Job description for the director of a beauty salon. Responsibilities of a beauty salon director: from employee management to an advertising campaign. Job responsibilities of a hairdresser






1.1. A beauty salon administrator falls into the category of managers of consumer service and retail enterprises. They are hired and fired by the director of the company.

1.2. The main tasks of the administrator are to manage and coordinate the activities of the salon related to customer service, and to conduct retail trade in cosmetics.

1.3. The administrator reports directly to the director of the beauty salon.

1.4. In his work, the administrator is guided by:

Resolutions, orders, orders and other documents of higher and other bodies relating to the characteristics of consumer services and trade enterprises;

Internal labor regulations;

Rules and standards of labor protection and safety at consumer service and trade enterprises, industrial sanitation and fire protection;


Job descriptions for a beauty salon administrator include:

2.1. Organizing, planning and coordinating salon activities aimed at reducing costs and improving the quality of customer service.

2.2. Control over the effective use of material, technical and labor resources in the process of the salon’s activities, reducing costs.

2.4. Providing staff with all necessary medications and accessories for work.

2.5. Organization of accounting, preparation and timely submission of reports (consumption of materials) on consumable items in the course of the salon’s activities.

2.6. Compliance with the rules of operation on cash register machines (issuing checks) and trading (availability of price lists, invoices, certificates)

2.7. Accept payment for services rendered from the client.

2.8. Organization of work with personnel includes:

Monitoring the timely arrival of craftsmen to work;

Control over the appearance of the craftsmen (uniform);

Monitoring the availability of master tools;

Scheduling (at least 2 craftsmen per shift according to their profile);

Issuance and recording of materials necessary for the work of the master.

2.9. Monitoring compliance with cleanliness (garbage, dirty dishes, sales area, solarium, untimely sweeping of the floor by the foreman after the client, prepared workplace before each client), rules and regulations of labor protection, safety precautions when servicing clients and conducting trading activities.

2.10. Monitoring the improvement of professional skills of personnel:

Registration at the request of masters for seminars and trainings in agreement with management

2.11. Organization and effective communication with clients of the beauty salon:

Consulting clients by phone, as well as recording clients with an accurate description of services and prices;

Meeting salon clients, offering tea, coffee;

Clarification of the customer's order with the offer of a price list and current promotions;

Distribution of clients by specialists;

Assisting the client in introducing the client to the master;

Maintaining preliminary registration of clients (including by telephone);

Maintaining a book of customer reviews about the work of staff;

Consulting clients during the sales process on issues of interest to them;

Selection of pleasant music for the salon;

Resolution of possible conflict situations (adequate assessment of the conflict)

Periodic telephone or electronic contact with clients for congratulatory purposes.

2.12 Increasing the level of professional skills under the following conditions:

For the first 3 months from the date of employment of a beauty salon administrator, the payment for programs that improve the professional level of the administrator is fully compensated by the administrator;

The administrator undertakes to work in a beauty salon for 6 months from the date of his last visit to a program paid for by the employer, which improves his professional level.

2.13 Providing assistance to management if there is a need for an administrator in another salon within the existing network.

2.14 Carrying out one-time instructions from management.


3.1. The salon administrator establishes job responsibilities for employees subordinate to him so that each employee knows the range of his duties and is responsible for their implementation.

3.2. The appointment and dismissal of employees is made in agreement with the director.

3.3. Imposing fines on employees

3.4. Require management to create normal conditions for the performance of official duties and the safety of equipment and cosmetic products.

3.5. Make decisions within your competence.

3.6. Purchase products offered for sale by the beauty salon, as well as use the services provided by the beauty salon, in accordance with the price list located in Appendix No. 1.


The administrator is responsible for:

4.1. Careless, negligent attitude towards one's duties.

4.2. Insensitive attitude towards clients and staff.

4.3. Fuzzy and untimely fulfillment of duties provided for in these instructions.

4.4. Illegal actions with documents and information about the activities of the enterprise, maintaining trade secrets about the work of the enterprise.

4.5. Organizing the efficient operation of the salon, increasing sales and economical use of materials.

4.6. Disciplinary, financial and other liability is determined in accordance with current legislation.


5.1 For being late for work without prior warning
director (per day) an amount of 600 rubles is collected from the administrator. – being late for work means arriving after 9:45 in the salon, and after 10:30 in hairdressing salons.

5.2 Administrator’s absence from work without prior warning (2 days in advance, rubles.

5.4 For using the services of a beauty salon during working hours, as well as for assisting in the provision of services to other employees of the salon during the working hours of these employees - a fine of 1200 rubles.

Director of the beauty salon "Name of the salon"
FULL NAME. Directors



I have read the instructions _________________________


residing at: _____________________________________________________


The main goal of a beauty salon manager is to ensure the profitability of the business. The main tasks are to manage the team, business processes, relationships with clients, suppliers, inspectors and owners, financial management and fixed assets. In addition, he must manage himself and be effective. We will find out what else the functional responsibilities of a beauty salon manager include from our material.

Beauty salon manager - who is he?

Beauty salon manager actually performs the role of executive director. You can trust this specialist to manage your beautiful business.

The manager of a beauty salon organizes the work of employees, approves work schedules for specialists, purchases necessary cosmetic materials, and coordinates repair processes and equipment supplies.

Another important function in the work of a beauty salon manager is ensuring the commercial success of the establishment. The most valuable thing a beauty salon has is its clients. Therefore, the manager’s job description should include working with clients: searching and attracting, as well as solving marketing problems in this regard.

Types of beauty salon managers

There are two main types of managers. They imply fundamental differences between themselves - the choice of a specific option depends on the state of affairs in the institution.

Anti-crisis manager

The experience and skills of such a manager allow him to work not only in establishments in crisis, but also in a newly opened salon. Able to think strategically. However, with a stable state of affairs in the beauty salon, such a manager sometimes finds himself bored. Also, specialists in this category may have problems solving everyday small operational issues, procedures in reports and documents.

Operations Manager

Such managers cannot be called creatives. These specialists do not like introducing creative ideas, much less developing them. Their main principle is stability. We are ready to do everything necessary to establish systematic work in the salon, maintaining its stability. Managers of this group are considered the best option for handling paperwork, always with order in the documents, everything is perfectly laid out on the shelves.

When a beauty salon needs a manager

Performs, first of all, many routine daily tasks, without which none of the establishments can do.

The manager is the link between the owner of the establishment and his subordinates. Team management is always considered one of the most pressing and painful issues. When opening a beauty salon, a confrontation of unequal forces often arises - between seasoned professionals with 15 years of experience and an inexperienced, novice owner of the establishment.

A manager is also needed in a situation where the owner has not mastered the subtleties, nuances and features of working in the beauty industry. The situation will be very successful if you manage to find a specialist who is able to count well (with an economic education), document management, understand people (HR skills), and navigate the beauty industry (the field of PR). Therefore, we can talk about the desirability of practical experience and decent education for a specialist to be hired for the position of beauty salon manager.

Main responsibilities of a beauty salon manager

The management process includes a cycle , better known as the Deming cycle, or PDCA.

The introduction and adherence to a cyclical approach to management ensures the systematic and progressive development of the salon. Each owner has the right to demand system management from the salon manager. He must make management decisions not on a whim, but on the basis of facts, figures and reports. And it doesn’t matter what business process we are talking about. For example, purchasing materials.

Solving such problems requires certain skills and developed competencies.

Manager's competencies

Corporate competencies

  1. Active life position.
  2. Quick adaptation to new conditions.
  3. Loyalty to the companies where they worked.
  4. Focus on continuous professional growth and learning.

Personal and business competencies

Competencies of the “intellectual” factor:

  1. The ability to express oneself clearly.
  2. Creativity.
  3. Ability to pay attention to detail.
  4. Curiosity.
  5. Ability to listen well.
  6. Variability of thinking.
  7. Organization, self-discipline.
  8. Ability to learn quickly.
  9. Problem solving skills.

Competencies of the “interpersonal” factor:

  1. Tendency to cooperate.
  2. Ability to teach others.
  3. People-oriented, extrovert.
  4. Diplomacy.
  5. Ability to establish contacts.
  6. The ability to inspire others (charisma).
  7. Stress resistance (to time, to situation).
  8. Team player.
  9. Kindness, positivity.
  10. Self confidence.
  11. Tolerance, tolerance.
  12. Empathy, the ability to actively empathize.

Professional skills

  1. Goal setting and activity planning.
  2. Administrator/manager skills.
  3. Business Etiquette.
  4. Economics and fundamentals of financial analysis.
  5. Marketing.
  6. Personnel Management.
  7. Legal aspects of activity.

As you can see, it is very difficult to find a salon manager who would have 100% mastery of all qualities equally. As a rule, if a candidate matches 70%, then you should pay attention to him. In this case, the manager of a beauty salon or spa center will perform his duties efficiently.

Personnel issue

Any owner asks the question: how to evaluate the effectiveness of a new manager and how to quickly introduce him to the position so that the beauty salon manager can perform his duties as correctly as possible?

The effectiveness of your business depends on the quality of his management decisions. The following indicators can be used to evaluate and calculate remuneration for results:

  1. Profit before tax = revenue - cost - marketing and advertising expenses - administrative expenses - interest on loans.
  2. Business profitability = (profit before tax / revenue) * 100%.
  3. Loyalty level = (regular customers / total number of customers) * 100%.
  4. Length of work in the salon = total length of service of all employees / number of employees, with everyone taken into account, including those on probation and dismissed.

Adaptation period

Like any employee, a new manager needs an adaptation period. At this time, it is not advisable to tie his payment system to indicators, since the candidate does not yet know all the nuances of this enterprise, and he needs time to analyze and draw up a work plan. 1-2 months is enough. For this period you can determine salary and bonus for performanceSMART-tasks. The ratio of salary and bonus is 60/40.

After the analysis has been carried out, a work plan for the quarter or year has been drawn up and agreed upon, you can, by mutual agreement, change the terms of payment. When the plan is achieved, a salary is paid, and when it is exceeded, a bonus is paid. This can be either a % of profit or a % of salary. The ratio of the constant and variable parts can be 50/50 or 40/60. For greater interest in the results, we recommend summing up the results for the quarter.

In order for the director to quickly make decisions and manage efficiently, and for the owner to be calm and confident that everything is in order and his business is not in danger of collapse or raider takeover, it is important to set up control procedures.

To do this, you can use automated systems for managing a beautiful business and periodically conduct management audits.

Where do beauty salon managers undergo training?

Among the educational institutions that provide education in the salon business, the most common specialty is “beauty salon manager.”

It is possible to divide training into three types - traditional full-time, distance learning, aimed at existing managers, as well as business trainings and seminars.

Full-time education

Some educational institutions have faculties “Beauty salon manager”. In particular, such education can be offered by the International Institute of Beauty Industry and Service “EURO STAR” (Tyumen).

It takes several months to study at this faculty - learning all the basics of beauty salons. In particular, this training program involves courses on working with a business plan for a beauty salon, choosing premises for an establishment, the peculiarities of registering an enterprise, the requirements of regulatory authorities, the nuances of licensing, certification, employee selection, pricing, sanitary norms and regulations, accounting, list services of beauty salons, organization of a sales system and operation of a beauty salon. A course on sanitary standards, rules, sales techniques, basic communication, management psychology, etc. is also offered. Students will have to undergo mandatory internship and receive a standard diploma upon completion of training.

The Ural College of the Beauty Industry (Ekaterinburg) offers training in the specialty “Beauty Salon Organizer” at the Faculty of “Management in the Beauty Industry”, with a duration of 3-6 months - depending on the set of subjects chosen. Among the subjects offered are marketing and management in the beauty industry, basic technologies used in hairdressing, cosmetics and manicure, as well as accounting and economic analysis. During the training period, students are engaged in drawing up business plans, learning the principles of resolving conflicts in a team or when communicating with clients. The training course for a director in the operation of a beauty salon and SPA salon will cost 9 thousand rubles per month.

The British Standard Academy (with its Russian head office in St. Petersburg) offers a basic course for beauty salon managers “Salon Business Management” lasting two to three months. Branches are located in many cities of the country - including Kazan, Tyumen, Surgut, Orenburg, Kurgan, Chelyabinsk, Omsk). Therefore, if you wish, you can receive appropriate education in the regions. The structure of the salon manager course combines - organizing the work of a beauty salon, the psychology of communication with a client, the sales system, accounting, pricing, registration issues, sanitary norms and rules, choosing premises, etc. Training will cost from 5 thousand rubles per month - depending on selected region. Trained specialists are given the opportunity to find employment in leading establishments in the beauty industry.

Saratov School of Beauty Industry “Diva” offers a course for directors of spa/beauty salons - in particular, “Salon Business Organizer”. This course includes not only standard topics such as planning, pricing, organization and management, marketing and advertising, but also here you will be able to master basic knowledge in the field of cosmetology. The duration of the course is four months - training will cost 4.9 thousand rubles per month.

Also, a similar course “Beauty salon management” is offered by the Samara Beauty University (directions - administrator, manager, director), and the Moscow SOTIS Training Center. The duration of training in Moscow is one month, with individual lessons, three times a week for 4 hours. Training will cost 25 thousand rubles. The program is basic, the only thing is that it offers a course of work with government agencies, inspection authorities, and also on working with suppliers.

The possibility of individual courses for beauty salon managers is offered by the School “1st Beauty Studio” in Kaliningrad. The duration of training depends on the intensity of the classes. The training course includes four blocks “Organization of beauty salons” (marketing, legal issues, selection of premises, pricing, assessment of return on investment), “Personnel management” (selection, distribution of functionality, training, payment), “Relationships with clients” (positioning, service , communication, formation of a client base and conflict management) and “Development of a beauty salon” (choice of strategy, image of the salon, promotion system). Upon completion of training, you will have to undergo a final certification. This course costs 60 thousand rubles.

Full-time and part-time and distance learning

Recently, a particularly common form of training is represented by a part-time format. Some of the material is learned while communicating with your teacher “live.” But you have to study some of the material on your own. This opportunity is provided by the Sfera Business Training Center in Novosibirsk - by taking the part-time and correspondence course “Beauty Salon Director. Management in the field of managing a beauty industry enterprise.” Training for this program will cost 28 thousand rubles. The duration of the course is two to three months - with a maximum number of training hours of 120. The program includes basic disciplines and specialization disciplines. Among the first are business law, financial management, accounting and taxation, organizational management, marketing organization, management psychology and business communications. Disciplines of specialization include issues of management, work standards, etc.

Also, full-time distance learning may be offered to directors of beauty salons. In particular, for two days (Saturdays and Sundays) training takes place “live”, and then you have to study remotely for 1.5 months. These courses can be offered by the consulting association “Business Factory” in Moscow. Here we offer training in the full-time distance learning course “Algorithm for creating and developing a salon business.” This course will cost students 25 thousand rubles.

Distance learning for directors

Managers are usually very busy and “busy” people, so not everyone has the opportunity to leave business for a while to study, even for a short time. As part of distance learning, you sign an agreement, pay for services and receive your first assignment. As a rule, the duration of courses in this format is designed for 1-4 months.

For example, the Perm branch of the Center for Aesthetic and Practical Cosmetology offers a course “Manager of a beauty salon, fitness center, hairdresser” lasting 4 months. The cost of training is 22 thousand rubles. Within the framework of this program, it is proposed to study the process of creating, managing and developing a beauty salon, with training in personnel selection and maintaining the necessary salon documentation. Upon completion of the course, students receive a state diploma confirming additional professional education.

The Business Factory Consulting Association (Moscow) offers distance learning courses for the director of a spa/beauty salon. These courses are relevant both for those opening their own salon and for already experienced, established managers who seek to study individual disciplines in more detail. The consulting company “Sergeev, Kayumov and Partners” (St. Petersburg) also works in this direction. There are four courses offered here, differing in content and intensity of the course. Here, both beginning entrepreneurs and established specialists and managers in this field can find learning opportunities for themselves.

Who is a beauty salon manager?

A beauty salon manager is a manager whose responsibilities include managing all business processes in the salon. He organizes the work of the team, controls the procurement processes of materials and equipment, establishes and maintains relationships with suppliers, clients of the salon, its owners, manages finances and personnel. In essence, the manager performs the functions of an executive director. You can rely on him to delegate most of the business management responsibilities.

Visitors are the salon’s most important asset. They are the ones who bring him profit. For this reason, the manager’s tasks should include responsibilities for interacting with clients: attracting and retaining them through tools such as promotions, online advertising, and working with the client base.

Beauty salon managers can be divided into 2 categories:

  • Anti-crisis managers
  • Operations managers

The first type includes specialists who can organize work in a new salon from scratch, as well as bring the establishment out of a crisis. They are distinguished by a lively mind, the ability to think strategically, and come up with a way out of difficult situations. However, such managers do not like to solve current issues; they are bored with working with documentation.

Operations managers, on the contrary, do excellent paperwork and have a clear plan of action for every day. They always have their documentation sorted out, and routine work does not frighten them.

It is recommended to choose a manager based on the current state of affairs in the establishment. If the situation is stable, there is a regular client base and regular income, then it is worth hiring an operations manager. Otherwise, you should opt for the second option.

Is it worth hiring a property manager at all?

Definitely, yes, if the owner has not yet fully understood the details of his business, and also does not have the opportunity to constantly be in the establishment to solve current problems. The manager must have a higher education, he must understand personnel issues and the beauty industry.

The main tasks of a beauty salon manager and his business qualities

The main areas of work of the manager include:

  1. Personnel management. From hiring to dismissal
  2. Organization of work to provide high-quality salon service
  3. Finance
  4. Contacts with various inspection and regulatory authorities
  5. General management of the beauty salon

Important: The manager of a beauty salon must regularly receive feedback from clients in order to monitor the quality of services. It often happens that this point is overlooked by managers. And this directly affects the salon’s profit.

The business management process includes four main components: planning, executing, adjusting and checking. If these responsibilities are performed correctly using a cyclical approach (PDCA cycle), the establishment will be profitable. Management should be based on a systematic approach.

To cope with the assigned tasks, a specialist must have certain skills and business qualities:

  • mobility;
  • desire to learn and grow professionally;
  • creativity;
  • attentiveness;
  • curiosity;
  • listening skills;
  • organization;
  • discipline;
  • charisma;
  • loyalty;
  • self confidence;
  • stress resistance;
  • diplomacy;
  • tolerance;
  • goodwill;
  • punctuality.

It is good if, in addition to the listed qualities, the applicant for the position of manager will have knowledge in the field of economics and financial management, jurisprudence, as well as skills to work as a manager.

Work efficiency and payment system

The manager must do his job efficiently, bringing profit to the salon. To determine the effectiveness of its work, it is necessary to take into account such indicators as the number of attracted clients, after-tax revenue, and the number of regular customers.

To motivate the manager, you can set him a certain reward in the form of a bonus for exceeding the plan. It can be expressed as a percentage of profit or salary, for example in a 50/50 or 40/60 ratio.

Where to get training?

Currently, the country has a large number of different schools and universities that produce masters in the field of salon business. Studying can take place in full-time, part-time and distance learning forms, as well as in the form of seminars. You can choose a convenient form based on the amount of free time you have and the knowledge you have already acquired.

The full-time course is offered by the International Institute "EURO STAR", located in Tyumen. There is a faculty “Beauty salon manager”. The study lasts several months. The student receives a large amount of knowledge: how to draw up a business plan, choose a suitable location, register a company, comply with the requirements of regulatory authorities, obtain a license, maintain the necessary documentation, select employees, etc. In addition, students learn the basics of sanitary standards necessary when working in a salon , sales techniques, basic psychology for working correctly with clients, etc. After theory, it is necessary to take practical classes. Based on the results of the training, students receive a document confirming completion of the course.

At the Ural College of the Beauty Industry they teach at the Faculty of Management in the Beauty Industry. The study will last from three to six months and will depend on the number of disciplines chosen. These include marketing, reporting, analysis of funds received and spent. During the classes, students develop business plans and learn teamwork. The cost is nine thousand rubles. monthly.

The British Standard Academy has many branches throughout the Russian Federation (Surgut, Tyumen, Kazan, etc.). Here they teach “Salon Business Management”. The study will last about three months and will cost from five thousand rubles. monthly. Each branch has a different price. The program allows you to study the basics of the functioning of an establishment, accounting reporting, sanitation rules, the basics of psychology necessary for interacting with visitors, etc. The advantage is the possibility of obtaining a place in famous salons after graduating from the Academy.

If you don’t want to study in groups, you can choose individual courses. True, it will cost much more. In Kaliningrad, such training can be completed at the School “1st Beauty Studio”. The program covers many issues: how to open a salon, recruit staff, attract clients, etc. After completing the course, you must pass an exam. The cost of training is 60,000 rubles.

If you don’t have time to attend classes regularly, but want direct contact with the teacher to discuss the most pressing issues, the part-time/correspondence option is suitable.

The Novosibirsk Training Center "Sfera" has a program for 28,000 rubles: "Management in the field of managing a beauty industry enterprise." The study will take about three months.

Distance learning allows you to gain new knowledge without interrupting your business. This is very convenient for constantly busy people. To gain access to materials and tasks, you need to enter into an agreement and make a payment. The program most often lasts from one to four to six months.

The branch of the Center for Aesthetic Cosmetology in Perm offers to study the discipline “Manager of a beauty salon, fitness center, hairdresser” in four months. The cost of training is 22,000 rubles. The program allows you to master such topics as creating a new beauty salon, its development, personnel management, customer focus, and the basics of document flow. After completing the course, a diploma is issued.

The Business Factory organization, located in the capital, also has a distance learning program for salon managers. The course is aimed at both beginners in the beauty industry and managers with extensive experience.

The company Sergeev, Kayumov and Partners provides similar services in the northern capital.” Students choose one of 4 courses to expand their knowledge in the field of beauty services.

Useful videos:

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I approve

[position, signature, full name.

Manager or other

Official authorized


[organizational and legal form, job description]

name of organization, [day, month, year]

enterprises] M.P.

Job description

beauty salon director

[name of company]

This job description has been developed and approved in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulations governing labor relations.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The director of the beauty salon belongs to the category of managers and is directly subordinate to [name of the position of the immediate manager].

1.2. A person who has a higher professional education and work experience in leadership positions in the consumer service system for at least [value] years or secondary vocational education and work experience in leadership positions in the consumer service system for at least [value] years is accepted for the position of salon director.

1.3. The director of the beauty salon is appointed to the position and dismissed from it by order of [name of the manager's position].

1.4. The director of a beauty salon must know:

Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” and other regulatory legal acts regulating legal relations in the field of consumer services for the population;

Tax law;

Sanitary rules and regulations "Hairdressing salons. Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for structure, equipment and maintenance. SanPiN";

GOST R 51142-98 "Hairdressing salon services. General technical conditions";

Technology for the provision of hairdressing services, cosmetology services, and other services provided by a beauty salon;

Production capacity and human resources of the beauty salon;

Pricing methods, strategy and tactics of pricing for beauty salon services;

Forms and methods of customer service;

Ways to deal with customer complaints;

Requirements for the safety of perfumery, cosmetics and hygiene products used;

Fundamentals of management and marketing in the field of consumer services;

The procedure for drawing up and agreeing on business plans for the production, economic and financial and economic activities of a beauty salon;

The procedure for concluding and executing civil contracts;

Office standards;

Organization of employee management, payment and labor incentives;

Ethics of business communication;

Rules for establishing business contacts;

State and development trends of the beauty salon services market;

Fundamentals of labor and labor protection legislation of the Russian Federation;

Internal labor regulations;

Rules and regulations for safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection;

- [other knowledge].

2. Job responsibilities

Beauty salon director:

2.1. Manages the activities of the beauty salon, bearing full responsibility for the consequences of decisions made, the safety and effective use of the property of the beauty salon, as well as the financial and economic results of its activities.

2.2. Draws up and receives documents (permits) necessary to provide consumer services to the population.

2.3. Interacts with government agencies during scheduled and unscheduled inspections.

2.4. Provides regulatory authorities with the necessary information related to the activities of the beauty salon.

2.5. Organizes regular inventory of the beauty salon warehouse.

2.6. Concludes contracts for utility and other services (electricity, heating, water supply, telephone communications, territory cleaning, waste removal, security, etc.).

2.7. Negotiates and concludes contracts for the maintenance of equipment and tools used in the beauty salon, contracts for the supply of hygiene products and other consumables, ensures their timely receipt, controls the timing, range, quantity and quality of their receipt and sale.

2.8. Issues orders (instructions) in all areas of the beauty salon's activities.

2.9. Determines the functions and tasks of structural units.

2.10. Hires, moves and fires beauty salon workers, approves vacation schedules, job descriptions, production instructions, and other documents.

2.11. Establishes the responsibilities of beauty salon employees, entrusts the management of certain areas of activity to other officials, his deputies, and heads of structural divisions.

2.12. Applies incentive measures to distinguished employees, imposes penalties on violators of production and labor discipline.

2.13. Suspends from work workers who have not undergone a medical examination (certification), a qualification test, a test of knowledge of safety rules, etc.

2.14. Provides:

Beauty salon divisions with necessary equipment, inventory and tools, perfume and cosmetic products, hygiene products, and other consumables;

Safety of the process of providing services for personnel and clients, workplaces, tools and equipment used, materials used;

Compliance of the actual technological process of providing services with the instructions of manufacturers of perfumes, cosmetics, and hygiene products;

Conditions for quality customer service;

Fulfillment of all obligations to the federal, regional and local budgets, state extra-budgetary funds, suppliers, customers and creditors;

Application of material and moral incentives to increase the efficiency of workers;

Compliance by salon employees with the Law of the Russian Federation "On the Protection of Consumer Rights", the Rules for Consumer Services in the Russian Federation, and other regulatory legal documents establishing mandatory requirements for the provision of consumer services to the population;

Advanced training of beauty salon staff, participation in courses and competitions in hairdressing and decorative cosmetics, other skill competitions, exhibitions of perfume and cosmetic products; receipt by service personnel of diplomas, certificates, certificates, attestation certificates, and other documents confirming the professionalism of employees;

Availability in the salon of the necessary reference and other literature, manuals, reference books, periodicals;

Timely payment of wages to beauty salon employees;

Compliance by employees with labor protection and safety rules and regulations, sanitary requirements and personal hygiene rules, production and labor discipline, internal labor regulations;

Medical examinations by employees involved in the provision of services;

Organization of inventory accounting.

2.15. Organizes aesthetic design of customer service areas.

2.16. Determines the procedure and mode of operation of the beauty salon, the list of services provided, sets prices for the services provided, and approves price lists.

2.17. Makes decisions on customer complaints.

2.18. Monitors the rational use of material and financial resources.

2.19. Evaluates salon performance and quality of customer service.

2.20. Organizes accounting of services provided and ensures reporting.

2.21. Represents the interests of a beauty salon and acts on its behalf in court, government and administrative bodies, as well as in relations with commercial and non-profit organizations.

2.22. [Other job responsibilities].

3. Rights

The director of a beauty salon has the right:

3.1. For all social guarantees provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.2. Payment of additional expenses for medical, social and professional rehabilitation in cases of health damage due to an industrial accident and occupational disease.


The manager of a beauty salon belongs to the category of senior management personnel. It is to him that the founder (owner) entrusts the management of his company (beauty salon).

Characteristics of the profession

The profession of manager (manager, director) belongs to the “Man – Man” type, as it is associated with communication and interaction with people.

By its nature, the profession of a manager is a profession of the leadership class, as it is associated with planning and organization, management and coordination of activities, control and management decision-making.

Description of the profession

What skills should your beauty salon manager have?

The manager of a beauty salon works in the interests of the salon owner and ensures that he makes a profit.

The manager of a beauty salon must be a versatile person, well-versed in many areas of knowledge: management, marketing, finance and accounting, human resources, psychology, ethics and aesthetics, etc.

The manager of a beauty salon must be able to navigate the trends and prospects for the development of the beauty industry, know the leading brands in the industry, as well as fashion trends of each season. He must have an idea of ​​the peculiarities of financial and economic activities, the specifics of the internal structure of the activities of such an organization as a beauty salon.

The beauty salon manager provides general management of the salon. The peculiarity of the work of a beauty salon manager is that in a small business the main areas of work are the same as in a large one, only there is no staff to perform these duties.

In the activities of a beauty salon manager, five main areas can be distinguished: management of production and economic activities, finance and accounting, management of staff, provision of a high level of service and interaction with external contractors, regulatory and inspection organizations, and authorities.

He bears full responsibility for the effective use and safety of the salon’s property, maintaining the premises and property in good condition in accordance with the rules and regulations of operation, sanitary, hygienic and fire safety requirements, thereby ensuring favorable and comfortable working conditions for the salon staff, complying with the norms and regulations labor protection.

When managing financial and economic activities, the manager is responsible for the results of these activities and the achievement of planned financial indicators, growth in the volume of services provided by the client and increasing the profit and competitiveness of the enterprise.

The manager of a beauty salon conducts all document flow: issues orders on the organization of activities and personnel issues, draws up and endorses all financial and personnel documentation, and submits reports on the financial activities of the salon to the owner of the company in a timely manner.

The manager must be able to distribute and delegate authority for the operational management of the salon to administrators in order to free up time for solving other, primarily strategic, tasks.

Unlike an administrator, a manager must be able to introduce a beauty salon not only to visitors, but also to potential and/or current partners, be able to competently and correctly differentiate from competitors, interact with promotion and advertising specialists, and participate in the development of questions on business development strategy.

The manager of a beauty salon should not work with clients of the salon, replacing the administrator, but he should spend a lot of time in the salon: meeting clients, asking for their opinion about the salon, meeting new clients, warmly greeting regular clients.

A good beauty salon manager greets clients like a hospitable host of a home greets guests. He strives to ensure that all guests are in a good mood, feel cozy and comfortable.

The manager must provide a high level of customer-oriented service in the salon. Create and organize various programs and promotions aimed at increasing customer loyalty, take care of expanding the customer base and increasing the number of regular visitors to the salon.

The manager pays special attention to resolving conflict situations with clients. If a client makes complaints about the quality of service or the quality of procedures performed, the manager must do everything possible to resolve this problem so that the salon’s reputation does not suffer and the client has a favorable impression of the company.

The beauty salon manager spends most of his time working with the salon staff. The manager of a beauty salon is directly involved in the selection, testing, advanced training, and certification of employees, and analyzes their activities based on qualitative and quantitative indicators.

The majority of employees are of “creative” nature, therefore, very often demonstrating high quality of work, some employees have problems with maintaining work discipline. Sometimes masters, striving for greater independence, simply “take clients away from the salon.” Maintaining a high level of staff loyalty to the company is one of the most important tasks of a beauty salon manager. This is facilitated by both various corporate events and a properly constructed personal motivation system aimed at increasing efficiency and building a system of internal interaction among employees.

Thus, a good beauty salon manager must be both a strategist and a tactician. Since, on the one hand, he and the owner develop a business development strategy, and on the other hand, he must be able to perform tactical tasks and solve current problems.

What should your beauty salon manager know?

A beauty salon manager should know:

  • Rules for consumer services for the population of the Russian Federation
  • Labor Code of the Russian Federation
  • Law on Consumer Protection
  • trends in the development of the beauty industry market, current directions of its development;
  • basics of management
  • fundamentals of economics, labor organization and management;
  • rules for accounting for inventory and maintaining financial statements;
  • basics of marketing and advertising organization;
  • fundamentals of ethics and aesthetics;
  • rules of business etiquette;
  • basics of psychology;
  • rules for working with a PC (MS Office: Word, Excel, 1C 8salon, etc.).

What should your beauty salon manager be able to do?

Based on his knowledge, the manager of the beauty salon manages the work of the beauty salon.

Main activities:

  • Manages the production and economic activities of the beauty salon;
  • Manages the financial and economic activities of the beauty salon;
  • Provides a level of customer service corresponding to the class of a beauty salon, organizes a set of measures to continuously improve the quality of customer service;
  • Ensures compliance with technical and sanitary and hygienic standards, fire safety;
  • Considers claims related to unsatisfactory customer service, takes measures to prevent, prevent and the emergence of conflict situations related to customer service;
  • Ensures that the beauty salon fulfills all obligations to suppliers, customers, creditors, etc., including bank establishments, as well as the implementation of business and labor contracts;
  • Takes measures to provide the beauty salon with qualified personnel, ensures rational and efficient use of labor resources, provides them with safe and favorable working conditions, promotes their self-development and improvement of their qualifications;
  • Based on the rules, standards and regulations for the work of beauty salon employees approved by the head of the organization (salon owner), manages personnel, organizes and controls the performance of their work, and ensures, if necessary, their effective interaction;
  • Monitors compliance by beauty salon employees with labor and production discipline, fire safety rules, labor protection standards, safety regulations and sanitary and hygienic rules;
  • Ensures timely maintenance and reporting to the head of the organization (salon owner) on the financial and economic activities of the beauty salon;
  • Interacts with inspection organizations, represents the interests of the salon in government agencies, government and administrative bodies, in court, arbitration, etc.

Working conditions

The manager of a beauty salon is independent in his activities and bears full responsibility for the decisions he makes. When making decisions in accordance with the situation, the manager’s priority is the interests of the owner of the beauty salon.

Despite the presence of a work schedule (usually 5/2), the manager’s working day is often not standardized.

The manager carries out his activities indoors at the workplace and is mobile. In a salon, the manager most often has his own office, but he spends a certain amount of time every day in the hall or guest area of ​​the salon. Professional communication is carried out directly or using technical means of communication.

Medical restrictions:

  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system
  • Nervous system diseases
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system
  • Diseases of the organs of hearing, speech and vision
  • Mental disorders
  • Various forms of allergies (especially to cosmetics)

Individual characteristics of a specialist

Qualities that ensure the success of the professional activities of a beauty salon manager:


  • Good organizational skills (will, determination, determination, perseverance, creativity, etc.)
  • Ability to lead
  • Ability to demonstrate leadership qualities in communicating with subordinates
  • Communication capabilities (ability to make contact, establish relationships, development of verbal and non-verbal communication channels, professional competence, etc.)
  • The ability to manage oneself (the ability to self-regulate in the process of self-government and reflection)
  • The ability to demonstrate the business qualities of an entrepreneur: set long-term goals, take advantage of favorable opportunities, respond flexibly to changes in the surrounding world, etc.
  • Well-developed analytical skills (the ability to receive and process the necessary information, evaluate, compare, analyze it)
  • Abstraction ability
  • High level of conceptual thinking.

Personal qualities, interests and inclinations

  • Erudition
  • Energy
  • External attractiveness (neatness, elegance, good manners, good manners, clear, clear and lively speech)
  • Self-confidence in decisions made
  • Purposefulness (priority of motives for organizational activities)
  • Tactfulness (the ability to show a sense of proportion and find the best form of relationships)
  • Efficiency (the ability to captivate people, intensify their activities, find the best means of emotional-volitional influence and choose the right moment to use them)
  • Demandingness
  • Criticality (the ability to detect and express deviations from established norms that are significant for activities)
  • Flexibility (the ability to flexibly respond to various changes in management situations)
  • Creativity (the ability to take a creative approach to solving management problems, a tendency to improvise)
  • Having developed intuition
  • Commitment to continuous personal growth
  • Having a sense of humor (having a positive impact on the psychological climate in the team)

Qualities that hinder the effectiveness of professional activity:

  • Low level of intellectual development
  • Lack of organizational and communication skills
  • Diffidence
  • Indecisiveness
  • Disorganization
  • Indiscipline
  • Lack of initiative
  • Unscrupulousness, lack of sense of duty
  • Imbalance
  • Tactlessness
  • Rigidity (inability, unwillingness to change, change behavior under the influence of the environment)
  • Tendency to shift responsibility to others.