Central Children's World exit to the roof. Observation deck at the Central Children's Store on Lubyanka: how to get there and photos. From the Kuznetsky Most metro station

In 2015, after reconstruction, the historical building was reopened at the address Moscow, Teatralny proezd, 5, building 1. Since 1957, the country-famous toy store "Children's World" has been located here. It was the first and only brand in the USSR for the production of children's toys. In an era of scarcity, you could find everything here, even though you had to stand in lines to find it. The chain's stores were located in all major cities of the country and were recognizable to any Soviet or even Russian resident.

The store in the building on Lubyanka was the largest children's store in the Soviet Union and the first building built to international standards. It was here that the first escalator in Moscow, located in a public building, appeared. It may also be noted that in " Children's world"there were vending machines selling piece goods, which were not the most common in the USSR. In them you could buy a variety of small things for children: notebooks, pencils, etc.

Interior of the updated "Children's World". The design uses themes from Russian folk tales.

"Children's World" grew up on the site of the old shopping building "Lubyansky Passage" and occupies an entire block right above the "Lubyanskaya" metro station (until 1990 - "Dzerzhinskaya"). The construction of the department store was supervised by Anastas Mikoyan himself, the USSR Minister of Trade. At the beginning of the store's construction he said:

“This will be a children's GUM for little Soviet consumers.”

The building on Lubyanka Square was privatized in 1992. In the 1990s, according to the recollections of Muscovites, organizations that had little to do with children were located here: a car dealership, an online store, a bank.

In 2008, Detsky Mir was closed for reconstruction and was inaccessible to the public for seven years. The renovation was completed on March 31, 2015. Muscovites took opposite positions in relation to the building after the renovation: someone argued that the reconstruction changed Children's World beyond recognition and deprived the interiors of that very nostalgia for a carefree childhood. Others are confident that the development company is keeping up with the times. By the way, the name “Children’s World” itself was replaced with “Central Children’s Store on Lubyanka”.

General form central part

We will not get carried away by the controversy about the changes that have taken place in the Children's World in recent years, but rather pay attention to the new part of the building that appeared after the renovation - the observation deck. It is located on the roof of the building, which can be accessed from the 6th floor. We can give you some advice right away: if you want to get to the observation deck and it’s more than 20 degrees outside, don’t be lazy, go up the escalator. There are a lot of people in the elevator, it stops on almost every floor, the ventilation works very poorly. On the sixth floor of the department store there is a food court, where there are usually not as many visitors as, for example, in the same Okhotny Ryad.

Observation deck
View towards the Kremlin

The site offers beautiful views of the historical part of the city - the building on Kotelnicheskaya Embankment, the Kremlin, the main building of Moscow State University, and the Moscow Hotel.

How to get there

The site is open to the public daily from 10.00 to 22.00. And the most pleasant bonus: entrance to the observation deck is free. You can get to "Children's World" by going to the nearby "Lubyanka" station, or walking around the city center from the " Kuznetsky Bridge", "Okhotny Ryad", "China Town", "Revolution Square", "Teatralnaya". The journey will take 5–10 minutes depending on the chosen station.

Cathedral of Christ the Savior, Kremlin, Moscow State University, Hotel "Moscow"

On March 31, 2015, the Central Children's Store opened on Lubyanka after a large-scale reconstruction (from 1957 to 2008 it was called "Children's World"), the reconstruction of the building lasted seven whole years. This is the largest children's store both in Moscow and in the country, and one of the largest in the world. The area of ​​the restored department store is 73 thousand square meters (for comparison: the area of ​​a children's toy store in London is only 5 thousand square meters).

The symbol of the Central Children's Store on Lubyanka is the bear cub Rosya. The prototype of the hero was a teddy bear from 1964, bought in children's store.
Teddy bear Rosya greets visitors at the entrance to the store

The southern lobby of the Lubyanka metro station has reopened. It was closed due to the reconstruction of the Children's World building. Now, as before, you can immediately get to the store from the Lubyanka metro station.

At the entrance to the Central Children's House there is an information desk, and there is a rush around it. Everyone asks “how, where, what”? The store map is selling like hot cakes

During the construction of the Central Children's House, original materials were used. For example, marble columns and railings were restored and reinstalled. At the same time, the inside of the building has become more comfortable and modern.

I remember from childhood that every trip to Children’s World was accompanied by the obligatory purchase of ice cream.

Now ice cream costs: ice cream - 70 rubles, pistachio and chocolate - 70 rubles, popsicle - 100 rubles

The most popular in the Soviet Union was an ordinary ice cream in an ordinary waffle cup (it was considered special luck when the waffle cup crunched). Until the 80s, it cost 19 kopecks, and the change of one kopeck, naturally, went to the saleswoman. Then the authorities realized that this was wrong and the ice cream began to cost exactly 20 kopecks. The most delicious ice cream in waffle cups Soviet Union Probably sold in Moscow's TSUM, GUM and Detsky Mir.

The ice cream also sells out with a bang.

The main atrium, like a fairy-tale palace, is decorated with paintings by the artist Ivan Bilibin.
The legendary illustrations of this master are familiar to everyone since childhood. These are pictures from favorite Russian fairy tales about “The Frog Princess”, “Vasilisa the Beautiful”, “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”, about “The Feather of Finist-Yasna Falcon”, “The Tale of Tsar Saltan” and others. Area of ​​unique stained glass windows self made above the main atrium is even difficult to imagine: it is more than 1000 square meters!

During the work, the historical façade was completely restored and an atrium was created, the dome of which is decorated with stained glass windows. They are fulfilled acrylic paints with scenes from Russian fairy tales. The authors of the stained glass paintings with an area of ​​1.5 thousand square meters were the artists Pavel Andreev and Elena Markovskaya, who used paintings by Ivan Bilibin and Aristarkh Lentulov.

On the ground floor there is a white Pobeda car

There is also a stage on the ground floor where artists perform, and in the center of the main atrium children play with inflatable balloons

On a weekday there are quite a lot of people who come to see the updated Children’s World

I am sure that the Central Children's Store will be sold out this weekend.

Personally, I didn’t like the design of the central atrium. After all, it’s a children’s store and they could lay out the floor for a children’s theme, but it looks like an ordinary shopping center

The place where the Central Children's World was built in 1957 was historically formed as shopping district. To line up main store All the children of the country, it was necessary to completely demolish 4 buildings in which there were workshops, confectionery shops and shops. In return, the country received the largest retail space exclusively for the sale of children's goods, which later, when exploited, turned into the territory of a happy childhood in the country of the Soviets.

On each floor there are interactive areas with educational and entertainment programs for children.

Interactive photo studio "Landscapes of Russia"

You choose a background for the photo, then the camera takes a photo of you and you can send the resulting frame to your email.

I decided to look into the first store I came across. The tent-shop is designed to resemble the Smurfs' house

The departments in the store are decorated in the style of the products sold. House of "Masha and the Bear" from the cartoon. Not only children take pictures with Mishka:))

The designers at the LEGO store did a great job; there are figures from the construction set everywhere

Modern city made from Lego. You can press buttons and various actions will occur, such as lowering the car

Ivan the Great Bell Tower and Spasskaya Tower of the Moscow Kremlin

The Bolshoi Theater building is also made entirely from Lego.

The world's tallest LEGO model is installed in the Central House of Art. The giant rocket made from LEGO bricks, 18.5 meters high and weighing more than 4 tons, consists of a record number of parts - 1.9 million pieces. It took 154 people and 8,650 hours to assemble this figure.

The store has a carousel on the ground floor. Of course, it’s a pity that they didn’t preserve the good old carousel here, which delighted the children

You can ride the carousel absolutely free, but to do this, the children need to tell a poem or song to the good Baba Yaga, for this she will give a “ticket” to the attraction

In general, the stores have a lot of interesting things for children and they are all absolutely free.

You can sculpt a figure from clay

can you build a castle out of sand?

In the central atrium of the store there is a mechanical clock that weighs 4.5 tons and consists of 5 thousand parts made of steel, aluminum, titanium and gold-plated. Previously, Children's World had a clock with a cuckoo clock, which many considered to be a symbol of Children's World; the new clock is unlikely to become a symbol...

The world's largest watch was made by craftsmen from the Raketa factory.

The operating clock mechanism measures 6 x 7 m and consists of 21 gears, a 4-meter balance escape wheel and a 13-meter pendulum with a diameter of 3 m.

Children's hairdressing salon "Imaginary" is originally designed and thought out.

Here the child sits on a car chair and watches TV with cartoons :) prices from 800 rubles for a haircut

Interactive attraction "Alice in Wonderland"

Choose a character and start coloring different colors heroes

Children's stores operate on the first and second floors, all the rest are fenced off and have a sign: "Opening soon"

Attraction "Interactive Aquarium"

Interactive library. Here you can download the book to your gadget.

You need to download our application to your gadget, go up to the 4th floor of the Central Children's House, find the interactive portal, turn on the camera on your device and select the book you like. One magical movement of the hand - and it is already downloaded to your gadget! For the youngest visitors in the library, the characters from the fairy tales “Kolobok”, “Teremok” and “Turnip” will come to life on the screen, and while reading a fairy tale, the child will be able to participate in the plot - knead the dough, build a tower, find a mouse.

Dinosaur Show. The show takes place every half hour from 10:00 to 21:00. Ticket prices on weekdays (weekends): adults 550 rubles (600 rubles), children 450 rubles (500 rubles)

Interactive game “Journey to Mars”. You can play alone or with a friend.

KidBurg is located on the fifth floor of the Central Children's House. KidBurg provides an opportunity for a child to realize his or her inclinations to future profession and believe in your strengths and abilities. The format of the game makes acquiring new knowledge and skills fun and exciting for the child, because during the game you can trace the connection between the acquisition of knowledge, its application and the achieved result.
While the child is “working” in KidBurg, parents can relax! Adults (from 14 years old) are given bracelets that provide the right to free entry and exit from the city. You can watch the game from the side, take photographs, and visit the KidBurg cafe.
The ticket price includes access to all gaming areas without time restrictions. Children can master any profession, of which there are more than 50 in KidBurg.
Price from 250 rubles

On the seventh floor there is a “food court” where the whole family can have a meal

On the seventh floor there is the Museum of Childhood (free admission)

The museum displays toys, books, records, films, radio programs that connect more than one generation of people, thanks to which adults go to happy childhood years, and children learn what the childhood of their parents and grandparents was like.

Near the shop windows you can only hear conversations: “But this is what I had as a child” :))

The museum collection includes about a thousand exhibits. If desired, visitors can participate in expanding the collection by adding toys purchased at Children's World.

You can make a collection of coins to remember your visit to the museum yourself, using a special coin machine.

One of the main attractions of the new Children's World is the Observation Deck.

The site offers views of a good half of the center of Moscow

I am glad that the Observation Deck is open to the public

There are the most powerful telescopes, the magnification in them is impressive :)

The observation deck is divided into two platforms. The areas are located between the inscription "Central Children's Store" on the facade of the building

IN good weather it will have wonderful views

View of Lubyanka Square

Lubyanka metro station and the beginning of the pedestrian Nikolskaya street

FSB of Russia

To summarize, it must be said that a visit to the Central Children's Store on Lubyanka is definitely worth it!!! and definitely with children!!!

Children's World on Lubyanka will definitely become one of the main attractions of the city of Moscow

Here you will have an interesting time and most likely the whole day

In 2015, after a lengthy restoration, the updated “Children’s World” opened - the Central Children's Store on Lubyanka: 7 floors, including the ground floor, and an observation deck on the roof.

The most striking features of the renovated store are the stained glass windows of the main atrium, depicting pictures from traditional Russian fairy tales, as well as mechanical clocks and various interactive corners for children. There is a Space pavilion, which will appeal most to little visitors to the store. Adults will love the Children's Museum of the Central Children's Museum, where childhood toys of the previous generation are collected.

The Detsky Mir store was built in 1953-57 according to the design of Alexei Dushkin; at that time it was the largest department store of goods for children and youth in the USSR. The name “Children’s World” has become a household name, but after reconstruction the store is officially called “Central Children’s Store on Lubyanka”, because the rights to the old name belong to the retail chain of the same name.

The building of the Central Children's Museum is recognized as an architectural monument and an object of cultural heritage of regional significance.

Attractions at the Children's World on Lubyanka

Central atrium recreated according to the original plan of the architect Dushkin, restoring eight bronze floor lamps and white marble columns on the historical staircase from Lubyanka Square. A charming toy train rides along the perimeter of the atrium.

The transparent dome of the main atrium is decorated stained glass windows with drawings based on the works of the main illustrator of Russian fairy tales, Ivan Bilibin. Here are scenes from the fairy tales “The Frog Princess”, “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”, “Vasilisa the Beautiful” and others. The dome of the small atrium is decorated with reproductions of paintings by Aristarkh Lentulov with views of Moscow.

At the fifth floor level there are huge mechanical watches, which are among the five largest and most accurate in the world along with the Kremlin chimes, the clock in the Big Ben tower and the clock in the Prague Tower. The mechanism of 5,000 parts with a total weight of more than 5 tons was manufactured at the oldest Russian watch factory - the Petrodvorets Watch Factory.

On the sixth floor is Children's Museum of the Central Children's Museum, where toys, games and children's products from the 50s to the 80s of the last century are collected: toy soldiers, tumblers, cars and much more. Adults here will plunge into nostalgia, and children will be able to imagine what the childhood of their fathers, mothers, and grandparents was like.

Every day at 18:00, 19:00, 20:00 and 21:00 there is a three-dimensional light show.

KidBurg and other entertainment at the Children's World on Lubyanka

"KidBurg" in the Children's World (CDM) is located on the 5th floor, opening hours: daily from 10:00 to 22:00.

Also in the Central Children's House on Lubyanka:

  • Cinema "Formula Kino" - 6th floor, from 09:30 to 03:00;
  • Theme play park with 30 moving dinosaurs “Dino Club” - 5th floor, from 10:00 to 22:00;
  • Cyber ​​defense arena “Winstrike” – 0 floor, 24 hours a day;
  • Playground "Country of Madagascar" - 6th floor, from 10:00 to 22:00;
  • Multimedia amusement park "Eyebirint" - 4th floor, from 10:00 to 22:00;
  • Scientific-spherical cinema-planetarium “Zyrkus” - 4th floor, from 10:00 to 22:00;
  • Interactive science museum "InnoPark" - 4th floor, from 10:00 to 22:00;
  • Children's culinary school "Chateau de Vassel" - 4th floor, from 10:00 to 22:00;
  • Playground "Romashkovo" - 4th floor, from 10:00 to 22:00;
  • The "Jolly Express" train - 4th floor, from 10:00 to 22:00.

Observation deck at the Central Children's House on Lubyanka

On the sixth floor of the renovated Children's World there is free observation deck, which offers a wonderful view of the historical center of Moscow: the Kremlin, the Polytechnic Museum, the main building of Moscow State University, Lubyanka Square. Telescopes are installed on the site to view detailed details of the landscape.

You can get to the observation deck through the Children's Museum of the Central Children's Museum.

Stores in Children's World (CDM on Lubyanka)

In total, the Central Children's Store on Lubyanka has 83 stores that sell goods not only for children, but also for expectant mothers and adults: toys, clothes, children's furniture, strollers and car seats, gifts and accessories.

  • Null level: Central children's photo studio, children's furniture factory BookWood, Pharmacy 36,6 , luxury cosmetics store Beauty Boutique, Arabic sweets Bateel, brand store Samsung, decorations Consuelo, educational games DevToys.ru, salon Optic City, travel agency Tez Tour, present Zakka, toys CubiRuby, optics Four eyes, floristry studio MARCH, handmade shoes Castell Menorca, jewelry shop Niagara, ticket office Kassir.ru.
  • First floor of the Central Children's House: Hamleys World- one of the world's largest toy stores, Disney Toys, premium children's clothing: Modern Easy Kids, Petit Bateau, Original Marines, Brums,Conguitos, Belgian chocolate French Kiss, jewelry boutique for children and teenagers GLAM Junior, hair accessories ElitZakolka, shoes Monsieur Bashmakov, present Red Cube.
  • Second The Children's World floor is occupied by children's clothing stores of more affordable brands: H&M, Sanetta, Gulliver, ACOOLA, Orby, Beba Kids, Gap Kids & Baby, as well as children's shoes Kotofey and decorations La Nature.
  • Third floor: children's beauty studio Imagining, clothing for children and expectant mothers: Mothercare, Reima, Crocs, PLAYTODAY, Little Lady, Scamps, DARIMIR, Choupette, Emporio 88, BHS British House, Hey, Baby!, Little Star, Lapin House, products for pregnant women and newborns: FEST, Olant, Chicco, Mirra, Bliss, Soon Mom, educational toys: Clever, Expert, carnival costumes Gala Waltz, clothing and furniture Tender duet, books Clever Publishers, Stokke AS furniture, Silver Cross strollers, books and gifts Grifel, creativity store Wanderer. Children.
  • Fourth floor: kigurumi pajamas ShocoLatti, nail salon Nail Sunny, children's clothing and shoes B&G Store, accessories GOOD LOCAL, scooters Kickmeat, clothing and accessories for ballet and gymnastics Chacott, premium school uniform Toujourka.
  • Fifth floor of the Central Children's House on Lubyanka: a huge space-club Republic Kids, everything for modeling Youth Technology, educational toys IQ Toy, radio-controlled toys TECHNOR, Swiss stationery Premec.

How to get to Children's World in Moscow

The central children's store is located in the historical center of Moscow, on Lubyanka Square, a few blocks from Red Square. The easiest way to get there is by metro, but you can also public transport, car or walk along the pedestrian street Nikolskaya.

How to get to the Central Children's House on Lubyanka by metro

You need to get to the Lubyanka station on the Sokolnicheskaya line (red line) or to the Kuznetsky Most station on the Tagansko-Krasnopresnenskaya line (purple line). The stations are connected by a passage; from the Lubyanka station the exit is equipped directly to the zero level of the Children's World.

How to get to Children's World by bus

The nearest bus stop is “Metro Lubyanka”. Buses No. 38, 101, 144, 904, K, m2, m3, m9, m10, m27 will suit you.

other methods

You can use applications for calling a taxi: Uber, Gett, Yandex. Taxi or car sharing: Delimobil, BelkaCar, Lifcar and others.

Video about the Central Children's World on Lubyanka



The world's largest children's shopping complex finally opened after a long restoration. "Children's World", built in 1957 according to the design of Soviet architect Alexei Dushkin, was the most famous children's store in the USSR. The products of all plants and factories in the field of children's clothing, shoes and toys were presented here. In 2008, the building was closed to the public due to the poor condition of the load-bearing structures, and only in December 2014 the renovation was completed.

The famous building on Lubyanka not only changed its name to the “Central Children's Store”, but was also transformed inside: new architectural solutions, one of the best observation decks over the center of Moscow, flagship stores, interactive areas with educational programs on each floor of the department store and much, much more. .

Landmark, Landmark, Shopping and Entertainment Center

During the restoration, first of all, they tried to preserve the uniqueness of the main trading floor. It was recreated according to the original architectural plan of the architect Alexei Dushkin, even the marble for decoration was brought from the Koelginskoye deposit - this is the type of stone that was used during construction in 1957.

The central atrium was preserved in its historical place, 8 unique bronze floor lamps were restored and installed, and more than 100 balusters from 1957 were recreated in the fences. As for the changes, the space of the central atrium has increased by raising the dome from the 3rd to the 7th floor.

Now a stage has been installed here, where children's events, parades of life-size puppets, performances take place every day, and every evening a three-dimensional light show is organized for children, transforming the atrium into a “magical music box" During the program, an entire wall is illuminated with the brightest colors of various subjects, the first of which are “History of Russia” and “Nature of Russia”.

Where: 1st floor

When: from 10:00 to 22:00. Light shows for children every day at 17:00, 18:00, 19:00, 20:00

Read completely Collapse

Central children's store

Teatralny proezd, 5/1, Moscow


The total area of ​​​​stained glass windows in the Central House of Art on Lubyanka is more than 1,500 square meters. On the dome of the atrium you can see paintings based on the fairy tales about “The Frog Princess”, “The Feather of Finist-Yasna Falcon”, “Vasilisa the Beautiful”, “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”. This series was created based on the works of Russian illustrator Ivan Bilibin.

The glass ceiling of the atrium of the restaurant courtyard was decorated with colored glass with reproductions of paintings by the Russian painter Aristarkh Vasilyevich Lentulov from his series “Moscow Subjects”: “Moscow”, “Tverskoy Boulevard”, “St. Basil in Moscow”, “Ringing. Bell tower of Ivan the Great" and others.

On the second floor in the “Magic” hall there is a voluminous stained glass window “Map of Russia and the Coat of Arms of Russia” weighing more than a ton. The composition was created manually from natural stones and glass, and gems the orb and crowns imitate Swarovski crystals.

Where: 1st and 2nd floors, food court

1st and 2nd floors, food court


A watch weighing more than 5 tons was made especially for the Central House of Music by the oldest Russian enterprise- Petrodvorets watch factory “Raketa”. The mechanism, measuring 6 by 7 meters, consists of 21 gears, a 13-meter pendulum with a diameter of 3 meters and about 5,000 parts made of steel, aluminum, titanium and gold-plated.

“Rocket” will be among the five most accurate and famous mechanical watch world on a par with the clock on the Prague Tower, Big Ben, the Kremlin Chimes, as well as the clock in one of the ancient capitals of China, Guangzhou. They are also recognized as the largest: there are no other working mechanisms in the world that have gears of this size.

Where: The “Rocket” dial is best seen from the main atrium, and if you go up to the 5th floor, you can see all the mechanisms through the transparent glass and watch the gears in action

Main Atrium


The rocket, made up of 1.9 million designer parts, occupies 5 floors. The model was assembled by more than 150 people over 8,650 hours. Its height is 18 and a half meters, and its weight is more than 4 tons.

You can view the rocket on different floors; it is also very interesting to study the figures of heroes: Vikings and Egyptians, Roman legionnaires, the scientist Pythagoras, the inventor Guttenberg and the famous Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe.

The world's largest LEGO model

1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th floors

Panoramic view

One of best views to the center of Moscow - on the roof of the Central Children's Store. From here you can see the Kremlin, the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, and in the distance the building of Moscow State University on Sparrow Hills. Specially installed telescopic pipes make it possible to examine in detail the architecture of buildings: a high-rise building on Kotelnicheskaya Embankment or the domes of St. Basil's Cathedral.

When: 10:00 to 21:30 daily

Where: 7th floor, entrance through the “Museum of Childhood”


The kindest museum in the capital has more than 1000 exhibits.

At the entrance to the museum, guests are greeted by a huge plush elephant, which was made for Detsky Mir on a special order in the mid-80s. For several decades he was part of the store's decorations, moving his ears and standing on his hind legs. After it was closed for reconstruction, the baby elephant was given to a large family as a gift, and only after a collection of commemorative toys for the museum was announced did it return here.

Other exhibits include Cheburashka and the crocodile Gena, dolls of all kinds, teddy bears, tumblers, tabletop Railway, games “Battleship” and “Behind the Wheel”, soldiers, tanks, projectors for filmstrips and much more. Near each exhibit there is a plaque indicating the name, years and place of issue. To the delight of visitors, some toys can be picked up.

Every hour the museum hosts a fascinating interactive show that tells the history of the store and children's products.

Where: 7th floor

When: from 10:00 to 22:00. Interactive show- every hour, from 11:30 to 20:30


Most interactive areas in the Central Children's House on Lubyanka work only through a special application. The aquarium is no exception. After downloading the application, you can select a fish and place it on one of three screens. You can feed the fish, look at the seascapes, and collect bonuses in all three aquariums. Since the screens are quite large, you will have to run between them.

Where: 4th floor

When: from 10:00 to 22:00

Large virtual aquarium


Famous characters from Carroll's tale have been turned into interactive coloring pages. There are three multimedia tables where you can color Alice, the March Hare, the Cheshire Cat or the White Rabbit.

Drawing on the tables will be interesting for both toddlers and older children - for the latter, more complex figures have been prepared that need to be painted using special brushes. After the character is painted, he comes to life - Alice falls into the rabbit hole, and at the Mad Hatter's table they finally start drinking tea.

Where: 3rd floor

When: from 10:00 to 22:00

Cultural Center

About 50 books are collected in the “library”. Each one has a QR code; by scanning it through a special application, you can download the book to your phone.

The library's collection contains detective stories, encyclopedias and fairy tales: “Winnie the Pooh” by Alan Milne, “The Tale of Lost Time” by Evgeniy Schwartz, “Seven Underground Kings” by Alexander Volkov, “The Leader of the Redskins” by O. Henry. They promise that the library will gradually be replenished.

Where: on the 4th floor

When: from 10:00 to 22:00


On three large, wall-sized screens, spaceships fly, which you can control using your own movements.

Having chosen the Mars rover, you need to stand opposite it at a special point. You can adjust the progress of the ship by stepping from foot to foot and easily leaning to the side. Along the way you will need to collect crystals and avoid stones. Interesting scientific facts appear on the screen from time to time.

Where: 5th floor

When: from 10:00 to 22:00


One of the most interesting interactive areas. On a virtual spaceship you can fly around our planet, the Solar System, the Galaxy and star clusters, look at the Earth from space, trace its rotation and see from two sides at once - solar and shadow.

The ship can be controlled using a trackball, a special joystick, and small text explanations appear on the screen all the time.

Where: 6th floor

When: from 10:00 to 22:00


You can take a photo on the embankment in St. Petersburg, climb to the top of the mountain, or become the hero of a fairy tale about Alice or the Little Mermaid in the photo booth of the Central Children's Museum. The background is selected on the screen, after which you need to freeze, and after 10 seconds the photo is ready.

You can send the resulting photo to yourself email or download using QR code. It is possible to print an image measuring 10 by 15 centimeters at the inhumane price of 300 rubles in the Souvenir Shop.

Where: 1st floor

When: from 10:00 to 22:00