not be taken into account at all.

    Failure to declare is a serious offense that may result in refusal to participate in the auction.

    Important points

    To the most important points Filling out the declaration and participating in the auction includes the following points:

    Compliance with the requirements It is necessary to carefully read the existing criteria. If there is no match on one or more points, there is a likely risk of exclusion from bidding or refusal to accept the application. If the deviation is insignificant and does not concern digital indicators (the share of third-party capital injections), then the participant may be allowed to participate in the tender under certain conditions. However, this is more of an exception to the rule, so you should not hope for such a development of events.
    Correct filling Errors and inaccuracies are not allowed. This is especially true for indicating the address of the enterprise in various papers. Even if there is an error of 1-2 letters or symbols, the system may simply not accept the documents due to a discrepancy in the information. Information is provided in several versions electronic documents, which should also not be forgotten. "PDF" provides scanned ready-made papers with seals and signatures, and “DOK” or “Excel” - spreadsheets and other information.
    Prohibition on providing false data Revealing such information immediately leads to disqualification and subsequent blacklisting. This also applies to the criminal records of the organizers and the previous activities of the entrepreneurs. The information is carefully checked and if fraud is detected, small and medium-sized businesses are deprived of almost all government guarantees.
    Strict adherence to the instructions of the auction organizers As a rule, all information is posted on the website of the tender organizer, represented by the state. The State Procurement website provides comprehensive information about all the intricacies of submitting an application, including deadlines and necessary list documents.

    Failure to comply with any point has a negative impact on further development the company, which is primarily deprived of the opportunity to participate in the tender.

    A good example

    A sample declaration looks like this:

    “Declaration of the bidder’s affiliation with small businesses in accordance with the provisions of Federal Law No. 44

    Hereby LLC "Corvette" INN/KPP 888349348153/092435832, OGRN 111543995609, Volgograd, st. Kachintsev, 23

    in the face general director Sidorov Sergei Vladimirovich

    declares membership in small businesses on the following grounds:

    1. Overall volume state aid, injections of foreign capital, charitable organizations and religious institutions – 44%.
    2. Number of working personnel per past period– 87 people.
    3. Income for the past year – 623 million rubles.

    The declaration is submitted to participate in the tender for electronic trading № 383-848-18


    This approximate sample, on the basis of which a declaration can be drawn up. If the legal and actual addresses are different, this must be indicated in the document.

    Nuances of reading information

    What the auction organizers pay attention to in the declaration is an important question for all participants.

    This primarily concerns the following information:

    Timeliness of application Each auction has a specific deadline during which applications and, accordingly, SMP declarations must be submitted. It won’t be possible to do this sooner or later, because everything happens in electronic format. At the same time, knowing the specific deadline, you should calculate the time for completing papers, collecting information and editing files.
    Application Form You should not come up with something “on your own” or add information that is not required. The best option– filling out all papers based on the necessary criteria. No more, no less. Additional information may not make things worse, but it won’t bring any benefit either. In fact, it takes away time from the participant, which could be spent on more thorough preparation of the main package of documentation.
    Data relevance It is logical that all data is carefully double-checked, so you should not change the name of the organization, for example, after starting to participate in the auction. Otherwise, it turns out that the application was submitted on behalf of one participant, and subsequently this organization no longer exists. In fact, it is impossible to reorganize an LLC or individual entrepreneur into a legal entity. To do this, you need to register two different companies or close one and open another. It is better to refuse this at the time of submitting an application to participate in the tender.
    Data accuracy This is punishable by both exclusion from bidding and the possibility of administrative or criminal prosecution. In particular, it all depends on how much the data does not correspond to reality and for what purpose it was changed. If it is for illegal winning of tenders or concealing a “dark” past, then the results will be canceled, and the Federal Tax Service will take over the enterprise.

    The simplest thing is to follow the existing instructions for registering a tender participant and the subsequent features of providing information about the company.

    Possible problems

    To take part in the auction for public procurement, suppliers must, according to the rules, draw up an important document - a declaration confirming their belonging to the small business segment. In this material we will discuss what government procurement and the declaration of affiliation with small businesses are.

    Government bidding refers to a certain procedure for receiving federal orders from local and federal government agencies. Orders are filled with various needs, always in large quantities. Not only goods are in demand, but also the conduct various works or provision of services.

    Since in our country the state “gives the green light” to small businesses everywhere, when participating in government procurement they also enjoy some privileges that relate to the selection of a contractor or supplier. However, in order to prove involvement in this business category, the enterprise is forced to provide documentary evidence - a declaration, the culprit of this article. When participating in the auction, it must be prepared to be presented to the organizers along with other necessary papers.

    Why do businesses need participation in a tender from the state? It's simple. The fact is that they acquire two undeniable advantages for the company’s rapid growth:

    • strong business reputation, as a reliable contractor or supplier;
    • instant payment for a large order.

    As you can see, you can not only earn money and increase production capacity overnight, but also get the image of a company that is worth trusting, which means you can acquire many new partners and strengthen your market position.

    To take part in a state auction, you should carefully collect the necessary package of documents that will legally confirm the legality of the company’s activities. Then proceed to reviewing and preparing papers for specific areas of trading. IN in this case they will play the role of arguments in favor of the company, confirming its belonging to the best of the best.

    A systematic approach is the key to success when working at a government tender. Before applying to participate, make a list of company events that need to be implemented. Apply the following criteria to your list:

    • sequence of entered actions;
    • time frame for each event;
    • employees responsible for completing each stage.

    When drawing up a time plan, be sure to take into account the legally established time frames, as well as the amount of actual time that will be needed to carry out the event.

    A mandatory item on the list should be the careful preparation of documents required to participate in the auction. On average, it takes about a month to collect the necessary papers, plus or minus five days, so you need to take care of starting the process in advance.

    In addition to the contents of the package of documents, you need to take care of its design, that is, the information printed on it. It is mandatory to indicate on the envelope the address details of the customer government organization that is the recipient of the documents.

    When purchasing goods from only one seller, the government agency may insist on attracting professional experts, individual specialists or entire offices who will check the quality of the entrepreneur’s goods. It will consist of:

    • evaluation of submitted documents;
    • checking participants for compliance with the requirements presented by the customer;
    • assessment of the quality of goods, services or works provided under the contract;
    • checking the contract and the working conditions described in it.

    The customer usually decides to involve an expert at his own discretion, but there are situations in which their participation is necessary:

    • when goods are purchased from a supplier who is selected in accordance with the Presidential Russian Federation by decree;
    • when carrying out work related to preparation for mobilization activities;
    • upon purchase domestic technology and weapons for conducting military operations that have no analogues;
    • services are provided during an emergency;
    • the state fund is replenished with cultural values;
    • when purchasing products or services from the penal system in order to provide jobs for prisoners;
    • purchasing works of art from the author or rights holder;
    • obtaining assistance in organizing membership in various events that are held for a group of government agencies;
    • when purchasing services related to the imminent arrival of representatives of government agencies from abroad;
    • when purchasing a set of services related to technical and copyright supervision;
    • acquisition of goods necessary for the continued operation of places under state protection;
    • at the time of buying medical supplies etc.

    What is a declaration of membership in the SMP

    The declaration of affiliation with small businesses is a document used to participate in government procurement. It is somewhat of an advantage when it comes to identifying the best supplier.

    In addition, during a government tender, sometimes only applications from small companies are accepted for the role of participants. business organizations. In this situation, providing the required document is not preferable, but mandatory.

    When an auction is held in electronic format, suppliers’ belonging to small businesses is also confirmed by means of a declaration attached to the application for participation.

    Where can I get a declaration form?

    Unfortunately, today in Russia there is no body responsible for issuing declarations of this type. Just as there is no standardized form for suppliers to fill out. The participants compile the paper independently, in free form.

    There is also no need to officially certify the document in third-party organizations, such as notary offices. This procedure is again entrusted to the company filling out the paper, and it is necessary to indicate:

    • seal;
    • manager's signature.

    What is indicated in the declaration of affiliation with small businesses

    You can prove that an entrepreneur belongs to the required category by declaring a form in your own style, however, there is a list of criteria that must be indicated in it, confirming that the company is in the small business sector.

    Note! The criteria by which the status and affiliation of a company are determined are constantly changing. Replacements and additions are made on a regular basis. For 2017, this list of requirements is valid, related to the quantitative composition of companies and the amount of income they receive excluding value added tax.

    Table 1. Criteria for applying

    IndexMicroenterpriseSmall businessMedium enterprise
    Average for the previous yearno more than 15 peopleno more than 100 peopleno more than 250 people
    Revenue limit for the previous year120 million rubles800 million rubles2 billion rubles
    State participation share in LLCno more than 25%no more than 25%no more than 25%
    Participation of foreign or other (non-SME) organizationsno more than 49%no more than 49%no more than 49%

    If the company's criteria coincide with those above from the table, take the application for participation in the tender to the reception point. It is best to choose those auctions where buyers will treat small business representatives with affection, that is, in fact, this will be an advantage.

    According to Federal Law No. 44, which stipulates the parameters of the system for concluding contracts between state and municipal structures and suppliers for the purchase of goods, organization of work or provision of services, to meet the needs of the above buyers, confirmation of compliance with certain business criteria is mandatory.

    Needs to install for this unified form The form was not observed, so no time was devoted to its development. It is simply necessary that the text contained within it contains confirmation of compliance with the conditions presented by the organizers.

    Legislative changes that occurred in 2016

    Do not rush to get scared, all the simplified conditions for drawing up a declaration remain in force. However, in 2016, a register came into operation, which is a unified state code containing information on small and medium-sized businesses belonging territorially to Russia. Now it is possible to obtain from it data regarding compliance with the criteria presented in relation to companies required to participate in public procurement. To do this, government purchasers do not have to consider the declaration separately and do not even need to personally receive an envelope with documents.

    The necessary information is available online and is accessible to anyone. Finding them is extremely easy.

    1. Open your browser.
    2. Enter a request in the form of a taxpayer identification number or full name individual entrepreneurship.
    3. Follow the link and study the necessary information.

    To implement further additions to this set of data on small and medium-sized business entities, entrepreneurs need to contact tax office, to which they relate, and provide information of interest to the authorities. They are transmitted to the addressee in the form of a document in electronic format, which is signed not with a handwritten signature, but assigned and confirmed by the citizen electronic signature. To get one, you need to register on the portal public services, and then confirm your identity at one of the city points. Entrepreneurs will be able to find contacts for sending the form on the official website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia.

    As a result of communication with tax officials, the information expressed is included in the register. This happens through its addition by service specialists. When downloading, you will receive a document in one of the following formats:

    • .pdf;
    • .xlsx.
    • full name of the company;
    • Full name of the individual entrepreneur who created it;
    • location of the company;
    • attitude to one of the categories of small and medium-sized businesses;
    • all data from all-Russian classifier species economic activity, namely the codes chosen by the entrepreneur at the stage of opening the office.

    At the personal request of the individual entrepreneur, you can include contact information in the summary, for example, the organization’s phone number or cellular telephone boss, as well as describe what products the company produces, and whether it has previously taken part in government tenders, in addition, successful or unsuccessful finishing in case of a positive answer.

    According to the government decree of July 2016, it is mandatory to provide a declaration confirming membership in a certain category business entities, is cancelled. Now the main thing is to provide an extract from the register. The law also abolished the right to demand this confirmation from the customer, but only if information from the register was provided. Otherwise, it is better to fill out the required declaration, otherwise the company will not see a place in the state auction, because without information from the unified state code it will be impossible to identify the entrepreneur.

    If you don’t know whether your data is included in the register, it’s better to prepare a declaration, especially since there are no difficulties associated with this process.

    Let's sum it up

    This declaration, in a sense, is simply a godsend for entrepreneurs who want to participate in government procurement and, at the same time, have little understanding of filling out the various forms established by law. It can be filled out in free form, while only following the general instructions for fitting data into the list established by the government. Read it carefully and get to work. As an example, you can use the sample presented in the picture in this section. Good luck with the government auction!

    Video – Auction documentation, explanation of provisions

    Here we will provide a sample according to which you can fill out a declaration of belonging to small businesses in accordance with Part 3 of Article 30 of 44-FZ. This declaration is necessary for participation in procurement procedures that have limited participation only to SMP, SONKO, etc. The declaration must be completed at letterhead organizations.

    Declaration of SMP according to 44-FZ sample 2018. Download the form.

    You can download a sample in .doc format for filling out yourself at the end of the article by clicking on the link.


    on the belonging of Romashka LLC to small businesses.

    By this declaration we confirm that:

    In accordance with Article 4 of the Federal Law of July 24, 2007 No. 209-FZ “On the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Russian Federation,” Romashka LLC is classified as a small business entity and meets the following conditions:

    1) The total share of participation of the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipalities, foreign legal entities, public and religious organizations (associations), charitable and other funds in the authorized (share) capital (share fund) of Romashka LLC does not exceed twenty-five percent, the share of participation owned by one or more legal entities that are not small and medium-sized businesses , does not exceed twenty-five percent.

    2) Average number employees of Romashka LLC for the previous calendar year do not exceed one hundred people inclusive.

    3) The revenue of Romashka LLC from the sale of goods (work, services) excluding value added tax or the book value of assets (residual value of fixed assets and intangible assets) for the previous calendar year does not exceed 800 million rubles.

    General Director _________________ Ivanov I.I.

    Download from our website in Word (.doc) format - Option 1, Option 2

    Current for 2018. From August 1, 2016, instead of this declaration (or jointly), an extract from the unified register of SMEs should be attached (if information about this legal entity/entrepreneur is included in it).

    SME reporting (reporting of small and medium-sized businesses)

    Specify costcalculated

    The cost of SMSP reporting depends on the amount of waste

    Reporting deadline

    — from 2 working days (excluding approval from the Rosprirodnadzor SZU)

    Document validity period

    Grounds for generating SMSP reporting

    Small and medium-sized businesses, which include legal entities and individual entrepreneurs as defined by the Federal Law of July 24, 2007.

    How to draw up an SMP declaration under 44-FZ in 2018

    N 209-FZ “On the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Russian Federation”, just like other legal entities, are required to comply with the requirements of environmental legislation regarding waste management.

    Environmental legislation regarding waste management takes into account the characteristics of small and medium-sized businesses and provides for the following:

    • Based on clause 3 of Article 18 of the Federal Law of June 24, 1998 No. 89-FZ “On Production and Consumption Waste” (as amended on December 30, 2008), it was determined that small and medium-sized businesses are exempt from the development of draft waste generation standards and limits for their placement (PNOOLR).
    • In accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia dated February 16, 2010 No. 30, small and medium-sized businesses are required to take into account and report on waste generation. Order No. 30 of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia dated February 16, 2010 approved the Procedure for submitting and monitoring reporting on the generation, use, neutralization and disposal of waste (with the exception of statistical reporting).

    Requirements for submitting SMSP reports, approved by Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia dated February 16, 2010 No. 30

    • Reporting is based on data primary accounting formed, used, neutralized, transferred to other legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, received from other legal entities and individual entrepreneurs or individuals, as well as disposed waste.
    • OSMSP must be submitted to the territorial body of Rosprirodnadzor at the place of implementation of its economic activity. In the case of several places of activity, it is necessary to provide several reports, breaking them down by territorial basis and submitting data for each place of activity to the relevant territorial bodies of Rosprirodnadzor, or provide a single report for the Russian Federation to each of territorial bodies Rosprirodnadzor.
    • Reporting must be submitted by January 15 of the year following the reporting period of one calendar year.
    • Reporting is prepared on paper (2 copies) and on electronic media (1 copy).

    Download Order No. 30 of 02.16.10. "About the Small Business Waste Report"

    When compiling SME reports on their own, managers of small and medium-sized businesses experience considerable difficulties when filling out information such as:

    • balance of masses of waste generated, used, neutralized, transferred to other legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, received from other legal entities and individual entrepreneurs or individuals, disposed of waste during the reporting period;
    • data on the masses of waste transferred to other legal entities and individual entrepreneurs are presented in total for each type of waste and broken down by mass of waste intended for use, neutralization, storage (broken down by mass of waste transferred with the transfer of ownership, and by masses of waste transferred without transfer of ownership), for disposal (broken down by mass of waste transferred with transfer of ownership, and by mass of waste transferred without transfer of ownership);
    • data on the masses (in tons) of transferred waste, grouped by each type of waste, indicating its name, code according to the federal classification catalog of waste, hazard class, purpose of transfer (use, disposal, disposal).

    We offer you qualified assistance in the preparation, presentation and monitoring of reports on the generation, use, disposal and disposal of waste (with the exception of statistical reporting).

    Thank you for visiting our site.
    We hope that our proposals will interest you and that our cooperation will be long-term and fruitful.

    How to fill out the Declaration of SMP according to 44 Federal Laws example

    Not all companies need to keep accounting records. However, every enterprise must submit reports; however, small businesses have their own simplified form. For example, in balance sheet There are only 11 lines left: 5 for assets and 6 for liabilities. In addition, you need to fill out a report on financial results and submit these 2 documents to the tax service and Rosstat by March 31.

    Reporting to the state on the results of its activities is the responsibility of any enterprise (Federal Law dated December 6, 2011 N 402-FZ).

    And this must be done in a timely manner. Failure to submit reports entails fines and increases the likelihood of a tax audit.

    Small Business Reporting

    Accounting requirements are given in Federal Law No. 402-FZ dated December 6, 2011. The basis financial statements prepares a balance sheet and income statement. It is also necessary to draw up explanatory note, if necessary.

    The financial statements of small businesses can be complete or simplified.

    A simplified form can be used:

    • small business;
    • non-profit organizations.

    This can only be done if the field of activity is not on the list of exceptions. In particular, the company does not belong to microfinance companies, legal advice, notary and law offices.

    Small Business Criteria

    Companies are classified as small businesses if:

    • their revenue excluding VAT for the last calendar year amounted to 800 million rubles;
    • the average number of employees did not exceed 100 people;
    • share of the state, funds, large companies up to 25%.

    Rice. 1. Small business

    In this case, it does not matter at all what taxation system the company uses, because Only the requirements for financial reporting and accounting depend on this status. Tax accounting is different.

    However, in 2015, all simplified enterprises are automatically equated to small businesses. It’s simple: in order to apply the simplified tax system, revenue should not exceed 64 million rubles. per year and this value is included in the limit of 800 million rubles. But, again, if the company matches the share of the state/funds. The composition of the founders is important in this matter.

    Small business status is assigned to a company if it meets the above criteria for three consecutive years. For example, 2013, 2014 and 2015. In order for a company to be classified as a small business, you do not need to submit any documents anywhere.

    If the company has just registered, then in the first year, subject to the limit on operations, the number of employees and a suitable composition of founders, the enterprise automatically belongs to a small business.

    Accounting documents

    Small companies can generate reporting using a simplified scheme. But they also have the right to do this on a general basis. Each enterprise resolves this issue independently. In addition, you can develop the form yourself.

    In both cases, 2 documents must be submitted (download the reporting form for 2015):

    • balance;
    • income statement (formerly profit and loss statement).

    The difference between them is the need for detail. In the simplified version, you don’t need to write everything down item by item; in general, this needs to be done. In the first case the form is simpler, in the second it is more complex.

    Before filling out the documents, you must make final entries for the year and close all company accounts.

    Rice. 2. Balance sheet form for small businesses

    For comparison: the full form of the passive section “V. Short-term liabilities" of OJSC "Gazprom" for 2014.

    Rice. 3. Example of one section of the full form

    In the simplified form, unlike the full form, there is only one line.

    Rice. 4. Financial results report form

    If you need to specify Additional information, without which it is impossible to evaluate financial condition organization, or is required to disclose accounting policies and other important information, constitute an appendix.

    How to fill out forms

    The basis for filling out forms is data accounting. Before filling it out, you must make all entries and close open accounts (download the completed example).

    Changes cannot be made. If it is not possible to write in a simplified form necessary information, the general form should be used.

    Errors can be corrected. How to do this is explained in the video:

    When aggregating indicators, the line code must indicate the one from the group whose share is larger.

    To whom to report

    If an enterprise is registered after September 30, then it must report not in next year, and after a year and for the entire period from the start of business.

    You need to report for the year; there is no need to fill out intermediate forms. But this can be done for self-test or at the request of the company management.

    Reports must be submitted to 2 authorities:

    • tax office;
    • Rosstat.

    Note: For For small businesses, accounting can be done independently (saving on an accountant) using the “My Business” Internet service.

    Peter Stolypin, 2015-09-05

    Questions and answers on the topic

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    Declaration of a company's affiliation with the SMP: structure of the document What exactly should be reflected in the submitted document? The most important thing is to record in this declaration the fact that the company has the status of “SPM”. This is done by listing all the criteria that are specified in the legislation, namely: its ongoing activities; nuances of distribution of shares in the ownership of the organization; number of employees; average monthly revenue. At the same time, there can be quite a lot of criteria that a given organization belongs to the SPM. Since quite a lot of concepts and norms can fit under them. In order to better understand it is necessary to expand on this topic in more detail.

    Declaration of conformity for small businesses (sample)

    • purchasing works of art from the author or rights holder;
    • obtaining assistance in organizing membership in various events that are held for a group of government agencies;
    • when purchasing services related to the imminent arrival of representatives of government agencies from abroad;
    • when purchasing a set of services related to technical and copyright supervision;
    • acquisition of goods necessary for the continued operation of places under state protection;
    • when purchasing medications, etc.

    InfoWhat is a declaration of membership in a small business enterprise? A declaration of membership in small businesses is a document used to participate in government procurement. It is somewhat of an advantage when it comes to identifying the best supplier.

    We study the SMP declaration under Federal Law 44

    Federal Law of July 24, 2007 N 209-FZ (as amended on December 29, 2015) “On the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Russian Federation”5) Restriction on the total share of participation of foreign legal entities and (or) legal entities that are not subjects small and medium-sized businesses, does not apply to companies with limited liability, meeting the requirements specified in subparagraphs “c” - Art. 4 of the Federal Law of July 24, 2007 N 209-FZ (ed.

    Declaration of affiliation with small businesses (SMB)

    This procedure is again entrusted to the company filling out the paper, and it is necessary to indicate:

    • seal;
    • manager's signature.

    What is indicated in the declaration of belonging to small businesses You can prove that an entrepreneur belongs to the required category by declaring a form in your own style, however, there is a list of criteria that must be indicated in it, confirming that the company is in the small business sector. Note! The criteria by which the status and affiliation of a company are determined are constantly changing.

    Replacements and additions are made on a regular basis. For 2017, this list of requirements is valid, related to the quantitative composition of companies and the amount of income they receive excluding value added tax.

    searching results

    Table 1.

    Declaration of affiliation with small businesses

    TIN/KPP, OGRN, legal address) represented by General Director Sergei Leonidovich Egorov (position and full name of the head/representative of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur) declares membership in small businesses on the following grounds.

    1. The total share of participation of the state and its subjects, municipalities, foreign organizations and citizens, public and religious associations, charitable and other foundations in the authorized capital is 42% (not more than the legal limit of 49%).
    2. The average number of employees for the previous calendar year was 100 people (within the legal norm for small enterprises of 100 people).
    3. Annual revenue from sales of goods (works, services) – 764 million rubles. (within the normal range for a small enterprise up to 800 million rubles.

    AttentionPayment terms It should be separately noted that if such a restriction is established, the payment period for SMP under 44 Federal Laws is almost two times less than in other orders. In this case, the time for payment of SMP under 44 Federal Laws is 15 days (working days, not calendar days, please note this) from the moment of fulfillment of obligations under the contract.
    Whereas the payment period for other contracts is 30 calendar days. Who belongs to the SMEs under 44 Federal Laws These are legal entities registered in the established order (business companies, partnerships, peasant farms) and individual entrepreneurs (Law No. 209).

    Criteria have been established for the belonging of certain persons to such entities.

    A business company or business partnership has received the status of a project participant in accordance with Federal law dated September 28, 2010 N 244-FZ »About innovation center Skolkovo yes (no) - 3.4 Founders (participants) economic society, economic partnerships are legal entities included in the list of legal entities approved by the Government of the Russian Federation that provide state support for innovation activities in the forms established by Federal Law of August 23, 1996 N 127-FZ “On Science and State Scientific and Technical Policy”6.