Woodworking tool sharpening business. Tool sharpening business. Different areas of sharpening services

This type of business without serious investments is beginning to gain momentum. You can open sharpening workshop various items - knives, scissors, skates, knives for ice drills, manicure tools, household tools (axes, chisels, wire cutters...). The demand for these services is truly enormous.

At the very least, a housewife can sharpen knives on her own using an ordinary household knife, but the sharpness of knives cannot be compared with sharpening with professional equipment. So-called self-sharpening knives are a myth created by manufacturers. By the way, ceramic knives are also sharpened with a bang - and often much better than the manufacturer does. Scissors can also be sharpened by cutting sandpaper with them - but such sharpening is not suitable for the professional sphere. It is necessary to sharpen meat grinder knives periodically. Thus, ordinary housewives will be your potential clients.

In addition, almost every woman has a manicure set - it is also full of items that need to be periodically sharpened - manicure scissors, tweezers, etc.

Many men have hunting knives. They just have to be sharp. Ice screw knives also need to be sharpened after each winter fishing trip. Thus, fishermen, tourists, and hunters will also turn to you for this service.

There are a lot of tools - a chisel, wire cutters, a hand plane, a hacksaw, a chisel, metal scissors, an ax, etc., which need to be sharpened periodically. In every apartment you can find more than one similar tool. So, the circle of potential clients continues to expand.

Gardeners and gardeners also always have something to sharpen. Shovel, hoe, scythe, garden auger knives, secateurs, lawn mower blades...

In winter, sharpening skates will also bring good income.

In the business sector, there is a need to sharpen industrial knives of various types and cutting equipment for printing houses. Cafes, restaurants, tailoring studios - these definitely won’t leave you without orders. Nail salons, hairdressers, beauty salons (which grow like mushrooms after rain) are simply required to have sharpened manicure tools, knives for hair clippers, etc. By establishing cooperation with them, you will ensure yourself a constant demand for your services. Shoemakers and carpentry shops can also contact you if you do very high-quality sharpening.

Truly broad opportunities open up if you have equipment that allows you to sharpen more complex objects - drills, chainsaw chains, knives for ice drills (including complex shapes), knives for electric planers... There is practically no competition in this segment, or it is minimal. Usually, the quality of sharpening complex objects leaves much to be desired, and the tool is sent specifically for sharpening to large cities.

You can work at one address by equipping a stationary workplace. This is necessary if you use professional high-precision sharpening equipment.

However, a “mobile” sharpening point will bring no less income - you can go around the courtyards of residential apartment buildings, posting notices in advance about tool sharpening at a certain time. In this case, it is necessary to have portable equipment that allows you to work autonomously. As for tool sharpening equipment, depending on the manufacturer, its cost can vary from 10 to 200 thousand rubles (and higher). You can get by with an ordinary sharpener or an emery wheel - you will get your clients, but this will not be at all the scale that this business can acquire when working on professional stationary equipment. There is a very large selection of professional equipment that allows you to sharpen various objects at any angle. The sharpening angle of a professional tool is usually indicated in its passport. With regard to other tools, there will not be any particular difficulties - with experience you will learn to determine the desired angle by eye.

At the same time, some craftsmen “polish” instruments that require delicate processing by hand - for example, they use specially treated skin of some animals.

Collecting information about the “correct” sharpening is not a problem now. There is a lot of professional literature, and there are also specialized websites.

When engaging in this type of business, you must remember about harmful factors. It is necessary to provide for the “removal” of dust - during sharpening, a lot of fine abrasive dust is formed, which, when inhaled, settles in the lungs. Some use a respirator and safety glasses. You need to work in excellent lighting.

Lately there has been an increased interest in the tool sharpening business. This is largely due to the reasons prevailing in the labor market; people who have lost their jobs are trying to create their own business, which does not require the investment of large material resources. In turn, the segment associated with sharpening services in large cities is almost empty, and new technologies make it possible to learn this art quite quickly.

Different areas of sharpening services

It's no secret that people use different tools to do different jobs. Tools intended for different purposes also need to be sharpened differently. Therefore, we can talk about different directions in this market segment.

Sharpening of industrial tools includes work with tools used in enterprises. This category includes: saws, knives for printing houses, metalworking and woodworking tools, cutters and other production tools. But to create such a business, you need to purchase quite expensive equipment, hire qualified personnel and organize high-quality service.

The most common type of service requires much less investment: sharpening of household tools. The competitive environment in this business has not yet developed, and the costs for purchasing sharpening tools and organizing production are minimal.

One of the most popular areas of tool sharpening is for hairdressing and manicure salons. The market in this area is practically empty, and the number of enterprises in need of such services in a big city is quite large.

By doing your work really well, you will quickly gain a regular client base.

Start working with one direction that is most attractive to you

To choose the most popular direction, you need to study the fullness of the market in a particular city. You can find a service segment that has virtually no offer. It is worth taking into account all the little things, for example, that in a small town where there are only two hairdressers, a workshop for sharpening manicure and hairdressing instruments will be unnecessary, but people will sharpen knives in any case.

Before starting to organize a business, it is worth spending time choosing premises. No one will go to the other end of the city to sharpen a knife. Therefore, it is better to choose places where people go regularly, for example, next to the market, especially if many visitors from villages trade there, so the number of potential customers can be significantly expanded.

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A tool sharpening workshop is a low-cost and highly profitable business, but it requires high professionalism of sharpeners. The main expense item when starting a business is the cost of training a profession.
The attachment: 128,000 rub.


The tool sharpening workshop is an off-season business, open both in winter and summer. The main consumers are manicurists, hairdressers, and beauty salons.

Due to the fact that the manicure and hairdressing business is well developed, there are a lot of clients. The army of manicurists is growing before our eyes, and there are very few good sharpening workshops (sharpening nail and cuticle clippers, hairdressing scissors). In addition, consumers are animal care salons (sharpening grooming tools), restaurants and chefs (sharpening carving knives, sushi knives, chef knives and utility knives), housewives (sharpening kitchen knives and meat grinder knives), collectors (sharpening hunting, souvenir knives). knives, machetes, sabers), manufacturing companies (lawn mower knives, carpentry tools, etc.)

In a city (microdistrict) with a population of up to 200 thousand people, an income of up to 100,000 rubles per month is available. Subject to professional provision of services: sharpening of manicure, hairdressing, household, etc. instruments.

What is needed to master the profession of Sharpener

Undergo professional training, preferably at the School of Sharpeners with a separate class and an experienced mentor. A mentor will guide you through all the difficulties of mastering the profession, help you train your hand and eye, and teach you all the nuances of mastery. You will learn how to sharpen the most difficult and most expensive tool to sharpen - nail clippers, as well as scissors, knives, household, medical and industrial tools.

Cost and duration of training for the Master Sharpener profession

The cost of training for the Master Sharpener profession is 97,000 rubles. At the First Moscow School of Sharpeners, the training period is not limited; the master teaches you until you completely master the skill of sharpening and no matter how long it takes. If you wish, you can receive valuable instructions from a mentor on how to attract clients, or undergo additional training in the “Developing your business” course.

What equipment is needed for a sharpening workshop?

For one sharpener workplace:

  • 3 tabletop sharpening machines with adapter washers
  • 4 grinding wheels (2 of them diamond) + 1 grinding wheel + 1 trimming disc
  • chair (best office - with a back, on wheels)
  • local lighting lamp
  • vise
  • hammer
  • punch
  • spindle oil
  • diamond die for manual finishing
  • plastic baskets for receiving orders.

Premises requirement

If you are interested in small business ideas, you might consider opening a tool sharpening shop. Thanks to it, you can receive up to 100 thousand rubles monthly. By considering business plans for a small business with minimal investment, you can learn more about the feasibility of opening such a business.

On the one hand, opening a tool sharpening workshop is a highly profitable business, the opening of which requires minimal investment. However, the staff must be highly qualified. Significant costs are incurred in training a profession. According to preliminary estimates, business plans for a small business with minimal investment in sharpening tools involve expenses in the amount of 167 thousand rubles.

Features of the tool sharpening business

Tool sharpening is in demand regardless of the season, so there will be customers in both winter and summer. Most often, the services are used by hairdressers, manicurists, and beauty salon employees. As you know, these types of businesses have developed well, so there will be no shortage of clients.

The number of manicurists is increasing every month, but there are clearly not enough good masters who could sharpen the tool. They periodically need sharpening of cuticle and nail nippers, hairdresser's scissors, etc.

Also clients will be salons that specialize in animal care, chefs, restaurants, collectors, housewives, manufacturing companies and other firms.

If about 200 thousand people live in a locality, then you can receive about 100 thousand rubles monthly. However, such indicators can be achieved with professional provision of services and after a certain time, when regular customers appear.

How to become a sharpener

Business plans for a small business with minimal investment for sharpening tools require professional training of a specialist. It is best to contact a specialized sharpening school with a highly qualified mentor. Thanks to him, it will be possible to master a profession well, achieve high quality work, and also become familiar with some of the features of performing work. It is important to learn how to sharpen nail clippers - this is the most difficult operation; you also need to master the features of sharpening knives, scissors, industrial and medical tools, as well as household products.

To study at the Moscow School of Sharpeners you will need to pay 97 thousand rubles. There are no time limits. Classes are held until the required level of mastery is achieved. You can also learn skills in attracting clients from a mentor.

Equipment for starting a tool sharpening business

Business plans for a small business with minimal investment require a complete description of future activities. To equip a workplace for sharpening, you will need to purchase the following tools:

  • 5 sharpening circles;
  • socket;
  • lamp for local lighting;
  • three sharpening machines;
  • chair;
  • plastic baskets that will help you take orders.
  • The room must have an area of ​​at least 2 m², it must also be electrified and connected to a 220 Volt network.

    Counting expenses

    We will make a preliminary calculation of costs. So, training will require 97 thousand rubles. Now with the equipment:

  • 5 sharpening wheels – 12 thousand rubles;
  • lamp for local lighting – 1 thousand rubles;
  • three sharpening machines – 55 thousand rubles;
  • chair – 500 rubles;
  • table – 2 thousand rubles;
  • plastic baskets that will help you take orders - 300 rubles.
  • If you do the work in your own garage or home, you can save on rent. In the future, the cost of it will be about 10 thousand rubles.

    Having calculated the costs, we come to the conclusion that all costs amount to 167,000 rubles. This is not so much for the opportunity to earn about 100,000 rubles per month.