Business plan for the production of vertical blinds. Business idea: production of roller blinds. Production of roller blinds

Developers of blinds made their contribution to the creation of fashionable interiors.

New window curtains immediately entered the category of convenient and beautiful home decorations due to their practicality and low price. Unlike fabric curtains, blinds are unpretentious in care and cleaning, which makes them indispensable in office premises, in conditions of polluted air and interiors of country real estate.

The variety of species and durability of use suggest further successful promotion of this product in the construction market and among interior designers. Stylish interior business with future prospects development, not limited in the choice of basic material and production space. In addition, there is no need to obtain additional permits and licenses.

The listed positive aspects contribute to the organization of this particular type of activity. So, having decided to open a blinds manufacturing enterprise, your primary task will be to find a suitable size production premises, as well as sales platforms finished products. The best place for your business - pavilions near construction and furniture stores. From a seemingly auxiliary, in this case, neighborhood service, you can constantly make a profit and attract new customers.

Think over the list of the future product line, paying attention to the abundance of differences in models and materials. Blinds can be made from special fabrics and plastics, lightweight wooden and metal plates, mixed interwoven sheets and other interesting materials. Blinds are rolled into rolls and folded like an accordion; there are vertical and horizontal ones.

The main criterion for buyers’ choice is compliance with environmental parameters and long-term practical use without loss of presentation. For example, bamboo and aluminum blinds have these qualities to a greater extent. They are beautiful and add a special touch to any interior. Beautiful in stylized restaurant halls and country villas.

A successful business will always give you the right to choose, and fashion trends are constantly changing. The offered assortment must be adjusted for customers of all categories of consumer demand and capabilities. From the simplest and cheapest options to exclusive, one-piece and expensive products.

Again, you also have the right to choose - to be a manufacturer of blinds or an intermediary for a large monopolist, and deal only with sales of its goods. Dealership services are well paid, the workers who install blinds undergo qualified training and have additional income in the form of interest and bonuses; in addition, they can subsequently branch out and organize their own business.

Of the equipment necessary, in any case, you will have to purchase Sewing machines and mini-machines for processing wooden and metal parts. To open a dealer branch, as a simpler and more frequently used business option, the initial costs will range from forty to one hundred thousand dollars, with an income of at least twenty thousand dollars. The combination of investments and low energy consumption satisfies the most sophisticated demand and purchasing power. Ability to adapt to changes in fashion and sales resources.

But by organizing the production of blinds from scratch, the production owner himself can become a trendsetter and offer his own developments using new materials and design delights. I am increasing the scale of the project and the cost, financial side organizations. Rent of production space, the cost of more specific equipment, recruitment of additional personnel and constant purchase of components and related production parts, settlements with fire services and payment for electricity.

True, equipment independent from power grids with limited by human resourses(for one or two jobs) and a nominal value of five (maximum eight) thousand dollars. You can reduce the cost of production by purchasing used, serviceable equipment from companies specializing in the acquisition and repair of old equipment. It all depends on the desired production volumes and capital investments. A significant expense item is wage and the number of employees of your company.

It is possible to open your own business for the production of blinds with an investment package of eight to ten thousand dollars, this is in the amount of two hundred fifty to three hundred thousand rubles, with an estimated profitability of thirty to eighty thousand rubles. As a dynamically developing, competitive business. The discernment of consumers is unlimited and requires a creative approach to both market offers and advertising of the product itself.

Use all means of advertising. Order booklets and flyers from the printing house. Distribute them everywhere, preferring furniture showrooms, interior shops and window workshops. Place a colorful ad in the local press and create a website on the Internet. Describe your product, its advantages over competitors, and offer a free courier with samples.

Try to get a corporate client who can appreciate your design efforts and the quality of the products offered. All kinds of seasonal discounts and holiday promotions will attract customers and advertise your services. An excellent marketing ploy would be to provide a free service for installing ordered blinds to socially vulnerable and low-income categories of citizens.

In the spirit of the times, constant maintenance services. Include services for the repair and cleaning of blinds made of particularly expensive and sensitive materials. Release the cumulative discount cards and try installment trading. Focus on what the buyer will most like and will bring you additional income in the future.

Everything earlier organized companies in the production and (or) sale of blinds, we have clearly proven in our experience the profitability of a business idea with a payback within a year with different starting capital investments. In fairness, it is worth noting that almost all of them offered the services of a complete interior solution in the form of a stylistically consistent option with decoration of walls, ceilings and furniture decor with finishing materials.

Blinds are a convenient and versatile device. This method of window decoration appeared relatively recently in our country, but has already become popular. At first, blinds were used mainly in offices, but they are increasingly being used in apartments. The production of vertical blinds must be profitable.

“Even the most beautiful and powerful idea is completely useless until we decide to use it,” Richard Bach.

Blinds in our country became popular relatively recently, but their convenience was quickly appreciated. These curtains provide excellent protection from sunlight, reduce noise levels and maintain room temperature, and when designed correctly, they decorate the room. At first, blinds were used mainly in offices, but now they are increasingly appearing on residential windows.

There are different types of blinds:

  • vertical;
  • horizontal;
  • roll

The first two types consist of plastic, aluminum, wood or fabric slats. Roller blinds are made of fabric. Components for blinds can be ordered from manufacturing companies, which also supply and install assembly equipment and provide personnel training.

Production technology

Vertical blinds are easier and cheaper to produce than horizontal ones. When making vertical blinds, the slats are cut, joined and the fabric is treated with a dust-repellent compound that prevents fading in the sun. Such blinds consist of a load-bearing part (cornice), weights, runners, a connecting chain and a control chain. The technological process for manufacturing horizontal blinds is more complicated, but the demand for them is much higher.

To produce horizontal blinds, the following equipment is required:

  1. Machine for cutting strips 16 and 25 mm wide, punching and profiling. The equipment can be equipped with 3-5 punching dies.
  2. Press die for cutting cornices, punching holes and clamping cords.
  3. Press for turning and holding mechanism.
  4. Press for fixing the first lamella. Used when assembling blinds.

When producing slats from fabric, pleated blinds are produced, consisting of fasteners, profiles, guide threads and control elements. The set of equipment costs approximately $7,500-$8,000 including installation.

Manufacturing of vertical blinds

The production technology of vertical blinds is simpler than horizontal structures. The business will not require large investments, which makes it more profitable. Components of vertical blinds:

  • Decorative cornice.
  • Lamels.
  • Brackets.
  • Latches.
  • Chains, laces to adjust the closing angle.
  • Runners.
  • Fastening equipment.

To begin with, manual equipment will be enough, although you can immediately make production automated. You need to purchase:

  • Press scissors.
  • Machine for rewinding fabric.
  • Sewing machine.
  • Tools and materials (drill, screwdriver, grinder, etc.).

Slats for vertical blinds can be fabric, wood, plastic, etc. Their height depends on the size of the window, so before starting production you need to take measurements of the specific room. The width of the lamellas is standard - 8.9 cm or 12.7 cm. The lamellas are cut on a manual machine, on which the fabric is also folded and holes for the holders are punched. The folds are sewn using a sewing machine or using hot glue.

Assembly of vertical blinds occurs in the following sequence:

  1. Select the cornice of the required length.
  2. The cornice is equipped with a rotating mechanism, runners, holders, etc.
  3. Attach the slats to the runners.
  4. Install the weights in the lower bend of the lamellas.
  5. Secure the chain with weights.

How much does a business idea cost?

This type of business can be implemented at home and at the same time it will be quite profitable. Equipment prices depend on the manufacturer, but on average they are as follows:

  • Press scissors. They can be intended for one type of material or for several. This equipment varies in functionality. The productivity of the machine depends on its price and can range from 120 to 220 lamellas per hour.

Price – from $500 to $800.

  • Fabric rewinding machine. You can do without it, but it will complicate the work. The machine, in addition to rewinding, helps to calculate the footage of the roll.

Price – from $1,500 to $2,000.

  • Sewing machine. A regular sewing machine that can work with thick fabrics will also work.

Price – from $150.

  • Accessories. Components for vertical blinds are inexpensive. For example, the price of a rotary mechanism is about $2.
  • Textile. Sold in rolls 12.7 cm and 8.9 cm wide. The price depends on the type of fabric.

Additional opportunities to increase sales

To attract customers, you must offer them something that your competitors don't have. A good idea is to produce and install vertical blinds with a pattern. To implement this idea, you need the graphic editor “Pambrequins” 2.0 Pro, designed for creating and selecting patterns.

You can also install “Smart Blinds”, controlled by remote control or automated. Software based on the contact management platform for electric drives creates a self-regulating solar shading system. Use new technologies. To automate blinds you need:

  • motors with gearboxes;
  • wires;
  • housings for motors;
  • control center housing;
  • microprocessor platform.

On the Internet you can download a platform flashing program for a portable system. The costs will be small, and the price of the new product will increase several times. Another opportunity to earn extra money: repair and maintenance of blinds. For a person who makes blinds, minor repairs will not be difficult.

The production and installation of blinds can be classified as promising areas for small businesses and individual entrepreneurship. To start, you need a very small amount, and the demand for blinds is stable.

Due to the ease of production, the market is filled with offers of vertical blinds, so their release will only be a convenient starting point, subject to further expansion of the range. Consumers in European countries have already appreciated the quality of wooden blinds, but in Russia this segment is in its infancy. Buyers have long been ready to switch to this type of curtains, but manufacturers are in no hurry to meet demand due to expensive and complex technologies. It can be assumed that an entrepreneur who decides to master this type of blinds will be a winner.

Sale and production of blinds– a great idea for a budding entrepreneur. The main thing is to implement this idea correctly, and then it will bring good financial returns. An alternative and easier option is become a dealer of several manufacturers.

Blinds (French jalousie - “jealousy”) are light-protective devices consisting of vertical or horizontal plates, the so-called lamellas. The slats can be stationary or rotate around their axis to regulate light and air flows.

The dealer's task is to find customers for time-tested successful companies, receiving a percentage of the profits. But income from the sale of orders is nothing compared to the full profit from a business built from scratch.

The production of blinds was patented in July 1841 by the American industrialist John Hampton, from which point the official history of blinds begins. Currently, the most popular are blinds that are used as window curtains.

What is required to produce and sell blinds?

It is recommended to rent an area of ​​at least 50 square meters. It is best to rent a place in trusted places - either in the building materials market or in a manufacturing supermarket. Next step - purchase of a production conveyor. And here it all depends on what kind of blinds you are going to produce - horizontal, roller blinds, or in your plans to launch a complex production.

Consumables are different. If you are limited by budget, then it is recommended to take a closer look at plastic. If you have enough money, then pay attention to wood - the most reliable, but expensive option. Owners of large-budget businesses can also purchase an automatic machine - it will save you from financial and time costs in the future, but it is quite expensive. When using an automatic machine with a control panel, you need to set the parameters - it will do the rest on its own. In order to save money, you can purchase used equipment that has already been used previously.

In order to implement a business idea for the production and sale of blinds, you will need at least three hundred and fifty thousand rubles. Taking into account many expenses, the investment will pay off in about six months, and the monthly profit will be about one hundred thousand rubles.

If your finances do not allow you to open your own production, then it is better to find a contract with large manufacturers, placing your orders at their facilities. Then the task of running this business will be reduced to collecting orders and monitoring their execution. This approach to this business is the cheapest; you can start it without any money at all. However, its main disadvantage is that the final cost for the consumer will be high, since it consists of your profit and the cost of manufacturing blinds from a contractor. At the same time, this price cannot be reduced, given a discount, etc. This approach is also highly competitive. In order to somehow level out the price and make it more attractive, you can provide services for installing such curtains for free, that is, the markup for making curtains will be more justified by the free service. And for the consumer the offer will be more tempting.

Blinds and curtains installation business

Methods for attaching blinds depend on their type. However, despite the wide variety, all stages are performed with the same tool. To start providing installation services you will need:

  • hand tools (hammer, screwdrivers, wrenches, breadboard knives, hacksaws for wood and metal);
  • power tools (screwdriver, hammer drill, drill);
  • a set of levels (levels);
  • stepladders and trestles;
  • measuring tool.

You can take measurements and execute orders yourself, or involve 1-2 general specialists.

Dear Colleagues!

I would like to talk about some practical techniques that will allow you to better sell to end consumers, which, among other things, will have a positive impact on your wages.

So what are sun protection systems for? The consumer is accustomed to hanging only curtains on the window and believes that this is quite enough. However, he is wrong - even the best curtains do not have the functions that blinds have. That is why in Europe and the USA, sun protection systems are hung on windows along with curtains, and not instead of them. Blinds protect the room from the sun, curtains decorate it.

So, what are the benefits of blinds?

The very name “solar protection systems” explains the purpose of blinds - they protect from the sun. Curtains also help protect from the sun, but:

1. If the curtain fabric is not special, the curtain will still let the sun's rays through. Because of this, the room is not so dark and not so cool.

2. The curtain only allows you to block the light flow, but does not allow you to control it. If horizontal systems, such as Isolite, hang on the window, you can control the light flow - blinds, unlike curtains, can be partially open. In this case, the light penetrates the room, but does not hit the eyes or the computer screen.

3. Curtains are not hung directly on the glass, and even if the window is tightly curtained on a hot day, the air between the curtain and the glass becomes very hot, which ultimately heats the room. And the use of systems such as Isolite, IsotraHit, Rollite or Vegas roll systems allows you to reflect the sun's rays even before they heat the room.

4. or roller blinds can perfectly decorate a room, giving it additional charm. And this does not mean that the curtains will have to be removed from the window - see photos of how the blinds coexist perfectly on the same window with the curtains on our website.

5. In some cases - in dachas, kitchens, offices, utility rooms - windows may be the only decoration; in these cases curtains may not be hung. Only the price of blinds is significantly cheaper than the cheapest curtains.

6. Light flow control is a convenient thing. For example, the room may be light, but the sun's rays do not fall on the owner's favorite sofa, and it does not fade.

7. Sun protection systems help reduce the use of air conditioning in hot weather. Firstly, it saves money - the air conditioner is very power-hungry, and electricity tariffs rise every year. Secondly, the air conditioner dries the air, which is harmful to the body. Conclusion - blinds exist to protect from the sun. They have additional capabilities and advantages over curtains, while they can decorate the room. Blinds are not hung instead of curtains, but together with curtains.


Customer misconceptions about sunscreen systems are listed in the previous version of the sales book, which is also published on our website. We present them here briefly:

1. “Blinds are instead of curtains.” We've already dealt with this. You need to be prepared for this question and clearly know the answer to it.

2. “Blinds are for the office.” The misconception arose because at first blinds were so expensive that private owners could not afford them. Times have long changed - now PVC windows, air conditioners, and sun protection systems are bought for home no less often than for the office.

Selecting systems or How to sell for more money

If the buyer (with your help) is convinced of the need to purchase sun protection systems, he is faced with the problem of choice. Horizontal or vertical? or a tree? You can competently and professionally convince a client to buy more expensive blinds, killing three birds with one stone:

1. You will decorate your client’s room with really high-quality blinds, and not with cheap horizontal blinds that will bend and stop working after six months

2. You will increase your self-esteem - you will be proud that, unlike others, you can sell not the cheapest (even a fool can do this), but the best. That is, you are a professional sales manager and you can rightfully be proud of it.

3. You will earn more. In most companies, a sales manager's income depends on the size and profitability of the deal. Why not earn more in the same time?

But how to convince the buyer? He asks about the price and, hearing the price of a tree or a roll, frowns. And when he learns that there is a cheap horizontal glass on sale, he immediately chooses it...

In order to answer this question, it is necessary to analyze the mechanism of concluding a deal. And selling blinds to a client means closing a deal.

A transaction is concluded when the buyer’s subjective assessment of the value of the product more or less coincides with the price of the product. Let's explain this with an example.

For example, I buy used Zhiguli cars from you, which you decided, having made good money selling expensive ones, to exchange for a foreign car. I call you based on the ad, come, look at the car, look under the hood and ask how much you are asking for your horse. At this moment, I already roughly understand how much I am willing to pay for the car, that is, I have already formed a subjective idea - “N dollars for this car is normal, but it’s no longer worth it.” Suppose I valued a car at 5,000 because I first looked at similar offers on the Internet, looked at your car and saw some shortcomings, and so on. If you give me a price of 7000, it will be higher than my “idea price” and will cause me to be rejected. Most likely, I will not buy a car for this money. And if you say 5000 or less, I will be tempted to buy it.

However, this does not mean that I would never buy it for 7000. You still have a chance - if you tell me about the additional benefits of your product. For example, it is still under warranty. Or she has a souped-up engine. Or as a gift you will give me a set of winter tires and leather seat covers. Or eliminate some shortcomings in the operation of the injector. Perhaps then I will reconsider my decision. In short, we will bargain and discuss your offer until you manage to combine my subjective value of your product and its price. Until you increase the value of the car in my eyes to such a height that the price begins to seem quite reasonable to me. If this doesn't work out for you, I'll buy the car from someone else.

Let’s talk about value a little more; we’ll need this word later. A buyer never buys a product - he buys the value that product brings. A person buys a car not just to own it - he buys the value that it brings to him. For example, he buys a car to travel to the country in comfort. Or so that everyone can see how rich and successful he is. Or to get the thrill of driving fast.

When a person buys blinds, he does not just do it to buy. He buys the comfort and convenience they bring. For example, he buys a shadow, which now, after he hung the blinds, falls on his TV instead of the sun that hit it before - now he can watch his favorite series without being annoyed that all the characters on the screen have faded. Or he buys his sound sleep, which is given to him in the early morning by roller blinds with blackout fabric, thanks to which the sun does not disturb his sleep. Or he buys the pride with which he displays spectacular, stylish, natural materials to his guests.

An American marketer said - “The buyer does not need a drill. He needs holes in the wall.”

Why is this so important to remember? Let's look at another example.

You came to the supermarket to buy milk. You see two packages standing next to each other on the shelf. One of them costs 65 rubles, the other - 300. Which one will you buy? I think that the one for 65, because your subjective value (they also say “red price”) of this milk is just 65 rubles, maybe lower, but certainly not more. What kind of nonsense is milk for 300 rubles, you ask. And you will be right. But imagine that next to the shelf there is a consultant who explains to you that milk for 300 rubles is natural, and not reconstituted from powder, as for 65. And that the cow was milked only this morning. And it is also environmentally friendly, because the cow is quite healthy (here is the certificate!), and all her life she ate only grass grown in an area where there are no factories and factories, and without the use of fertilizer.

Will the price of 300 rubles seem a little more reasonable to you? What if, say, you have a small child whom you try to feed only clean food? Or are you yourself an ardent fan of healthy eating? It is quite possible that you will become a buyer of this milk.

What really happened? When you came to the store, you already had a subjective assessment of the value of milk in your head. And when you saw the same (as you thought at that moment) milk at a much higher price, it caused you to be rejected. But when the sales manager increased the value of this product in your eyes, the price began to seem much more attractive to you.

The same thing happens when buying blinds. The only difference is that most often our buyer comes to your salon or point of sale without having an idea of ​​the price in his head, without having an idea of ​​the value of the blinds.

When the buyer does not have a clear idea of ​​the value of a product, the only value becomes the price.

Price also becomes the only selection criterion when the buyer has insufficient other information.

If you think that all types of milk are exactly the same, you will choose the cheapest one. In the absence of other information, price is the only criterion you understand when comparing different products. If you don't know why one sofa is better than another, you will choose the cheapest one - but how could it be otherwise? If you don't know why one TV is better than another and there's no one around to tell you, you'll choose the cheapest one. If you do not understand why some blinds are better than others, you will buy those that are cheaper. When there is not enough information, the price comes to the fore, because it is written on the price tag, you see it and understand it well.

In 99% of cases, the buyer takes cheap systems only because he does not know why expensive ones are better.

Most buyers know nothing about blinds. Ignorance breeds fear - they do not understand how to make a choice. This fear forces them to buy cheaper - so that, in the worst case scenario, they do not lose a lot of money. Unless you convince them, of course.

There are clients who do not understand how horizontal systems differ from vertical ones. And if you simply, without additional comments, offer them blinds at 250 rubles per meter and at 500, they will choose 250, because they don’t understand why 500 is better.

Up down

If the value that the buyer sees in a product is lower than its price, the seller has two options - lower the price or offer a cheaper option (this is what all non-professional managers do) or increase the value of the product in the eyes of the buyer (this is what professionals do). The task is not easy, but completely solvable.

First - a question

To sell systems at a higher price, you need to understand it yourself, and then explain to the buyer exactly what value he will receive after the blinds hang on his window. This is the first thing you need to ask the client: “Why exactly do you want to hang sun protection systems? What specific tasks and problems do you want to solve with their help? Only by understanding the needs of your customers can you find out what exactly you can offer them.

· If the client is hot from the sun, offer him Isolite, it very effectively reduces the temperature in the room and protects well from the sun

· If the sun interferes with his or his family members' sleep (for example, it wakes up a small child), offer him blackout roller blinds.

· If he needs blinds as an element of the interior (although in fact any blinds are an element of the interior) - offer him one, the fabric of which can always be matched to the design of the room. Or wooden ones.

· If he has large windows, he needs 50 mm systems, made of aluminum or wood. On large windows, 25mm blinds look like ripples and are very annoying.

If you always start a conversation with a client professionally, that is, with the question “what exactly do you need sun protection systems for?”, you will soon have your own “bank of solutions” for each client’s answer.

If you select a solution specifically for a given client, recognize and manage to satisfy his exact need, he will much more easily part with the amount that at first seemed unrealistic to him.

A lot of problems can be solved simply by asking the client the right questions. Let's consider a situation - a client comes to your sales point who wants blinds “which are cheaper.” You can immediately show him the horizontal line of the Magnum system, and then he will definitely not buy anything more expensive. Or you can ask him:

“Why do you want cheaper blinds?”

Maybe he needs to put solar control systems in the barn so the sun doesn't bother the cows in the morning. Then the horizontal line will really be useful to him. But there are only a few such clients. Most often, cheaper systems are asked by people who do not understand what exactly blinds can give them. And in fact, they need them in the apartment. What to do with them?

· First of all, tell about all the advantages of blinds and roller blinds.

· To say that the interior of your apartment cannot be treated anyhow - after all, the client does not choose furniture or household appliances only on the basis of price, he is interested in appearance and reliability. We spend the best hours in the apartment and at work - most of our lives. So why should we surround ourselves with ugly things? Isn’t it better to hang roller blinds with fabric that will fit perfectly into the interior instead of a faded horizontal?

· If the client talks about the price right away, invite him to postpone the question of price until later - let him first look at the product, choose, understand what he likes - and only then you discuss the price.

· Appeal to the client's common sense. Life has long taught everyone that there are no cheap and at the same time high-quality things in the world. By paying less, we inevitably sacrifice something. Does this sacrifice make sense when we buy sun protection systems?

Remember - even if at first the client wanted “cheaper”, but then he liked wooden blinds or Isolite, it will be very difficult for him to refuse to buy them in favor of a cheap “horizon”. This is human nature - if we like something, it is already difficult for us to refuse it, even if the arguments of reason say otherwise. Use this and make money.

Remember - if all customers only cared about price, Mercedes and Bently cars, Vertu phones, Gucci and Prada clothes and the Isolite system would not exist in the world - for reference, the Czech company Isotra has branches in 32 countries around the world!

Don't be afraid to sell expensive products. The PROMA company supplies only high-quality components to Russia. This means that by selling more expensive products, you are not deceiving the client and stealing his money - you are helping him purchase better and more comfortable products. You help him navigate an unfamiliar product and get a really high-quality product - in another place he would have been “sold” a cheap one, which (as it turned out later) would not last long.

Remember - cheap components mean low quality, “handmade” from China, components assembled on skinny Chinese knees. They will not make good, high-quality blinds.

Some sales managers mistakenly believe that by persuading clients to buy the cheapest systems - a simple aluminum horizontal or "line" - they help the client save money and thereby provide him with a service. In fact, this service is a disservice. Firstly, these do not have the rich features that Isolite, roller blinds or wood have. If the manager did not tell the client about all the features of the different types and the advantages of more advanced systems, he misled the client and deprived him of the opportunity to purchase a high-quality and functional product. Secondly, the components from which the simplest types are assembled are not designed for long-term use, so such blinds will not last long anyway.

Sun protection systems are not essential goods; they are interior items that the client does not buy with his last money. And by offering him more expensive and advanced types, the manager provides him with a valuable service and helps him make his home, office, cafe or restaurant more beautiful, convenient and comfortable.

In addition, there is a well-known rule - if a client likes a product, he will tell 2-3 friends about it. If you don't like it, ten. Selling the cheapest systems to your client is a sure way to ensure that 10 potential buyers do not come to your salon.

Fears and myths of blinds sales managers

1. “If a customer hears a high price, he will immediately leave.” Whether the price is high or low can only be understood by comparing prices with other products. The most expensive systems (without motors) will not cost more than 5,000 rubles. Compare - a plastic window costs from 300 euros. Curtains for the window - from 6,000 rubles. The cheapest sofa in IKEA is from 15,000. Kitchen - from 50,000. Among interior items, blinds are one of the cheapest. Low-income people don’t buy blinds - if a person decides to install sun-protection systems, he will gladly pay more than 300 rubles - of course, if you convince him correctly.

2. “The client will call all competitors and find cheaper.” If the client is not entirely healthy or is very stingy, he will do just that. But since sun protection systems are a cheap product, studies show that they are simply bought where it is closer - to home or work. For the sake of saving 100 rubles, the client will not go to the other end of the city.

Don't forget - the client has little understanding of how much solar systems should cost. Now, if you were selling a mobile phone for 45,000 rubles, you would have to explain why it is so expensive. But the client has no opinion about blinds - use it.

Everything is in the hands of the manager

Everyone dreams of having a kitchen made of natural wood - it is prestigious, although expensive. So why, when striving for a wooden kitchen, should we hang a cheap aluminum piece on the window? Proma has several clients who sell very well. According to them, selling them is very easy - clients in Russia know the price of wood (every city dweller dreams of living in a wooden house) and understand that natural wood should be expensive. Why are these sales managers better than you?

In general, our experience shows that the quality of sales depends entirely on the qualifications of the manager. Proma sells blinds throughout the country, so we know what we're talking about. And all over the country we see the same picture - even the most expensive sun protection systems sell well where managers are not afraid to sell them. In the smallest and (as is commonly believed) poor cities, there are companies in which managers sell expensive rolled fabrics and, as a matter of principle, do not work with cheap ones.

Any product has a buyer - only sometimes he doesn’t even know about it. A client may go to a salon with the idea of ​​buying something cheaper just because he does not know about the existence of Isolite, roller blinds or wooden blinds. And you have the opportunity to tell him about this and change his own idea of ​​his needs - the client should leave you satisfied, with an order form for expensive, respectable, prestigious and high-quality sun protection systems. Millions of your colleagues across the country are successfully coping with this. Join us.


Svyatoslav Biryulin

Blinds are a functional device that smoothly regulates the light flux and serves to protect the room from direct sunlight. In addition, they are used to decorate recesses in walls and niches, instead of doors in dressing rooms and open cabinets, as screens and office partitions. The product is a system consisting of many connected plates (lamellas) located vertically or horizontally.

Modern blinds have the following characteristics: they are aesthetically pleasing, easy to use, economical, durable, do not interfere with the flow of fresh air, allow you to adjust the level of illumination in the room, are available in a huge variety of designs, textures and materials, and are also very easy to maintain. Modern high-tech production provides all types of blinds with the highest quality, reliability and comfort in use.

It is also worth noting the following emerging trend - today the aesthetic function of blinds is becoming increasingly in demand, thanks to which they are gradually turning from sun protection systems into a decorative element and are used both in office premises and for decorating windows in living rooms.

Potential consumers

Blinds are used, without exaggeration, everywhere:

  • in the offices of commercial companies;
  • in institutes;
  • in commercial enterprises;
  • in government institutions;
  • in schools and kindergartens;
  • in business centers;
  • in medical institutions;
  • in catering establishments;
  • in hotels;
  • in hairdressing and beauty salons;
  • in administrative buildings;
  • in production premises, etc.

The consumers of these products will be: enterprises, so private individuals who purchase blinds for their homes, country cottages and country houses, as well as stores of building materials and household goods (read the strong article), furniture factories.

With such a high demand for products, sales are not a serious problem. It is worth noting, however, that in this business there is a fact of seasonality - with fairly stable sales throughout the year, in the summer the demand for blinds increases significantly.


Blinds are classified according to their main characteristics:

  • by functional purpose - for sunshades and roller shutters;
  • depending on the place of application - automotive and home (or office);
  • according to the method of opening/closing - vertical and horizontal;
  • by the number of lamellas - with lamellas, solid and honeycomb;
  • according to the type of material used - plastic, fabric, wood, bamboo, metal, multi-textured;
  • fabric blinds, depending on the opening method, are divided into roller, cassette and pleated blinds;
  • according to the installation method - with fastening to the ceiling, wall, windows.

Necessary equipment

The configuration of a line for the production of blinds depends, first of all, on the type of product being manufactured.

For example, vertical blinds will require very modest production space (20 sq. m) and investments amounting to thousands of rubles - you will need a metal saw, a fabric press and a sewing machine. The production of roller blinds requires a workbench and a metal saw. Roller blinds are assembled manually in almost any room, and fabric cutting can be ordered from its supplier.

The production of horizontal blinds will require more significant investments and the availability of special equipment. To manufacture the product, manual presses are required for processing the lower and upper rails, as well as a special machine - manual, semi-automatic or automatic.

Modern machines have the characteristics necessary for the efficient production of high-quality products, and their range meets the needs of production facilities of various capacities:

  • manual machines are intended for profiling, punching holes and cutting strips 16 and 25 mm wide;
  • semi-automatic machines automate the processes of cutting lamellas and punching holes in them, working with tape of different widths - 16, 25, 35, 50 mm;
  • automatic machines cut the strips, punch holes and then assemble the slats into “ladders”.

Considering the production of horizontal blinds, it is worth noting that a particularly profitable direction in this segment is the production of PRiS blinds, specially designed for PVC windows. The main production equipment in this case is from the leading manufacturer Magnum-Metal, costing about $17,000. The minimum area required to organize such production is 50 square meters. m. Machines with higher productivity will cost more - semi-automatic M 450 - $24,000 and automatic M 4000 - $100,000.

Estimation of investment costs

Launching the production of PRiS horizontal blinds, based on the purchase of an M 600/4P Isolite machine, will require the following capital costs:

  • The cost of equipment (machine M 600/4Р Isolite) is 520 thousand rubles.
  • Creation of inventory - 200 thousand rubles.
  • Other expenses - 80 thousand rubles.

In total, to implement this business idea, you need ~0.8 million rubles of initial investment.

Revenue and profitability

The average selling price of 1 sq.m of PRiS blinds is 1200 rubles per sq.m. Thus, when selling 100 sq.m. of blinds per month, the proceeds from the sale of these products will be about 1.2 million rubles. Business profitability is high and approaches 80%. Under the above conditions, the initial investment will pay off in a fairly short period of time - from several months to six months.