Form dap 1 monthly statistics filling. Dap-pm statistics form - instructions for filling out. Statistical reporting forms and deadlines for their submission

New form "Survey of business activity in the service sector (form 1-DA services)" officially approved by the document Order of Rosstat dated August 31, 2017 N 564 (as amended on December 13, 2017, as amended on July 30, 2018).

More information about using the OKUD form 0609708:

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    Rosstat has approved the following new forms for reporting to statistics: annual reports... on administrative offenses in the economic sphere"; N 1-IP (services) "Information... I quarter of 2018: N 1-DA (services) "Survey business activity in the service sector"; quarterly from the report... for January - March 2018: N 1 ... ;. In addition, several specific forms for reporting on transport infrastructure have been approved.

  • The volume of services to the population and retail turnover will need to be reported in statistics in a new way.

    388 Rosstat approved the following new forms of federal statistical observation: annual... N 1-AE "Information on administrative offenses in the economic sphere" ... 2017: N P (services) "Information on the volume... of paid services to the population by type" ... quarter of 2017: N 1-DA (services) "Survey of business activity in the service sector" quarterly from the report... for January - March 2017: N 1 ...

  • Version 3.0.73 of the "Taxpayer" configuration has been released

    . New in version The configuration includes a new edition of the report form... /05-7094). The configuration includes new editions of statistical reporting forms: ....08.2014 No. 523; 1-DA (services) “Survey of business activity in the service sector” as amended by order dated September 15 ... 04.09.2014 No. 547. In the form of calculating fees for negative impacts... disposal of production and consumption waste. In the form of a tax return for UTII for... K1, equal to 1.798. Electronic uploading of the application form for...

  • Version 2.0.52 of the "Company Accounting KORP" configuration has been released.
  • Version 2.0.52 of the "Enterprise Accounting" configuration for "1C:Enterprise 8" has been released

    I quarter 2013; statistics form No. 8-VES (services) "Information on... the report for 2013; statistics form No. 1-DA (services) "Survey of business activity in the service sector" (approved by order of Rosstat... dated July 27, 2012 No. 422 ). Form...; statistics form No. 1 - producer prices "Information on producer prices of industrial goods (services...

It does not work Editorial from 15.09.2010

Document typeorder, instructions
Receiving authorityRosstat
Document Number235
Acceptance date23.09.2008
Revision date15.09.2010
Date of registration with the Ministry of Justice01.01.1970
StatusIt does not work
  • The document was not published in this form


Instructions for filling out form N 1-DAP

Federal statistical observation form N 1-DAP "Survey of business activity of organizations in mining, manufacturing, production and distribution of electricity, gas and water" is provided by all legal entities engaged in mining activities, manufacturing, production and distribution of electricity, gas and water, except for organizations that are small enterprises.

The completed forms are submitted by the legal entity to the territorial bodies of Rosstat at the location of the legal entity. In the event that a legal entity does not carry out activities at its location, the form is provided at the place of actual activity.

The head of a legal entity appoints officials authorized to provide statistical information on behalf of the legal entity.

The address part indicates the full name of the reporting organization in accordance with the constituent documents registered in the prescribed manner, and then in brackets - the short name.

The line "Postal address" indicates the name of the subject of the Russian Federation, legal address with postal code; if the actual address does not coincide with the legal address, then the actual postal address is also indicated.

A legal entity enters the code of the All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations (OKPO) in the code part of the form on the basis of the Notification of assignment of the OKPO code sent (issued) to organizations by the territorial bodies of Rosstat.

Form N 1-DAP should be filled out as much as possible.

The information is mainly qualitative in nature. Questions in the form related to assessing the level of indicators of the organization’s business activity are based on a comparison of actual results with the “normal” level (from the point of view of the prevailing business conditions and pricing in the survey period): “above”, “corresponds”, “below the normal level” .

When assessing changes in an organization's business activity indicators over time, the following gradation is used: “increase” (improvement), “no change,” “decrease” (deterioration).

Section 1 indicates the average number of employees of the organization for the previous year (excluding part-time and unlisted employees). The quantitative indicator “Average number of employees...” is used in the survey as a statistical weight of observation units.

The indicators of sections 2 - 9 are qualitative and represent expert assessments of relevant performance indicators, determined on the basis of the professional opinion of the head (manager) of the organization.

In section 2, line 1, the level and trends in the number of employees in the organization are assessed, characterizing the employment strategy in the survey period. When assessing the level of this indicator, its value is compared with the actual volume of production in the survey period. The following gradations are used: “more than enough”, “enough” and “not enough”.

In section 3, lines 1, 2, the level and trends of demand for products produced by the organization in the survey period are assessed, from the point of view of the demand for the organization’s activities, both in general and in the foreign market, based on the general economic situation and business conditions of the organization, market conditions market, income of potential consumers, competitiveness of the organization.

In section 3, lines 3, 4, the level and trends in changes in the organization’s output of the main type of product in physical terms during the survey period, both in general and innovative products, are assessed.

In section 3, line 5, the level and trends of change in the organization of inventories of finished products in the survey period are assessed, which characterizes the balances of finished products of own production in physical terms.

Section 3, line 6 assesses the level and trends of change in the organization of stocks of raw materials and supplies in physical terms during the survey period, which may indicate potential opportunities for production development.

In section 4, line 1, the level of use of production capacity by the organization in the survey period is assessed (approximately in% of their total volume).

In section 5, line 1, the level of provision of the organization with production capacity in the survey period is assessed relative to the expected demand for the next 6 months, which characterizes both the prospects for demand and the possibility of satisfying it. The following gradations are used: “more than enough”, “enough” and “not enough”.

Section 6 assesses trends in prices for raw materials and supplies, as well as for products sold, in the period under review in order to obtain additional information about the inflation expectations of entrepreneurs.

In section 7, lines 1, 2, 3, trends in changes in financial resources during the period under study are assessed: own, budgetary, credit and borrowed funds, which indicates the possibilities of implementing the organization’s financial strategy.

In section 7, line 4, the trend of changes in the organization’s profit in the period under study, which characterizes the final result of production and financial activities, is assessed.

In section 8, line 1, the general economic situation in the organization and the trends in its changes in the period under review are assessed, taking into account the established demand, scale of production, provision of financial resources, profitability of activities, and competitive position.

Section 9 indicates internal and external factors that negatively affect the development of the organization’s production activities. When filling out this section, it is advisable to note the most significant factors, in the opinion of the head (manager) of the organization.

In section 10, the Leader (manager) marks with an “X” the statements with which he agrees.

In section 10, line 1 is marked if, in the opinion of the respondent (the head (manager) of an economic entity), the scale of use of inappropriate advertising has decreased during the reporting period on the market for the relevant product (service).

Inappropriate advertising is dishonest, unreliable, unethical, deliberately false and other advertising that violates the requirements for its content, time, place and method of distribution established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

In section 10, line 2, a mark is placed if, in the opinion of the business entity surveyed, during the reporting period there have been fewer cases of unfair competition in the relevant market(s).

Unfair competition includes:

Dissemination of false, inaccurate or distorted information that could cause losses to another business entity or damage its business reputation;

Misrepresentation regarding the nature, method and place of production, consumer properties, quality and quantity of the product or its manufacturers;

Incorrect comparison by an economic entity of the goods produced or sold by it with the goods of other economic entities;

Sale, exchange or other introduction into circulation of goods with illegal use of the results of intellectual activity and equivalent means of individualization of a legal entity, individualization of goods, performance of work, services;

Illegal receipt, use, disclosure of information constituting a commercial, official or other secret protected by law.

In section 10, line 3, a mark is placed if, in the opinion of an economic entity, in the corresponding region (district) during the reporting period there has been less anti-competitive actions of government authorities (federal executive authorities, state authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies, others performing functions specified authorities or local governments, bodies or organizations).

Anti-competitive actions of government authorities (federal executive authorities, state authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies, other bodies or organizations performing the functions of these authorities or local government bodies) are legal acts and (or) actions (inactions) which have (or may have) the result of preventing, limiting, or eliminating competition. Theoretically, authorities can carry out the following anti-competitive actions:

Introduce restrictions on the creation of new business entities in any field of activity, as well as establish prohibitions on the implementation of certain types of activities or the production of certain types of goods;

Unreasonably interfere with the activities of economic entities in any area;

Establish bans on the free movement of goods from one region (district) to another;

In any other way limit the rights of business entities to sell (purchase, buy, exchange) goods, works, services;

Give instructions to business entities about the priority delivery of goods (performance of work, provision of services) to a certain circle of buyers (customers) or the priority conclusion of contracts;

Establish restrictions for buyers of goods (works, services) on the choice of business entities that produce (perform, provide) them.

In section 10, line 4 is marked if, in the opinion of the business entity being surveyed, the state of the competitive environment in the relevant market(s) has improved during the reporting period.

Competition refers to the competitiveness of economic entities when their independent actions effectively limit the ability of each of them to unilaterally influence the general conditions of circulation of goods on the corresponding product market.

In the absence of competition, one or more economic entities have the opportunity to influence the circulation of goods, works, services:

Influence the level and dynamics of prices,

Create conditions for access (obstacles to access) to the market for other economic entities,

Determine the conditions for exchange, consumption, acquisition, production, sale of goods, works, services,

To divide, together with other economic entities, the market on a territorial basis, by the volume of sales or purchases, by the range of goods sold, or by the circle of sellers or buyers (customers);

Establish conditions for membership (participation) in professional and other associations (manufacturer associations).

In section 10, line 5 is marked if, in the opinion of the business entity, the availability of services from natural monopolies has increased during the reporting period.

Consumers of the services of natural monopolies are business entities that consume electricity and heat, gas, oil through oil pipelines, using fixed telephone and postal services, railway transport services, airports, ports and transport terminals. Almost any economic entity is a consumer (of goods) and services produced by natural monopolies.

Accessibility means the absence of discrimination when connecting to the infrastructure of natural monopolies, the absence of cases of refusal to conclude an agreement with individual consumers, or refusal to supply goods (services) by a natural monopoly entity.

The list of reporting forms sent to Rosstat is, as a rule, individual for each enterprise or individual entrepreneur. Some people must submit one or several statistical reports in 2018, while others do not need to submit anything. We will tell you further about how to find out which reports must be submitted to statistics in 2018, what these forms are and what the responsibility is for failure to submit them.

Who should report to Rosstat

Statistical reporting is provided for any business entity, regardless of the type of their activity. Large organizations are required to report regularly; they often submit several reporting forms at once. Representatives of small and medium-sized businesses, as well as micro-enterprises, submit statistical reports when they participate in continuous statistical observations once every 5 years, and in the period between this they can be included in the Rosstat sample based on various criteria - type of activity, revenue volume, number, etc. (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 16, 2008 No. 79).

Reports within the framework of sample studies can be submitted quarterly or monthly, and for micro-enterprises only annual statistical reporting is acceptable (Clause 5, Article 5 of Law No. 209-FZ dated July 24, 2007).

How to find out which forms of statistical reporting you need to report on

Having formed the sample, the territorial bodies of Rosstat are obliged to notify the individual entrepreneurs and organizations included in it of the need to submit the relevant reports, as well as provide forms for completion. If there was no such notification, individual entrepreneurs and companies can independently find out what forms they will use to report in 2018.

How can I find out from the statistics agency which reports (by TIN, OGRN or OKPO) need to be submitted in 2018? The easiest and fastest way is to go to the Rosstat website, on the page ]]> ]]> indicate your status (legal entity, individual entrepreneur, branch, etc.) and enter one of the listed details in the special fields. As a result, the system will generate a list of statistical reporting forms that a person must submit, indicating their name, frequency and submission deadline. If the list of statistical reporting forms for 2018 is empty, you do not need to report to Rosstat in this period. Information on the site is updated monthly.

Also, a company or individual entrepreneur can contact the territorial body of Rosstat with an official written request for a list of reports, but this will take much more time (clause 2 of Rosstat’s letter dated January 22, 2018 No. 04-4-04-4/6-smi).

Statistical reporting forms and deadlines for their submission

Statistical forms can be grouped depending on the type of business entity: for example, statistical reporting of individual entrepreneurs, micro-enterprises, medium and small firms, large organizations; there are also forms on which all of the listed entities can report.

Some statistical reporting for 2018 may be intended only for certain sectors of activity: agriculture, retail trade, construction, etc. You can also highlight statistical reports presented by the number and composition of personnel, volume of revenue, products produced, etc.

Each statistical form has its own deadlines for submission, violation of which can result in significant fines (Article 13.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation): 10 – 20 thousand rubles. for officials, and 20-70 thousand rubles. For the company. Responsibility for repeated violation of deadlines for submitting statistical reports will increase to 30-50 thousand rubles. for responsible officials, and up to 100-150 thousand rubles. for the organization. The same penalties apply when submitting false statistical data.

If there are no indicators for filling out reporting, Rosstat must be notified about this in a letter, and it should be written every time the next reporting date occurs (clause 1 of Rosstat’s letter dated January 22, 2018 No. 04-4-04-4/6-smi).

Along with statistical reports, legal entities are required to submit a copy of their annual accounting reports to Rosstat. Accounting “statistical” reports (including those in simplified forms) are submitted no later than 3 months after the end of the reporting year (for 2017, the deadline is 04/02/2018). For violating the deadline, officials can be fined 300-500 rubles, and the company 3-5 thousand rubles. (Article 19.7 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Submission of statistical reporting in 2018

Please note that many reporting statistical forms have been developed for almost any economic sector and type of activity. Here we provide tables for statistical reporting current in 2018, some of them with deadlines for submission.

Kind of activity

Frequency and deadline for submission to Rosstat

Statistical reporting in 2018, submitted regardless of the type of activity:


small businesses

Quarterly, 29th day after the reporting quarter

legal entity other than SMP

1-T (working conditions)

legal entity other than SMP

All types except retail trade (excluding motor vehicle trade)

legal entity other than SMP

1-T (working conditions)

legal entity other than SMP

legal entity other than SMP

P-2 (invest)

legal entity other than SMP

Monthly, 28th day after the reporting month

Quarterly, 30th day after the quarter

legal entity other than SMP

Monthly, with MSS above 15 people. – 15th of the next month

Quarterly, with SSCh 15 people. and less – the 15th day after the reporting quarter

a legal entity with a social capital of more than 15 people, except for self-employed enterprises

Quarterly, 8th day after the reporting quarter

a legal entity with a social capital of more than 15 people, except for self-employed enterprises

Quarterly, 30th day after the reporting quarter

legal entity other than SMP

Quarterly, 20th day after the reporting quarter

All types, except insurance, banks, government agencies, financial and credit organizations

legal entity other than SMP

Quarterly, 30th day after the reporting period (1st quarter, half year, 9 months)

legal entity, except SMEs and non-profit organizations

All types, except insurance, non-state pension funds, banks, government agencies

legal entity other than SMP

legal entity other than SMP

Submission of statistical reporting in the field of trade:


SMEs, except microenterprises

Monthly, 4th day after the reporting month



1-conjuncture (wholesale)


Quarterly, 10th day of the last month of the reporting quarter


legal entity, except micro-enterprises

Wholesale and retail trade

legal entity other than SMP

Sale of goods to the public, repair of household products

Trade in certain goods

Individual entrepreneur and legal entity


SMEs, except microenterprises

Quarterly, 15th day after the reporting period

Statistical reporting of organizations providing services:

Paid services to the population

Paid services to the population

legal entity, legal entities (except for law offices)

1-YES (services)

legal entity, except for microenterprises and non-profit organizations

Quarterly, 15th day of the second month of the reporting quarter

Manufacturing and services

Individual entrepreneurs and legal entities, except micro-enterprises

What reports should be submitted to statistics for those involved in agriculture:

Agricultural activities

legal entity, except SMP and peasant farms

Monthly, 3rd day after the reporting month

Sowing crops

SMP, peasant farm, individual entrepreneur

Sowing crops and perennial plantings

SMP, peasant farm, individual entrepreneur

Availability of farm animals

SMP (monthly), individual entrepreneurs and microenterprises (once a year)

1-purchase prices

Agricultural production

legal entity other than peasant farms

2-purchase prices (grain)

Purchase of domestic grain for main production

Menstruation, 15th of next month

Agricultural activities

Monthly, 20th of the reporting month

1-СХ (balance) – urgent

Purchase, storage, processing of grain and its processed products

Quarterly, 7th day after the reporting quarter

10-MEH (short)

Agricultural activities

legal entity, except peasant farms and microenterprises

Agricultural activities in the presence of sown areas, hayfields, or only perennial plantings

legal entity, except SMP and peasant farms

Statistical reporting 2018 - deadlines for the mining industry:

Extraction and processing; production and distribution of gas, steam, electricity; fishing, logging

Individual entrepreneur with 101 or more employees.

Menstruation, 4th working day of the next month

MP (micro) - nature

Individual entrepreneurs and micro-enterprises with up to 15 people.

Individual entrepreneurs with employees from 16 to 100 people, small enterprises

Monthly, 4th working day after the reporting month


legal entity other than SMP

Mining, manufacturing, air conditioning, gas, steam, electricity

small businesses

Quarterly, 10th of the last month of the quarter

legal entity other than SMP

Monthly, 10th of the reporting month

Mining, manufacturing, air conditioning, gas, steam, electricity, water supply, sanitation, waste collection and disposal, pollution removal

legal entity, except micro-enterprises

List of statistical reporting for the oil and gas industry:

1-TEK (oil)

Production of oil, associated gas and gas condensate

legal entity other than SMP

1-TEK (drill)

Drilling of the wells

legal entity other than SMP

2-TEK (gas)

Availability of gas wells on the balance sheet

legal entity other than SMP

Oil production and refining

legal entity other than SMP

Quarterly, 30th

1-motor gasoline

Production of motor gasoline and diesel fuel

legal entity other than SMP

Weekly, 1 day after the reporting week, until 12 noon.

Construction statistics - reports in 2018:


legal entity, except micro-enterprises

Quarterly, 10th day of the second month of the reporting quarter


legal entity, except micro-enterprises

Monthly, 25th of the reporting month



legal entity other than SMP

Statistical reporting of transport enterprises:

Operation and maintenance of urban electric transport


Transportation of passengers by buses and passenger taxis

legal entity, except micro-enterprises

1-TR (motor transport)

Transportation of goods by road; non-public roads on the balance sheet

legal entity, except micro-enterprises

Air transportation

legal entities and their separate divisions

Quarterly, 15th day after the reporting quarter

Monthly, 7th day after the reporting quarter

Monthly, 15th day after the reporting quarter

32-GA and 33-GA

Quarterly, 7th day after the reporting quarter

1-TARIFF (auto),

1-TARIFF (ha),


1-TARIFF (yellow),

1-TARIFF (pipe),

1-TARIFF (internal water)

Transportation of goods by road, air, sea, railway, pipeline, water transport

Monthly, 23rd of the reporting month

Deadlines for statistical reporting for the tourism and hotel business:

Tourist activities

Individual entrepreneur and legal entity

Services of hotels and similar accommodation facilities

legal entity other than SMP

Quarterly, 20 days after the reporting quarter

In addition to tax reporting, legislative acts provide for the obligation of a business entity to submit reports to statistics. Which forms to submit are determined by Rosstat independently and communicated to companies and entrepreneurs. Currently, there is a service where you can use your Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) to view reports to statistics in 2018, a list of forms and deadlines for submission.

Legal norms establish the obligation to submit statistical reports to Rosstat. Moreover, what kind of reports need to be submitted depends on the status of the business entity, the type of activity performed, size, etc.

If a company does not operate, its reporting obligation does not disappear. She still has to fill out the forms and send them to statistics. If she does not have indicators, then she must prepare a letter with explanations and submit it to Rosstat.

Submission of reports to statistics in 2018 is also provided for organizations classified as small businesses and subject to preferential tax treatment. For these entities, the list of forms that need to be sent to statistics has been significantly reduced.

Attention! To find out which reports need to be sent to the statistical authorities, you need to go to the website of this authority (, enter your TIN, or OGRN, or.

After this, the “Reporting to statistics by TIN” service will display a list of forms required for submission, as well as the deadlines by which subjects must send them to the statistical authorities.

Also, organizations should not forget that they must all submit financial statements to Rosstat at the end of the year. It is submitted to statistics after it is accepted by the tax authorities, that is, with a mark of acceptance by them.

Attention! Also, statistics periodically conducts sample studies, as a result of which subjects included in the sample must submit the prescribed forms. Rosstat officially notifies the business entity about this.

Reporting to statistics in 2018, list of forms and deadlines for submission

Form name Who serves? Submission deadline
Information about fuel reserves ( 4-stocks) 0607019 OOO Until the 2nd day of the month after the reporting month. Not issued on April 1st, May 1st and June 1st
Information about the production of products by an individual entrepreneur ( 1-IP (month)) 0610001 IP
Information on the production and shipment of goods and services ( P-1) 0610013 OOO On the 4th working day after the reporting month
Information on the production of military (defense) products ( Appendix 2 to form No. P-1) 0610054 OOO On the 4th working day after the reporting month
P (services)) 0609707 OOO On the 4th working day after the reporting month - if the average number of employees is more than 15 people
1-manufacturer prices) 0616007 LLC, individual entrepreneur On the 22nd day of the reporting month
Information about the production of products by a small enterprise ( PM-prom) 0610010 LLC, individual entrepreneur On the 4th working day after the reporting month
Information on average prices for grain purchased by industrial organizations for primary production ( 2-purchase prices (grain)) 0616021 OOO Until the 15th day of the month after the reporting month.
Information on purchase prices of certain types of goods ( 2-purchase prices) 0616008 OOO Until the 18th day of the month after the reporting month.
Information on producer prices for mineral fertilizers ( 1-producer prices (fertilizers)) 0616022 OOO On the 22nd day of the reporting month
Survey of business activity of organizations in mining, manufacturing, production and distribution of electricity, gas and water ( 1-DAP) 0610019 OOO Until the 10th day of the reporting month
Information on the production and supply of military (defense) products ( 1-PO) 0610053 OOO Until the 5th day of the month after the reporting month.
Information on residues of explosive materials for industrial use ( 1-VM (urgent)) 0607033 OOO
Information on the production, shipment and balances of explosive materials for industrial use ( 1-PS (urgent)) 0610033 OOO On the 5th day after the reporting month
P-5 (m)) 0610016 OOO Until the 30th day of the month after the reporting quarter
Information on the costs of production and sale of products (goods, works, services) ( 5-Z) 0608014 OOO Until the 30th day of the month after the reporting quarter. It is necessary to fill out the form 3 months, half a year, nine months in advance
Information on the main performance indicators of a small enterprise ( PM) 0601013 OOO Until the 29th day of the month after the reporting quarter
Information on book publishing activities ( 1-I) 0609503 OOO Until the 5th day of the month after the quarterly report
Information about the activities of the insurer ( 1-SK) 0608012 OOO After 35 days after the reporting quarter
Questionnaire for surveying the transportation activities of entrepreneurs - owners of trucks ( No. 1-IP (truck)) 0615069 IP The specific deadline for delivery is determined by Rosstat.
Information on the volume of paid services to the population by type ( P (services)) 0609707 OOO On the 15th working day after the reporting quarter - if the average number of employees is less than 15 people
Survey of business activity in the services sector ( 1-YES (services)) 0609708 OOO On the 15th day of the second month of the reporting quarter
Survey of business activity of small enterprises in mining, manufacturing, production and distribution of electricity, gas and water ( DAP-PM) 0610017 OOO Until the 10th day of the final month in the reporting quarter
Information on production, shipment and prices of medicines ( 2-LEK (industrial)) 0610032 OOO
Information on the release and shipment of medical products (medical equipment and medical devices) ( 1-medical products) 0610082 LLC, individual entrepreneur On the 20th day after the quarterly report
Information on the production and shipment of folk arts and crafts products by a small enterprise ( P-NHP-M) 0610099 OOO Until the 15th day after the quarterly report
Information on the shipment of goods, works and services related to nanotechnology ( 1-NANO) 0610012 OOO
Information on the production of rocket and space technology ( 1-RKT) 0610100 OOO Until the 30th day after the quarterly report
1-P (fish)) 0610075 LLC, individual entrepreneur Until the 30th day after the quarterly report
Information on the activities of publishing periodical printed media ( 1-I (media)) 0609516 OOO Until January 15 and July 15 for the past six months
Basic information about the activities of the organization ( 1-enterprise) 0601009 OOO
Information on the main performance indicators of a micro-enterprise ( MP (micro)) 0601016 OOO Until February 5 after the end of the reporting year
MP(micro)-nature) 0601024 OOO
Information on the use of intellectual property ( 4-HT (list)) 0604013 OOO Until January 25 after the end of the reporting year
Information on the use of fuel and energy resources ( 4-TER) 0610068 OOO Until February 16 after the end of the reporting year
Information on the use of information and communication technologies and the production of computer equipment, software and the provision of services in these areas ( 3-inform) 0604018 OOO Until March 25 after the end of the reporting year
Information about the activities of a socially oriented non-profit organization ( 1-SONKO) 0608028 OOO Until April 1 after the end of the reporting year
Information on the activities of the self-regulatory organization of auditors ( 3-audit) 0609712 OOO Until April 1 after the end of the reporting year
Information on the volume of paid services provided to the population by an individual entrepreneur ( No. 1-IP (services)) 0609709 IP
Information about the activities of an individual entrepreneur ( 1-IP) 060101 IP Until March 2 after the end of the reporting year
Information about the production of products by a micro-enterprise ( MP (micro)-nature) 0601024 IP Until January 25 after the end of the reporting year
Information about technological innovations of a small enterprise ( 2-MP innovation) 0601011 OOO Until April 9 after the end of the reporting year - once every two years
Information on the volume of paid services to the population ( 1-services) 0609703 OOO
Information on prices of producers of industrial goods (services) ( 1-manufacturer prices) 0616007 LLC, individual entrepreneur Until March 11 after the end of the reporting year
Information on production, shipment of products and balance of production capacity ( 1-nature-BM) 0610035 OOO
Information on the production and shipment of composite materials ( appendix to form No. 1-natura-BM) 0610034 OOO Until February 10 after the end of the reporting year
Information on the production of DOC and PSF chemicals subject to declaration and control under the Convention ( 1-XO) 0610086 OOO Until January 27 after the end of the reporting year
Information on the production and consumption of chemicals of lists 2 and 3, subject to declaration and control under the convention ( 2-XO) 0610087 OOO Until January 25 after the end of the reporting year
Information about audit activities ( 2-audit) 0609711 LLC, individual entrepreneur Until March 1 after the end of the reporting year
Information about stationary social service organizations for elderly citizens and disabled people (adults and children) ( 3-social security (consolidated)) 0609318 LLC, individual entrepreneur Until February 10 after the end of the reporting year
Information on the cost and profitability of military (defense) products ( 1-SR) 0610052 OOO Until April 1 after the end of the reporting year
Information on fish catch, extraction of other aquatic biological resources and withdrawal of objects of commercial aquaculture (commercial fish farming) ( 1-P (fish)) 0610075 LLC, individual entrepreneur Until February 15 after the end of the reporting year
Information on the current market value of mineral reserves ( 1-RSPI) 0609062 LLC, individual entrepreneur Until April 1 after the end of the reporting year
  • in case of repeated violation, the legal entity faces a fine of 100,000.00 - 150,000.00 rubles.
  • to the director 30,000.00 - 50,000.00 rub.
  • There is also a separate liability for failure to submit or violation of the deadline for submitting financial statements to Rosstat:

    1. a legal entity faces a fine of 3000.00 - 5000.00 rubles.
    2. The director will pay 300.00 -500.00 rubles for this violation.
    3. entrepreneurs can be held liable 100.00 – 300.00 rub.

    DAP-PM form: who fills it out and what you need to know about the deadline

    The DAP-PM form “Survey of business activity of small enterprises in mining and manufacturing industries providing electricity, gas and steam, air conditioning” was approved by Rosstat Order No. 541 dated August 21, 2017 (Appendix No. 23).

    The form is intended to study business activity - a set of activities aimed at promoting the company in the labor markets, sales, and also in the financial sector. The report is of an analytical, evaluative and forecast nature. A wide range of indicators is studied (provision of personnel, raw materials, other resources, as well as factors of their effective current and future use).

    Companies must submit this report:

    • related to small ones (according to the criteria of Article 4 of Law No. 209-FZ dated July 24, 2007);
    • working in certain sectors of the economy (mining, manufacturing, supplying electricity, steam and gas, air conditioning).

    The report is drawn up if the small enterprise is included in the statistical sample (according to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 16, 2008 No. 79, statistical observation of small enterprises occurs on a sample basis).

    Companies included in the sample that use the simplified tax system are also required to report in the DAP-PM form.

    The report is quarterly. The deadline for submitting the DAP-PM statistics form is indicated on the first sheet of the form - no later than the 10th day of the last month of the reporting quarter.

    How to fill out the form

    To do this, let us turn to Order No. 541 - Appendix No. 23 to it provides brief instructions for the DAP-PM statistics form.

    The report is constructed in the form of a questionnaire - a reference document containing a set of quantitative and qualitative indicators for an expert assessment of the state and development prospects of the company. The reporting company does not need to provide exact figures (except in paragraphs 1 and 6). All you have to do is put an “X” next to the appropriate option from those proposed.

    Don't know your rights?

    To fill out the form you will need to collect information:

    • on the average number of employees of the company for the past year (excluding part-time and non-scheduled employees);
    • current and forecast (for the next 3 months) changes in the number of employees employed in the company;
    • current and forecast indicators of the company's activities (demand for products, production volumes, reserves of raw materials and finished products, competitive position in the market);
    • expressed as a percentage of the degree of utilization of production capacity in the current month;
    • on the availability of production capacity in the current month, taking into account current demand for the next six months;
    • about the number of months the company has enough demand;
    • trends in price changes for raw materials and finished products;
    • current and future changes in the financial performance of the company (in terms of own, borrowed, budgetary funds, as well as profit);
    • current and future economic situation in the company.
    • about the main factors limiting production growth in the current month (lack of financial resources, equipment, raw materials, etc.);
    • on the state of the competitive environment (information is filled in only in reports for the second and fourth quarters).

    Only having complete and reliable information can adequately assess the condition and development prospects of the company.

    For a sample of filling out the DAP-PM form, see the next section.

    Sample form DAP-PM (example)

    Let's look at an example of filling out the DAP-PM form.

    LLC "Myasopererabotka" is engaged in processing and canning of meat products. The company has a wide product line: from the production of semi-finished products (minced meat, frozen cutlets, etc.) to the production of final (ready-to-eat) products in the form of sausages and canned meat.

    In 2018, Myasoperabotka LLC was included in the statistical sample based on the submission of report form No. DAP-PM. The financial department specialists, who were tasked with preparing the data for the report, collected the necessary information. Including:

    • the average number of employees for 2017 is 64 people;
    • the number of employees in the current and subsequent quarters is sufficient to ensure production volumes;
    • production volumes of Myasoperabotka LLC are not expected to increase in the next quarter;
    • The company estimates the demand for products (both general and in the foreign market) as sufficient;
    • no changes are expected in inventories of raw materials and materials, as well as finished products;
    • own competitive position is recognized as stable;
    • production capacity utilization rate - 97%;
    • According to the company, it is provided with technological capacity for the next six months (taking into account current demand);
    • the order portfolio of Myasoperabotka LLC has been formed for the next 18 months;
    • no changes in prices (for raw materials and finished products) are expected in the current quarter, growth is predicted in the next;
    • the enterprise uses only its own funds (credits and borrowings, does not attract budget funds);
    • profit in the next quarter is planned at the same level (no changes relative to the current quarter);
    • the general economic situation in the company is predicted to remain unchanged;
    • There are no factors limiting production growth in the current month.

    What a sample DAP-PM form completed for statistical authorities looks like, see below:

    The DAP-PM form is intended for an expert assessment of the current state and development prospects of the company. It is represented by small enterprises included in the statistical sample, operating in the mining and manufacturing industries, as well as in the provision of electricity, steam and gas, and air conditioning. The DAP-PM form is quarterly and must be submitted no later than the 10th day of the last month of the reporting quarter.